it's over..

Love's NOT a Joke...

In the middle of your sleep you felt a pair of hands under you, as if someone was carrying you. You opened your eyes quickly not sure who it could be. You noticed a smiling Jinyoung in the dim light of only the lamp.

-What are you doing?- you asked as he placed you on the couch.

-You had fell off and i was putting you back on.- he said. You rubbed your eyes and smiled.

-Thanks.- you responded. You sat up and patted  the empty space next to you. -Come sit-

Jinyoung took a seat next to you confused. -What's up?- he asked. 

You face became serious as you took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.

-Is everything ok?- Jinyoung asked as he turned to face you completly.

You turned your head and stared at the ground when the words left your mouth. -well....I'm not sure my relationship with Gongchan's going to work out.- You looked up to see Jinyoung's reaction to what you said.

-uhhhh....- Jinyoung started while scratching his head not sure what to do. 

(Jinyoung please help me i don't know what to do.) you thought waiting for an answer.

-Well- he picked up from his last words - You could make a decision and see if he would step up and see if he really does want to be with you.-he said as if he was asking a question.

At that moment a sleepy Sandeul walked to the end of the hall way when he was about to get something to eat. He stopped in his tracks when he heard the two of you talking. Sandeul poked his head around the corner to listen in. (What are they doing now?) Sandeul thought.

You nodded your head. -ok that sounds good- ....(that sounds good?! what sounds good??) Sandeul thought.

He smiled and nodded as well.As Jinyoung stood up and started to walk out you got his attention once more.

-Oh...uhh.. Jinyoung.- you called getting up from the couch.


-Thanks- you said putting a smile on Jinyoung's face. -...alot. Goodnight.- you walked over and gave him a hug and a small kiss on the cheek leaving Jinyoung shocked. -Goodnight you called again.- as you walked over and laid back on the couch.

-uhh...night..- he called back as he walked off and into his bedroom. When Sandeul noticed Jinyoung walking back he ran to his room really fast and surprised at what just happened.

Jinyoung looked down the hall when he got there thinking he heard some noises. -Guess it was just me.- he said walking into his room. (Is she really gunna leave Channie for me??) Jinyoung thought as he shut the door to his room. A smile appeared on his face as he laid on the bed.


-Baro!!- Sandeul said in a loud whisper. He trew a pillow at him to wake him up. Baro turned over and ignored him. -get up!- Sandeul shook him until he got up. 

-What?!- Baro said in a loud voice. 

-Be quiet !- Sandeul said - i have something to tell you.-

Baro looked at Sandeul mad that he was woken up.-What- he answered tiredly as he laid his head back on the pillows and covered his head with his covers.

Sandeul rolled his eyes and slapped Baro's side. -YAH!!- 

-I listening  you're not speaking!- Baro responded.

-whatever...- Sandeul continued. -Hyori just kissed Jinyoung!- As soon as he said that Baro shot up from his spot.

-What!- he said surprised.- 

-yep- Sandeul said with a nod. 

-that can't be right.- Baro stood  up and walked towards the door.

-Where are you going- Sandeul asked confused.

-I'm going to see if there still in there.- Baro said opening the door. Sandeul got up and followed along. 

When they got to the corner they noticed you laying down on the couch by yourself.

-Hyori!- baro called startling you. 

-what the hell Baro!- you said as you looked up.

-Why were you kissing Jinyoung just now?- Baro asked trying to be intimidating.


-huh?- he turned to look at Sandeul.

-Shut up!- Sandeul finished. Baro made a face at him then turned back to you.

-I'm waiting....- Baro said.

-It didn't mean anything. It was just a goodnight kiss.- you said rolling your eyes.

-Oh really now!- Baro said. You nodded at his comment. -Then give Sandeul a goodnight kiss.

You got up and gave Sandeul a kiss on the cheek then turned back to Baro. -See...nothing!- you said walking back to your spot. Sandeul smiled and took off down the hallway into his room.

-Then give me one!- Baro said pointing to his chest.

You leaned in and planted a small kiss on Baro's cheek. -Oh ok- Baro said acting calm on the outside but on the inside he was like a 12 year old girl getting her first kiss. (she gave me a kiss! omo!!!) Baro thought.

-Goodnight Baro- you said smiling at his actions. 

-Night!- Baro responded and took off down the hallway as well. On his way to the room he noticed Gongchan around the corner watching what was going on. -Oh hey Channie.. night!- he said then proceeded to his room.

Gongchan threw down the towl he had and started walking back in to his room. (how could she just...and in my...EGH!!!) Gongchan couldn't finish any of his thoughts. he walked into his room and slammed the door shut.

-What was that?- you said softly to your self turning to face the noise.

Well everyone........What do you think?!? Thanks really to everyone that subscribes and comments and even the people taht just view you guys really make my day. ^-^ i will have another chapter up today until next time lalala-o- out ! :D Aren't they cute !!!!! vvvv



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denisenguyen52 #1
I hope u will update soon
infinite_kenn #2
update soon :)
denisenguyen52 #3
I love hope u will update soon
itsrainingcandy #4
well so much for my last comment :( darn you Jinyoung! --'
I really like her with Gongchan though.. poo!
Update soon, I'm really fricken enjoying this haha.
Feel better!
itsrainingcandy #6
:DD Everyone's getting along now ^-^
Baro :)
denisenguyen52 #8
Can u please update it
denisenguyen52 #9
I am sooooooo excited for the next chapter
ik. Poor channie :(