Final date...

Love's NOT a Joke...

You and Gongchann had planned another date becuase he wanted to make it all up to you for not showing up to your last one.

You both got ready when right before you walked out Gongchan got a text message: Channie can you come now i'm alone and i need someone here with me...

Gongchan looked at his phone and then back at you. You could see in his eyes something was wrong. -Channie what's wrong?- you asked -Come one lets go-you said waving you hand towards the door as you started to walk out. Gongchan lowered his head.

-I.....- he sarted then noticed the sad expression on your face.

 -you're not going to cancel are you- you said in a jokingly voice and noticed he wasn't laughing nor smiling at what you had just said. Your face soon became serious. -Channie... you can't. You.....-starting to stutter your words you took a deep breath and then mumbled-you promised.-then lowered your head.

-but.... i really have to gooo... uh....- Gongchan started then continued his sentence. -I have to go somewhere important. I promise i will take you to the- you cut him of by walking away from him in the middle of his sentence.

-Don't worry about it...-you put your hand up when the words exited your mouth and left the room. Nothing else was said.

Gongchan looked down and took a deep breath before leaving the house. As soon as he shut the door he took off running down the street to meet up with his ex-girlfriend Ji woo. (Hyori's going to forgive me. I know she will.) he thought as he ran. 

You quickly changed out of the clothes you had on to go on the date into something more laid-back. (I can't belive he did this again!) you thought to yourself. You sat on the bed with you legs crossed and resting your head and hugging a really big stuffed animal. Jinyoung walked by and saw you all alone in the room again. He knocked three times even though the door was open so he could get your attention and snap you out of your daze.

-You okay Hyori?- he asked taking a few steps into the room. You looked up and showed your sad face.

-He did it again- Jinyoung looked at you shocked.

-I told you the type of person he is- Jinyoung said. leaning with his back on the wall.

you took a deep breath. - i just didn't think it was true- you said resting your chin on the animal.

Jinyoung walked towards you and took a seat next to you on the bed. You noticed he was reaching towards your hand. You jerked your hand back and looked up at him.

-well... it is- he said. Soon he grabbed your hands and laid you down across the bed. You tried to fight back and get up but nothing seemed to work. -Get off of me Jinyoung- you said starting to get angry and worried.

Sandeul started walking down the hallway and noticed you and Jinyoung through a crack in the door.-omo!- he whispered to himself. Soon CNU walked out of the bedroom and noticed Sandeul jumping up and down like and idiot. 

-What are you doing?- CNU asked raising his eyebrows. Sandeul immedeately stopped jumping around and looked at him with a fake smile and a guilty look on his face.

-Nothing- he replied as his body shot up to cover the crack in the door so CNU couldn't see what was going on. CNU rolled his eyes at him and walked off into the livingroom. After CNU left Sandeul continued to walk jump around and soon he ran off to go find Baro.


You walked into the kitchen for something to eat and noticed Sandeul staring at you. You grbbed a bowl and sat down at the table. -Good morning Sandeul- you said wanting to know why he was staring at you. As soon as you sat down everyone else got up and left the table. You looked around with a confused expression on you face. 

-What's going on?- you asked Sandeul who was  the only one that didn't leave the table. Sandeul slowly reached for your hand but you pulled away quickly as soon as you noticed it. Soon all the flashbacks of what Jinyoung did to you started playing in your head and tears started to form in your eyes.

-What's wrong Hyori?- Sandeul asked as he gave you a concerned look.

-Noth.....- before you could finish the word you looked up at Sandeul who had a really worried look on his face then took a deep breath. (I cant lie to him) you thought to yourself as you wiped some of the tears away then you decided to talk again. 

It's been a loooooong time since i've updated cuz all the hard work i did got deleted with the who matinence thing >:( i'm more sad than angry....I can't beleive it i was really upset tho it even erased my subscribers :'( 

if you subscribbed before could you please do it again please!!!!! love you guys i'll get back to updating regularly now ^-^ byebye

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denisenguyen52 #1
I hope u will update soon
infinite_kenn #2
update soon :)
denisenguyen52 #3
I love hope u will update soon
itsrainingcandy #4
well so much for my last comment :( darn you Jinyoung! --'
I really like her with Gongchan though.. poo!
Update soon, I'm really fricken enjoying this haha.
Feel better!
itsrainingcandy #6
:DD Everyone's getting along now ^-^
Baro :)
denisenguyen52 #8
Can u please update it
denisenguyen52 #9
I am sooooooo excited for the next chapter
ik. Poor channie :(