Day 14: Kyuhyun.

15 days with Super Junior ♥

Jae-Min woke up the next day feeling sad like yesterday. This was the last date she is having with the last Super Junior member before she had to pick who she is going to choose to spend the weekend with. Even though she already knew who she is going to pick (which might change a little after her date with Kyuhyun), she is going to feel really bad of the other members she didn’t pick. She suddenly got a text from the producer that her last date with Kyuhyun will be in an hour’s time. She quickly got washed and changed when someone knocked on her door. ‘They are a bit early…’ Jae-Min thought to herself and opened the door to reveal the camera men again.

“Let’s go or else you and Kyuhyun will have to wait in a long line to get in.” a staff told her, fixing her make up a bit and tugging her out of her house. Jae-Min didn’t bother to ask where she was going as she stepped in the waiting car which pulled out of the drive and hurried to their destination.

“Hope you had fun with the boys in the past few days, Jae-Min shiie.” a staff said.

“I did. I’m really sad that it’s coming to an end soon.” Jae-Min pouted at the camera, “Every single one of them are such gentlemen..” Just as she began to look back at her dates with the other members in the past few days, the car had idled to a crawl and finally into a stop in front of:

“We’re going to a theme park?” Jae-Min cried excitedly as she got out of the car in a hurry. It has been a long time since she went to a theme park due to her studies etc. She looked around for Cho Kyuhyun but he was no where to be found.

“I hope you like roller coasters.” she suddenly jumped at the voice that spoke, turned around and came face to face with Kyuhyun. He had a sly grin on his face with his hands buried deep in his jean pockets.

“Oh- you surprised me oppa!” Jae-Min squeaked.

“Mianhaeyo,” Kyuhyun apologized, “So, I hope you don’t have much stuff to carry around cause we’re going on every single ride possible!”

“Even the roller coasters?” Jae-Min swallowed hard.

“Ne, you’re not scared are you?” Kyuhyun raised one eyebrow at her in an evil way, “Because you are just a little scaredy cat like Ryeowook hyung…”

“I am so not a scaredy cat, Cho Kyuhyun.” Jae-Min pouted. Kyuhyun chuckled and turned to the camera who was filming them. “Viewers I.e.: GAMERS! Welcome to Cho Kyuhyun’s date with Shim Jae-Min at the theme park! Gaja!” He punched the air with his fist and tugged Jae-Min’s arm towards the theme park entrance. Jae-Min laughed at his cute dorkiness and tried to match his quick pace as they got in the theme park without even lining up or paying. She guessed that it was because Kyuhyun was a big superstar and can get anything he wants.

“Where shall we go first oppa?” Jae-Min asked.


“But that’s not a ride! You said we’re going on all the rides.” Jae-Min cried.

“I know, we’ll go on the rides after but we shall go to the arcades first as there are games. LOTS OF GAMES!” Jae-Min rolled her eyes at him as this was quite typical of him to want to do as he was the member who always plays computer games like a geek. Kyuhyun put his hands back in his pockets while he waited for Jae-Min to catch up with him. They turned to their left where the first arcades was which was not full as it was still a little early. The camera followed them as usual and Kyuhyun went over to excitedly to a basketball hoops game.

“Can you shoot?” Kyuhyun smirked down at Jae-Min.

“Of course.” Jae-Min smiled.

“I would like to see you try.” Kyuhyun chuckled darkly as he put some coins into the game coin slot and 3 balls came coming towards Jae-Min who caught one, ready to throw in the hoop. “Get these three balls in and I’ll buy pizza.”

“What if I lose?” Jae-Min asked.

“Well, that’s easy! You buy the pizza.” Kyuhyun winked, “Off you go, Shim Jae-Min.” Jae-Min inhaled deeply and was ready to throw her first ball when the hoop suddenly started to move around. Hr eyes bulged as the hoop that kept on moving made It harder for her to score.

“How am I supposed to-”

“Did you think it was that easy?” Kyuhyun grinned evilly.

“Now I understand why you are called Evil Kyu.” Jae-Min shook her head at him.

“This what I always do to my hyungs to make them buy me free pizza.” Kyuhyun smirked, “So far, I owe them 450 won of pizza.” Jae-Min looked a the moving hoop and looked back at Kyuhyun. She must not let herself lose so she can buy the evil magnae pizza. She has to win. She let out a little smirk and shot, her right leg flicking behind her as she jumped. The ball shot straight into the moving hoop. Kyuhyun’s eyes bulged a little.

“Beginners luck.” he scoffed and passed her another ball. Jae-Min’s smirk deepened as she shot once more and scored. Kyuhyun’s jaw dropped a little as Jae-Min took the last ball confidently from his hands.

“Get ready to take your wallet out. You’re treating me some pizza.” Jae-Min winked and once again, scored, her leg flicking up again. Kyuhyun looked at her in disbelief. He just lost to a girl He had to buy her pizza now.

“Beginners luck.” he repeated again, narrowing his eyes a little at her.

“Aw come on! You can’t really let a girl buy pizza on your first date with her right?” Jae-Min grinned from ear to ear. “What game next, oppa?” Kyuhyun grinned.

“A game that I am sure to win.” Kyuhyun said confidently and walked over grabbed her hand and took her to a dance mat game. “I’m DancingKyu and I am ready to compete against you.” Jae-min laughed at his roll calling like voice he put on and watched him put in some coins again and a club song came on and the dance mat on the floor started to flash neon lights.

“Ready?” Kyuhyun asked. “Talk and dance.” They then started to dance. Kyuhyun didn’t mind people staring at them dance while Jae-Min just moved her feet to the beat on the flashing mat. She watched in awe at Kyuhyun who danced really confidently and well in front of her.

“Not a dancer? Eunhyuk told us all that you was.” Kyuhyun said, “Dance with me, Jae-Jae!” Kyuhyun grabbed her hand and twirled her around. She giggled back and let herself loose and have fun with Kyuhyun. He had the highest points out of all of them and Kyuhyun who show off in front of her while talking about his musical The Three Musketeers and what the other members had been saying about her.

“They absolutely love you, Jae.” Kyuhyun said while doing a double take on the dance mat. “Oh look! I won! YES! DANCING KYU RULES!” Kyuhyun did a triumphant dance while some of his fans were clapping for him and calling out his name. He waved at them which made them all squeal with delight that their bias had noticed them. Jae-Min looked around the place and found a guitar hero game and grinned.

“Do you play guitar?” she asked Kyuhyun who was breathing heavily.

“Err… Yes?” Kyuhyun said, sounding a little unsure of himself.

“Let’s play guitar hero oppa!” Jae-Min squeaked like a little child wanting some candy floss. “Let’s see your guitar skills.”

“But Jae-Jae…” Kyuhyun pouted cutely, “I want to go on the roller coasters now. Plus I am no Guitar Kyu.” Jae-Min laughed at him and linked her arm with his which he offered for her to take. “I hope you haven’t eaten yet cause we’re going to the biggest ride they have here.”

“Does it have upside down-”

“Loops, twist, turns and drops you name it.” Kyuhyun waggled his eyebrows at her as she gulped, “But don’t you worry, I’ll hold your hand if you like.” Once again, they didn’t have to go on the growing line but just stepped in to the fast track line and got in the first coaster they can find. The camera crew put on a small cam in front of them safely while the theme park staff strapped on Jae-Min and Kyuhyun securely. Kyuhyun looked at his belts on his body and checked every single bit of it by pulling it to check if it was secure. He then glanced over at Jae-Min who looked petrified as the ride began to move slowly up a steep train of tracks.

“Jae-Jae?” Kyuhyun said. Jae-Min looked and saw his hand out for her to take which she gladly accepted and held onto for dear life while Kyuhyun chuckled and relaxed. “Jae?”

“Ne?” Jae-Min’s voice shook.

“Try not to scream so much.” just as he said that, they dropped like lightning, a shrill scream escaping from Jae-Min’s mouth as Kyuhyun laughed and moved his hands about like he was at a party, a dorky grin plastered onto his face as Jae-Min squeezed her eyes shut and clung onto his hand she was holding, her long nails stabbing onto his skin. The ride ended after a few more seconds (the ride was that quick but Jae-Min thought it went on forever!) and Kyuhyun tried to shake Jae-Min’s hand off his.

“Yah! Magnae on top is in pain here!” Kyuhyun prodded her on the cheek, “My hand! Argh! Pins and needles. Oh no~ pins and needles!” Jae-Min opened her eyes and inhaled deeply as she looked at Kyuhyun.

“Mianhe oppa. I didn’t mean to~” she apologized numerous times but Kyuhyun pretended that he was angry and began to sulk/pout.

“I hate you…” he pouted at Jae-Min.

“oh oppa, don’t be like that! I didn’t mean to hurt your hand!”

“You left nail marks on my knuckles!” Kyuhyun started to scoff and then a smile beamed, his laughter not being able to be contained, “Joking. I didn’t know you was scared~”

“Well, it was either I squeeze your hard like that or I pee myself…” Jae-Min blushed. For the rest of the day at the theme park, Kyuhyun took her to all sorts of rides, from roller coasters, to tea cup rides and to water rides with the camera men watching them and the staff laughing along with their silly antics on the ride. After they were drenched from their last water ride, they walked to a shop where they sell souvenirs.

“Take your wet cardigan off,” Kyuhyun said as he picked up 2 blue hoodies; one for Jae-Min and one for him. One of the staff took Jae-Min’s cardigan off her hands as Kyuhyun paid for the hoodies.

“We look like a couple.” Jae-Min sniggered as Kyuhyun helped her put the hoody on.

“Oh you’d like that won’t you.” Kyuhyun smirked at her. They were both wearing the same hoody and then they walked to a pizza hut where Kyuhyun bought some pizza for both of them to share.

“Cheese pizza. You like cheese pizza right?” Kyuhyun asked just to make sure.

“I eat anything, oppa.” Jae-Min answered. Kyuhyun and Jae-Min chatted to each other while eating their shared pizza and diet coke together with two straws. He told her how Sungmin laughed so much when he was asked to drink coke with Kangin which was caught on camera. Kyuhyun even sang a bit of Hope Is a Dream That Doesn’t Sleep for her. It was so beautiful in Jae-Min’s ears. She enjoyed every minute of her time with Kyuhyun as it was the last date she will having. Soon enough, it was time to go as Kyuhyun had a rehearsal for his musical and would have to leave early to get ready as it was a dress rehearsal.

“Hope you have a good rehearsal oppa and work hard okay?” Jae-Min told him as he walked her to her waiting car.

“I will I promise,” Kyuhyun nodded, “And you Jae-Jae,” he tapped her on the nose, “Remember to think about picking me tomorrow okay? Give it a thought cause everyone knows that this is the best date so far.” he winked straight at the camera while Jae-Min slapped him softly on the arm.

“Oppa is so big-headed.” Jae-Min teased, “See you tomorrow.”

“You will indeed, Shim Jae-Min. I had fun today, thank you.” Kyuhyun kissed her cheek, shut the door and waved, “Also remember, you owe me pizza!” When Jae-Min heard that she laughed out loud and waved goodbye to him. She only had one thing left to do now. To decide who to choose tomorrow. The days had gone far too quick for her and the past few days was a blur bit she can remember everything that had happened with the members. She smiled to herself when she reviewed every single date she had.

“So have you made your mind on who you are going to choose on Day 15?” a staff asked her in the car.

“Yes, I think so.” Jae-Min smiled. “I think I am ready to say who it is tomorrow.” J

Author's Note:
So if you are Jae-Min, who would you pick on Day 15?

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Chapter 13: It's so adorable x___x <3
MinkiChan #2
Whee! I would've picked Sungmin, Kyuhyun, or Kibum :DDD
shinee3 #3
i meant omo silly me~ anyway soo happy her donghae got together after! yay
shinee3 #4
omk i loved this story soooo much! it helps me know the mebers more!
thanks for writing soo much!
Who I might have chose(Not in order):
I just finished your story and wah~ I loved it. I think I would've chosen Donghae too, because he's my bias and it was such a cute date they had. ^-^ But oh well, I loved the date she had with Siwon too. I actually loved all the dates she had with the members, hehe (: Gonna read the sequel soon. <3
jestered #9
donghae-aahhhhh <3333
So sweet!! Gonna go read the sequel now~~~~ woohooo!!!