Let's get to know each other gaiiissse. Tell me on the comments, how old are you all guys?



Chapter 12


(2 days later)


Jiyoon entered her classroom cheerfully, barely making it on time. “Gayoon~ah!!!”


“Jiyoon~ah!!!” Gayoon shot up from her seat from across the room and greeted Jiyoon with the same amount of enthusiasm.


“IT’S FRIDAYYYY!!!” they both ran towards each other and hugged.


“We’re done summer school. We’re officially done high school!” Jiyoon jumped around gaining looks from their classmates.




“How dare the two dumbos of the class celebrate? Are you two even sure you passed?”


Jiyoon scoffed at the smartest kid in class, Sanghyun, “oh go f-ck your non-existent life and leave us alone~”


The girls walked back to their seats and continued their chat.






“Ew! No thanks.” Jiyoon protested.


Gayoon rolled her eyes and faced the front as the teacher walk in.


The teacher cleared his throat and passed down blank papers, “write an essay about your future. Keep it simple and neat. No worries, this is just for bonus marks, some of you desperately needs it” he eyed Gayoon and Jiyoon. Sanghyun laughed.


The two both wrote about their continuous training, debut, solo concert, solo stage and so on. They wrote their goals, dreams and how they plan to achieve them. After a half an hour of writing, Jiyoon got up and submitted her essay, Gayoon followed suit. Sanghyun lifted his head wide-eyed and then went back to rush his essay.


Jiyoon slumped on her desk and watched the clouds go by. An hour later, after making sure everyone has submitted their papers, Gayoon tapped Jiyoon’s  arm, “yah~ what did you write about?”


“Oh? Us! You?” Jiyoon beamed.


“Heh, same” Gayoon grinned and rested her chin on Jiyoon’s desk, “do you think we’ll actually be able to do it?”


“Yah! Hong papa promised!”


“Yeah but what if-”


“No buts and ifs, Heo Gayoon. NO BUTS AND IFS!”


“Pft, you sound like Hong papa!”


“Hahahaha! That’s my personal talent~” Jiyoon winked while Gayoon laughed.


Their little exchange was interrupted when the teacher both called them up front.


“Ye? Saem?” Gayoon spoke up.


“I noticed you two wrote the same thing…” the teacher took out Gayoon’s and Jiyoon’s papers from the rest. Jiyoon twitched hearing Sanghyun hiss ‘cheaters’.


“Yeah, so?” Jiyoon blurted out firm and clear.


“These are great dreams, but I hope you two will find a more realistic goal before you end up regretting everything”


Sanghyun laughed at the teacher’s comment making Jiyoon clench her fists trying to hold her anger. Gayoon stood there teary-eyed.


“You can take these back and just so you know, you two still brought the class average down.”


Gayoon couldn’t take it anymore, her tears started flowing at her teacher’s words. Jiyoon knew that he was just plainly picking on the two of them for the heck of it. He’s been doing it since the first day of summer classes. She snapped and slammed her palms on the teacher’s desk and took all the other essays.


She straightened herself up and pulled a calm composure, “a doctor, teacher, and a lawyer? Typical. To walk on the surface of the moon, that’d be nice. A space commander? …………………………….A power ranger? Are you f-cking me?” Jiyoon leaned in to get a closer look on her teacher’s calm face and shook her head. “Really? Really?” she walked over to Sanghyun’s desk and threw all the essays to his face.


“What the f-ck did I do to you?” Sanghyun shot up from his seat and grabbed Jiyoon’s wrist.


“Let go of-”


“Miss Jeon, go to your seat, you too, Miss Heo” the teacher instructed them.


Jiyoon walked back to her seat and grabbed hers and Gayoon’s things, “let’s go” she continued to the door Gayoon following after her.


“Class is not done yet,” Sanghyun caught up to them and blocked the door. The other 5 students watched in pure entertainment.


“Let them go, we’re almost done anyways” the teacher gave permission to the girls.


“No, saem. WE are not done yet.” Sanghyun took Jiyoon’s chin with his index finger and made her look up to him.


“Pft. What we? There is no we. I don’t  know you” Jiyoon slapped his hands off and pushed him out of the way. To her surpise, behind Sanghyun was her very own boyfriend, Junhyung. “W-what…….”


”JOOOON!!!” Gayoon ran from behind Jiyoon, past Sanghyun and Junhyung, and dove into her boyfriend’s arms.


Junhyung smiled at Jiyoon, “surprise?” she shifted her gazed from Junhyung’s eyes, to Sanghyun’s. She gave him a ‘you-better-run-b-tch’ glare. Junhyung followed her gaze and beaming lasers went shooting at Sanghyun who mumbled ‘sunbaenim’ in return.


“Who’s this?” Junhyung stepped in the classroom towards Sanghyun when Jiyoon caught his shirt, “trust me, it’s not worth it.” He turned and put his arms around Jiyoon’s waist. They walked out.


Jiyoon released herself from Junhyung and just continued to walk beside him. He gave her a confused look, “sorry, that scene back there, was just too much like a manga~ it’s giving me the creeps”


Junhyung laughed, “you read waaaaaaaaay too much mangas! Is that why you almost failed summer school?”


“Yah! How much did you hear? Were you watching the whole time?”


“Sort of…”


“What the h-ll! Didn’t even bother saving our asses! What kind of boyfriends are you two!” Jiyoon threw Gayoon’s bag at Joon hitting him at the back of his head.


“Sorry! Like you said, it was like a manga, I was enjoying it too much, I couldn’t move an inch…… You’re a heroine Jiyoon!” Joon laughed and gave Gayoon a squeeze.


She looked at Junhyung who in return just smirked and took her hand.


“What are two doing here so early anyways?”


“Told you we’re going at the beach~” Junhyung pulled her closer.

Gayoon ran towards the gates of the school, “bye high school!!!!!!!!!!!”


Junhyung stuck his tongue out and ran towards Joon and Gayoon, “yah! Jeon Jiyoon! Say bye to high school!!!”



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Kyla19 #1
Please update soon.....
Lattice #2
Chapter 16: Massive update alright? lol
Nice updates :DD
Lattice #3
Chapter 14: lol, it wasn't that confusing, don't worry :)
Awwww, Junhyung is such a cute bf~~~

Now, about the questions...
Name: Nana
Age: 20's
Lattice #4
Chapter 12: beach quarrel!! LOL! XD
Lattice #5
Chapter 8: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~ ><
Lattice #6
I've subscribed a while ago but didn't have time to read it until now, and I have to say that I really really like it :)
I'll be waiting for the next chapter ^^
meldouche #7
now i understand
sweetestchocol8 #8
@meldouche and technically he didn't. jiyoon did.
sweetestchocol8 #9
@meldouche because junhyung was being a girl lol. please refer to chapter 4 (Junhyung's POV)
meldouche #10
why did he break up with jiyoon if he still loves her ?