Chapter Five

I Don't Want To Be


Chapter Five

“What was that!?”

“I said that you’re driving like an old lady!”

G-dragon impatiently kicked his foot to the dashboard of the car. Top turned to glare at him, taking his eyes off the road, making the car speed up and wobble a bit unsteadily. Daesung and Seungri where in the back, scared for their lives when they felt the car swerve slightly to the right. Their hearts were at their throats, and all they wanted was for the two men in front to stop arguing! Top was already going at the high speed of 100 mph, but it seemed like G-dragon wanted him to kick up another 20 mph.

“Please, don’t encourage him to go faster,” Daesung cried, holding tightly onto Seungri while the prince gripped the seatbelt of the car.

“Enough already,” Top pulled out his gun and pointed it from left to right, at everyone, “I drive as I want and no more backseat driving from you,”  he stopped at G-dragon, pointing the gun at his temple.

G-dragon pouted. He crossed his arms and sat back in his seat. Again with that stupid gun. His new pretty pretty was really making things hard on him! All he had done was give a little advice. He didn’t expect the man to be so opposed to close approach.  

“Man, this is like a nightmare,” Seungri cried. “And I’m hungry, is there no where to go eat,”

Both Top and G-dragon scoffed. “No,”

Both Daesung and Seungri shared looks of disbelief. “There has to be, otherwise how are the two of you still alive,”

“You learn to live on little food,” G-dragon said. “Sometimes there’s food, and sometimes there is not. That’s the life of a criminal,”

“That’s you, I’m not a criminal,” Top scoffed.

“Yeah, but you are an assassin who has to keep low profile. You kill people. So you are a criminal whichever way you want to look at it!” G-dragon hissed.

“Top,” Daesung called, “why would you choose to be an assassin,”

“That’s none of your business,” he calmly said. G-dragon turned his eyes to Top. If there was one thing that G-dragon was, it was not discreet. He liked Top, and it was clear that he did. Top looked hot, and the fact that he was an assassin only fuel his interest in him. This man was dangerous, but that is what G-dragon liked, Danger. It was a needy thrill of his that he considered a weakness. As such, he was sure that Top was also following in his family’s business. Just like G-dragon.

They were the same.

“I’m seriously hungry,” Seungri said, “I demand that we stop somewhere for food!” he hissed.

Top glanced at him through the rear view mirror, “Do you have any money with you?” Seungri looked shocked and fell silent. No, he did not have any money with him. “I thought so,” Top mocked.

“I have money!” Daesung volunteered with a grin on his face. Both Top and G-dragon turned to glare at Daesung with disapproval.

G-dragon hummed as he sat back straight and Top went back to driving. “Fine, you two can stop for food. Come morning though, not right now. No place is open at this time,” Top shot him a glare, but G-dragon shook his head. Both knew that if Seungri didn’t get to eat he was going to complain even more.

Spoiled prince.

Either way, in a matter of hours, with a long silence, they finally made it to a small family diner off the side of the road. Neither Top or G-dragon had been here before, but they were not taking any risks. When Daesung and Seungri climbed off to go get food, they stared at Top and G-dragon as the two of them pulled on bennies and sun glances, a long with lowering their heads. “Aren’t the two of you coming along?” Daesung asked, tilting his head slight.

“No,” The two strange men answered.

“Just go get your food and make it quick,” G-dragon said, “Or I’ll have Tabi here leave you guys behind,” Top turned to G-dragon with a frown at the new nick name the white blond haired thief had come up for him. If he had the chance, he would leave G-dragon and the rest of the lot behind!

Daesung quickly nodded his head. “We can bring you something to eat.” He offered. Neither G-dragon nor Top responded as they opted for hiding their faces when a new car pulled up. Seungri, hungry and fed up tugged at his guard’s shirt and asked him to walk with him towards the restaurant and forget about the weirdoes.

The said weirdoes pretended not to hear him and kept ignoring them. Daesung nodded and left with Seungri. Once they were gone, G-dragon turned to Top, staring for a while before he leaned into his side, resting his head on Top’s shoulder. He smirked slightly when he felt Top tense, but either way, much like a cat fond of its owner he rubbed his cheek against Top’s shoulder.“Ne Tabi, don’t you think we should take pictures together,”

Whenever G-dragon touched him, Top found that his skin didn’t crawl in disgust like when it was other people. But even if it didn’t, it still bothered him some so he pushed G-dragon’s head away from his shoulder, “No pictures, why the hell would you want to create any kind of evidence,”

G-dragon pouted. “It’s not evidence, it’s for memory purposes. You know, to always remember this moment we share at the parking lot of a diner, or pictures of us trying to get the kings diamond back”

Top brought his hand up and with cupped G-dragons chin a little harshly, “No pictures,” he said in a stern voice.

G-dragon slapped his hand away and his sun glasses slid down slightly as he glared at Top. Top sat back down in his seat and decided to ignore him. Within seconds, G-dragon was back to snuggling into his shoulder, only this time hugging Top’s arms. “Then what if I draw our moments using my own kind of pictures that does not require a camera?” he offered, fluttering his eyes up at Top and hoping to get a positive respond.

Top frowned, and tried to inch away from the thief that was tightly clutching onto his arm.

Top swore that he was going to go insane.


Inside the diner Seungri and Daesung both quietly entered, unnoticed. Their hair was disheveled, and they looked terrible from their lack of sleep. Much like every other slow moving body inside. Everyone had their heads tucked into their plates, silently and slowly eating their breakfast. As they walked to the front, and Seungri only followed Daesung seeing as he had never once gotten food this way. It would seem Daesung knew what to do though, so he was relying on him to get them something to eat. “Excuse me, can we get some breakfast to go?” he asked.

The elderly waitress looked at them, “Oh my, such thin boys.” She tsked, clicking her teeth with the gum she was chewing in disapproval. “I’ll bring you boys extra big breakfasts with no extra charge,” she offered, with a slight wink and went on her way without getting their full desired order.

Both Daesung and Seungri stared after her as she moved to the back of the kitchen and barked at the man cooking on the other side for a large order of eggs, pancakes, bacon and sausage. For now, Daesung and Seungri both waited for their meals. As they waited, they noticed a blaring old looking television on the corner of restaurant. A few people seemed to be drinking hot coffee as they somberly stared at it. But now that both Seungri and Daesung settled in the slightly noisy restaurant full of plate, spoon, and cup clinks they could hear what was being said.

The Kings brother, Seungri’s uncle was on the screen. He was giving a dramatic speech about an assassin being the one that took Seungri. There was slight footage of Top with his face covered, and people running of earlier events. “I’d like to say that I will send someone honorable to kill this man, and bring the prince and the kings diamond back home!” he cried. Then he added, “Of course, to allow everyone at the shot of wealth, if anyone were to see the prince and bring him to me with the kings diamond I will gladly reward you, so this is your chance.”

Seungri and Daesung both glared at the screen with anger. That man was up to something. Neither of them have ever liked him much. The only thing that Seungri could think about was when he got his hands on the kings Diamond, and he returned to the kingdom, he would make sure his uncle was disowned. He would have the man thrown out and never allowed any where near the palace!

Some of the people there became awake and started to murmur around each other. “I’d bet I can find him,” a man boldly said. Daesung and Seungri lowered their heads, shrinking down and trying not to draw attention.

Suddenly, soft laughter filled the restaurant and everyone turned to the beautiful girl sitting on a stool. “I’m afraid none of you boys are capable of such a job.”

“Shut up CL, women like you are nothing like scum and will never amount to anything,”

Said CL glared at the man on the other side, “Really,” she hissed.  And an argument started. The waitress placed boxed orders in front of Seungri and Daesung, smiling at them. Her crinkly old face really was soft and grandmotherly like, and she mischievously winked at them.

“Well, you boys better be off,” she softly said and went on to serve more coffee to those who had finished it but still hadn’t felt the rush of the caffeine. Taking the old woman’s advice the two of them picked up their order and left.

Once they were outside, they realized they hadn’t paid-nor had they been charged.

But one thing was for certain, neither of them could tell Top or G-dragon about what they had just seen. It seems a hit had been put on Top, and on top of it all, there was a reward for Seungri’s return. That could only spell out problem for two greedy men like G-dragon and Top. Yet, when they returned to the car they found G-dragon locked out of the car and demanding from Top to open the door.

“Come on Tabi! I didn’t mean to your cheek like that, it won’t happen again. Let me in!” he banged on the door with his open palms before kicking it. “Screw you and this scrap of metal car!” he angrily growled.

“Um…” Daesung gulped, “What happened?”

“The basted locked me out just because I him!” G-dragon dramatically said. “Rejection hurts!” he dramatically sunk down on the ground.

Top closed his eyes and sighed before glancing out the window only to be faced with G-dragon’s pouting cute mouth and irresistible tear filled eyes. It wasn’t what he was expecting. There was no way he was opening the door now. Instead he turned back to the steering wheel and the engine of the car. G-dragon, Daesung, and Seungri’s faces filled with utter shock when Top started to move the car forward.

“WAIT NO!” G-dragon cried, and jumped on the hood of the car, causing Top to stop. He couldn’t believe it, the thief was clinging on the front and there was no way to see past him. Other than that, he was starting to draw attention. Taking a deep breath, he opened the window and hissed.

“Get in,”

Daesung, and Seungri quickly jumped to the back of the car. G-dragon resumed his position on the passenger seat. The thief had his arms crossed with a glare. “Don’t you ever think you can get rid of me so easily!” he hissed. Top decided to ignore him. As he was driving Daesung and Seungri both started to distribute the breakfast around.

G-dragon reluctantly took some for himself and nibbled on some before a new idea popped into his head.

Since Top was driving, he couldn’t eat. That meant that he was going to get to feed him! Grabbing a piece of pancake in between his index and thumb, he pressed a soft piece of pancake against Top’s bowed lips. Of course, this caused Top to swerve the car to the side, and onto the oncoming traffic on the other side. “What the,”

“You have to eat as well Tabi, let me feed you,” The thief was persistent.

“Get the hell away-“Top didn’t finish his sentence as pancake was quickly shoved into his mouth and then G-dragon grabbed his chin and jaw to force it closed. Top had no choice but to swallow. He glowered at G-dragon who smugly smiled. Not even the loud honking of a truck could keep Top from glaring at the mischievous thief.

“KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!” Daesung and Seungri both cried in panic. They were getting closer to the truck. There was no way out of this situation, they were going to die! Last minute though, Top swerved the car back to the other side of the road, which he was supposed to be on, and barely missed the truck. Daesung and Seungri were at the edge of their seats, gripping the seats in front of them and breathing hard as they tried to calm their panic stricken hearts.

G-dragon blinked and turned to look at them with curiosity, “What’s wrong with you guys?” he asked.

Both males glared at the white blond haired one.

They sat back and reached for their meals. “Quit bothering Top already!” Seungri hissed as he opened the foam container, and looked down at his meal. He was scared, and his appetite had subsided a little, but he was still hungry. With these two crazy criminals there was also no telling when his next meal would be, so he started eating as fast as he could.

Daesung swallowed hard and followed Seungri’s example.

G-dragon on the other hand glared at the prince, “I’m not bothering him,” he hissed, “Don’t tell me what I should or shouldn’t do either! I decided what I do,”

“I swear, you are going to get us killed,”

“I don’t get people killed, and I don’t die easy either,” G-dragon smugly explained, “SO just relax, Tabi isn’t going to kill anyone!” He smiled and turned back to the Assassin who was sternly looking out to the road and trying to ignore everyone around him. “Right Tabi?”

Top didn’t answer, but G-dragon seemed to act like Top had, and like his point had been proven as he started to eat again. Every now and then he would try to feed Top some of the food, and although Top resisted, in the end he ended up giving in and allowing G-dragon to feed him.

But god help him if he didn’t feel like he should kill him…but why hadn’t he? Why couldn’t he actually bring his gun out, point it at G-dragon, and kill him like he should have done from the moment he met him?

Why was it so hard…?


The old man, Lee Ah-Jung smirked.

There was a bounty hunter with him right now. A man that captures fugitives and he was willing to pay the price if it meant that he could mange to get the assassin killed. Not only he, but also the prince and anyone else that dared stand in his way of becoming king in the near future. He just really needed the kings Diamond to do that!

So, that is why he had hired a high class Bounty hunter, his name is Jang Hyun Seung. “I hope you realize how much this job means to me, that I need you to complete it.”

Jang Hyun Seung was silent for a moment, staring at the information in front of him. He knew who the assassin was. He had once been hired, in the past, to kill him. This man had proven he could disappear and in the end he had not been able to complete his task. What that man did leave behind though was wounds on his body. He would never how he had almost lost his life in the face of this cruel assassin. Not this time though, it was not going to happen again!

He knew he was going to find him no problem.

Curling his fingers into a tight fist and crushing the paper on his hand he bared his teeth, “Consider him dead, sir” The old man laughed and watched Hyun Seung leave.

Things were going according to plan!  

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333