home sweet home

Love's NOT a Joke...

You and Gongchan walked together holding hands down the slightly lit streets. No talking - justwalking and lots of thinking. You looked at the ground as you walked along the rode. 

(Why was he crying?...Why was he even at the hospital?)

So many things were going through your head as you made your way up the stairs. As you reached for the door knob the door swung open and standing before you was a worried CNU, a determined Sandeul, and ahalf sleeping Baro.

"You're here" CNU said surprised you had made it home.

"Oh my gosh my poor baby! You must have been so sad in this drak dark world" Sandeul exclaimed while squeezing the guts out of you.

Your eyes suddenly got bigger at the way he was acting towards you. Baro soon pulled him off of you and then everyone's eyes  made their way to Gongchan.

"Channie!!!~" Baro and Sandeul called out together giving him a hug. CNU had noticed something wasn't right but tried to ignore it and just took in the fact that he was finally home. Everyone had finally settled down and you and Gongchan headed to your room.

You stepped into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. You the water before splashing your face with water.

You splashed your face and then turned off the water. As you grabbed a towel you could hear Gonghchan on the phone.

"hey" you heard him begin. You went ahead and brushed your teeth aswell. When you walked out of the room you noticed Gongchan on the bed fast asleep. You tried to get into the bed quietly and not disturbing him. As soon as you were comfortable and started to drift off to sleep you heard a voice that you felt like you haven't heard in a while.

"Hyori....." You opened your eyes quickly turning your head towads the voice and noticed Gongchan looking at you. "....i love you" he said pulling you closer to him and kissing your forheard. You automatically smiled and curled up in his arms.

"i love you too" you responded and soon you both fell asleep.

You were in a nice sleep when the feeling of someone getting out of the bed had woken you.

"Good morning" you said still laying in the bed hugging one of the pillows. You watched as he made his was to the bed. 

"Good moning" Gongchan said back giving a slight smile. You stretched before finally getting out if bed. "I just wanted to say t...." Gongchan was cut off by a knock on the door. Soon you saw CNU'S head peep through.

"Breakfast is ready" he said quickly leaving afterwards.

Gongchan looked at you wanting to finish but you stopped him before he could, "Well," you began"lets go eat"

Gongchan gave a slight not so real laugh "hehe...yeah we should uhh..go do that" he said pointing to the door.

You walked into the kitchen with gongchan following close behind. As you took your seats Sandeul and Baro had entered the room as well. 

"GOOD MORNING!!!" Baro shouted to everyone. 

"Aishh!! Sit down will you" Sandeul said pushing Baro into a seat. Baro rolled his eyes at Sandeul and watched as he passed by him.

"So where ya been Channie?" Baro asked trying to ignore Sandeul.

"I..uhh...." Gongchan searched for the right words to say "..well...i..ummm.." You looked at him knowing he didn't want to say he was at the hospital for some reason but you respected that and tried to cover for him.

"..uhhh...he was aaattt~" you held the word out trying to think of something to say. Suddenly something came to you. "he was at a friends house!"  (are they really gunna believe that?) you thought showing a fake smile on your face.

"A friend's house???" cnu repeated calmly but curiously. There was a quick moment of silence as Gongchan lowered his head at the plate in front of him. Soon the silence was broken by Baro's loud laughter. 

"PFT! a friend?!?! Channie has no friends.... we're his friends!!!!" he finished still laughing.

"What he's trying to say" Sandeul said glaring over at Baro. "..is that that lie won't work with us. You'll have to try again."

You looked down embarrassed that your lies were that easy to pick out. Soon everyone heard a knock on the door.

CNU got up and went to go open the door. You noticed Jiwoo on the other side of the door and quickly became worried.

You guys sorry about the way it ended lol well yes Jiwoo is back and yes that means somethings going to happen between Gongchan and Hyori (sadly) :'(   On another note i told you i would update again :P i'm back ^^ yay! you guys i would like to know who your favorite people are so im going to try to add questions for you everytime i finish a chapter :D

*There were/are many fan wars about the two groups leave your opinion who do you prefer

B.A.P or EXO :P comment your answer (by the way i would have to go with.....b.a.p but i reeeeeallly love exo ALOT) 

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denisenguyen52 #1
I hope u will update soon
infinite_kenn #2
update soon :)
denisenguyen52 #3
I love hope u will update soon
itsrainingcandy #4
well so much for my last comment :( darn you Jinyoung! --'
I really like her with Gongchan though.. poo!
Update soon, I'm really fricken enjoying this haha.
Feel better!
itsrainingcandy #6
:DD Everyone's getting along now ^-^
Baro :)
denisenguyen52 #8
Can u please update it
denisenguyen52 #9
I am sooooooo excited for the next chapter
ik. Poor channie :(