Chapter 07

How SM Town Changes One's Life


3 days after Luhan discovered Beis and Lay all most kissing each other. No one of them dare to mention something about it, they all just pretending as if nothing had happened before. Because Lay and Beis are the One  who lost at the Gaii-Baii-Boo game

(Scissor-Paper-Stone Game) they to must paired up and clean the whole dorm + cooking for the others while they happiely going shopping outside!

All most everything were finish and clean, now Beis just have to cook something, because Lay can't Cook.



Hhhhmm what should for food should I Cook...Italia food,Thai food or German food! Well, I think I should Cook German Food I'm sure they've never eaten it before...Good then German Food!

Roast Beef Stew (Sauerbraten) or Pork knuckle (Schweinehaxe)???


Roast Beef Stew (Sauerbraten):


Pork knuckle (Schweinehaxe):

Hmmm...ok lets Cook Roast Beef Stew, because it's easier cook than Pork knuckle, and didn't need too much time. So I cooked Roast Beef Stew. When I were done cooking I placed all the plates at the dinning table...and went back to was the dirty dishes, before the other will come. I was all most done but unfortunately as I washed the knifes...I accitentally cut into my index finger.

"Ouuuuch!", i groaned in pain.

" You silly Girl, what did you done again let me see!", Lay that arrogant chick scolded at me.

" Non of your damn business !", I yelled at him...1part coz' of the pain and in the other Part coz' I hate when people called me Silly.

" I see still have the power to yelling ae?", he said and pressed his Finger against the cutting area, I've Cut my finger.

"Oouuuuuuch!",I whine.

He then grabbed my wrist and let water clean Out the blood on my Index Finger a bit, then he went somewhere and came back with a patch. He covered my wound with it and then the Exo boys come back.



I Sat on the couch in the living-room as I was finish with cleaning the bathroom. The smells of food make me went to the dinning table which is near the kitchen. I wonder what that is for dishes, it Looks damn good and smells really delicious.My train of thought was distrubed by a load goan from Beis. Actually I was really worried about her, but for the matter of fact I must keep cool and acting like I didn't even worried.

"You silly Girl,what did you done again, let me see!", I scolded at her while making my Way toward her.

"Non of your damn Business!",she yelled at me. 

" I see still have the power to yelling ae?", I said and pressed my Finger against the cutting area. 

"Ouuuuuch!", she whine. I don't know why I did that but!!! Whatever the next thing I did...I was the blood off her Finger and got a patch and placed it at the wound and then the boys came back from their Shopping tour.



"Hey guys we're back!"

Xiumin:" Hhhmmm food ...was is it, it's smells damn good!"

Beis:" German tradional food Roast Beef Stew or in German Sauerbraten!"

Tao:" Awww noona can cook German dishes  and speak I never knew you can speak German!"

Beis: " Uhmm, well I've lived and learned in Germany ,before I went to study in America!"

D.O: "Noona you're amazing... but what with these speacial food?"

Beis:"Err.. well not-" was cut off by Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang: " Happy Birthday Beis!!!" *with a cake in his hand

Luhan/Chanyeol/Suho: " Today is your Birthday,Beis???"

Mr.Kang: " You guys didn't know these!"

Exo shook their head in unison.

Sehun:" Noona, Happy Birthday...sorry I've no present for you,I didn't know it's your Birthday today!!!" * hugged Beis really tight

Beis:" I-It's ok Sehunniee....but can you please let go off me ...I c-can't breath!" *Sehun immedialtely let go and said sorry

Kris/Baekhyun/Chen:" Since it's your Birthday today ... lets go party tonight, we Exo will throw it for you!"

Beis:"Well thanks you guys but-"

Luhan:" No but!, We'll go party tonight!"

Beis sign: "Ok, lets eat before the food that I prepare get cold!"

Exo: "Yeahhh Party!!!"

Lay on the other hand just remind silence.



Oh today it's her Birthday that's why so speacial food...I must admit it's really delicious. Somehow I felt sorry for my bad behavoir toward her...I don't know why but everytime I tryed to be nice it turns out other way my heart says something and my body did an other thing...this it so complicated to understand !!!



So all you guys were eating. After finish eating and clean up the dishes:

Beis asked Baekhyun:"Hey uhmm...since we're going to party could  my childhood chingun come too? 

Baekhyun: " Sure why not?" and the other Exo boys nodded in agreement

Beis:" Ok...thanks you guys then i'll go to call Kim Hyun Joong!"

Suho:" Y-you mean Kim Hyun Joong from Boys over Flower?"

Beis: "Yeah why?"

Suho:" Nothing just eeek he's damn famous and party with us, wow my dream comes true!"

Beis giggle and went to call HyunJoong.

Lay mumble to himself: "What that Kim Hyun joong again!!!

Tao: " Lay ge what did you say!"

Lay:"What? nothing!"


---------End of Chapter------

Sorrrrry these Chapter is extramly lame !!! 

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Chapter 28: when will you update???
LuCia13 #2
Chapter 28: I hope lay isn't cheating on her:)...
Chapter 16: It a good Chapter!
LuCia13 #4
Chapter 27: This story is not like I thought it will be.
Chapter 26: This is getting more and more interesting!!! Please update again soon!!! I love this~~ :3
Kiseop_lover #6
Chapter 26: omg I read all the story in one day cause I thought it was fantastic to be quite honest. Please update soon unnie <3333
LuCia13 #7
Chapter 25: Sounds like a good beginning;).
Chapter 25: Yay! you updated!!
Chapter 25: Ghaaaaaaaaa!!! Update again quickly author-nim!!! :3