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Chapter 13


Their Story: (Background)

Junhyung was Jiyoon’s sunbae in high school. Junhyung gives off the ‘dare me and I will f-ck you up’ look so no one ever approaches him in school, except for Joon and Seungho. There were complications at first but they settled it like real [i]boys[/i], with their fists. He had one ex-girlfriend during freshman year when rumours broke out that he’s a playboy who hits girls, making him the hottest issue even until now. He never had a girlfriend since.


Seungho and Jiyoon, like mentioned in Chapter 2, have been friends since middle school. They met at a piano school and then met again in high school.


Joon and Gayoon have been dating since the girls’ sophomore year.


Even with all these ‘connections’ the two brushed off each other until they met at Cube. They started interacting with each other when they were paired up to do collaboration on one of Shinsadong Tiger’s first ever composed songs, Superman.  [i]OTL I can’t find the very first songs he composed >.< let’s just pretend it’s Superman – Mario I love that song!!![/i]


-Jiyoon’s POV-


Finally done…. No, OFFICIALLY done high school! YOSH! Now I don’t have to see Sanghyun and that teacher everyday. La la la la la la la ~ Oh! I should probably tell Seungho I’m done high scho-


“Yah, are you planning on standing here all day?” Junhyung grabbed my hands and pushed me in the front seat of his car.


“Where are we going?”


“It’s a surprise,” he smirked and then shut the door.


I took out my phone and held onto it, I have to text Seungho today, no matter what. Junhyung drove off, with Gayoon and Joon in the backseat playing red hands with each other. I kept quiet trying to write out ‘text Seungho’ on my to do list in my mind.


“Why are you so quiet?” Junhyung watched my face and then dropped his gaze to my hands clutching on my phone. “Waiting for a call?”


“Eh- no- what?”


“from who?” he looked over to my side.


“Eyes on the road, mister!”


“Well head over here, miss!”


“Are you two having a lover’s quarrel?” Joon teased from the backseat.


We both turned to his direction and yelled in unison, “shut up!”


“EYES ON THE ROAD AHJUSSHI!!!” I pounded on his lap and faced the road.


-3rd Person’s POV-


Junhyung focused on the road while Jiyoon finally texted Seungho. A few minutes later her phone rang. Junhyung flinched as he peeked at her caller ID but didn’t say a thing. Jiyoon glanced at him and decided to just take the call.


“CHUKHAHAE!!!!!!!!” Seungho screamed as soon as she picked up. His scream was overheard by everyone, Joon and Gayoon stopped whatever they were doing to look at Junhyung, who was forcing a nonchalant look.


“Hul! You’re so loud” Jiyoon perked up, “you coulda just texted back you know……”


(“Psh! But you won’t hear my ‘congratulations’ if I texted it”)


“Pffft. What the heck!”


(“Aren’t you gonna buy me dinner!?”)


“Yah! I graduated, shouldn’t you be buying me a gift?”


(“Grad isn’t til October though…………………”)




(“Come out, let’s celebrate!”)


“Quit yelling! I’m out with…………………………” she glanced over at Junhyung, “Junnie”


(“Oh so it’s true, you two really got back together?”)


“Eung~ I’ll talk to you later. Remember my graduation gift, you jerk!”


(“I know~ I know~ Enjoy! Call me later!!!”)


Jiyoon hung up and put her phone in her bag. She stole a quick peek at Junhyung but he was still and sort of stiff. Joon and Gayoon remained quiet the whole remaining ride to the resort.


Junhyung pulled over and parked by the road. Without looking at Jiyoon, he got off and opened the car’s trunk to get their stuff. Joon and Gayoon followed him in a second. Jiyoon sighed and got off.


“”JIYOON AH!!! IT’S THE BEACH!!! THE BEACH!!! It’s summer!” Gayoon jumped up and down, Joon tossed Jiyoon a bag


“What’s this?”


“Swimming wear and a change of clothes ^^~”  Gayoon replied to her. “I bought them by myself, don’t worry” she eyed Junhyung, “let’s go change!”


Jiyoon looked at Junhyung, “you guys, go change too…………….” Junhyung bowed his head a little to the side agreeing with what she said.


-At the Girl’s Changeroom-


“Yah! Why did you have to talk to Seungho? You know Junhyung’s still not over the fact that you slept over at Seungho’s”


“Whose fault is that- Okay nevermind, don’t answer that. But still, I want him to just get over it……. He’s my best friend, nothing less, nothing more.”


“But your boyfriend……….is one jealous baby,” Gayoon went inside a stall.


Jiyoon did the same, “I know~ Don’t worry, he won’t spoil the mood. I’ll take care of it.”


“You better…..”


“YAH! WHAT KIND OF CLOTHES ARE THESE?! THESE ARE UNDERGARMENTS!” rustling could be heard from both stalls, Gayoon came out first.


“Oh my god, you are so embarrassing. Did you really have to yell? Get out here, let me see!”


Gayoon was wearing a skull tattoo print swimsuit while she had a towel draped over her shoulders. She had her hair up in a messy bun with a little of her bangs hanging on both sides of her face.

Jiyoon walked out wearing a blue and white stripped bikini top and bottom. It suited her skin tone and body well, but the look on her face tells Gayoon that she’s not so happy about it.




“What?! It looks good on you!”


Jiyoon took out the jeans shirt Gayoon got her from the bag and put it on, “I hate you”


They got out the changeroom and found their boyfriends standing by an ice cream stand. Both were wearing beach shorts. Joon wore his with a wife beater, which complimented his abs. While skinny Junhyung wore his shorts low, slightly showing his boxer shorts, with a white wife beater and an extra-large sleeveless shirt (what he was wearing @ the encore concert’s closing performance) over it. [i]sorry lol had to add some more swag… OTL BAMF JUNHYUNG IS BAMF[/i]


“Whoa, hello there~” Joon walked up to Gayoon and put her arms around her shoulders.


Junhyung stiffened up. Jiyoon walked up to him and nudged him. She pouted, “…………….” He frowned. She smirked, then walked away. Gayoon shot Junhyung a look and ran after her.


“Jiyoon! Wait up…………….. god why are these two such a dramatic couple”


“I heard you!”


“Psh… Where are you going?” Gayoon caught up to her and looked at what Jiyoon was pointing at, jet skis.




Jiyoon nodded and they raced to where the rental people were.


The guys looked at each other worried then ran after them.


“Argh, why do you have to be so grumpy all the time?” Joon pushed Junhyung slightly. Junhyung sped up and caught the girls.


“Hold on-” Junhyung grabbed Jiyoon’s hands while he panted.


“This guy needs to exercise more” Joon slammed his body beside Gayoon then caught her by the waist when she was knocked out of balance; “sorry brakes didn’t work” he laughed. Gayoon slapped his arm.


“I’m sorry…….” Junhyung blurted out and then pulled Jiyoon away from the other couple, “we’ll be back you guys go first~” He slid down his hands from her wrist to her hand and continued to drag her behind him. Jiyoon shook his hand off her; he looked back but didn’t stop walking. She pulled her furious look out and slowed down.


“/whistle/” a topless guy stopped a few feet away from Jiyoon. She made a disgusted sound and continued to walk after Junhyung.


“Miss! Are you alone?”


“Go f-ck yourself! I’m not in the mood………..”


“Whoaaa! Fierce, hey there~” the guy charged at her, she glanced at him and saw a few more coming from behind him, all cheering. “Would you mind spending the day with us? Let’s have some fun and get rid of that f-cked up mood of yours ………”


Junhyung came up and shoved Jiyoon behind him, “YES I WOULD F-CKING MIND.”


“Did you guys hear something?” the guy mocked him.


As if on cue, the rest of the Cube fam and their friends showed up. “We did, CLEARLY” Doojoon stood beside Junhyung and the rest stayed behind.

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Kyla19 #1
Please update soon.....
Lattice #2
Chapter 16: Massive update alright? lol
Nice updates :DD
Lattice #3
Chapter 14: lol, it wasn't that confusing, don't worry :)
Awwww, Junhyung is such a cute bf~~~

Now, about the questions...
Name: Nana
Age: 20's
Lattice #4
Chapter 12: beach quarrel!! LOL! XD
Lattice #5
Chapter 8: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~ ><
Lattice #6
I've subscribed a while ago but didn't have time to read it until now, and I have to say that I really really like it :)
I'll be waiting for the next chapter ^^
meldouche #7
now i understand
sweetestchocol8 #8
@meldouche and technically he didn't. jiyoon did.
sweetestchocol8 #9
@meldouche because junhyung was being a girl lol. please refer to chapter 4 (Junhyung's POV)
meldouche #10
why did he break up with jiyoon if he still loves her ?