Chapter Seven

I Don't Want To Be

“Who are you, you little thieves!” the old man snapped, his voice old and a little country.

Top felt like he was at his last nerve. Instinctively he reached for his gun and thought about killing the man and then placing a bullet in each of the dogs’ heads. Just as he was about to do that, his arm was grasped, and he looked to G-dragon with slight surprise. The damn white blond haired male seemed to know exactly what Top was thinking and was not going to allow him to carry out his plan. “We have not stolen a thing belonging to you sir,” G-dragon said. Top scoffed, and pulled his hand away from G-dragon’s grasp.

The man narrowed his eyes at them, “What you mean?” he asked, “Why is you both here then?” he added, shaking his riffle back and forth.

G-dragon forcefully pulled Top close to him. “We were just looking for a place to do things together. My boyfriend and I are so sorry for disturbing you and your dogs; we will be leaving now,” When G-dragon tried to make a move to start walking away, the man blasted a bullet by his feet. G-dragon jumped away, and hid behind Top.

“You’re too ing soft,” he hissed in a dangerously low tone towards G-dragon who pouted up at him. Top turned his back to him, looking at the old man again. “Move out of the way,” he said his tone warning and final.

“Yous the ones here in my property, both yous have to pay!” the old man scoffed, spitting out something.

Top once more moved to grab his gun, but like before his hand was grasped. He turned to glare at G-dragon, but the white blond haired male was now walking in front of him. “We apologize,” he said, “We just came for this,” he showed the Kings Diamond to the old man. “We came for nothing else, we swear!”

The old man stomped his way over to them, humming as he looked at the Kings Diamond and then to the young face of the white blond haired male. He even spared a glance to the black haired assassin's own young face and had to feel slightly disapointed. Such young people, “A shinny rock? That’s all you little brats wanted?” he asked in disbelief.

Top and G-dragon looked at the old man oddly.

“Take your shinny rock and gets yous asses out of my property!” The old man snapped, “I ever see you two here again, the bullet will be in you!” he walked out, calling to his dogs to follow him. The dogs were obedient as the old man led the way to the front gate.

What a strange man to turn his back on a Diamond and go as far as treating it as if it was nothing but dirt. Really something they had never seen in a person before.

Even as they were safely out, Top still wanted to kill the old man. G-dragon on the other hand shifted a little, crossing his arms. “Admitting that we found the diamond could really compromise our goals in this, would it?” he asked, his gaze on the gate and never turning to Top who briefly glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

“And what exactly are your goals?” Top asked, crossing his own arms.

“My goal from the very beginning was to take the diamond to someone, who I promised to mention his name, and now Prince Seungri wishes me to take him back to the kingdom with the diamond in his possession,”

“Ah,” Top said, “And you realized that from the beginning my job was to take out the King, and now to also come looking for the Kings Diamond when Daesung only wanted the prince, you had to wonder, right?”

“Exactly,” G-dragon said, “I have to wonder who wanted the king dead, and just what they plan to do with Seungri if we do return him back,” G-dragon the kings Diamond that was hidden in his front pocket, “If I do fulfill the other mission of brining Seungri back to the kingdom, I won’t be keeping his safety, and neither would you as I promised to Seungri and you promised to Daesung,”

“And you are a thief of your word?” Top mocked.

G-dragon shrugged, “You are a man who keeps his word as well, aren’t you? So who are you working for?”

“I promised I would not divulge that information either, and from what I had gathered my mission was complete long before. I don’t care for returning the Kings Diamond for anyone, so longs as I get paid”  Top gritted his teeth a little, knowing that G-dragon spoke the truth, “But what are we going to do now then? I don’t exactly get hired to go around protecting people, it’s just not in my job description,”

“Well, we can hide the fact from both over there that we found the diamond already,” G-dragon suggested. “We can keep moving until we figure things out,”

“But aren’t you still working under your employer,”

“All he wanted was the kings Diamond,”

“And what will he do when he finds out that the Kings Diamond comes with the prince itself as a bonus?” Top smirked.

G-dragon rolled his eyes. “Well, that is what he wanted, no? Besides, I don’t think this person would do anything stupid that will compromise his position. I’m sure he can house both Seungri and Daesung while giving us the chance to figure out what is going on.”

“Do you really think Seungri and Daesung would agree to that?” 

Both of them turned their heads around to see that Seungri and Daesung were both still waiting in the car, albeit a little impatiently now. G-dragon sighed, and he turned to look at Top, “They don’t really have a choice in the matter, now do they?” he asked, humming a little, before turning his back to Top and started to make his way back to the car.

“And you’re still to ing soft,” Top hissed, as he followed behind him and G-dragon stuck out his tongue before going back in the car. Top got in the driver seat and flipped him off.

“So, what happened?” Seungri asked, looking at both of them expectantly. The moment that they had seen G-dragon and Top being escorted out of that house by an old man, all they could think was that something bad had happened.

“It wasn’t there,” Top said, “G-dragon here had everything wrong,”

“Hey,” G-dragon said, taking offence, “I was sure it was here, I mean I saw the right license plate. Didn’t you Seungri?” he asked, turning the prince who just looked perplexed and shook his head. He didn’t remember seeing the license plates.

“I’m not sure,” he said, practically clueless.

“Worthless,” Top harshly said as he started the car and pulled away.

After a few minutes of silence, Daesung couldn’t take it anymore. “So, where are we going now then?” he asked.  He hated that he was not getting a prompt answer from either of the two criminals at the front. Not that Top had any time to really say anything as he saw someone following them. It was hard to tell, and if he had not been keeping his eyes on the road, forwards and backwards, but he was sure that there was a white car keeping up with them.

That damn white car he had seen it a few times as they drove here, and now even now? It just was too much for it to be a coincidence.

How, though? His car was made to look unsuspicious as possible…unless.

Remembering back to the diner that they had stopped at for breakfast, he could recall a girl looking their way. She had been leaning against a similar white car, and she had at the time looked uninterested. Top had just let G-dragon get in so they wouldn’t draw in any more attention, but maybe he had overlooked this one too quickly.  It was a gift of his to always remember the oddest things ever that went around him, and right now, this one was not one that he was going to let slide. They had to be cautious.

G-dragon on the other hand had noticed Top’s sudden tense state, as minimal as the tensing in his body was. G-dragon had stared at Top a lot to notice the subtle change. “I’ll be doing research once we find a place to rest for the night,” he finally said, looking at Top and then looking around them. What had Top tense all of a sudden?

“How much longer then,” Seungri demanded, “I’m getting a little tired already.” This was all new to him and as fascinating as the scenery could be, he really wanted to end this little game.

“By night fall, midnight,” G-dragon distractedly answered, looking around. He then glanced at Top and noticed how he turned the car at a random turn.

Wait, G-dragons sharp mind started to calculate everything now. They were being followed. As he glanced to the side he was frustrated to find that he couldn’t tell who it was. So, he turned his head to look back to see if he could see anything through the back window.

Top noticed this though and quickly reached a hand out to grasp G-dragon’s chin and made him look forward. “Don’t look back,” he hissed, and then quickly pulled his hand away. He couldn’t believe that he had been the one to initiate any kind of human contact like that. It was so unlike him- but then again this was not the time for him to be thinking about stupid things like this. He needed to focus on losing their chasers.

After half an hour had passed with this game, G-dragon finally huffed. “You know eventually you are going to have to stop for gas, so you might want to make it clear now,” he said in the same serious tone he had used before. Top decided not to answer him. He already knew all of this, he didn’t need to be reminded. G-dragon frowned, “Are you listening to me, Tabi,”

“Don’t call me that,” he hissed.

“Don’t ignore me,” the other shot back.

The sudden tension between them was obvious to Seungri and Daesung who looked at each other and then between both Top and G-dragon. Neither of them was fighting like they usually did, but there was still something tense about the atmosphere. The car would usually be filled with all their bickering and their little insults that it would almost boarder on funny, but now there was nothing but a serious and tense silence.

“What’s going on?”

“We’re being followed,” G-dragon answered to spite the assassin, and Top shot him a glare. G-dragon ignored it. He was really unhappy with Top right now.

“Followed, how do you know?” Seungri asked, and moved to turn around and look through the back window but Top’s voice stopped him.

“Don’t look back, just sit back and act normal. We don’t want to alert them that we know,”

“Take the next right, and then go into the freeway, we can head out of town going that way quickly, and merge into the highway” G-dragon said.

“I thought that you said we might need to stop for gas!” Daesung said, perplexed by the sudden plan. His eyes shifted to the gas indicator needle. They were just a bit away from hitting the E on it.

“Just relax and trust.” Top said, as he took the right turn that G-dragon said, and headed into the first freeway entrance that he saw. G-dragon at this point took out his laptop. “What’s the license plate number?” he asked Top as he loaded his computer.

Top glanced out the window, and in a quick glance had memorized the numbers before divulging them to G-dragon who quickly typed in the information without missing a beat. The white blond haired male conducted a quick research, and soon found what he was looking for. The first part of the information was that the license number Top had given him was that of a stolen car, and had been since two months ago. The theory then was that they knew who had taken it from the fact that the police had found out but they were not doing anything about it. The license and the bounty of the law would not allow them to touch these people. “We’re being chased by female hunters; they hunt assassins and thieves,”

“Why would they be following us?” Top asked, speeding up the car, and slid into the left lane to merge out of the freeway and onto the highway that G-dragon had mentioned.

“Easy,” G-dragon said as he looked at Top seriously, “The king’s brother has sent a search party to kill you…well us. I think that he’s after the prince’s head as well,” G-dragon said in a serious tone that caused Daesung and Seungri to squirm guiltily in the backseat. “Tabi the highway road is short, you should stop at the upcoming gas station,” he said as he kept clicking buttons on his laptop.

Top frowned at him for the nickname, but did as he was told.

The moment he pulled in, he got out of the car and headed towards the small gas station store. G-dragon closed his laptop and rushed after him.

Once they were both inside, G-dragon grabbed a couple of snacks while Top waited in line.

Once they reached the cashier, the girl batted her lashes at Tabi and smiled at him. “How may I help you?”

What G-dragon saw was a harry woman that was flirting with his Top- mindful that the fact that Top is his was decided when he first met him. After all, he had seen him first, so rightfully should belong to him.

Top saw a normal girl doing her job.

“Can we get fifty on number three, and these,” he said as G-dragon ungraciously placed the snacks over the counter. All that junk food, Top swore G-dragon was trying to kill them. Of course, G-dragon at that point moved in front of him, pushing him back and drew out some money.

The girl looked at him oddly, but was taken aback by the intense look in his hostile eyes that she just did as she was told. She rung up the price, and Top paid it over G-dragons head. G-dragon grabbed the snacks and then Top’s sleeve and dragged him out. “She was so flirting with you, the nerve,”

Top snatched his hand back, “What are you talking about, she was just doing her job,”

“You keep thinking that,” G-dragon hummed as he walked back to the passenger seat and threw a couple of snacks to Daesung and Seungri before sitting down, tightly pouting all the time. Top ignored him as he put gas to the car. He briefly glanced to the side, noticing the white car full of girls that was waiting there for them. They seemed like they were not going to come after them yet, as they fixed their makeup and made a big show of looking good, before they themselves put gas in their car.

 This was definitely odd and going to be interesting.

Placing the pump back in place, he got back into the driver seat, and glanced at G-dragon who was looking at him with a hard look. “What?”  He asked.

“Were you checking them out?” he asked.

Top chuckled as he caught the blatant jealousy in G-dragon’s eyes. He never thought that this thief would be so obvious. He did not answer him though as he the car and decided to ride out of there.

His goal here was to get away from them and figure out what to do about the kings Brother. He was pissed, how dare he send an attack his way. He was going to kill that man if it was the last thing he did! And there was no one that was going to stand in his way of his goal.

“So, what are we going to do now?” Seungri asked, feeling anxious in the back seat. He had wanted to go back to the kingdom, but it was obvious that they were not going to go there any time soon and there was no telling what those women wanted.

“Simple,” Top said, “We’ll kill them,”

“I like that idea,” G-dragon smirked, sitting back in his seat. He wasn’t the type that usually killed something, but he knew Top liked killing and destroying things in his path. He was not going to stand in his way of that. No, he was going to support him when he could.

Besides, it would be a sight to see Top at work.

Seungri and Daesung felt panicked, but opted not to say anything as they just waited. There was already something brewing in Top.


This needed an update XD so since I'm also updating my other story, this one also needed a chapter for once.

Hope it wasn't so bad.

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333