Everyone's Happy Now..... :D

Love's NOT a Joke...

     When you woke up you noticed Gongchan sitting on the side of the bed with his legs crossed. (What's he thinking about?) you thought to yourself annd then decided to talk. -Gongchan?- you said almost in a whisper. 

-Oh you're awake- he said to you. -The hyungs went out to for breakfast and you were sleeping so they didn't ask you and i said i would stay here with you.- He said.

You and Gongchan walked into the kitchen together. -So you seem like you're feeling better- You asked as you got a bowl out and cut up fruit for you and Gongchan to share.

-Mhm. - he nodded - i decided that it was okay as long as noththing had happend to you or me and no one else got hurt.- he said as he hugged you from behind and held onto you for a few seconds. When you were done cuting the fruits you put them all in bowl and you sat down. Gongchan sat across from you at the table. He reached into the bowl and grabbed a strawberry. -Hyori...- he said.

You looked up at him ready to hear anything he had to say.-huh?- He stuck out his hand that held the strawberry and put it to your mouth wanting you to eat it. You leaned in to take a bite and he pulled it from you slowly and then gave you a bright smile. You pouted at the action he just made. (At least he's smiling again and he's not so depressed) you thought.) Suddenly he leaned in and gave you kiss that lasted about 4 seconds and then he pulled away leaving you with a small smile on you face as you pulled away as well. 

Soon you guys had finnished the fruits and decided to move to the counch. You reached for the emoted and the t.v but Gongchan grabbed the remote from your hands and turned it off quickly. You gave him a "what'd you do that for!" look.

- Let's talk- Gongchan said as he put his arm around you. He pulled you in closer to him and you laid your head on his chest.

-About what- you answered still with a smile on you face as you looked up at him.

-Us.- he said has hee ran his fingers through your hair. -We don't really have any alone time and now moving in with all of my hyungs i know we wont get any time together.-he siad.- So we need to spend a little more time together so that nothing happends with our relationship.-

You moved away from him and slightly laughed.- Nothing's going to happen to our relationship- you began - ...And if that was your way of asking me out on a date i don't accept.- you said teasing him. He gave you a sad and upset look. 

-Why not?- Gongchan asked. You looked at him with asmile on your face.

-You have to .... beg- you said as you sqeezed his cheeks together a pecked his lips and then tapped the edge of his nose with your finger.

-I'm not gunna beg you.- he said.

-Alrighty then- you said as you hopped up out of your seat. Gongchan went to grab your arm and pull you back  down but you had moved away to quickly.

This time Gongchan reaced for you waist and he did get you and he pulled you into his lap. -Now what's this  mess about me begging you?- He said with a smirk on his face. Gongchan leaned in to give you another kiss but you rolled out of his lap and onto the floor before he kissed you. This caused him to end up kissing the couch. At that moment everyone else walked into the house noticing Gongchan kissing the couch and you on the floor smiling at him.

-Yah!- CNU said him and all the other members with puzzled looks on their faces. Gongchan sat up instantly and his face turned bright red as he turned his head to look at you. You covered your mouth and giggled a little bit.

You got up from the spot you were sitting and scurried yourself to the room you and Gongchan were currently sharing. 

-What was that all about? Sandeul asked. 

-I don't wanna know- Jinyoung said.

-I do!- Baro said raising his hand comming from behind everyone else full of energy.

Gongchan gave and embarrassed laugh and also scooted out of the room. When he saw you lookingthrough your clothes he walked behind you a poked your side.

-Don't do that!- you shouted playfully and slapped his hand down-..and yes- you said as you turned you back to him.

-What?- he said to you as he laid back with his hand behind his head.

-I accept your offer- you said smiling even though he coulnd't see your face.

-See i knew you would. come arround.- Gongchan said as he closed his eyes- i'm going to rest for while and then we'll see what happends from there he finnished with his eyes clothes a smile on his face.

I wrote 4 chapters today and i'm ready to get my new posters in the mail ^-^ can't wait! Sorry for any errors in spelling or any other mistakes as well... i'm not sure what the date is going to be yet so yeah i don't know when i'll write another chapter. Probably befor i go to sleep. Well lalala-o- out byebye!

Oh and sorry about the crappy poster it took about 5min. really quick XP





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denisenguyen52 #1
I hope u will update soon
infinite_kenn #2
update soon :)
denisenguyen52 #3
I love hope u will update soon
itsrainingcandy #4
well so much for my last comment :( darn you Jinyoung! --'
I really like her with Gongchan though.. poo!
Update soon, I'm really fricken enjoying this haha.
Feel better!
itsrainingcandy #6
:DD Everyone's getting along now ^-^
Baro :)
denisenguyen52 #8
Can u please update it
denisenguyen52 #9
I am sooooooo excited for the next chapter
ik. Poor channie :(