Our Whole Life Burned :'(

Love's NOT a Joke...

It was the next day and for the first time Gongchan woke up before you. You opened your eyes quickly when you heard a loud sound comming from kitchen and then you heard you looked by your side and didn't see Gongchan next to you. Then you heard him screaming from downstairs. You rolled out of bed with a smile on your face wondering what he had gotten himself into and before you reached the stairs you noticed a bright light down stairs. You turned the corner to see Gongchan with a fire extinguisher and trying to put out the fire that was on the stove. -OMO! GOGCHAN!!!- you yelled. 

Gongchan looked at you still trying to put the fire out himself. -Call help Hyori!- He told you his voice scared. You ran in to the room grabbed your phone and ran downstairs. Once you got down stairs you grabbed Gongchan's arm and pulled him out side.-Leave the fire extinguisher and come on.- You made it outside and the fire was still going on. -Hello!- you said with the police officer on the other line -There's and emergency at  (input adress)  a fire was started!- you said looking very worried. The police officer said they would have people there in a min. You hung up the phone and looked over at Gongchan who's face showed nothing but sadness. You walked over to him and gave him a hug. -It's okay Channie... - you said sqeezing him tightly. -He returned the hug and spoke softly to you.

-I'm so sorry Hyori. I...I really didn't mean to. I just wanted to make you some break..- before he could finnish his sentence you cut him off. 

-I'ts okay i know you were just trying to help out with breakfast and everything but....- before you could finish you were cut off as well by the sirens and the trucks and cars pulling up by your house. The fire men soon put of the fire and said you would have to find somewhere to sleep for a while. 

-Nothing upstairs was damaged mam' you would be okay to go and get you're clothes and items. The fire man had said.

As all the police men and firemen left you called up CNU to see if it was okay if you stayed with them.

-No problem.- CNU said and after making sure everything was okay he hung up. Soon enough you and Gongchan were done with all your packing and you heard Baro with the car outside honking. You both went to go meet him outside.

-Channie... don't sweat it.- you said as you reached for his hand. Gongchan looked down at both of your hands that were locked together and remained silent as you both made your way to the car. When you guys pulled up to the B1A4 household you took a deep breath.

(I hope i'm not a burdden here) you thought to yourself as you guys unloaded the car. CNU saw when you guys had came in, - hey how're you guys ohlding up?- he asked.

-okay - you reasponded.

CNU continued to talk. - well Gonghan's old room is available you guys can unpack there.

You grabbed Gongchan's hand again and you guys walked to youre new room. Gongchan laid in bed for the rest of the day and didn't move an inch. You went to the kitchen to get some water when Jinyoung walked in. -Oh hey- he said startling you. You jumped at the sound of his voice. 

-Oh ... Jinyoung ...it's just you.- you said as you put your hand on your chest. 

-Yep it's me.- he said - I just checked on Gongchan and he's really upset about the whole situation from earlier.- he said as he put his hand on the counter. 

You looked down at the ground and frowned. -I know it's really hard for him he was just trying to help out and all. I know he didn't mean to.-

Jinyoung agreed and soon Gongchan walked in. You looked up happy to see that he didn't die staying in that room all day.

-Gongchan! you're awake.- Once you said that Jinyoung turned around and smiled.

-Hello sleepy head- he said. Gongchan looked up and didn't say one word. There was an awkward silence.

-Uhhh... Chaniee - you began, - everyone else already ate but i made a small meal for everyone i can warm you some up if you want.- then you pulled the food out of the fridge. Gongchan shook his head no and rubbed his eyes. 

-Are you sure?- you asked. All he did was nodd his head, got a water, and then went back into the room.

As soon as he left the room you said - I hope he would be okay- then followed behind him.-I'm calling it a night.-you said.-Goodnight Jinyoung- and both you and Gongchan laid in the bed. 

(I hope she isn't to mad at me.i really didn't mean to Hyuri.) Gongchan thought and then he kissed the top of your head as you two cuddled and then fell asleep.

Yet another chapter done! Yay for me! umm thanks for all support on this. My favorite thing is to log in and see NEW SUBSCRIBERS or NEW COMMENTS or just going look at the page and see that it has more views than the last time i saw it. THANK YOU EVERYONE ^-^!!! much love. please comment!!!! i want to know what you think byebye!

i love you B1A4  <3  <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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denisenguyen52 #1
I hope u will update soon
infinite_kenn #2
update soon :)
denisenguyen52 #3
I love hope u will update soon
itsrainingcandy #4
well so much for my last comment :( darn you Jinyoung! --'
I really like her with Gongchan though.. poo!
Update soon, I'm really fricken enjoying this haha.
Feel better!
itsrainingcandy #6
:DD Everyone's getting along now ^-^
Baro :)
denisenguyen52 #8
Can u please update it
denisenguyen52 #9
I am sooooooo excited for the next chapter
ik. Poor channie :(