Chapter Six

I Don't Want To Be

Chapter Six

It was around one in the afternoon when G-dragon asked Top to make a left, and park the car. The sudden stop was halting and surprising as Top made sure that he parked with style, which G-dragon had to compliment on.

Seungri and Daesung blinked as they curiously watched G-dragon and Top suddenly get out of the car. G-dragon had his bag in the front, and pulled out a couple of things, before he dropped it, and slammed the door closed. Top went to the trunk and pulled something out, they were not sure, and then slammed it closed as well. Both of them looked so dead serious that it made both of them uncomfortable.

 “Are you sure this is the right place,” Top asked as he pulled on some gloves, and a mask. He then threw one to G-dragon, who used it to cover his face as well. G-dragon was not used to covering his face before, but he had to admit it was a good idea.

“I’m never wrong,” G-dragon said in a matter of fact tone. “Trust me, the Kings Diamond is here,”

Top nodded his head once, and then walked over. He peeked in through the front fence, and then flinched back a bit when suddenly two large black dogs slammed to the fence and started barking loudly. G-dragon, on the other hand, got near the fence, with a skip in his step as he looked down at the dogs with shinning eyes, “Omo, aren’t they precious Tabi!” he asked with pure delight. Top made a face, although half his face was covered, but his eyes expressed it all.

No, he did not think those rabies-infested dogs were precious.

“Quit playing around,” Top said crossing his arms as he pondered what they should do, “How do we get in without getting chewed on?” he wondered as he looked at all his surroundings. G-dragon wasn’t really listening to him as he cooed at the dogs how precious and adorable they were. Despite the fact that the dogs were obviously barking at him and baring their fangs with saliva wildly flinging out between their chops, wanting to eat the white blond haired man. Somehow Tabi found himself a little jealous that G-dragons attention was no longer on him.

Now he truly knew he was insane.

Sighing, he decided to walk around to where the dogs could no longer see him. Seeing that Top had moved, G-dragon got to his feet and followed him. The both of them soon ran inside the next-door house. They had a broken part in their bricked fence. Not to mention that the house next door seemed to be deserted, with weeds growing wild all through the field. It was the kind of place GD liked. G-dragon looked around curiously before turning back to TOP and noticed that the man was about to jump the fence on the other side.

“what about the dogs?” he asked, perplexed. He thought the dogs were precious, but he wasn’t stupid enough not to know that they would tare him to shreds if they got to him.

“Keep your mouth shut and we won’t have to deal with them,” Top hissed in return.

“Ugh, you don’t even know where the Diamond is located,”

“Then why don’t you shut your mouth and show me the way already,”

Top knew that the longer they made noise and messed around, the more chances there were of them catching the dogs’ attention. Since they were in the front, he could guess they will remain there unless alerted.

“Ani, you’re being mean again, bleh, I hope the dogs come and bite your ,”

“Don’t make me kick your ,” Top retorted, “G-dragon,”

G-dragon’s eyes widened considerably. That was the first time that Top had personally addressed him by his name. It made him blush, and an unknown happiness exploded in his chest, “Ah! You said my name, say it again!” G-dragon insisted and Top frown at him.

“Get over here or I’ll never say it again,” the irritation in Top’s voice was clear now. He just wanted to finish thing and get out of there.

Sighing in resignation, G-dragon rushed towards him.

He climbed over and joined Top. Both made sure that some silence went on by before they both skillfully landed on the backyard. Making sure that they weren’t heard, they cautiously made their way through the yard, “look for an old truck,” G-dragon said, looking around. The place was huge if you consider it.

It could have been a farm, almost.

“They probably keep the truck inside,” Top said when he didn’t see any trucks around. G-dragon nodded and walked over to what would be a garage to him, and started to pick the lock. Top slowly approached him, keeping alert in case the dogs came around. He knew they were both taking a huge risk right now, but if they wanted that diamond, no risk was too dangerous. When G-dragon finally felt the lock give, he smirked and allowed it to heavily drop into his palm, before he fully removed it.

“Ha, that was almost too easy,”

“Shh, and get inside,” Top urged, pulling the door open wide enough to push G-dragon in. G-dragon pouted and dropped the heavy lock down to the floor and when he got in, he froze at how dark it was. Top got in and then closed the door behind both of them. He pulled a small flash light from his pocket and lighted up the room. G-dragon turned to look at Top and his eyes shinned with like as he saw that the assassin was well prepared for anything-it would seem. Both of them looked around and when the light landed at the front of the truck G-dragon smirked.

“That’s the one, Tabi,” he said, pointing at it.

“Really,” Top said, in slight disbelief as he looked at the old piece of junk that was the truck. G-dragon rushed to the truck and jumped on the back of it. There was such a mess of tools, metal pipes, pieces of wood, ropes, tubes, but there was no telling where the diamond was. He was sure it had landed somewhere in the middle of all that mess.

“Tabi, bring the flashlight over here,” G-dragon called.

Top approached him and lit inside towards where G-dragon was. “I think I see it,” he suddenly said when the light seemed to catch the reflection of something shiny. G-dragon blinked and then looked to were Top was pointing. When he saw it a triumph grin spread his face as he reached out to get it. Once he had it safely in his hand he jumped out of the truck and showed it to Top.

“We got it back!” he cheered.

“Yeah yeah, let’s celebrate when we are out of here,” Top grumbled, “Or have you already forgotten the man eating dogs out there,”

“No, but if we keep silent still I’m sure they won’t eat us,” G-dragon defended.

Top sighed and walked over to the door, he pushed it open carefully, but as careful as he might have wanted to be, this time the door seemed to scrape across the floor, and it made some noise. That was when the dogs started barking again, and they made their way over to them, barking loudly and Top slammed the door closed.

G-dragon groaned, “now how are we going to get out?”

Top glared at him, “Just shut up,”

“Why should I, I have a right to talk as much as you do!”

“I know you do, but can you do it when we are not about to die,”

“No! If I’m going to die, then I rather it be we die with my beautiful voice being the last thing we hear,”

“Oh my god,” Top rubbed his forehead and shut off his lamp.

“What, what happened? Are you hurt?”

“No, just” Top sighed, “Shhh, okay, let me think,”

“Tabi, no genius ever found thinking productive when it was done in silence,” G-dragon said, shaking his head, and crossing his arms. In this dark he knew his actions were not seen, but the point he had made was clear.

“Silence is precious, learn to appreciate it,” Top mumbled, a part of him knowing that if he talked he was just giving more for G-dragon to retort to. Although he was glad for the silence that followed, despite it only lasting so long.

G-dragon began to hum softly, and Top froze, his entire being in tune with the melody that was being hummed from the thief. It was soothing to his soul and it made him want to hear more, but at the same time he didn’t want to admit it to himself, and especially not G-dragon. He wouldn’t even dare utter the fact that he found it to be beautiful, no matter how much he wanted to at this moment. So he gritted his teeth, and dug his nails to the palms of his hands and listened.

It was too much, he stood up, and slightly opened the door now that everything else was silent but when he glanced out he saw that the dogs were in front of the door, waiting.

“We need to find another way out,” He deadpanned.

There was no other way out other than the door, but G-dragons creative mind was already coming up with an alternative solution. “The land inside of here is all terrain right? We can probably dig ourselves out!” he suggested. Top wanted to give him an odd look but he knew better than to do something as unnecessary as that.

Thinking about it though and the fact that he was feeling drawn to the thief the more time they were trapped, he made his decision. “Fine, start digging Dragon,” he said. Both of them picked a location somewhere in the back of the created garage and started to dig through the dirt. It was a tough job, with the ground sometimes just falling on them and it sometimes seemed as they were getting nowhere, but G-dragons triumph scream when they finally hit day light had Seung Hyun’s skin tensing.

In a matter of seconds, the dogs had ran to where they were digging and had started barking and digging as well.

“Well hell look what you’ve done” Top said in a nonchalant tone.

G-dragon chuckled, “Sorry,” he muttered.

Both watched with rapt attention as the dogs sharp claws made quick work and the hole was starting to get big. They were in trouble now.

“I think it’s time we tried the door again,” Top suggested, getting to his feet. G-dragon nodded, following him.

But when both of them dashed towards the door, they froze.

In front of them was a pissed off farmer man, with a pistol in his hand and he looked like he had a bone or two to pick with them.

Well, .


Sorry short chapter ....

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333