
Which Member In EXO Are You Compatible With?

You are a perfect match for....


~Tao, Baekhyun and Luhan~


This is a good match with a lot of similarities. For starters, Taurus and Capricorn are both Earth signs and they are both practical, loyal and family-oriented. The two also love building status and wealth and this is something they can work on together. It is a no-nonsense relationship, and while things can sometimes get dull, the similar qualities they see in each other will keep them bonded.




Virgo and Capricorn are highly compatible Earth signs with their feet firmly planted on the ground. They like the fact that the other is hardworking and dependable. They both are a lot less emotionally clingy than other zodiac signs so it works out in the relationship since the two sometimes need time to be alone. As a married couple, they can make very good parents, giving their kids strict rules and discipline. Virgo and Capricorn communicate well on a mental level and they do not need to compromise much, if any ,to make the relationship work. Quite frankly, it is very hard for a Virgo and Capricorn union to fail once they fall in love.



This is a terrific match worth diving into. Scorpio and Capricorn make for a good team when it comes to financial stability and taking care of the kids. They will work hard to achieve it. Scorpio may wish for more passion right from the start, but overtime, Capricorn will open up to Scorpio and the bond can only get tighter. Scorpios will have to get their priorities together from the start if Scorpio want to go beyond a first date with Capricorn. They would do well going into business together as a team, like a mom and pop operation.


The members that you won't get along with are...



This pair do not make the best of matches. If by some chance these two signs get married, it is most likely they were dating for years and years before going down the altar. Libra and Capricorn have a lot of patience and will not rush into things, but that is the only main similarity they share. Capricorns pursue their career and goals relentlessly and while Libra would ideally like good finance and romance, they see romance as top priority and is willing to leave some goals behind to pursue it. Libra needs love but it's not Capricorn's nature to express it consistently. Money and status can be a huge reason for this couple staying together or not.



The only two similarities these two zodiac signs share is that they can become goal-obsessed when they want something badly enough. After the physical attraction wears off, Gemini will see Capricorn as a boring partner, as everything seems to be mechanical and serious with them. Capricorns hides their emotions well, but when they finally open up, they can display clinginess, which is something Gemini doesn't want. Not that the typical Capricorn would want to marry a Gemini anyway since they do not feel Geminis provide a solid commitment to a relationship.


~Sehun and Xiumin~

Both Aries and Capricorn are self-centered and ambitious which is fine. The real problem lies in them not always being able to see eye to eye as Aries is an impulsive idealist while Capricorn is a down to earth realist. The only way this have a chance of working is if they get into specific roles, with Aries playing the baby who wants to be spoiled and Capricorn as the father figure looking to take care of someone special.

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Chapter 2: Nooo... not Chanyeol and Lay haha.
BaekChaYun #2
Chapter 2: ...Well! I kinda knew who I'd be compatible with....
farahfany #3
Chapter 10: I'm compatible with chanyeol .....suho,sehun and xiumin
88rissing #4
Hohoh why not Luhan, Kris and Kai but atleast I'm compatible with Lay and Sehun :D I'm Aquarius by the way :)
midst_lhady22 #5
Chapter 7: cheers to Cancerians~ loving the compatibility,aye?!~ *wiggles eyebrows*
Chapter 12: why is chanyeol not compatible with krissy and baekkie :((((((
Chapter 3: Im pisces yeyy i got ie kriss!! God i love him
OfficialBestfriend #8