Chapter Three

I Don't Want To Be

Chapter Three:

The screams of panic were loud, and the people’s fear was palpable.

Everyone was suddenly scrambling around, as if they were chickens with their heads cut off. Some of them even pushed others down in their need to get away and run to the safety of the village. None of them stopped to ask if the king was all right. Their leader and voice or reason was gone. The Queen was shaking the king, begging him to open his eyes and stop joking around. And the Kings brother, well he just stepped forward and seemed to proudly claim, “THE KING IS DEAD!” and was no help at all to the situation.

It all disgusted G-dragon.

But those four words resounded deep inside Prince Seungri’s head and he harshly pushed the black haired ‘girl’ away from him. That was a big mistake, because the moment he made to rush to be at his father’s side, the girl that had been on his lap, reached for his collar and pulled him back. He stiffened when he felt her hotly soft breath near his ear, but instead of hearing the deceptive female voice from before, he heard a male one instead, “You are not going anywhere, you have what I came for, so give it,” the male growled, his hand going to grip Seungri around the neck.

In his panic, Seungri tried to fight him. He twisted his body to the side, but the grip on his neck was solid. “Let me go!”

“Young Prince!” Daesung called, trying to get to the prince but the rushing crowd was making it almost impossible to do so. G-dragon gritted his teeth and tried to move the prince more towards the palace.

Suddenly, three different explosions sounded throughout the palace, making walls crumble and fall down, with flames. G-dragon cursed as he noticed some of the aftermath coming towards him and the prince, and shoved him forward. “Move!” he hissed. The prince was stupidly reluctant, so G-dragon forced him, practically shoving his face into the dirt as he did so. Daesung got caught in the fall of stones, and was hit hard, injuring his shoulder.

He glanced up, his eyes wide as he spotted G-dragon taking his wig off and recognized him immediately. There was no mistaking that white blond head anywhere, because no one else owned that color-- No one, except for the famous thief, G-dragon. Panic surged through him, and all he wanted was to get Seungri back to his side!

G-dragon on the other hand was fast. While Seungri was on the floor spitting out dirt he decided to remove every obstacle out of his way. As Daesung moved to stand up, he suddenly felt himself be pushed down, and kicked in the gut and left faced down on the dirt. G-dragon then moved towards the prince and kicked the young prince on the side and practically dragged the prince across the kingdom’s field, to the other side. “Let’s get out of here, to somewhere better.” He hissed.

His eyes, his sense, everything was aware of his surroundings. He had a feeling that the assassin that was sneaking around was not finished with his job. This could be bad news for him if he didn’t get out of there, and fast.

“Let me go, I have to help my father!” Seungri hissed, his bottom lip already bloody, and began to fight back. He wanted to go and see his father. He couldn’t be dead, He knew that just moment’s ago he was wishing his father’s death, but he didn’t mean it like that! He had not meant it at all. He needed to get to him, but this boy’s iron grip on him was making him wonder if he really was this feeble. He knew he was not so what was wrong with him!

Why could he not fight back?

“Damn you,” G-dragon hissed as he struggled to pull the prince along with him, and instead knocked him out. In a moment’s time, Seungri lost consciousness as his pressure point was hit, knocking him out. Shaking his head in slight anger, G-dragon used all his strength to carry the young prince on his arms and out of the palace before anyone noticed what he was doing.

G-dragon angrily grumbled as he stepped outside the kingdom walls, the ing prince was heavy as hell.


Top took his target and flawlessly shot the king.

As expected, the crowd would panic. He has been doing this for too long not to know what to expect. The only thing was that thievery was not something discreet to him. Which brought him to the other part of his job, which was for him to collect the kings Diamond, and if he had gathered his information correctly, it was in the current possession of the prince, Seungri. He had two options, go down there find the prince and take the gem, or actually kill the prince and claim the price that way. Either way, as long as he completed his job, it really did not matter who died.

He set his gun to the side, and settled for a quicker and lighter one.

A black mask that concealed his face from the nose down covered his face. Jumping down from the side of the building, he cocked his gun and killed a row of people that were in his way. He really did not deal well with crowds, and this was the best method he had so that they would not dare touch him. He rather they never came near him. If there was, one thing he disliked it was human contact. That explained every other reason why he was a loner.

The sound of the multiple flying bullets had people freezing in their step. Top took this as his time to make a run into the kingdom, seeing as they willingly moved out of his way. However, as he neared the palace entrance, he no longer saw the prince around.

He was sure that he had been around here…

Narrowing his eyes, he glanced to the side as the kingdom emptied itself and how the man that had hired him was now helping pull a hysterical queen inside. She was wailing so loudly, that she was the perfect distraction. Not that it mattered if she was or not, the prince was nowhere to be seen. Glancing around the gravel of thrown stones, he heard a groan of a fallen man, making his way into t he palace entrance hall.

He recognized him as the prince’s Bodyguard.

Pulling his gun towards him, he pointed it down so when the man pushed himself up, his forehead was pressed to the center of his forehead. The brown haired, tanned man’s eyes widened and he looked up at him with perplexity and slight fear, but at the same time with deep concern. There was a panicked look on his face. Top had no time for this, “Where’s the prince,” he decided to ask straight up. His deep voice, making the man before him swallow hard and look like he wanted to cry.

The man shook. “He was taken, kidnapped!” he roared in a sobbing way, shaking his shoulders. “the prince, he was kidnapped,” he said in a more whimpering tone.

Top raised a thick eyebrow. “Kidnapped?” he asked.

“It was that thief!” Daesung yelled again, looking around and moving back forth as he tried to remain sitting upward. “I saw him with my own eyes,” Daesung then froze and looked up at Top and the grave of his situation finally sunk into his head, “Who the hell are you!” he dramatically whined, feeling depressed at his bad luck. When had things gotten so bad! This was supposed to be Seungri’s birthday party! When did it become a death wish? When had everything decided to crumble don on them?

There just was not one answer.

“That is none of your concern,”

“Don’t give me such bull!” he snapped, his eyes narrowed, “This isn’t fair you know! I’m just a righteous body guard doing what is right and then people like you have to come and mess things up!” he cried, swinging his arms up and down. He was wailing and being loud. Top rolled his eyes; un- cocked his gun and placed it away. “All I demand is for everything to go back to the way it was!”

“I don’t have time for this,” he muttered under his breath and begun to move. This was not part of the deal; he had infiltrated and killed his target. The diamond was something the king’s brother should be able to get from the prince. There was no need for him, and he would still own up to his money. He was finished with this mission; there was nothing else for him to do. At least that is what he thought until he found the man from before, suddenly latched around his trim waist.

Top felt disgusted, and moved to try and push the man away from him, but that only helped for Daesung to cling harder, and dig his fingers into him.

“Wait, you can’t go,” The man screamed, “I can act pretty stupid, but I do know who you are, and I know that you are the one that created this disruption. It’s so ing obvious!” Daesung took a deep breath, “Let me hire you, help me find the thief that kidnapped the prince, please! You can kill the thief or whatever, but what really concerns me is in getting Seungri back, I beg you!”

Seung Hyun glanced down, his deadly eyes looking at the pathetic man whom was on his knees begging. A shudder of disgust traveled through his body, and all he wanted to do was to push him far away from him. “You can’t even afford me,”

Daesung smirked, “Yes I can, please, do the job for the sum of a billion dollars, if not, more, name a prince I’ll double it, or triple it if you like!”

Top scoffed, “You must really be desperate to get the prince back for that price,” but it was all about the money to Top, and he knew, that he already had to go and get the prince for the King’s Diamond. As much as he didn’t want to, it was part of his job description. But for another billion dollars, now that was persuasion enough to actually go and find the prince at a faster rate. He nodded his head and kicked Daesung on his gut just to get him away from him. Seeing as he had consented, it was easier to get the man not to cling to him anymore.

“Alright, I’ll accept your offer,” he said.

The look of utter relief on Daesung’s face was surprisingly amusing. The man then pressed both his hands solidly down on the floor and bowed down his head. “Thank you, thank you so much!” he cried. Top made a face and was about to leave again when Daesung once again latched onto him, this time hugging him around his arm. “But I’m going with you!”

Top’s eyes widened and he pushed Daesung away. The man would not let go though! “No” Was all that left his lips before he was being dragged across the deserted kingdom. What the hell had he just gotten himself into?


An in hour’s time, they had not gotten away too far.

In fact they were hiding in the ally way of a currently busy street. People seemed to be working on their business here, and calm. They didn’t look like they even knew about the news of the king. Then again not many had made it out to actually deliver the news. If he was correct, the kings brother would soon be making farfetched claims and not search for the prince. They would surely not look for him, G-dragon decided. He then looked at the king’s diamond that was embedded into the young prince’s robes.

G-dragon stuck out his tongue at the corner of his lips as he thought about just snatching it off Prince Seungri’s chest, but as he went down to do so, it wouldn’t budge. He even thought about slicing it off with a knife, and although the material was tightly sewed together, he started to detach the gem from the prince’s chest.

He would have succeeded to, if only Seungri had not suddenly woken up, and jolted up.

Furthermore, screamed and made G-Dragon move to cover his mouth. G-dragon held the prince’s mouth in one hand and gripped his jaw, but as the prince was struggling, the Kings Diamond fell and rolled. G-dragon froze, watching with utter fascination, as the gem rolled away and into the sunny crow. “No,” he said, and let go of Seungri as he got to his feet to chase after the gem.

Seungri was also shocked, looking as the Kings Diamond fell and made a sparkling sound as it fell from his robes. How could that had been possible? The Diamond had been tightly sown to not be able to be snatched “Don’t let it go!”  He found himself crying out in panic. Before long both G-dragon and Seungri were running after it. The diamond fell towards the street, rolled, and then a small kid running made kicked it high in the sky. Both boys found themselves gasping at the utter shock of events, and watched as the sparkling diamond landed inside of a truck. The truck was had an odd built on its back of brown wood, and inside you could see about five pigs, one big one and five small piglets.

The diamond landed right in the middle of the pink mess.

“Gah!” Seungri made a face, and G-dragon bit into his soft lower lip, gently reaching up to run his hand through his white blond hair.

“Move out of the way,” G-dragon said, pushing the prince away and he ran towards the truck. Seungri watched him for a second with complete disbelief before anger ruled over his mind. G-dragon was about to reach inside of the old truck when he found himself being pulled from behind and then slammed into the ground.

“Ha! As if I would allow you to get your grabby hands on my father’s diamond! Do you even realize the generations that Diamond has had in my family!” he snapped and turned to try and get the diamond himself. G-dragon growled in distaste and stood up, pushing Seungri away as well.

“No one pushes me, not even a brat like you!” G-dragon glowered.

Seungri pushed himself up, “Yeah, then watch me do it again!” He pushed both his hands into G-dragon’s chest trying to push him down, but G-dragon pushed his hands away and moved to punch him solidly in the face. Seungri drew back, looking perplexed at the sudden attack. He had not expected to be punched.

“You jerk!” he snapped, and moved to try and punch the older boy, but to it was no good. G-dragon was strong and faster. Yet meanwhile both boys were fighting, and struggling to bring the other down, the old man that owned the truck had finished his transaction at the store and was happily making his way back. He laughed to himself as he opened the truck door and slipped into the driver seat. He was grinning from ear to ear as he placed the key in the ignition and the car. He smiled giddily, looked in his rearview mirror to see two boys fighting and frowned slightly before driving off.

Soon as he was out on the road, his grin returned.

G-dragon moved out of the way of another of Seungri’s attacks and in the while, tripped the younger boy into the ground. “Too slow,” he said. Seungri spat and then turned to glare at him. G-dragon kicked him in the gut to keep him down and then turned to get his  price, but when he turned his whole being panicked when the truck was no longer in sight.

“Geh” he gasped, and looked around, “where did it go!”

“This is your entire fault!” Seungri spat, and looked angrily at G-dragon. G-dragon narrowed his eyes at him and looked away.

“I can’t waste time with a childish prince like you, I’m going to go look for that diamond,” and with that G-dragon made to walk away on his own. He no longer needed the prince after all! However, before he could get too far away, he found himself being held back by a clingy dirty faced prince. Just looking at how pathetic he looked nearly made him want to help him, but like anyone that G-dragon ever helped, the prince would have to pay a price. That was when an idea to make more money entered his head. Might as well get paid even more for what pain of a job this was. He nearly giggled at the thoughts that were going through his mischievous little head, but instead he kept a blank innocent look on his pretty face.

“You can’t leave me behind!”Seungri snapped in slight panic. He did not know where he was after all, or how to get back to the palace. He did not want to admit it either, that he needed G-dragon to take him back. But he knew it was the only way, “and I won’t allow you to take the diamond, that’s mine! You can’t have it!”

“No way, you’ll just get in the way of my mission,” G-dragon crossed his arms, and nearly smirked when he sparked the prince’s interest.

“Mission?” Seungri questioned with a hard swallow of the word.

“Why do you think I need that diamond, I was hired to take it,” G-dragon gave him a sly look, “Unless you have a better offer for me,”

Seungri’s eye twitched in annoyance, before he sighed in defeat. He knew what this thief was doing! He could understand it from the lecture that he had before. This was all about bargaining, the you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours deal. He had to do it, if he wanted to get back to the palace as well as keep the king’s diamond. “How much do I have to match to get you to work for me instead?” he asked, nearly pleading.

G-dragon hummed and made a show as if he was thinking about it. “Triple the offer I was made,”

Seungri swallowed hard, “and how much would that be,”

“A hundred million, times three” G-dragon formally raised three of his fingers, making the Prince calculate the price in his head.

Seungri’s heart sunk the moment that G-dragon announced his price. But he knew he couldn’t let it pass off. He would pay it and more for the diamond and to be taken back home! He nodded his head. “Done, so please, just get me the diamond and bring me home,”

“Aiigo I should have quadrupled it since now I have to babysit you,”

“I’m not that helpless,” Seungri snapped. G-dragon sighed, shaking his head and looking away.

“Yeah yeah, well I need a change of clothes if you don’t mind. I don’t need to go walking around dressed like a female all the time,” G-dragon began to walk away again and Seungri followed close behind. He was shivering, feeling horrible, as he looked at all the run down places. Was this the condition the people of his father’s kingdom lived in? They were horrible. He could not help but feel like he wanted to go back home!

Eventually they made it to a rundown place, which looked to hold several doors. Each one of them a small space between the other and when G-dragon opened one, he looked around. There was only a small space, and it looked like G-dragon lived there. So many questions were suddenly running through Seungri’s mind as he tried to grasp the idea, that yes, people lived poorly. None of them had a huge palace to live in like the one he lived in, and amazingly, he missed the palace right now-no he missed his chambers.

Before he could ask anything though, G-dragon walked into another door and the sound of running water was heard.

Seungri sunk down onto the ground, and gripped his knees. What was going to happen now?

Could he really trust this thief to give him the king’s diamond and let him go home? Seungri was not sure, but at the same time, he did not want to take any chances.

He could not trust anyone!

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333