New Target

My Little Bastard


Sunny walks up to Sooyoung who was at the moment deciding which plate of food she should choose. Sooyoung’s eyes averts from the right plate then to the left plate and then back to the right. She lets out a frustrated grunt and pulls on her hair roughly, “I can’t choose unnie,” the taller one whines.


“Hey,” Sunny begins, “did you just mention something along the line of someone stealing your food awhile ago?”


Sooyoung stops midway from grabbing the right plate and spins her head to the right to face Sunny, “You’re…rather slow unnie,” she says while blinking blankly.


“Sorry,” Sunny apologizes, “but…who took your food?”


“Some guy,” Sooyoung tells her and grabs the plate, “but, who cares I got what I want anyways.”


Sooyoung walks off with Sunny trailing behind her. Both girls enter the seating area and sits at a round table. Once seated in, Sooyoung starts stuffing herself with food nonstop. Sunny watches the younger and then pushes Sooyoung’s drink to her, “Slow down Sooyoung, your food won’t run away,” Sunny jokes. Sooyoung glares at the short one before snatching the drink from her hands and gulps it down.


“Woah there, you wouldn’t want to choke now,” a voice booms out from behind Sooyoung. Without pulling the drink away from , Sooyoung spins around to see who had made the comment. She then comes face to face with Chen once again and she frowns, this time pulling the drink away from her lips, “What do you want?” Sooyoung asks sternly.


Chen shrugs, “Nothing. I just wanted to tell you to not gulp that drink down so quickly. We wouldn’t want to call the ambulance now,” he chuckles.


“Yah!” Sooyoung shouts and stands up from her chair, ready to slap Chen across the face. Sunny stands up as well and pulls the taller one back, “Sooyoung ah, stop it,” Sunny scolds.


“This bastard has been bothering me ever since we got in line for food,” Sooyoung points to Chen, “Why can’t you just leave me alone in peace to eat?”

Chen shrugs.


“Sooyoung ah, calm down,” Sunny successfully pulls Sooyoung away from Chen and forces her to sit down; “you’re causing a ruckus.”


Sooyoung looks around them and sees a bunch of eyes on them. She smiles sheepishly, “Sorry. Nothing is gong on,” Sooyoung reassures the crowds. Sunny walks up to Chen and bows, “I apologize if my dongsaeng has been causing you trouble.”


Chen looks from side to side and then rubs the back of his head, “Ah…,” he chuckles nervously. Sooyoung bites on her lips, shoots up from her chair, and grabs Sunny the wrist, “You don’t need to apologize to him unnie. Come, I’m not hungry anymore,” Sooyoung states and pulls Sunny away from Chen. Xiumin walks up from behind Chen and places a hand on his shoulder; “She’s cute isn’t she?” he asks and takes a bite from the bun in his hand.


Chen looks behind his shoulder at Xiumin, “Who said that you can eat my food?”

Xiumin looks down at the bun and then back up at Chen, “Sorry, I didn’t see your name on it,” he simply states with an obvious smile and walks away continuing eating the bun.




Sehun walks out from the aisle of books and scans among the tables of people for Taeyeon, “Where is she?” he asks himself and continues to scan.


Taeyeon finally lifts her head up from her arms and rubs her face with her hands harshly, “I can’t believe that just happened to me…,” Taeyeon mutters quietly. She shuts her eyes and her mind goes back to what happened minutes ago. Her eyes tighten together and her eyebrows furrows towards each other. She bites down her bottom lip harshly causing blood to ooze out but Taeyeon doesn’t feel the blood trickling down her lip to her chin.


Sehun looks to his left and finally spots Taeyeon sitting at one of the table with her head in her hands. He looks down at the book in his hands and then makes his way towards her, “Um…,” he breaks the silence around Taeyeon. Taeyeon looks up from her hands to see Sehun standing there with her book in his hand, “You dropped this,” he says and places the book in front of her. Taeyeon looks away from Sehun and her eyes lands on the book, “Oh…thanks,” Taeyeon says and finally looks up at Sehun again.


Sehun sees the blood trickling down Taeyeon’s lips. Without thinking twice on his actions, Sehun reaches forward and wipes the blood away from her chin. His action causes Taeyeon to jump up from her seat, “What are you doing?” she asks surprised.


Sehun points to his chin, “You had blood trickling down your chin,” he tells her. Taeyeon sticks out her tongue and her lips, finally tasting the metallic taste of her blood.


“Oh shoot,” Taeyeon curses and wipes her lips with her sleeves, “When? How?”


Sehun reaches into his pant’s pocket and pulls out a handkerchief, “Here,” he offers it to her, “just press onto the cut, it should stop the flow of the blood.”

Taeyeon looks at the handkerchief not knowing if she should take it or not. Sehun sees that Taeyeon wasn’t moving so he reaches out, grabs her hand and shoves the handkerchief in her hand, “Don’t worry, I won’t harm you.”


Taeyeon slowly brought the handkerchief up to her lips and presses harshly onto the cut, “Th…thank you,” she mutters a quiet thank you to Sehun and looks away missing the smile that suddenly crept up on his face.


“Where’s Sehun?” Kris asks Suho as he reaches their table. Suho was currently immersed in his research that he missed Kris’s question, “Where’s Sehun?” Kris asks again.


“Huh? What?” Suho finally snaps out from his concentration. Kris frowns, “For the millionth time, where is Sehun?” Kris asks again but this time sounding more frustrated.


“Oh…I thought he was with you, or maybe he hasn’t return yet,” Suho says, “don’t bother me Kris,” and with that Suho went back to his laptop.


Kris rolls his eyes at the younger one and decides to go find Sehun. Kris leaves the table and walks away to the other side of the sitting area. He rounds the corner and stops in his tracks as he sees Sehun standing with Taeyeon at a table. Kris frowns, fist clenches, and his jaws tighten. He watches as Taeyeon looks at Sehun and then quickly away due to the fact that Sehun kept on watching Taeyeon as if she was some show.


“Look,” Sehun breaks the awkward silence that hung around Taeyeon and him, “I apologize on behalf of my hyung for what he did to you awhile ago.”


Taeyeon looks up at Sehun with a surprised face, “What?” Sehun asks, “What’s with that face expression of yours?”


Taeyeon shook her head and looks away again, “I know you’re upset on what happened…and…”


“Thank you for helping me,” Taeyeon says quietly but loud enough for Sehun to hear.


“Say that again?” Sehun wasn’t sure if he was hearing it correctly.


“I said, thank you for helping me,” Taeyeon repeats herself but a bit louder this time and faces Sehun, “I mean…if it wasn’t for you then he would have…”

“Sehun,” Kris calls for the younger one. Sehun and Taeyeon both snap away from each other and watches as Kris made his way towards them with his hands in his pockets, “Why are you here? With her?” he asks.


“Returning her book,” Sehun says and taps on the book, “I was just leaving,” he adds and walks off. Kris watches as Sehun disappeared from his sight before eyeing Taeyeon. Taeyeon feels Kris’s stare on her, “W…what?” she stutters. Kris walks up to Taeyeon and grabs her by the chin, “Stay away from him, you hear me?”




Kris doesn’t respond back, instead his eyes falls down on the handkerchief in Taeyeon’s hand which was still against her lips, “Isn’t this Sehun’s handkerchief?” he asks.


“Oh…yeah,” Taeyeon confirms.


“Why do you have it?”


“He gave it to me to…wait, why should I tell you?” Taeyeon asks and slaps Kris’s hand away from her and sits back down in her seat. Kris looks at Taeyeon as she ignores his presence, “Hey,” he calls.


“What do you want? Just get away from me already,” Taeyeon says rather annoyed by him. Kris grabs Taeyeon by the chin again and forces her to face him. He leans really close, both of their lips lightly touching each other, “Stay away from Sehun,” he says.


Taeyeon gulps as she stares right into Kris’s brown orbs, “Because I don’t like it,” he whispers against her lips. Kris sticks out his tongue slightly and the cut on Taeyeon’s lips. Taeyeon shrieks and pulls back quickly while Kris gave her a chuckle and walks off. Taeyeon sits there with her face all red. Seohyun finally emerges from the book shelves with books in her arms, “Unnie why are you so red?” She asks.


Taeyeon looks up at Seohyun and gets up from her seat, “I’m going to the restroom, watch my stuff for me,” she says and walks away.


“O…okay,” Seohyun her head slightly to the side and sits down, “weird.”





“Thank you,” Jessica says to her professor and bows to her before she left the classroom. Jessica smiles as she looks through her folder, seeing the grade that she wanted written in red, “Ah~ this should be a celebration,” she says to herself.


Jessica was deeply concentrated looking at her beautiful grade that she accidentally bumped into someone, causing her to fall on her , her papers scattered everywhere, “Ow…,” Jessica moans lightly.


“Can’t you at least watch where you’re going?” an all too familiar voice rings out. Jessica opens her eyes and looks up to see Kai standing there.


“Are you okay?” Lay says and helps Jessica up on her feet.


“Thank you,” Jessica thanks him and bends down to pick up the papers. Lay watches for awhile before helping Jessica, “Here,” he hands over the rest of the papers to her.


“Thank you,” she says again and takes the papers from Lay. Jessica stands up and faces Kai, “Sorry for not watching where I was going,” she apologizes, bows and leaves rather quickly. Kai spins around to watch Jessica walk away from him.


He smirks.


“Why are you smirking?” Lay asks Kai.


“I found my new target……”

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staygirl309 #1
Chapter 13: Noooooo!!!! The journey of exotaeng were about to start
update update :|
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 13: Oh my please, I love this ff, please cont this ff
ambai90 #4
Chapter 13: i want seolay here!!!! seolay please!!!
exotaeng9 #5
Chapter 13: update............
Chapter 13: ok...i'll keep waiting then...don't fellow authors, i understand ur problem...hehehe
hwaiting author-nim! (^_^)
Hey Thao..when you have time please update this story..i miss it. ^^
kahina #8
Chapter 12: please update pleaaaase!!!this is one of my favorite fanfic
Chapter 12: You should put more Yuri as well ^^