

No One POV

Seungho look at Soyeon that sleeping in his embrace on the living room sofa. They just finished watching their new DVD, Tangled. They don’t know why, but they want to watch a children cartoon tonight with a box of pizza and coke. And this is the thing that they always do. Fall a sleep in the living room. And doing nothing like this make them happy. 

He don’t know why, he really love this girl until he scared to touch her more than kissing. He want to protect her so badly that make him so scared to say something bad to her and make her cry. Seungho cares Soyeon’s head and smell her scent that really nice. Seungho don’t know why, he likes Soyeon smell so much.

“I love you,” Seungho wishper something in Soyeon ears.

“I love you more.” Said Soyeon make Seungho a little bit startled.

“Are you awake? I’m so sorry.” Said Seungho. Soyeon laugh a little and nod her head. She’s not opening her eyes and hug Seungho even tighter.

“Ani. I’m just mumbling in my sleep.” Said Soyeon. Make Seungho finally follow to chuckles. He kiss Soyeon forehead and her back.

“Yes you are. Go to sleep. It’s late, and you have to wake up early tomorrow.” Said Seungho to Soyeon, make Soyeon nod her head.

“Oppa,” Soyeon call Seungho suddenly.


“You’re my dream.” Said Soyeon, copying the sentence that Rapunzel said in the Tangled movie. Seungho smile and kiss her nose.

“And you’re mine.” Wishper Seungho make Soyeon smile happy and back to sleep.


Hyomin sit on the couch in the living room. She is waiting Jinwoon to pick her up. And not so long, Jinwoon come inside Hyomin apartmen and bring her two pack of sandwich.

“Breakfast is ready.” Said Jinwoon make Hyomin gladly welcome him.

“Yeay. Gomawo Jinwoon oppa!” said Hyomin and start to eat. Jinwoon sit beside Hyomin and keep quiet. Hyomin realize it and stop what her doing to look at Jinwoon.

“It’s hurt you so bad, isn’t it?” ask Hyomin. Jinwoon lift his head and shoke his head while smile sorrow. Hyomin know it’s lying.

“Why don’t you tell her the truth?” ask Hyomin again.

“Aniya, Hyominnie. Don’t say a word, finish your meal and let’s go to campus.” Jinwoon pinch Hyomin cheek and smile bright to her when he start to stand up. But Hyomin hold Jinwoon hand and pull him back to sit beside her again.

“Wae?” ask Jinwoon. Hyomin look at Jinwoon with a deep look.

“Maybe it’s time to tell her the truth. Tell jiyeon that you love her. Tell her the truth about our agreement with Joon oppa. Tell her the truth, Jinwoon oppa.” Said Hyomin. Jinwoon look at her and touch her cheek gently.

“Ani. It’s you that i care the most right now.”

Hyomin hold Jinwoon hands, “But she is the one that you love the most right now.”

After heard what Hyomin just said, Jinwoon finally give up. He know that he can’t lie to Hyomin, she already know him for a lifetime. So it’s really easy for her to know what Jinwoon is really feel.

“I.. i can’t. She hate me.” Said Jinwoon in his low voice.

“Oppa, you’re wrong. She doesn’t hate you. She just feel confused and hurt. But she doesn’t hate you. We can’t hate people that we love.” Said Hyomin make Jinwoon ruffles his own hair.

“Yeah. And she hurt because of me. I hurt her multiple times. I make her feel worthless. I’m a jerk to her. I really don’t deserve her. I really don’t. She is to precious to me.” And without he realize, he’s start to cry. Hyomin feel so hurt when she saw Jinwoon crying like that. Hyomin hug him and lean her head on his shoulder.

“I’m really sorry. Because of me and Joon oppa, both of you have to hurt like this.” Said Hyomin and start to cry to. She really can’t see Jinwoon like this.

“It’s me and Joon fool agreement to involve you two. I’m really sorry oppa.” Said Hyomin.

“It’s not your fault. It’s because of the time. You and Joon must be hurt too.” Said Jinwoon.

“Please, go to Jiyeon and say the truth to her. She deserve the truth.” Said Hyomin make Jinwoon look at her deeply.

“How about you? How about you’re feeling Hyominnie?” ask Jinwoon. Hyomin smile and she remove Jinwoon tears.

“Na gwenchana. Jinjja gwenchana. Me and Joon oppa just... can’t be with each other. It’s our destiny to be apart. But you, you and Jiyeon destiny is to be together oppa.” Said Hyomin make Jinwoon pull her to his hug.

“I can’t leave you. I really can’t leave you before you found someone that will take care of you.” Said Jinwoon.

“Oppa, i can take care my self. I can’t hurt you anymore. You sacrifice too much.” Hyomin hold Jinwoon hands make Jinwoon kiss it both.

“Hyominnie, i can’t. We can try to love each other. We can try to be the real boyfriend and girlfriend. I really want to love you. I really want to. I just need you to do it with me.”

What just Jinwoon said make Hyomin cry even harder. She really feel so lucky to have Jinwoon in her life. And Hyomin can see a will in Jinwoon eyes. She can’t say anything more and just nod her head.

“I’m so lucky to have you, oppa.” Hyomin hug Jinwoon and cry in his shoulder.

Suddenly, Jinwoon pull Hyomin and make her face him.

“Hyominnie, let’s enggaged.”

Hyomin got startled and can’t blink her eyes. She just to shocked to give some reaction.

“Let’s enggaged. And when we already graduate from our collage, i will work on my father’s company. And let’s get married, we can make a happy family together. It’s your dream to marry in young age. So, do it with me.”

“Op... oppa...” Hyomin can speak clearly. She cry again.

“I will protect you, Hyominnie. Enggaged with me.” Said Jinwoon finally make Hyomin nod again and kiss his cheek. Jinwoon once again pull Hyomin and hug her tighter.


Swanlake. Jiyeon get the opportunity to do the Odette role. So, starting for now, she will have an extra practice in campuss. Like today, since morning Jiyeon is practicing in studio non stop until lunch time. Because of that Joon bring her lunch and ask her to eat together in studio.

“You look really tired Jiyeonnie. You have to eat more.” Said Joon and give her his chicken.

“Oppa, it’s okay. I have to maintain my weight until the show. So, take this for you.” Said Jiyeon and put back the chicken.

“How about your plan to go to Korea?” ask Jiyeon. Joon is having a plan to come back to Korea to see his little sister graduation from junior high school.

“Yeah. Same as the new plan. Monday on the next two weeks in the morning.” Said Joon. Suddenly, he hold Jiyeon hands.

“Can you keep a promise to me?”

Jiyeon stop her eating and look at Joon. “What it is?”

“Call me if you’re miss me.” Said Joon and wink his eyes to Jiyeon. Make Jiyeon laugh hard.

“Jinjja. Call me. I will wait for your call. I’m not gonna call you first.”

“Ya, you’re cheating. What if you miss me first?” ask Jiyeon. Joon suddenly do something by himself. He make an ‘O’ sign with both of his thumbs and point finger. And then, he put it into his left and right eyes.

“I will do this.”

Jiyeon look at him confused. “What is that?”

“It’s a 5D eye glasses. If i miss you, i just do this and think about you. So this 5D glasses will show me your face. Like you really standing in front of me. Just like right now. Arasso?” said Joon. Jiyeon smile shyly and nod her head.

“Arasso Joon-a.” And they continue their lunch again.

After they finish eating, Jiyeon go back to her rehearsal and Joon leave her to the park. Suddenly, someone pull his hand and take him to the emergency stair.

“Ya, no!” Joon look at the person who pull his hand. It’s Mir.

“Hyung, come with me first.”

“Wae! Waegurae? Don’t pull me like this. We can fall on the stair.” Said Joon.

“I’m sorry. But, i just need to tell you something. It’s really important. It’s about Jinwoon and Hyomin.”

After he hear that, he become serious. “What is it this time?”

“Jinwoon just text me earlier. He wants me to be his best man at their enggagement. They’re going to enggaged.”

Joon suddenly freeze and can’t say anything. His face look pale and he look so shocked.

“Hyung, gwenchana?” ask Mir when he see Joon sudden freeze reaction.

“Eng... enggaged? Jinwoon and Minnie?” ask Joon. Mir nod his head slowly.


Mir look at his phone and give it to Joon. Joon look at Jinwoon text and he find the date. It’s Monday, June 3rd. The same day as his departure to Korea. How... how can this be?

“Hyung, gwencana? You can go to Hyominie and tell her your feeling. You still can canceled their enggagement. It’s still a enggagement. Not a wedding, so...”

“Jiyeonnie! Lee Jiyeon! How about her? I need to meet her.” Joon suddenly panic and run, leaving Mir who just look at him sad. It’s so sad to see his two best friend become enemy like this.

Joon run non stop on the corridor. He go to Jiyeon practice studio and when he already outside, he run to Jiyeon and stop in front of her. Jiyeon stop praticing and look at Joon confused.

“Joon-a, waegurae?” and not so long Joon pull Jiyeon into his hug make Jiyeon feel so confused.

“Jiyeon-a, stay with me. Stay with me and be happy. Please,”

Jiyeon still don’t understand what was Joon just said.

“Joon-a, waegurae?”

Joon release Jiyeon hug and hold her cheek. “Can you go with me to Korea?”

Jiyeon got startled and look at Joon deeply. Try to search a true answer.

“Go with me to Korea. I just made my mind and i can’t stay away with you. This... this relationship, it’s just a game at the begining. But, i realize that i trully in love with you. I think, i can’t lose you. Just be happy with me Jiyeonnie.”

Jiyeon look at Joon startled. She can’t give him an answer because of her shoked feeling. Joon understand that and finally, he release Jiyeon cheek and change to hold her hand.

“Think it carefully. It still two weeks to think. But i hope you choose to be happy with me. I can’t see you sad again. I really can’t.”

Said Joon make Jiyeon finally nod slowly. He release Jiyeon hands and leave her alone. Jiyeon fall on her knees and look so shocked. It’s about her feeling. It’s really hard to her, to indetify her feeling again right now. She just happy to hear Joon words before, but she also feel sad and scared. She just want to be happy, but why it’s so hard on her?


“Hyung! Seungho hyung! I can go!” Cheundong run to Seungho and hug him really happy. He show Seungho the letter that he just approved before.

“I can go with the orchestra! Yes! Wohoo!!” Cheundong jump really happy and now, he hugging and dancing happily with Andrew.

“We go to California! California baby!” yelled Cheundong who just get the first chance to do a orchestra concert in California. It’s  because Cheundong is a junior in the orchestra member. He just join for one and a half year. But his role as the drummer is run so well. He really has a gift to play a drum.  

Ancantorush Orchestra have a chance to be the orchestra on the Opera show in California. And it’s gonna be a three years full for practice and do the Opera show’s tour. They not gonna go home even once until the last day on their concert work.

Finally, Cheundong realize that Seungho face is not happy as the other. He not jump, yelled, or even smile. On the other hand, he just silent and look at the letter that confirm him that he is accepted as the lead piano player. As usual.

“Hyung, waegurae? Why are you look so unhappy?” ask Cheundong. A view months ago, both of them is excaitedly talking about the theatre concert. Seungho always tell Cheundong about his experience in the past orchestra performance. Seungho even already learn all of the instrument perfectly.

“Hyung, are you not wanted to do this opera concert anymore?” ask Cheundong. Seungho finally look at him and tap his shoulder while smile to him.

“Congrats Cheundong-a. You deserve this chance. You’re really a great drummer.” Said Seungho and leave Cheundong. Cheungdong look at Seungho confused.

“Waegurae?” ask him to himself.


“Eunjung-ssi,” Eunjung look at the person who just call her. It’s Taecyeon.

“Taecyeon-ssi, good day.” Said Eunjung wellcome him. Soyeon who still cooking at the kitchen also wellcoming him. Eunjung take Taecyeon to the sofa table and not so long, Soyeon send him his order. Black coffee and tuna sandwich.

“It’s a little bit empty today?” ask Taecyeon when see the cafe that only had three table with customer.

“Yes, but it’s okay. Because of my pregnancy, i can’t handle too much right now. And Soyeon unnie is the one who handle anything right now. So, it’s kinda helpfull if the cafe is not to crowded. So, what’s going on, Taecyeon-ssi? Is there anything that i can do?” ask Eunjung to Taecyeon.

“Actually, there is.” Taecyeon immediately give Eunjung a paper. She read all the word that Taecyeon write there. It is a food list.

“What it is?” ask Eunjung.

“That is the food list that i want to order from your cafe. I want to make a party for my friend tomorrow. And i don’t know where to order a delicous food. So, is it okay if i order all of it in your caffe? Or if you can’t make it, can you tell me another good cafe?”

“This is many, but i think Soyeon unnie and i can make it. So, i’ll take this order.” Said Eunjung. Taecyeon smile at her and ask her hand to do a shake hand.

“Tomorrow night at 7 o’clock. I’ll text you my address and i hope, you and Jangwoo, also Soyeon-ssi, can come to my party.” Said Taecyeon. Eunjung nod her head.

“I will. Gomawoyo Taecyeon-ssi.”

to be continued  

Annyeong readers! 

I'm back with the new chapter.

It's getting chaos, right? Yeah, is near everybody.

Bytheway, i'm writing my new fanfic. It's a short story collection from our T-ARA girls. It's my pleasure if you read, subscribe, and comment, guys. I hope you all love this fanfic and the new fanfic also.

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Happy reading ^^




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im_sucks_LOL #1
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
quenzie11 #2
Chapter 29: I'm serious what going next?
pioushej #4
Chapter 29: cant wait for the next chap! omo! hope jw will not think something bad poor jungie!
Chapter 28: Great update...waiting for your next update...
Chapter 28: Sorry for just came across this fic and stuck me already.
Your story is so touch...I really love it
thanh_SiBg #7
Chapter 28: Pooor my Eunjung-unnie =((
Waiting for next chapter , author-nim
yeonniestan94 #8
Chapter 28: i feel so bad for eunjung & jangwoo too, but yes!! eunjung is opening to taec!! ^_^
taecjung couple fighting!!!
thanks for updating & continuing with seungso couple though soyeon is dating publicly..
Chapter 28: aaaaaahhh Finally!!! yaaaayy!!!
Oh My God!!! TaecJung vs Wooram >_<
what will happen to Eunjung's marriage. Cant wait for the next Chap.

Ah... SeungSso have a little Porsion in this Part kekeke... wish a lot in the next.

Fighting, Ratu!
always waiting for your update ^^
especially the Second Chance ;)
Gminor2020 #10
Chapter 28: so Jinwoon and Jiyeon has no chance to get back together? how i wish...they can still be together in this fanfic