Chapter Twelve

I Don't Want To Be

Chapter Twelve

“I’m telling you it’ll be just fine…if we can get to my room”

Minzy and Bom both made their way into the large estate, which was now under her older brothers, Dong Young Bae’s rule. After hearing that the kings diamond had been turned in, CL had gotten mad and stormed off to God knows where and Dara had followed her. This left both Minzy and Bom with nothing to do-other than to return back to Minzy’s old home while they figure out their next move.

Sneaking inside was proving to be easy right now. The main room was empty and that allowed them to scurry their way towards the stairs. Of course, as they were quietly making their way down the hall, a door suddenly opened and a yawning young man came into view.

They froze.

But it was too late to hide, as his eyes went wide when he saw them. “You guys look familiar,” the guy said, scrunching up his face as he tried to remember where he had seen them.

“What are you doing here Prince Seungri?” Bom angrily asked, glaring at the once again yawning young man.

Seungri glared harshly at them, stuck out his tongue and slammed the door closed in their faces. He was going back to bed. He didn’t have time to deal with women.

Minzy on the other hand clenched her hands, “What’s going on here?” she asked and Bom shrugged when another door opened, and this time it was Daesung. He of course, was more cautious, and not as forgetful as Seungri as he spotted them and cornered them. The icing on the cake was when Young Bae came to the loud arguing and chastened his sister himself, sending both of her and her friends to their room.

But this just made Daesung even more wary of Young Bae.

You fall in love with someone, but at the same time you begin to hate yourself because you can never have them. They are the wrong sort, and you just can’t bring to associate yourself with them because of your own moral beliefs. No matter how much you want to bend the rule for them, you can’t and then you start to hate them.

Hate them because they can’t be yours.

Hate them because someone else was going to try and get them-so you did the one thing that made sense in your head.

Try to kill them.

Sure it sounded as bad as some sort of tele-novela, but that is how it was for Hyun Seung as he continued to chase Top-back in the days. At first it had been all fun and games. Finally someone to give him a real challenge! But now, it was just simple torture. Because every time he tried to talk to him he’d get the cold shoulder, they couldn’t be friends, the scorn was all his, and in the end he ended up hurting him.

But that did nothing to mend the obsessive feelings in his heart.

Sadly enough it was twisted just enough to hold malice as he dedicated his main goal to be that of Top’s death. Don’t get him wrong, this wasn’t for love; this was a pure carnal lust thing—for that metallic and hypnotic red blood. Cocking the gun in his hand, he stuffed it in his holster and took one last look in the mirror, at his well picked, and impressive outfit and nodded his head.

It was time to go hunting.

“What are you trying to do?” Top asked in a very tight and controlled tone as G-dragon once again raised his head and was staring at him from his lowered position. The blond’s face was dangerously close to his crotch and the fact that he was driving was the only thing that he could use as an excuse to not get his mind into the gutter, because, truly, it was tempting as hell.

So how did G-dragon end up with his head resting on Top’s lap you ask?

Well, you see, in the middle of their journey before entering Seoul, G-dragon had had an epiphany. One Top was beginning to regret and really hate for agreeing to. But at that time he had been thinking about any means possible of how he could protect G-dragon. Now he was just vastly aghast with himself for his thoughts turning a different direction.

“I want to look at you but it’s hard from this position,”

“Oh…really G” Top scoffed, and gripped the steering wheel harshly when the blond shifted against him again. He swore the damn blond knew what he was doing! There was no ing way he didn’t know what he was doing and Top wanted to punish him for it.

“Are we almost there?” G-dragon complained, much like an innocent child would.

“I sorely hope we are,”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Look” Top said as he reached on his side and brought out a clipboard with papers. G-dragon was amazed at the sketches as he looked at them in awe.

“This is like a map of Seoul.”

“Yeah, but not accurate. We’re trying to get here so we can hide the truck,” G-dragon tilted over, and pressed his head more towards Top’s package causing the older to stifle a groan at the brush. G-dragon secretly smirked to himself but focused his attention on the drawn maps. The location that Top had chosen looked familiar to him. He caressed the image, but he couldn’t place a name to it.

“And once we hide it, what are we going to do from there?” he softly asked.

Top silently let a stream of curses go through his mind before answering, “We’re going to split up,”

“WHAT, NO!” G-dragon this time sat up, blocking Top’s view causing him to swerve the truck into the wrong lane with a startled gasp. The cars on the front of him swerved, honking and nearly caused a collision.

“Move G-dragon,” he hissed, pushing the thief away from him so he could look back on the road, and was once again traveling where he should. G-dragon pouted as he landed on the passenger seat but kept the blanket over his head.   “You’re a safety hazard you know that,” Top angrily told him, and G-dragon sank down on his seat to make sure no one would see him.

He knew that had been a dumb move, but what Top said, “I don’t want to split up, I don’t want to be separated from you,”

“G, we’re doing this so we can get the Kings Diamond back and live, so just hear me out okay. We split up, and then we meet up again at the king’s castle. Of course, they are going to see me coming, but no one will know you will be there as well. I’ll be the distraction,” Top briefly glanced at G-dragon and then back out into the road, “And you will be the one to take the diamond away,”

“Tabi, I don’t want you to get hurt!” G-dragon snapped, “Why can’t we do this together,”

“G, I’ve been doing this since I could walk! Don’t you trust me enough to know that I’ll be safe! I need you to steal that diamond and take it before anyone notices, I’ll retreat when it gets to dangerous, but please,” God help him, Top wasn’t sure when he had grown such a soft spot for G-dragon, much less beg him for something. It was there, but at the same time he feared letting G-dragon know he was that special. Top sighed as he then added, “You’re my shadow, remember?”

G-dragon on the other hand bit into his lip. His pretty-pretty was crazy. The thought made him bring his thumb to his mouth and he began to tare at his nail with his teeth. What was he going to do?


Singing, G-dragon nodded his head. “Alright, okay…when do we start this?”

“Tonight,” Top said, “We’re leaving everything in here behind; it’ll be the cause of a fire, while we escape in a new car,”

“Fire?” G-dragon asked, and Top pointed to the back of the seats.

G-dragon glanced back and his eyes widened at what he saw. Apparently they had 48 hours to pull all of this off.

Twenty minutes later, G-dragon and Top found themselves at their destination. G-dragon now realized where they were. They were in the heart of Seoul-the one building that stood at the center of it all, and there was free parking within it. G-dragon also knew the reason as to why this place was also chosen and that was because of what they manufactured here… When Top jumped out of the truck, G-dragon pulled on his own bag and followed after him. Both of them opened the back.

“You’re really going to let this go,” G-dragon asked.

Top nodded his head as he stepped inside. G-dragon followed after him and both of them picked up a couple of guns before closing down the truck again and then they left. Top left through the left opening, not saying much to G-dragon not even a goodbye. He had even barely acknowledge G-dragon as he left.

G-dragon left through the far right opening, all on the other side. It was hard for G-dragon to let Top out of his sight like this, but now it was all about trust.

The anxiety that he might never see Top again entered his mind more than once as he made his way through Seoul until he reached his rundown apartment building.  He didn’t think he would be back in this old dump any time soon, but here he was.

Sighing, he took out his laptop and turned it on, before walking towards his bathroom. He closed the door behind himself and tried to drown away his thoughts of Top and decided to concentrate on what mattered right now- The king’s diamond.

Top had never in his life trusted anyone outside of his family.

G-dragon was going to be the first.

Even then he still found himself doubting the blond haired thief and thinking of alternative solutions in case G-dragon back stabbed him. After all, he was a criminal and he was a thief-since when did that make anyone honest. Top had learned a long time ago that feelings could be misleading and more often than not got in the way of a successful mission. Not that he had ever had feelings laced into any of his missions, usually he would just witness others burn up and fail when it came to theirs.  

He was not going to be one of them- and that was also a promise that he had made with himself back then.

Pausing for a second, Top couldn’t help but to imagine how his brother would call him out on it and name him a fool. He really was one. Because, in the end who was he fooling? He had allowed G-dragon to get dangerously close to him—and scary enough his heart. The blond had wedged himself so deep already, that he could deny it all he wanted- it wasn’t going to make it any less true.

No- he rather not think about it and no- he didn’t want to say that G-dragon all of a sudden meant something to him- but there was something there. A sort of spark that seemed to inspire him and at the same time trap him- It could be G-dragon’s beautiful eyes or it could be those tempting lips and kisses he was becoming addicted to.

Top shook his head and continued to walk. What was he thinking?

Curiously glancing around himself, he found that not much had changed in the short time that he had been gone. Not that he should expect much change, although he wondered if with the fall of the king there would be one. It didn’t seem like many people were that concerned about knowing whom was ruling over them at the moment. They just went about their busy full lives.

In this usual setting, Top would stand out from a normal person. He was after all someone whom had extremely good looks- but Top just didn’t see it. Instead he did his best to blend in. Usually, it was something he could accomplish-but not this time. Because he could sense it all round him. He was being watched and it wouldn’t be surprised if he already had a target marked on his head.

Top knew how things worked, so if he was ever going to get to the palace by tonight, he was going to have to be smart about it.

Before long, he had disappeared into the crowd, like he had never been there and whoever had been keeping an eye on him cursed when they lost sight of him.

“What do you mean you lost sight of him!”

Hyun Seung roared into his cell phone, frowning deeply.

“It’s just as I said,” the man on the other line gruffly said, “He just disappeared,”

Hyun Seung huffed, closing his phone and ending the call. Seems like Top was still at the top of his game and still up to his old tricks, disappearing into a crowd was something Top was good at and although it was frustrating that he didn’t know where he was now- he was sure he knew where the man was heading.

Hyun Seung had no doubts that Top’s target would be the castle. After all, why else would the man head here? There was no question that Top already knew about the bounty hanging over his head when Ah-Jung foolishly announced it on public television. He had no doubts that the king’s younger brother was now his target.

This was no longer about the kings diamond, this was about ending someone else’s life. In a way, he didn’t care if the fat old man died, what he cared about right now was ending Top’s life.

So, he was going to play the game.

That night he would be at the palace, and he would be waiting for Top. But that was where the game stopped because he planned to kill him.

Making his way towards the castle, he counted down the minutes impatiently until his kill.

Daesung was a guard at heart- and that was proven when Minzy and Bom tried to make an escape and found themselves face to face with the brunet male. He had them corned again and rounded up to the room where Young Bae had condemned them to for the time being. “Why do you have to be so uptight?” Bom huffed as she sat down in the bed and crossed her arms.

“I’m just cautious, I don’t trust either one of you,”

“Look, all Chaerin wanted was the Diamond and maybe play with you guys. But Minzy and I really had no motive to follow you,” Bom clarified.

Minzy nodded her head before she sat beside her friend. “My brother is really mad at me now isn’t he? I bet he set you up to guard the room to not let me out. I doubt that he trusts me at all now since I ran away,” Minzy lowered her head, sadly.

Daesung was usually soft, but being the guard to Seungri for years now had made him immune to any display of sadness.

“What’s my brother up to anyways?” Minzy suddenly asked.

Daesung shrugged.

“Then what are you and the prince doing here!” she demanded.

“We were handed over to him,” Daesung said, “We aren’t exactly free right now you know. This whole mess has caused such a huge fiasco I can’t tell whom is in the right and whom is in the wrong anymore. But one thing I do know is that I will protect Prince Seungri,”

“Still doesn’t explain what my brother’s up to,” Minzy said, “after all one of the reasons that I left is because Young Bae used to be so sweet, and then he became scary and angry. I don’t know anymore.”

Daesung shrugged, “I wouldn’t know what to tell you,” he said. Then he turned and was about to leave, when Minzy called out to him.

“Can you figure out what he is up to, at the very least?” there was pleading in her tone. Daesung was so tempted to tell her no-but at the same time curiosity ate at him.

What was Young Bae after to pay Top and G-dragon such large amounts of money just for the Kings Diamond?

But while Daesung bit his lip to keep the question to himself, there was someone else whom was wondering the same thing and that happened to be prince Seungri. Now, Prince Seungri defied all the rules of what privacy and perhaps proper manners were all about. This was his own form of rebellion that his parents and even Daesung had told him time and time again might one day get him killed- but the thought didn’t even cross his mind as he came into Young Bae’s office without knocking and awed at the luxury of the room.

Young Bae whom was sipping at his afternoon tea spit it out in slight shock when the prince entered his room, elegantly dressed and looking very much curiously cute. “Who told you you could come in here?” he demanded, as he stood up and Seungri turned to look at him, hard, before turning away and roaming the room to his curiosities content.

“I believe that curiosity killed the cat, but” Seungri said as he made his way to a book shelf, “Cat’s have nine lives, don’t they?”

“You’re human, don’t compare yourself to a cat,”

“I wouldn’t, but I have stared at the end of Top’s guns for several time and never met death-not yet at least,” he said and then turned to Young Bae with a pleased smile as he walked towards him, “So at the risk of maybe ending my own life now, I just wanted to ask you- what exactly is it that you want with the King’s Diamond?”

Young Bae stayed silent, watching Seungri with a hard look, before scoffing and getting to his feet. He made to walk out of the room, but Seungri moved fast, and closed the door, blocking the path. “Afraid to talk?” he taunted, giving him a mocking look.

Young Bae bared his teeth, “I don’t have to explain my motives to a child as yourself,”

Seungri pushed away from the door and closer to Young Bae, whom took several steps back to avoid contact with him, “I am the heir to the kingdom, the next successor, do you really think I would be ignorant towards the real potential of the King’s Diamond? Do you think I’m stupid not to know that it could bring the destruction of the world, so I feel indecisive, and your heart weavers- so I ask you myself- what are your true intentions Young Bae?”

“Don’t call me by that name” Young Bae hissed.

“I’ll call you whatever I feel like”

Both of them harshly glared at each other, until Young Bae had enough. He pushed Seungri out of the way to the side, and left the room. But hot at his heels was Seungri and Young Bae found himself in a world of utter annoyance when the prince wouldn’t relent.

What was he going to do? The threat left behind by the assassin and the thief hung clear in his mind, but it was all the more tempting. He cursed Seungri off, told him to bug off, everything, but really it was grating his nerves.

He needed to get rid of the little -but how?

I know, GTop has been seperated...for how long you ask? Well, I'm not sure, I'll have to continue the story to see what happens...

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333