finally revealed

Love's NOT a Joke...

You stuck your head out of the doorway slowly and looked down the hallway to make sure everyone was asleep. You slowly and quietly made your way to the front door.

"Ahhh~!" you yelled as you fell to the ground. Within a matter of time everyone came running into the front room.

"What happened?" cnu asked as he switched on the lights.

"Are you ok?" Sandeul asked as he noticed you on the ground.

"uhhhh...." you said under your breath you voice slowly trailing off. "I tripped over the rug." you said blushing while pointing to your feet and the rug.

"PFT! a rug?!?" Baro asked laughing. "Who can't see that?"

You rolled your eyes, got up, and dusted yourself off. "Well im going for some fresh air" you said pointing over your shoulder and walking towards the door.

"BYE!" Sandeul called out waving with no clue as to what just went on.

"Don't fall!" Baro said still laughing. You gave a fake laugh and soo shut the door.

"What's she doing going out this late?" cnu asked looking at the clock. Baro and Sandeul shrugged their shoulders and walked back to their room. "Goodnight.." they called in unison then disappeard around the corner.


You finally arrived at the hospital and ran up to the counter. "Hi what room is Gongchan Shik in???" you asked out of breath from running all the way there.

The person at the counter could see you were in a rush and tried to look up the name as quick as possible. "I'm sorry i don't have anyone here by that name." she said. "

"Can you call around the whole hospital or something thing this is really important" you said almost in tears.

Soon the sound of his name filled the hospital."

"Gongchan Shik pleas come to the front counter please."  you took a seat hoping he would come. Before you knew it you noticed a tall figure come out of the elevator. You stood up quickly and ran over to Gongchan as soon as you noticed he had been crying. You gave him a  hug for what seemed like it lasted forever. Gongchan just stood there in silence not making a sound. 

"Oh i've missed you so much and i didn't know what i would do without you for another d-" you were cut off when Gongchan suddenly grabbed you in for a big hug putting you in shock. All you could do was freeze and let him hold you in his arms. Soon you noticed that tears started falling from his eyes.

"I love you hyori...." Gongchan said in a whisper.

(Where's this coming from?)

you slowly patted his back unsure of what you should do. When he finaly released you- you held his hand and walked him over to a chair. 

"Are you okay?" you asked very concerned. You got no answer and decided to give him time to think. 

"I'm ready to go home" he said looking up at you, tears still in his eyes. 

"what?" you said looking up at him as well.

" i want to go home now" he said standing up. You reached for his hand and stood up as well.


WOW!!! its been over 2 months srry guys lol ^v^ i didn't mean to take so long. All i have to say! i'm so tired i've been really busy i will write again really soon i promise this time i apologize again .....uhh if you haven't already subscribe umm comment below you know what to do byebye oh and srry for typos and no picture this time 


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denisenguyen52 #1
I hope u will update soon
infinite_kenn #2
update soon :)
denisenguyen52 #3
I love hope u will update soon
itsrainingcandy #4
well so much for my last comment :( darn you Jinyoung! --'
I really like her with Gongchan though.. poo!
Update soon, I'm really fricken enjoying this haha.
Feel better!
itsrainingcandy #6
:DD Everyone's getting along now ^-^
Baro :)
denisenguyen52 #8
Can u please update it
denisenguyen52 #9
I am sooooooo excited for the next chapter
ik. Poor channie :(