Chapter Thirteen

I Don't Want To Be


I Don't Want To Be 

Chapter Thirteen

Seoul’s majestic castle seemed to glow with the light of the full moon, but in reality, there were amber lights glowing a path to it. The great double doors were vastly open to the cool fresh breeze, with the melody of music gently fading itself on the wind. Hyun Seung had warned Ah-Jung that something might go down tonight, but the idiotic man had wanted to have his small festivities with his close friends and what seemed to be a harem of women. Each woman was scantily dressed in candy coordinated colors, and they danced provocatively to the melody of the music.

There were alcoholic drinks a plenty. Probably the only good thing in this boring little get together- that Hyun Seung started to wonder when the real party would begin.

So far there was no sign of Top and as the night worn itself past midnight, he couldn’t help but grab for a cherry flavored alcoholic drink to calm down his frazzled nerves. His eyes darted towards the flexible woman that wrapped her long legs around the pole, and pulled herself up. His eyes locked on her knees as they bent over the pole and how her hands released as her back arched away from the metal, and her legs supported her with magnificent strength. How she gracefully swung to the side, gripping the pole, and unhooking one leg so she could twirl on it. How she gripped it again, with both hands and how her legs spread wide, showing off her white almost see through underwear, but leaving everything to the imagination.

Hyun Seung had nearly lost himself in the passionate look on her face as she continued to make love to the pole in front of her. But it was so short lived, as a bullet went right through her chest, and she fell down, crumpled down on the floor twitching. The music seemed to die then, and the shrill screams of women filled the room as some scrambled to their feet getting dressed and two more mature ones rushed to see if they could help their friend.

It was too late- she had been dead the moment the bullet entered her body.

“Alright, who did this?” The oldest woman asked, and she pulled a small hand gun out of nowhere. She pointed it back and forth on all the men there, from the oldest fart, to the youngest. “Speak now before I shoot all of you,” She threatened, baring her teeth as anger gleamed in her eyes.  Hyun Seung swallowed hard, but not even he knew where that bullet had come from, and decided he better calm the woman down before things got out of hand.


“Was it you!” She screamed.

“No, look, we can’t figure out who it was if you don’t calm yourself down,” Hyun Seung tried to reason, but all he received in response was the woman cocking her gun. The moment that she shut her gun, another gunshot shot at the same time and this one lodged itself on one of the old men. This man happed to be Ah-Jung’s close friend and the man ended up roaring like a wounded animal as he watched his friend fall.

Hyun Seung had been too busy dodging the bullet from the crazy woman-whom he didn’t even know the name of or cared- that he had missed where that second bullet had come from.

“What kind of party is this?” She asked, her tone dangerous, “My girls don’t entertain to cults”

“What makes you think this is a cult?” Hyun Seung snapped, “Now can you shut your damn mouth so I can figure out where we are being shot at from,” he hissed and looked around. The women all began looking around as well, until one of them spotted their assailant. She moved open and closed, debating whether to reveal the location or not, seeing as the man looked so scary.

“Um…” was all that left before a bullet was going through it, and coming out through her neck to the girl beside her, dropping two at the same time.

“Top, I know this is your doing!” Hyun Seung snapped, “Believe me bastard, I have the upper hand here!” he then snapped his fingers and suddenly the room was being surrounded with men uniformed with his insignia, all of them protected and ready to shoot if they spotted Top. “You might as well give it up Top; there is no escape, trust me. I covered every angle.”

Top remained hidden where he was.

As he looked around him and made his decision, he could already see a loop hole in Hyun Seung’s plan. There was one angle that he had not covered, and it was going to cost him. Cocking his gun and pointing it once again, he decided to make one of the girls his target again. The moment that he did, the leader of them went ballistic, and started to shoot her gun in anger and out of control. The girls left all pulled out a gun of their own and started to shoot as well. The gun fire was going around like crazy and all trigger happy, Top was glad that he had his hiding place away from bullet range. Even through the up roar of fire, Top could hear the tell tale hum of G-dragon’s sweet melody.

It was short, maybe it wasn’t even there, but it was there, and he was sure that the small thief was here. Just a while longer and he was sure that G-dragon could get the kings Diamond for him. Not that they had much to go on, not even the exact location of the Kings Diamond. But by the glance that he got earlier, it didn’t seem like Ah-Jung was that foolish to be wearing it out in this little event.  It would no doubt be stupid of him to allow wicked women of the night to come and bare their bits to him seeking money, and having them demand the diamond as a bonus in return for their pleasures.

At least, he could be sure that G-dragon would be safe from the line of fire.

“STOP!” Hyun Seung snapped, “Can’t you see he’s making a fool out of all of you!” he roared, and looked wildly around, “Just what kind of game are you trying to pull, huh! TOP!” Just the mention of his name had everyone loudly gasping and Ah-Jung going pale.

If Top had a dead wish, he would be like all the other brainless fools who at this moment would be smirking and showing where they were hiding all along, to allow the satisfaction to their enemy. Well Top wasn’t your usual cocky assassin. He had a sensible brain in his head, and before coming out, he wanted to take as many of the inhabitants out.

The women in the room looked around, before laughing, “Your Joking right?” she scoffed, “Top, an assassin, really? He wouldn’t be here”

Hyun Seung on the other hand was running out of patience. He turned to the woman and shot her straight in the face, and then followed by all the other women. The elderly men groaned at such a waste of s and . Hyun Seung then brushed his hair away from his eyes, a tight frown on his lips as he pointed the gun around to anyone else that dared move or talk. He didn’t care, but this is where he had control and not Top! He was not going to let Top have control.  

Top watched this and decided at least that was one way to get rid of more people. There was nothing more annoying than people who didn’t know how to shoot and shot at random. Although they missed most of the time, a wayward bullet like that could be dangerous. 

After ten long minutes, Top wondered how G-dragon was progressing. But before he could delve to much in the thought, Hyun Seung was calling out to him. “Where the are you Top! Why are you hiding like a coward! , are you even still here.”

Top sighed, no he was not hiding like a coward but he was trying to buy G-dragon as much time as he could, even if it meant him having to wait before jumping in some action to get away.



G-dragon was on the roof of the castle. How he had gotten there, it was a mystery. But he could hear the gun fire, and that just forced him to sprint across, until he was at the back of the castle. He then, using a rope, and his skills, he climbed down to the window he was sure would be the room for heirlooms.

Getting inside, with all of security Top was easy. G-dragon jumped into the room, and looked around at all the glistening jewelry. Necklaces, bracelets, and rings- the whole lot of them, were glittering in a tempting way. G-dragon’s eyes though were only seeking out one thing and that was the King’s Diamond. When he got to it though, he frowned to see that its case was empty.

, had they anticipated this and moved it somewhere else?

“Looking for something?”

G-dragon’s eyes briefly widened before he narrowed his eyes and turned around to face the person that had spoken, “Ga In, I would have thought you’d be long gone” he said, offering a small smirk.

Ga In shrugged her shoulders, while holding the Kings Diamond in her hand, “After everything was said and done, the king hired me and Miryo to protect the kings Diamond,”

“We had expected Top to come after the Kings Diamond, and die at our hands, but we never expected you to be the one to come for it,” Miryo said as she came into the room, behind Ga In. Both women looked G-dragon up and down, before smirking. G-dragon wanted to bare his teeth at them and get them out of his way, but he was not in the position right now to be the one making sudden moves. Both these women could take him out.

“So, you were hired to kill Top,” G-dragon said, coolly, shrugging his shoulders.

“You could say that we were, but we were hired to take anyone out who was after the Kings Diamond,” Ga In answered, “But you G-dragon, why suddenly so interested in the Kings Diamond? You’re a thief like us, and we in an unspoken way consider you a comrade, so why is this gem so important to you?” he asked.

G-dragon knew that thieves didn’t kill other thieves, but for the right sum of money he knew that they could be bought to do it. Ga In and Miryo, as much as they acted it, were not above getting bribed to kill even family.

“I heard it was worth a lot of money in the states. I was planning on making me some big bucks, you know how it is.”

“Really,” Ga In said, looking at Miryo, and both of them shared twin looks of greed. “How much money are we speaking off here?”

G-dragon shrugged his shoulders, “Why should I tell you? Just give me the kings Diamond.” G-dragon gave them a hard look. Miryo and Ga In both looked at his serious face, and then couldn’t help but start laughing.

“Oh my God, he’s so cute!” they both gushed. Ga In smirked, shaking her head as she threw the Kings Diamond up and down in her hand, taunting the little blond. “Well, enough really, G-dragon, but we are not handing the Kings Diamond over.”

G-dragon gritted his teeth.

“In fact, we think you are just plainly getting in our way now,” Miryo said, and pulled out a gun. G-dragon watched the gun, and then looked past it to the person holding it. This time it was not Top holding the gun towards G-dragon, threatening him to supposedly kill him, this time it was a potential threat. But amazingly, G-dragon found that he was not scared. He’d seen the end of a gun way to many times to be scared.

“So, let me get this clear… you’re going to kill me?” G-dragon asked.

“Of course,” Miryo smiled.

G-dragon sighed. Although he was rapidly thinking about what he was going to do in this situation. Also the fact that he needed to hurry up, Top was counting on him. He couldn’t mess this up. At least there was one thing that he did know, Ga In and Miryo were thieves, and they didn’t deal with weapons just like he had never before he met Top. Using a gun wasn’t exactly simple, and there was a high chance that they would miss him. But if they had practiced with the gun, then he could be in big trouble.

A sudden bout of gun shots down stairs were heard, and some screaming of ‘Get ‘im” causing Ga In and Miryo to turn to the sound.

“I think they found Top” Ga In said.

G-dragon of course panicked at the thought, and quickly pulled out the gun that Top had given him.  Seeing as their attention was diverted from him, he took the advantage. He quickly shot both women by their knee caps, and both women screamed in pain, shocked at the fact that G-dragon had shot them. G-dragon walked over to them as they held their knees, and he took away their gun. The Kings Diamond that had slipped out of Ga In’s grasp was quickly snatched up by him as he moved to rush out of the room.

“Sorry ladies,” G-dragon told them, “but I’ve got to go,” he said as he rushed away.

“, this hurts,” Ga In complained, and Miryo swore she was going to kill G-dragon for this.

G-dragon ran down the hall, until he reached the long stair way and looked out to the main living room, his eyes wide as he saw several men aim at Top. Top was quick to move for shelter, while at the same time he got to shoot several men already. There were dead bodies littering the floor by now.

He had to let Top know that it was time to go.   

Clasping both of his hands together, he let out a sound that sounded much like a bird’s call. When he saw Top nod his head, he knew that he had gotten the message. With that, G-dragon decided to make his way out, and started to move swiftly through the shadows and keeping himself hidden.

Top on the other hand was still in a pretty compromising position.

“I can’t wait to kill you,” Hyun Seung said, laughing. “You really haven’t changed much Top, you are still an superb being! And an amazing Shot.” He praised, “There would be no greater honor than for me to end your life,”

“It’s a wonder.” Top called out, in his that deep voice of his that startled other human beings into listening to him, “That you are still alive, Hyun Seung.”

“What are you fools doing? Don’t stop shooting!”

“But,” One of the men said, looking highly nervous.

“What!” Hyun Seung snapped.

“We’ve run out of bullets.” The man responded, and the rest of the team all started to fumble for more bullets. Hyun Seung’s eyes widened and Top took this to his advantage, as he stepped out and shot the men before they could reload. He then rushed into the shadows, to hide, only to bump into G-dragon.

“Why are you still in here?” he harshly whispered at him.

“I’m trying to get out, there are two psycho’s up stairs,” G-dragon whispered right back.

“AARRGGH!!” Hyun Seung was frustrated now, and started to shoot into the shadows, making G-dragon and Top drop flat onto the floor.

“, what the hell does he have against you?”

“I don’t know, he just hates my guts.” Top sighed, “At this rate we’re not going to make it out of here,”

“Not true,” G-dragon said, “There’s a secret opening, just by that wall there. If we get it opened, we will be able to get out.” Top looked at G-dragon with slight surprise, “What? As a thief I have to know all my escape routes” The blond haired male defended himself.

“Get it opened then, I’ll stall,”

G-dragon nodded, and scrambled to do as he was told. Top narrowed his eyes, and shot at Hyun Seung, nearly hitting him. Top decided he wasn’t going to miss next. Hyun Seung kept shooting though, wildly.

“Ah!” G-dragon loudly gasped, and Top turned to look towards him, but could barely see him in the dark.

“G-dragon,” he whispered.

“I’m fine,” the blond thief called back, and continued to push open the wall. Top felt anger rise in him, and turned back to lock on his target. He then shot Hyun Seung, hitting him in the gut of his stomach. The man’s eyes widened, and he gasped, falling to his knees as the still living officers rushed towards him and immediately began to help him.

“Tabi, help.”

Top moved towards G-dragon, and helped him open the passage even more. Both of them then slipped out through it, and closed it right back so they wouldn’t be tipped off to what had just happened.

Once they were outside, Top grabbed G-dragon and started to check him, only to find that the thief had been shot in his arm. , it could have hit close to home. Hyun Seung could have killed G-dragon and Top found that he would never be able to forgive himself nor Hyun Seung for that. Not the whole world if G-dragon had been killed, but G-dragon had gotten hurt. He should have done better. “Tabi?”

“Come on; let’s go get you fixed up”

G-dragon blushed, despite the pain in his arm. He allowed Top to lead the way and true to his words, they had a new getaway car. As they sped away, G-dragon watched the time, and then he started to mentally count down the seconds. Then, BANG! The main tower exploded, making it into a pile of rubble.

Ah-Jung whom had been cowering and hiding through the whole shoot fest, heard the big bang, and rushed towards one of the windows. His mouth dropped, and he dropped to his knees, unable to believe that the business that he had started on his own, and ran on his own was now in flames. There was only one person who could have done this to him and he was sure that it had been Top! He was going to kill him! and he was going to do it himself!



G-dragon and Top made it back to G-dragon’s apartment.

Once there, Top had G-dragon remove his shirt, and using his tools like he had done on himself several times before, worked on removing the bullet from G-dragon’s arm. G-dragon hissed every now and then, but Top was good at soothing him, and made sure to always keep the wound clean as he softly ran his fingers around the soft flesh.

Once everything was cleaned, Top made sure to securely wrap G-dragon’s arm. G-dragon couldn’t help but feel so treasured. “You know,” he softly said, “It’s funny how we started out, you didn’t seem to not like any kind of contact with me”

Top shrugged, and moved to pack up his things, “I don’t like contact with others, but with you it has seemed to turn as something as simple as breathing,”

“Really?” G-dragon playfully said, but Top didn’t dignify that with an answer. He just placed his things away. “Tabi?”

“Get some rest G-dragon; we will be leaving in a few hours,” Top answered him.

G-dragon got to his feet, and walked over to Top. Top watched him closely, keeping an eye on G-dragon’s face as the blond haired man placed a hand on his chest, and then curled his fingers there. “I think,” G-dragon shyly said, “That there are better things we could do right now than just rest…” his voice was an uncertain whisper at the end, scared that Top would turn him down.

“Yeah…like what?” Top huskily asked instead, causing G-dragon’s heart beat to spike.

“Like…” G-dragon whispered, reaching his hand towards Top’s jaw line, and pushed to the tips of his toes as he reached his mouth to Top’s. The kiss was brief, and just a sensual touch, but Top’s hands then found themselves around G-dragon’s waist, pulling him closer. He leaned in and kissed him in a fuller lock of lips.

G-dragon softly moaned, and pressed himself closer to Top, until their bodies were perfectly lined up against each other, and he brought up his uninjured arm around Top’s neck, to pull his head in closer, and eagerly both of them deepened the kiss.



Young Bae deeply frowned, slamming his hand on the table before him. “What do you mean I have to attend the meeting? I already said that I wasn’t going to!” he hissed into the phone and then groaned as he heard that the main Building in Seoul had been bombed and that the King was calling this meeting as an emergency that all of them had to attend. “What? That makes no sense…how?”

Young Bae sighed as the dumb person in the phone continued to stutter and make no progress in answering his questions, it was all excuses. His eyes darted to Seungri. The Young prince was quietly sitting beside him, pounding on some clay that he seemed like he couldn’t decide how he wanted it to be molded. Every now and then he would furrow his brows, and bite his lips in a way that showed the sharp white row of teeth that he possessed.

It was kind of endearing, really.

Sighing, Young Bae turned his attention back to the stuttering person, “Just do your job!” and he hung up the phone.

Seungri frowned, “That’s just going to make them mad,”

Young Bae looked at him again, “Make who mad?” he asked.

“Those people, I’ve never liked them,”


“Father always said to me, a person was something I should respect, even when they don’t respect me. That I had to be the bigger person and deal with it, and I would get scolded if I told other people off like you just did,”

Young Bae chuckled, “Well, you’re a prince. I have to be the one to snap at them for you,” he sighed.

Seungri turned to look at him and grinned, “Right,” he cheerfully said. Young Bae stared at Seungri for the longest then. “What?” the prince asked.

Young Bae blinked, then shook his head. “Nothing, you’re just kind of adorable, I guess…” he muttered but Seungri still looked at him oddly. There was a silence that settled between them, and then Daesung walked into the room, panicked.

“Oh!” he said, his eyes widening, “Seungri, what are you doing here?”

Seungri was about to say that he was hanging with Young Bae, when Young Bae suddenly stood up, “Daesung, glad you are here. The prince seems bored, can you go and keep him entertained and out of my office. He’s really annoying.”

Seungri’s jaw tightened as Daesung agreed and led him out of the room. There was only one thing in Seungri’s mind as he allowed Daesung to lead him out- He would get Young Bae back for thinking he could get rid of him this easily.



Pre-Warning for GTop t next chapter xD Don’t want you guys feeling disappointed for me ending this chapter before getting to the best part, but yes there will be t. No doubt. 

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333