Chapter Four

I Don't Want To Be

Chapter Four:

Seungri was hungry, yet all he and G-dragon had done was sit around, Seungri bored out of his mind and G-dragon in front of a slick silver lap top.

Seungri let out a sigh as he watched G-dragon’s fingers fly over the keypad. The way that his pinky seemed to hit the bottom bar and how his every now and then the blond would look annoyed and pout at the thing. It was seriously starting to get tedious. What was he doing anyways? Sighing again, Seungri shifted from his position on the uncomfortable hard floor. “When are we going to eat?” he asked in a snappishly way.

G-dragon blinked and looked up. For a moment he looked at Seungri like he had forgotten that the young prince was there before he looked back down. “Oh,” he said. He pursed his lips and seemed to think. “I’ve haven’t been able to purchase any kind of food to tell you the truth, I don’t have anything to offer you…well maybe a bottled water.” G-dragon looked over to the prince, with only his sharp eyes and watched as Seungri looked at him with a pricelessly perplexed expression.

“Aren’t you a thief? Wouldn’t you have enough money to purchase what you want? Including food,”  Seungri snapped. G-dragon chuckled and shook his head.

“Not here,” he said and sadly sighed, “People here wouldn’t sell me their wooden leg if I needed it. I’d have to disguise myself just to get something.” G-dragon ran a hand through his white blond locks, “Having this kind of hair really makes people judge you, you know. They look at me like I’m not normal or something and then buying wigs is a hassle. They’re too pricey and a waste.” G-dragon then stood up, “I guess we should get going though,”

Seungri made a face, “What are we going to do about food?”

“Tch, you can survive with just water for a few days you know,” G-dragon scoffed, “It’s not going to kill you,”

Seungri groaned, but watched as G-dragon finished packing a bag. For a moment he stared at the white haired boy. He was thin, the kind of thin that was still thick enough not to be able to tell that he didn’t eat much, but still thin enough to tell you he was not healthy of weight. G-dragon could stand to add a little more meat to his bones. Yet, at the same time all he could think about was the large buffets of meals that they would have every night back at the palace. Rice, chicken, corn, smashed potatoes, and gravy. They all sounded so good right now.

Seungri wanted to go home.

“Come on, don’t just sit there!” G-dragon snapped when he noticed that Seungri wasn’t doing anything but just zoning out. “If we are going to get that Kings Diamond back we have to move now. With any luck it’s still in that truck, and that means that it won’t be too far from here,”

“How far are we talking,” Seungri asked, not fond of the idea of having to walk for hours in an empty stomach.

“Fifty miles, now come on,”

Seungri began to protest.


Daesung had dragged Top out of the kingdom, but once they were outside the reality that they had no leads became clear to Daesung. Of course, Top had only shaken his head and then led Daesung to a discreet part of town. The place was filled with people dressed in black. All of them had shaggy looking hair, sharp eyes, and some even looked like corpses walking. “Where are we?” Daesung gulped and kept close to Top whom looked extremely comfortable in this part of the village.

“The dark district,” Top answered. “Just keep your mouth shut and follow me,” he said in a tone that told Daesung that any further conversation was not welcomed. Daesung followed Top but something in his heart told him that maybe he should be running out of there. They just seemed to be going in deeper, to the creepiest part of it. Finally they made it to a small building, one that had several apartments for rent. There was a big fat older woman there. She seemed to be overlooking anyone that came in, chewing on a thick piece of sugary pink gum as she abraded her nails. The moment that the door closed behind them the older woman looked up and grinned. “Good afternoon noona,” Top said in a voice that sounded oddly soft but still so y deep.

Daesung’s mouth nearly fell as the woman giggled, “Hey kiddo, I was wondering where you had disappeared to today,” She tilted her head to the side, “New fried or special friend?” she asked, and waggled her eyebrows. Daesung was appalled by what she had just insinuated. There was no way he would ever date someone like this assassin. He could do better!

Instead of sounding indignant the assassin chuckled and shook his head, “It’s a surprise that you’ll later figure out.” He then got serious, “Noona, I’m going to be out for several days, more than usual. I don’t know when I will be back. Remember that no one comes near my room,” He winked at her. His words had been whispery and soft.

The woman blushed and then pinched the assassin’s cheek. Daesung flinched, thinking how painful her grasp on his cheek might be. “Anything for you,” she delightedly agreed. The assassin smiled at her, cat like, and made the woman seem to melt at the sight of it.

“Thank you noona!” he said and she giggled uncontrollably. Top then turned his back to her and turned to face Daesung with a look of anger and disgust on his face. It was obvious that the assassin was simply using his charm on the older woman to protect his assets while he was gone. “Come” Top said and Daesung followed. Although at the same time it seemed like he had no trust in her either. But Daesung wouldn’t doubt it. This woman was clearly infatuated with the very idea that was Top the assassin and she would do anything to protect him from even law men. Not to be with him, not for reasons of love, but the very definition that was obsession. The one thing that blinded women to protect the thing they admired the most, obsession itself!

Daesung felt panicked as they climbed up several sets of stairs, all the way to the fifth floor. Top opened the door to a small room that looked nothing but what it was. A room with a bed, and as he looked around the mess of clothes, weapons, shiny objects, bear bricks, and paper. Each piece of paper seemed to have something scribbled on it in sloppy hand writing.  Yet it was the bear brick that really fascinated Daesung. He couldn’t believe that something so kid like was in the room of a cold hearted assassin.

“Who was it that you said took the prince?” Top suddenly asked. From under the bed he seemed to have pulled a green blue lap top and started to turn it on. Daesung blinked at it, and walked over to Top. His eyes curiously locked on the lap top. He had never had on in his life, so he was always curious about them.

“I don’t think I said who….but I’m sure I recognized him! It was that notorious thief, G-dragon!”

“Notorious, you said? Must be, I’ve never heard of him,” Top said and started to type into his lap top. Daesung looked t him oddly.

“Everyone knows him; he’s most wanted in Seoul!” Daesung argued. “I know, Notorious really doesn’t seem to fit him as he is more famous, but we try not to glamorize him,”

“Hm,” Top said, his eyes focused on the screen of his laptop as he started his seaerch. Sure he had been born in Seoul, but the fact was that he was here the first five years of his life and then he traveled with his parents. Both of them had been assassins as well, and also his older brother who he rather not mention. His family was always traveling and every now and then returned to Seoul when the job called him here, but he rarely knew anything that happened here. But that was his own personal turmoil and he rather not have to explain any part of himself to this man. He was already annoying him with his constant talking and odd touchy attitude.

Top hated human contact!

“Look, I can even describe him for you! He has this odd looking blond hair, really pale, and by pale I mean his own skin is oddly pale!” Daesung took a deep breath, “He has this expression about him that is like dangerous innocence. It’s all a trick though! Yet he has stolen the hearts and lives of so many men that he has made fall in love with him! At least that is what I heard anyways, I don’t really know who he has killed, but I do know he has stolen many things. ”

Top listened to the tidbits of information on G-dragon, but focused on his own database of information. Soon enough he came down to a file long ago made about a race of thieving liars who were good at combat fighting. They all stole to survive, and some of them were even used and threatened to steal. Top scrolled down and saw multiple family names, all of them called the lost families. He then found that there was one of them still left in Seoul, but it seemed that their population had diminished as no one could beat the fight with it came to famish. He then found G-dragon’s briefing. There was nothing much about him than what Daesung had just said.

But Top wasn’t called Top for nothing! It was a challenge, and it took several guessing games, and the trying to ignore Daesung’s constant rambles, but he finally got it.

“Let’s go,” he said, moving around the room to grab a few different items. Daesung was perplexed as he watched the assassin rush behind a door, and then come out with a fresh new outfit. A black button up shirt, with neatly folded collar, and dark mesh jeans all scrunched up above his black boots. The man then added a long coat to the mix and stepped out the door. Daesung complained loudly about how Top can stand to look so cool at that crucial moment.

“Where are we going anyways!” he loudly asked.

“To G-dragon,” Top said, and he snatched his keys out of his coat pocket. Daesung followed him to a car that looked like it had seen better days. The reality of it was that a shinny car in the Dark district will be scrapped, but a rundown looking one wouldn’t even draw attention. Besides it was not the outside that mattered, it was the inside. Inside, that car had a hell of an engine and working parts of a new solid car. Both got into the car and Top started it, a smooth purr showing that the car was alive.

“How!” Daesung demanded, “How could you have already found him?”

Top frowned, “I can’t guarantee that I’ve found him, but, I have to search with what I know. And I think I know where to go.”

“You think!”

Top only nodded.

With that they both drove away. Top driving at a speed that had Daesung screaming for dear life!


G-dragon just about face palmed as he looked at the prince that he was now hired to baby sit. The lame little refused to go any further than outside and he continued to demand for food. G-dragon couldn’t tell what was wrong with this boy! There was no food and he thought that he had made that clear the moment that he said that they would not be eating tonight. In fact they might not be eating until maybe two more days from now when they walked out of Seoul and into the next town.

Well, this was just getting ridiculous.

For a moment G-dragon considered knocking the boy out, but he really didn’t want to carry the heavy weight of the prince. Especially now with how far they were going to have to walk. He didn’t even have a car! He would have gotten one, if he had only know things were going to get this complicated. G-dragon had only expected a quick brake in of, getting the diamond and running out of there for dear life and getting off scotch free.

Instead, this twisted event happened!

Instead he was at the sidewalk, with a whining prince who didn’t seem to want to listen to him.

“Fine, then just stay there,” he finally said. He was not going to beg anyone to do anything. He turned his back to Seungri and started to walk away. Seungri glared him down, wondering if G-dragon was for real. But the further G-dragon got away, the more that Seungri realized that yes, G-dragon was for real. He got up and chased after him.

“Wait, you can’t just leave me!” he called.

“Really, I find that hard to believe,” G-dragon unperturbedly said.  

“It’s the truth, and you know it.” Seungri argued, “You would have returned for me,”

“I highly doubt that,”

The two of them continued walking when all of a sudden the headlights of a car suddenly started to drive towards them. G-dragon froze, his eyes slightly wide and his heart pounding. It was late night, and no one drove down these streets this late! Why was this car heading this way? It made no sense at all.

“I think we should hide,” G-dragon said, backing up but Seungri frowned, and kept walking forward.

“Why! We’re already walking this way, why don’t we just continue,”

G-dragon gritted his teeth, “Let’s just hide, quit questioning me!” he hissed, but it was too late, the car suddenly made a sharp stop and drove across the sidewalk, in front of them, blocking their path to move further. Seungri fell down on his , fear shaking him. G-dragon on the other hand kept his guard up, wondering just who was the one to stop them.

Suddenly out of the car popped out the familiar bodyguard. G-dragon’s eyes widened slightly and a smile grew on Seungri’s face as relief flooded through him. He had not been sure if he would ever see Daesung ever again. “Daesung!” Seungri called as he got to his feet and waved.

“Prince!” Daesung cheerfully called in return.

“I’m so glad that you’re here!” Seungri cried in relief, and moved to rush towards him. Of course, G-dragon blocked his way. G-dragons eyes narrowed with slight anger. He knew that he did not need the prince anymore, but he couldn’t hand him over without knowing if his life was going to be safe. He needed the compensation “What are you doing!?” Seungri hissed, glaring at the thief once again.

“He’s not alone,” G-dragon said. Daesung moved to get near Seungri and glared at G-dragon. He did not dare move to close without knowing if G-dragon might carry a weapon or not.

“Let him go,” Daesung hissed.

Suddenly the driver door opened, letting a tall man walk out and then the door closed behind him. G-dragon’s eyes immediately locked on him, and he stared in slight awe. He was pretty and totally worth stealing! However, there was something else that G-dragon’s eyes caught and knew he had to be wary o f. There was a gun in his new pretty, pretty treasures hand. “Enough, just hand over the prince and the king’s diamond and we’ll let you off,” the man hissed, his voice deep and booming, raising his value in G-dragon eyes. But the thing G-dragon already loved was, his dark intense eyes!

G-dragon tilted his head a little, his eyes shining brightly as he looked at the new male, and then chuckled. “Sorry, but I don’t have it,” he shrugged.  

Top looked at G-dragon and eyed the stunning blond before him. Daesung had not been lying about the abnormal hair color, but at the same time, Top felt like he was staring at a bright angel. Yet, as stunning as the man was, Top was well trained to not be taken in by pretty things. They usually never turned out to be that pretty on the inside.“Where is it?” he asked again.

G-dragon grabbed Seungri around the arm and threw him to Daesung to keep him entertained. He then rushed over to the new male and looked him up and down,, shifting around. Top took a slight step back, but kept a stoic look on his face as he took in the curious blond. “You’re the assassin that killed the king, aren’t you,” he asked, but got no response. Top was also sure not to show surprised at the fact that G-dragon knew that. “Why do you want the kings diamond anyways?” G-dragon asked, his eyes innocently looking up at the tall male. Of course, a frown marred his face when the gun was suddenly pointed to his throat.

Well, that was rude, when he was trying to be nice!

“Look, that is none of your business so just-“

“Wait! We really don’t have the kings diamond,” Seungri said, slightly scared that G-dragon would be killed. As much as he really didn’t like the thief, he didn’t wish him dead either! Not anymore, he couldn’t wish anyone that fate. “This thief here was just about to show me the way to where it is!” Seungri bit his lip and added, “I want it in return and I’ve hired him for the job, please,”

Top glanced at Seungri and placed his gun down. He was hired by Daesung for the same now. After that it would be up to the other person. G-dragon on the other hand eyed the car with interest, before boldly pressing himself against Top, and wrapping his arms around his neck. Top was stunned by the move and was once again looking into the adorable face of G-dragon that he forgot to be disgusted by the sudden contact.

The boy was just to paralyzing beautiful.

“Say, why don’t I show you where it is, and you drive us there. Although I can’t promise you that I’ll hand it over to you, the kings diamond is obviously important to the  prince. We can work together to get the diamond though,” The white blond offered.

Both Daesung and Seungri watched G-dragon in utter disbelief as he started to pull on the assassin’s cheeks, and making kissy noises. It chilled them to the core at the thought of what could happen to him, especially when he pocked the assassins cheek. Top was taken aback, but soon enough had enough and pushed G-dragon off, giving an annoyed look. The other two flinched, expecting the worse now.

“Didn’t you want me to kill him?” Top asked, as he pointed his gun once again to G-dragon, but this time to his forehead. G-dragon pouted, huffed, and crossed his arms as he threw a glare to Daesung once again. Getting a gun pointed at him was not fun at all.

Daesung quickly reacted, “No! The prince is safe, you don’t have to kill anyone, please don’t kill him!” he quickly said, not fond of the idea of witnessing a murder before his very eyes. Especially not in front of Seungri, the boy was too young. Instead, he swallowed, but one look at Seungri told him that yes, he should agreed, “Let’s do as the thief says, let’s work together and then settle or differences on the Kings Diamond. We are willing to pay you any price so you overlook your other missions and follow through with ours! Please” Daesung pleaded, bowing down.

G-dragon and Top looked at him for a few minutes, each one of them thinking over their own wicked thoughts.   

“Whatever,” Top finally said; placing his gun away he moved to get back into his car. G-dragon turned to look at him and giggled before he turned to the others with a wink. “Get in,” Top hissed as he slammed the door closed, the annoyed look never leaving his face. Seungri and Daesung quickly got into the back seat. G-dragon had called the passenger seat, not that anyone was going to fight him on it, Top was scary as hell, but also because he was the only one that knew the way to the Kings Diamond’s current location.   

Once G-dragon was seated, he made himself extremely comfortable. He was already thinking of ways to get under the Assassin’s skin. Top started the car. But of course, the white blond haired boy only turned to the assassin, staring at him for a long while before he finally asked, “So, what do they call you?”

Daesung and Seungri could only hope that G-dragon didn’t get them killed.

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333