Chapter Eleven

I Don't Want To Be


Chapter Eleven

G-dragon walked over to Young Bae and snatched his gun away, turning away as he unhooked the bottom of the gun and started to take out the bullets. The heavy gold colored bullets fell on his palms one by one, and he quickly pocketed them.

The guy behind Young Bae roughly pushed him forward, all the way until he was sitting beside Prince Seungri and Daesung. Young Bae wanted to retaliate and argue about being push in such an uncouth manner, but the gun was shoved right at his forehead and he opted to stay silent. There was no telling what these two had in mind-especially when he didn’t know whom this man pointing a gun at him was.

“Wha-You’re Young Bae, one of the son’s of the head council,” Seungri said in awe as he looked at the man in real life for the first time. It was something he never thought would be possible, seeing as this man was always busy except when important meetings happened. Young Bae turned to look at him with a slight frown, before he turned his head and looked at the man that possessed a deadly look towards him, and his gun still in his hand.

He didn’t want to say that he was afraid, but for caution felt like he needed to keep at least eye contact with the gun holder.  

“Aish, Tabi, put it away already.” G-dragon said, as he reached to push down the gun that the man was currently still pointing at Young Bae.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” this ‘Tabi’ man retaliated, further pushing the head of the gun straight at Young Bae’s forehead-literally pressing it there. “Besides, he could still be armed.” He gave him a suspicious look and Young Bae tried hard not to shake his head. He felt like any movement right now was going to get him killed.

G-dragon pouted cutely, “I’m just saying for the safety of everyone else,” he then pointed to Seungri “Look, you’re scaring Ri,” 

“No he’s not,” Seungri defended. Actually he had already become used to Top pointing his gun and so long as it was not being pointed at him, it actually felt nice to have Top point it at someone. It was like safety.

“Yes, you are scared, you look scared” G-dragon insisted.

“I don’t care about everyone else,” ‘Tabi’ snapped, and then eyed the prince. “What are you afraid of?”

Seungri shook his head.  G-dragon sighed, “You-”

“Would you two stop arguing already?” Daesung pleaded.

Young Bae sighed as he looked at the exchange and then rubbed his temples, feeling a migraine coming on. It was more of a comical scene and less scary now, really. What had he been afraid of? This had to be sort of sick joke, really. “Okay, seriously, what is going on here?” he demanded.

Everyone around him fell silent, and G-dragon didn’t start talking until he was prompted by Top cocking his gun, ready to fire.

“Well, as you recall I was hired by you to find the kings Diamond, and Tabi over here,”

“Top” The man seethed.

“TABI!” G-dragon insisted, “Was hired to also take the kings Diamond, but with the attached mission to kill the king, which he did.”

“Top?” Young Bae looked perplexed, “You’re that assassin everyone is either trying to kill or hire,” he said as he shifted in his chair. If he could even AFFORD to hire Top he would have from the beginning, but he didn’t have any way to get in contact with him or anyone else, so he had gone to the next best thing, G-dragon. Top was like a legend and lived up to his name even.  

G-dragon decided to ignore him as well as everyone else. They themselves already knew Top and pretty much thought of him as normal now. “As you can see, our missions clashed, and since the prince here was wearing the Kings Diamond so prettily, I decided to take the whole package.”

“Yah! You beat me up! And then you kidnapped me!” Seungri snapped, pointing an accusing finger to G-dragon.

“I did not, I just knocked you out!” G-dragon snapped, “I should have made you walk! For being so heavy and so clumsy as well”

“And then it was your fault that we lost the King’s Diamond in that truck! And had to go find it!” Seungri gave away the rest of the story.

G-dragon glared at him. “I did not lose it, you did! Because you just couldn’t keep your damn mouth shut!”

“I did not!”

“Seeing as the Kings Diamond had been taken along with the prince, when Top came looking for it, I told him the prince had been kidnapped with it, and asked him to search for the prince and the diamond, offering him a job,” Daesung said, cutting through Seungri’s and G-dragon’s argument “Of course, I didn’t have the guts to get him to kill G-dragon at all. And besides that, Seungri had already promised to pay G-dragon a good amount to find the diamond and get him back to the palace.”

“You were going to betray me?” Young Bae said as he turned to look at G-dragon who shamelessly nodded his head.

“Seungri was paying me triple what you offered; who do you think I was going to listen to?”

Young Bae looked at the thief with utter disbelief.

“Needless to say, Top and I found Seungri and G-dragon walking down the streets, and somehow we all just joined up, and went in search for the kings Diamond.”

“This, by the way G-dragon hid from us once it was found!” Seungri snapped, “He was also going to betray me,”

“Was not! Tabi and I were just debating how you were worth more, dead at your uncle’s feet or alive here along with the kings Diamond if we would have handed you over to Young Bae instead!” G-dragon snapped.

Young Bae sighed, and rubbed his cheek as he started to think over everything he had been told. “So, you guys had the Kings Diamond with you and the prince, where is it now?”

“Haven’t you been watching the news?” G-dragon snapped.

“I stole it from G-dragons things and took a walk to go find Daesung, and ended up getting…” Seungri couldn’t say it, he was too embarrassed.

“A girl ended up stealing it from him.” G-dragon said for him.

Young Bae glanced at the pathetic looking prince, before he sighed and nodded his head. “So, I am guessing that you both know where it is right now?” he asked as he looked up at Top and G-dragon. Both of them nodded their heads. It seemed like Young Bae had no choice. “Okay, I’ll pay you both to your heart’s content of money, paying you both equal amount, to get the Kings Diamond back, and” he glanced at Prince Seungri and his Guard. “I’ll take care of these two,”

The gun was once again pressed into his forehead, and this time even G-dragon had a small knife pointed to his throat. Fear gripped him as he watched the dangerous pair of eyes in front of him. “If you even dare harm one hair on Seungri’s head,” G-dragon seethed, “I’ll have your neck,”

“Touch Daesung, and your brains will be blown out of your skull,” Top seethed as well.

“Okay, I swear on my life, neither of them will be touched and they will be taken care of,” Young Bae promised.

For a moment it sounded as if the gun had been shot, but it was just Top. He then pulled the gun away and turned towards G-dragon whom hid his knife again. “We’re going to have to infiltrate the castle again,”

“Start wiring the money to us now,” G-dragon told Young Bae, “We don’t want anything to go wrong this time, and we want our full pay. And as promised, your name will not be mentioned to anyone. Taeyang

Young Bae nodded, and looked at them oddly. G-dragon handed him two bank account codes that were personally made for the transactions. He then watched him as he made the transaction. Young Bae was not happy, and felt like he was being taken advantage of. If he had more experience with this kind of situation, he would make both of them pay for humiliating him like this. Still, he also needed them to stay silent about his involvement so he didn’t say he did as he was told.

Top loaded his gun before he walked out of the room, to prepare for his and G-dragon’s departure.

Once pleased with the job that Young Bae had done, G-dragon handed a cell phone to Daesung and whispered something to him before he left the room. Young Bae carefully watched G-dragon until he left and even then he was too scared to move.

Silence seemed to take over as they all sat there.

“Why do you want the kings Diamond anyways?” Seungri finally asked, as he turned to Young Bae. Young Bae turned to look at the prince and looked at him with an aloof look. Seungri fidgeted against the cold look, but his eyes pleaded that he would get an answer.

Finally, Young Bae stood up, “It’s really none of your concern what my purposes are, Prince.”  He said dismissingly before he added, “Please make yourself and your guard at home. If you are hungry someone will serve you.  I’ll be going to bed now,” and with that he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

“I think he’s displeased that Top and G-dragon got the better of him,” Daesung muttered.

Seungri huffed angrily, “I can only hope that they did,”

Young Bae was still standing at the door when he heard Seungri’s snide reply and anger unexpectedly welled up in his chest. He had always had people talk mean things behind his back. He has never even experienced a relationship. There was always something about him that people seemed to not like. Other boys were always popular, but never him.

He was sick and tired of being the third wheel.

He was sick and tired of being the one that everyone always overlooked.

For once he wanted to be picked first, but he had given up on that dream a long time ago. It was all wishful dreaming. He was going to have to stand up for himself.

That was when he had read a book, and read about the power that the Kings Diamond held. It had the power to create, but he was sure that if it was in his hands, he could use it to destroy. He would destroy everything that made people happy and oppress them. Make them feel what they had always made him feel when they ignored him and pushed him away.

Hell, just the thought of having power over anything made him feel like he would be grandiose and special enough for people to notice.

He would be known as the one that destroyed Seoul.

Smiling softly to himself as he contented himself with thoughts of his goal, he started to walk down the hall towards his own room. It wouldn’t be long now, and not even all the money he had handed to G-dragon or Top was going to save them.

He would kill them as well.


Top held a red container filled with fuel as he filled the truck with it. G-dragon tried to help him but Top had denied him. There wasn’t much to do anyways and G-dragon was bored with just standing there waiting as Top finished checking the oil and engine of the truck and a few other things. Who knew Top was so knowledge? It was kind of hot watching him work on the truck.

“I don’t trust him,” Top suddenly said, stating the thing that was bothering him. G-dragon looked at him, and sighed.

“You don’t have to trust him. I don’t either.” G-dragon said, “He never really explained why he would want the kings Diamond. It’s not like he having it was going to automatically make him king. Seungri’s uncle would have to be killed as well, and so would Seungri but he never once mentioned death.”

“No, he’s after something greater,” Top said. After all, he was no fool to the reality of the things that they had involved themselves in. He doubted that G-dragon was. “Do you remember all those stories written about the Kings Diamond, the whole history of it?” he asked and G-dragon got a thoughtful look on his face, before his eyes widened and he nodded his head.

“Yeah, in the right hands creation of a whole new world, the rule of all kingdom, and the opposite in the wrong hands, and the dour of a foul kingdom, filled with misdeeds and misery” G-dragon recited and then bit into his lower lip. He had heard that story told before, but n ever thought much about it. “That story couldn’t have been true, could it?”

“Whether it was or it wasn’t it seems like that guy in there might believe it,” Top said as he closed the back of the truck as soon as everything was packed in. He then walked around towards G-dragon. “You ready?” he asked.

G-dragon nodded. “Yeah, let’s do this!” he cheered.

But still, in the back of his mind he was still thinking about what had happened in the story. “Ne, Tabi, in that story from years back, wasn’t it that it had two crooks, both mindless whom got the diamond for a terrible man…”

“Yeah,” Top said as he moved to get in the truck.

“Well, they get killed don’t they?” he asked, “And like in that story we’re two crooks whom are about to go get the diamond back,”

Top scoffed, “We are not crooks G-dragon.”

“Maybe not you but I am, being a thief makes me a crook!”

Top opened the door so they could climb into the huge truck and stopped sharply to look at G-dragon.  “We are not crooks, and we are NOT! Mindless so try to stop overanalyzing all of this already”

G-dragon glared at him, “I’m not overanalyzing and you are the one that brought it up!”

“Yeah, and sorry that I did.”

“Don’t bother apologizing,” G-dragon sighed, “It makes sense.”

Top froze and looked at G-dragon’s sad expression. “Look, G…I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“I know you didn’t. I just think it’ll be sad that we go and steal the kings diamond and lose our lives for it,”

“We won’t, because its not exactly the same!” Top urged.

“What do you mean?”

“Remember, the bad guy was the prince himself and we both know that either way Seungri would have gotten the diamond because it’s part of whom he is. There would have been no two crooks trying to get the diamond from him.”

“But his uncle hired you to kill the kings…meaning that maybe Ga In and her girlfriend would have been the two crooks that too the diamond to the king’s brother, whom technically would be considered a prince…”

“Meaning that they would have been killed and then Seungri’s uncle would be the one taking over the world…”

“Except there’s a change, there’s us and we’re about to go get the kings diamond to bring it to Young Bae….”

“And he’s a council member…”

Top and G-dragon stopped talking and looked at each other with slightly startled expressions. There was only one final thought that they could have ever thought up in their rambling. “Then…”


“Who is the princess that’s supposed to melt the heart and save the world?” G-dragon finally voiced their thought. Top shrugged.

“There’s little to no females involved in this.”

“Unless you also count those girls that were chasing us with their car.”

“That’s another difference though, and I hardly think we should be worrying about them. The kings Diamond was what they were after and its now returned.”

“Meaning their pursuit has lost purpose and perhaps now they are out of the picture…”

“Wait,” Top said, “Who killed the crooks?”

“The prince, remember! After he found out that they were going to double cross him…” G-dragon froze.

“What’s wrong?” Top asked.

“You doubled crossed him…” G-dragon’s eyes were wide and he wanted to cry.

“Only because he doubled crossed me by sending an attack my way!” he hissed. Then Top narrowed his eyes, “Which I wouldn’t doubt that he personally hired someone to take me out from the very beginning”

G-dragon frowned. “And getting to close now will get you killed…”

“But you didn’t double cross him G-dragon, so you are going to be alright”

“No…no, I don’t want you hurt. Life was just getting to be fun.”

Top sighed. “What do you want me to do?”

“I have a plan,” G-dragon urged, “They might not be expecting that we are going back to get the diamond. And I will be your shadow. No one would ever suspect that the two of us are working together…after all, I’m just a thief.”

“Foolish.” Top sighed as he moved and grabbed G-dragon’s wrist. He pulled him forward and urged him to get in the truck. G-dragon climbed on and when Top pushed himself to climb up as well, he was met with G-dragon’s lips on his. His eyes widened for a second, and the thought to move away entered his mind, but died before it actually made any sense in his brain. He closed his eyes and he kissed him back.

Their lips passionately meshed together, before Top broke the kiss and pushed G-dragon to scoot further to the other side.

“I promise you, we’re going to be okay,” he said when he saw G-dragon’s apprehensive stare.

G-dragon nodded his head, but if he believed him or not, Top was not sure.


Hyun Seung frowned, his fingers furiously typing away at his laptop.

Every television was , in channels all over the world. He had radio’s on of every bounty hunter whom was hunting someone and let the others know when they found their target or if they spotter another’s target.

He had been driving himself crazy ever since the job had been given to him to find Top. He knew that Top was hard to find but he would have thought that he would have by now. He had grown from when he had first started to hunt down criminals and assassins. This shouldn’t be so hard.

He had already dispatched a few of his fellow bounty hunters to find him, but not do anything since he wanted to be the one to kill him-personally. But so far no one had announced if they had seen him or not. Top couldn’t have traveled out of Seoul already could he?

“I’ve spotted Top. He’s alone.”

Hyun Sung jumped, and he turned towards the radio.

“He’s in a truck and heading east bound towards Seoul,” The voice continued. “He’s all yours Hyun Seung.” And the communication was broken.

Hyun Seung couldn’t believe it.

He closed his laptop and scrambled out of his chair so he could go get dressed. He couldn’t wait to see Top again. 

Hehehehe, I hope I didn't make you forget about Hyun Seung in this story but he is going to start to make his move. I feel like things are starting to wrap up, and I still have to make a few other things clear. I will. As the story goes on. 

Hope you all enjoyed! 

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333