Chapter Ten

I Don't Want To Be

Chapter Ten

It was night, and blistering cold.

Top and G-dragon stood slightly close to each other as G-dragon pulled out a key to open the store house in front of them. The building had looked abandoned and G-dragon being the brilliant thief he was, had found the keys and managed to open it. No one was going to miss those keys and no one was going to come looking here.

“, we’re going to freeze to death,” G-dragon hissed as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, rubbing his fingers through the cotton material of his sweater.

Top grunted, a puff of warm breath swaying into the air in front of him, “Let’s get the truck in here soon.” He grumbled.

G-dragon nodded.

Just a day ago, they had learned that the Kings Diamond had been returned back to the kings brother, and now the man was making acclamations on how he would be ready to lead the nation if the prince was not found. The reality of it all was that the man himself would make sure that they would never find Prince Seungri ever again, if it meant that he could rule.

 Many were going to be looking for his death now, because his death was also worth a lot.

But how was Seungri worth more, alive or dead?

Neither of them had decided yet.

As well as neither of them had decided if they even liked the idea of Seungri’s uncle taking over the whole kingdom, and the reason being the ominous feeling that lingered at that thought. The kingdom itself had never been that great, but at least it had always valued the thoughts of the people and so far no one there has starved to an early grave. There was much saying for now, for a man so cruel to take over.

But the decision itself would have to be made, because even in the end, Top was already having thoughts of murdering Seungri’s uncle. Not only because he didn’t want him to take the throne, but because he had sent a hit on him, when he himself had hired Top, so it was only in Top’s nature to want to get revenge at this point.  

Placing all thoughts aside, Top watched as G-dragon finally got back into the truck, and drove it into the building. Daesung and Seungri were inside as well, huddled together and trying to keep warm. As soon as the truck was inside, Top moved, and closed the large door behind it, locking it. It was still cold, and he was not sure what they were going to do for warmth in a warehouse, but if they wanted to get any sleep, they needed to hide.

His fingers were so cold that they felt so numb now, and he had to keep himself from shaking from how cold it was. Every now and then, he found himself wishing he were in a warm hotel with a warm bed.

“Why is it so cold?” Seungri demanded, burrowing his head into Daesung’s neck, trying to draw out his guard’s warmth, but his attempts were all in vain.

Daesung himself was cold, and no matter how much he tried to get heat from Seungri, there seemed to be none. “It’s too cold,” he complained, with a slight whimper to his voice.

G-dragon on the other hand had collected small pieces of wood, and gathered them together before he lit a match and set fire to the wood. It was a small fire, and it would probably go out quickly, but at least for now they could use it for some warmth. If such a small flame could provide that.

Top silently watched them before opening the back of the truck, and grabbed the two blankets from inside. Walking over to the shivering pair, he dropped one thick blanket over their shoulders. Daesung and Seungri joyfully thanked him, and pulled the blanket tight around themselves, as warmth finally started to gather around them, however little, they were still thankful to it.  

Eventually, Daesung and Seungri fell asleep against each other, still shivering every now and then despite the blanket that Top had handed over to them. There were only two blankets and the second one he had wrapped it around G-dragon’s shoulders when the small man had started to shake, and his teeth rattle against each other.

“Aren’t you cold?” G-dragon asked. It was bothering him that the second blanket had been given to him, and Top had not taken anything for himself.

“I’m a big boy,” he said as if it was nothing. His coal like eyes kept watching the small flames as they up at the spare oxygen to keep themselves alive. But the brutal cold seemed to be making it a fight that it would not be able to win.

Silence passed them by, and soon G-dragon was crawling over to where Top was, pushing himself into his chest, in between his legs, and wrapped his arms around him. Top jolted, nearly scurrying away at the sudden contact that had startled him out of his trance, but G-dragon held him firmly. “Hug me for warmth, I’ll be your teddy bear,” he offered.

Top wasn’t used to any of this, and he wanted to get away from the unfamiliarity of it. The unfamiliar feel of being held, and the warmth of another person so close to him. At the same time he couldn’t deny that it felt good, to hold G-dragon close to him. The boy was warm as well, and if he hugged him he knew he could stay warm. Not to mention that G-dragon was cute as well. But then again, he was thinking too much so he decided to look away and redirect his thoughts to something else. Something more productive, “So where are we going exactly?” he asked.

“To the person who hired me,” G-dragon said, taking advantage now to wrap the blanket around Top, always keeping a hand firmly clawed to his chest.


“They wanted the diamond; I want to see what they will give us for the prince,”

“And if they decide to kill him without giving us anything?”

“They won’t, I’m sure of it” he said as he glanced over to Daesung and Seungri, before turning to look at Top once more. The man was looking away from him, but for right now he didn’t care. At least he was holding him and that made him happy.

“If you say so,”

“Tomorrow,” G-dragon said, “We will reach our destination, and we might have to say goodbye,”

“Yeah,” Top said, pretending he didn’t care.

“So, this is the, it was nice knowing you and we go back to our separate paths?”  G-dragon asked, his heart clenching a bit. He looked away from Top as he pressed his head into Top’s chest, and nuzzled it, never wanting to let go.

“Maybe,” Top answered and G-dragon turned his head to look up at him. Top had hesitated, and answered with a maybe. Maybe, there was still a chance for them to start something together. But there was such a short distance left. There was still uncertainty left ahead, and no matter how desperately G-dragon tried to grasp the time to slow down so he could have a chance to make Top really look at him, he felt like it was all running out.

There was no time for holding back.

“What does maybe mean?” he asked.

Top sighed, as leaned down and rested his head on G-dragon’s shoulder, pulling him a bit closer. This caused G-dragon’s heart to beat fast, and his face burn with a blush. “It just means that there is never a guarantee for tomorrow.” Top said, his eyes trained on the silky strands of G-dragon’s blond hair, “I may be here today, but tomorrow, I don’t know. I don’t know where life will take either of us next.”

“Wouldn’t you, for once, want to have something consistent in your life?”

Top didn’t move for a few seconds, didn’t even speak, but when he did it sounded so close to G-dragon’s ear that he couldn’t help but shiver at the pleasure it caused him, “Consistent, like what?”

“Like…somebody to love,”

“I’ve never felt the need to have someone, that I would love or anything,” Top decided to admit, just for right now, under the warmth of G-dragon and the darkness of the warehouse, just here, he would admit for now anything G-dragon wanted.

“Why not?”

“I’ve been alone all my life, G,” he said, closing his eyes, “My parents were always moving, and my brother from the very start told me I had to go on my own, never relying on anyone. I’ve never had what people call friends, or even been with anyone so close to call them my lover,” he shrugged. “I’ve done everything alone, as long as I can remember, and I don’t even remember the faces of my own parents. If I were to pass them walking down the street, I wouldn’t know them,”

“Your parents abandoned you?” G-dragon asked, with slight shock in his voice.

“No, they had me because they wanted me. They took care of me in infancy until I could take care of myself… but being an assassin means you have many enemies and if they find your weaknesses, then…you’re dead.” Top moved his hand across G-dragon’s waist, and he leaned against the wall behind him, “You might think that the way I kill in cold blood, that the thought that the person dead has no family ties, or someone that would look to avenge or justify their death doesn’t exist, but they do. It crosses my mind every time, of what innocent person I just pissed off and is now looking to kill me,”

“You shouldn’t kill then…” G-dragon was quick to reply, his fingers curling into Top’s shirt.

“Too late, I pulled the trigger on the gun when I was five, and never looked back. I’m too far in on this to just one day decided to leave it behind.”

“But you can,”

“What about you G-dragon. When did you first become a thief?”

G-dragon froze, and he swallowed, “I was born into a family of thieves, but we all stick together. Even when we decided to leave, we always have a place to come back to, if we know how to get there. I was already stealing since I was three years old.”

Top chuckled, “Who would ever suspect a three year old?”

G-dragon sighed, “You changed the topic from yourself to me,”

“Because no matter what I say, it just reminds me that I my life isn’t worth living,”

“Why not?” G-dragon asked, “I like you, and think you are worth something. Why wouldn’t you think so about yourself?”

Top smirked, moving his head towards G-dragon’s neck, making sure to brush his lips against the soft skin there. For a moment, Top became lost in the intoxicating scent that was G-dragon, but he refused to give in. “Because I can kill, whenever I want.”

“I know, and I don’t care,”

“I make you cry all the time, how can you even begin to value any part of me?” Top asked a slight annoyed edge to his tone.

“Are you just trying to push me away?” G-dragon asked, “Because you at that,”

“No, I’m just trying to figure you out.”

“It makes me happy,” G-dragon suddenly said, completely confusing Top.

“What does?”

“That you’ve noticed me enough to know that you’ve made me cry more than once,”

Top sighed, “It’s official, you are weird”

G-dragon chuckled, and moved to sit up, straddling Top’s lap. Top held back a gasp and G-dragon could only smirk when he saw that Top still wanted to get away from him. “So, you really have never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend?”

Top looked up at him with an arched eyebrow, “No, is it so shocking?” he asked.

“So that means that…” G-dragon looked to the side, and then back to Top, where a large grin took over his face. Top suspiciously watched him. The thought of pushing G-dragon off of him entered his mind, but the fact that there was something burning in G-dragon’s eyes kept him from doing so. Why was this man here, so intriguing?

“What?” he pressed.

“It means that you,” G-dragon giggled.

Top shot him an annoyed look, “It means what?” he asked.

G-dragon brought his slender finger up to his lips and said, “Shhh,” before chuckling.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“I’m just thinking,”

Top pursed his lips and shifted his body, “Then why don’t you go think somewhere else?”

Decisively as it was, G-dragon pouted and shook his head. He huddled in closer, and waited for Top to become less tense. Top watched him closely, wondering what G-dragon was up to, and when the thief started to hum, he found himself relaxing. After a while the humming stopped and G-dragon turned to Top, “Come on, you can’t say you haven’t figured it out?”

“What, that I’m cold?” Top asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Nope,” G-dragon pointed to himself, “That I was your first kiss,”

Top smirked, shaking his head, “You call the catastrophe you caused the other day, a kiss?”

“Our lips were pressed together, and yes, I call it a kiss?”

“I bet you’ve done that with a lot of people,” Top rudely said, his eyes glaring at G-dragon.

“My past lovers, yes, but never out of just doing it,”

“Then we’re agreed, it wasn’t a kiss. It was just a means of getting what you wanted at that moment,” Top justified.

“When it comes to you, it was a kiss!” G-dragon insisted.

“Why? I’m not your boyfriend,”

“But I like you,” G-dragon pushed, moving to uncross Top’s arms as he moved in close again, “I wouldn’t mind if you became my boyfriend,”

Top sighed, shaking his head. “I can’t and I won’t,”

“Why not,” G-dragon insisted. “We’re both single, why can’t we decide to be together? Do you even realize how you make me feel?”

“It’s just a passing infatuation.”

“Are you saying that I don’t know my own heart?”

“I’m saying that I don’t want to hurt you,” Top snapped. He had been trying so hard to keep a cool face, but not when G-dragon was tearing up again. He could not do it, not when G-dragoon was looking at him with too much hope-he couldn’t hurt him. This wasn’t like him, other people usually didn’t matter, so why?

Why was everything so different when it came to G-dragon?

“You deserve better, and someone who can give you consistency. Life for me has always been as it is now, so nothing is going to change. Never, not even if you were my boyfriend and I loved you so much it hurt, my life will NEVER change,”

“Tabi…” G-dragon sighed, and moved both his hands to cup Top’s cheeks. “I’m not asking you to change anything”

“If I get killed or die…”

“That’s still a big if,”

“Don’t you want consistency in your life?” Top asked, looking away from G-dragon. It was getting hard to look at him.

“No. If I have to never have consistency, so long as I get to be with you, I wouldn’t mind,”

“Don’t be stupid, we barely just met,”

“And I want to stick with you,” Top shook his head. G-dragon sighed, knowing that he was never going to crack Top, and actually let him follow him after all of this was said and done. No matter what, Top seemed determined to not open up any part of himself to him, “we should get some sleep…” he finally murmured. At least, tonight, he could hold on to Top and pretend that he had given him a chance.

Top nodded his head.

There was silence as G-dragon moved to make himself comfortable against Top’s chest. That was when he felt cold fingers at his jaw line, and G-dragon looked up, only to get his lips locked in a kiss. His heart fluttered in erratic motion, and he couldn’t help but to push forward and kiss Top back in return.

Top really was a bit clumsy in kissing, so he allowed G-dragon to do most of the moving until he gained some confidence of his own, and kissed back.

Taking advantage of the situation, G-dragon pressed his hand over Top’s chest, and kissed even harder when he felt the fast pace Top’s heart was also beating in. There was no denying, Top had feelings for him as well, no matter what his words said, or how much he pushed him away-his heart, and his body right now betrayed him.

When Top tried to pull away, G-dragon didn’t let him. He wrapped his arms around Top’s neck and pulled him in closer, to deepen the kiss. As he was hoping, when his mouth opened, Top took the bait to push his tongue inside, and G-dragon took it between his lips, and teeth, gently on it.

The kissing somehow lead them to be lying on their sides, with the blanket thrown over them, even their heads.

“We should get some sleep.” Top finally said, breathing pretty hard as he tried to keep his own thoughts clean from other things that were threatening to take over his mind. He placed all the blame on G-dragon from here on out.

G-dragon nodded his head, feeling pretty happy as he snuggled against Top, and held his hand tightly on him. The final thought before he fell asleep was, you shouldn’t have kissed me Tabi. Because now the thought of letting go was impossible.  

Top’s mind was along the same thoughts, I shouldn’t have kissed him. Because it was going to be harder now to let go.

Yet, sleep took over, and tomorrow would be a new day.


Young Bae was walking down the halls of his mansion, towards his office. He had been anticipating G-dragons return, and already dreaming about what he was going to do with the King’s diamond, but the third day had come and gone, and there still was no sight or word from the thief.

The man had not once even told him where they were going to go meet.

He was starting to become a little angered at the thought that he had been fooled. Sighing to himself, and looking through his cell phone, Young Bae walked into his office, and the lights as he usually did. He was the only one that stayed in the mansion ever since his younger sister Minzy had decided to leave to God knows where.

But as soon as the lights , Young Bae was met with the sight of G-dragon elegantly seated at the edge of his desk, his legs crossed, and a smirk playing on his lips as he lightly hummed. How he had not heard him before he the lights was beyond him. “Oh, you’re here” he said, trying on a tough tone just so his shock was not that obvious, “I expect that you have the kings Diamond with you?”

G-dragon’s smirk grew, “Nope.”

Young Bae’s expectant face dropped, and he glared at the thief in front of him, “Then why are you here?”

“See a lot happened, and things kind of got mixed up,”

“What?” Young Bae asked. He had not been keeping up with the news, so anything G-dragon would have to tell him would all be news to him.

G-dragon tilted his head to the side, and Young Bae turned his head to see Prince Seungri and his Guard, Daesung both sitting there. Seungri was looking at Young Bae with slight awe, and Daesung simply grinned. “I give you them instead”

“What do you expect me to do with them?” Young Bae snapped, anger rising in him. “You haven’t done your Job,” Young Bae pulled a gun from within his pocket and was about to point it to G-dragon when another gun cocked, and the head of a gun was pressed into the back of his skull.

“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you,” The deep menacing tone froze Young Bae to a core, as he swallowed hard.

G-dragon smiled at him. “Let me explain everything!” he cheerfully said as he stood up.

Young Bae felt sweat already building up at his hairline as he wondered exactly what, G-dragon was about to explain to him. More importantly, who was the guy right now holding a gun to the back of his head?

As Hard as I try, I can never seem to make this chapters long XD Un, but so far, I have to say I am likign this chapter. :) What do you guys think?

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333