Don't Tempt me.

My Little Bastard


“Why are your clothes all dirty?” Hyoyeon asked Taeyeon while she sat on top of the bench table chewing away on a piece of bread. Taeyeon looked down at her clothes and then back up at the blonde, “Some rich bastard pushed me,” she explained and sat down.


Hyoyeon nodded and continue to eat her bread, “So who’s that?” she asked pointing at Kangin. Taeyeon glanced at Hyoyeon and gave her a weird look, “You seriously forgot about him already pabo?”


Hyoyeon averted her eyes from Taeyeon to Kangin and tilted her head slightly to the side, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him before,” she claimed. Taeyeon face palmed and shook her head. From behind Sooyoung smacked Hyoyeon on the head, “Oh my gosh pabo, that’s Kangin oppa remember?”


Hyoyeon gasped loudly and dropped her bread on her lap, “Kangin oppa?!”


Kangin stood there laughing at her, “Did I change that much within three years of not seeing you girls?” Hyoyeon stood up from the table and jumped down, her bread on the ground left unnoticed. She ran up to Kangin and hugged him, “Welcome back oppa!!!” she shouted into his ears.


Kangin laughed at Hyoyeon’s actions, “Too loud and too tight Hyoyeon ah.”


“Oops,” Hyoyeon lets go of Kangin, “Since when did you get back?”


“Long time ago but I became busy with trying to enroll into this school,” he explained. Kangin looked among the rests, “Where are the others? How come it’s only you and Sooyoung ah?”


Hyoyeon looked behind her, “Oh the others are in class or at work right now,” she explained, “Jessica unnie, Tiffany unnie, and Taeyeon unnie are working as part timer at the café in the university grounds, so that’s where tiffany and Jessica are at, Seohyun hasn’t come to school yet since her class doesn’t start until 12, Yuri went to yoga class, Yoona went to her gardening class or so she says and Sunny went to talk to the counselor about something regarding her classes.”

Kangin nods, “I see, so when do you go to class?”


“I’m already done for the day since I had only one class today and that was early in the morning,” Hyoyeon told him. She spun back around and retreated back to the bench and took a seat beside Taeyeon, “But I like going home with these pabos,” and swung an arm around Taeyeon’s shoulders.


Taeyeon shoved the arm off of her and continued to play games on her phone, “When are you going to class oppa?”


“In a bit and then I have work after that.”


Taeyeon stood up from her sitting area and stretched, “Well I’m off to class,” she told them and stuffed her phone back into her pant’s pocket, “I’ll see you guys later, give me a call if you guys plan to hang out afterwards or something, okay?” she told Hyoyeon.



Taeyeon waved bye to Kangin and left the trio to catch up on life.




“You should have been a bit nicer to her,” Luhan told Suho as they sat in the cafeteria eating breakfast. Suho stabbed his pancake with his fork, “Well who told her to yell at Kris?”


Luhan sighed, “But Kris was also wrong…”


“So it’s my fault then?” Kris interrupted Luhan. Luhan looked up at Kris and then back at Suho, “Maybe you should apologize to her,” he suggested the younger one.


Suho glared at his pancake and then looked up at Luhan to glare at him, “She’s 1 in a million of people in this university, what makes you think that I’ll run into her again?”


Luhan shrugged, “I don’t know but maybe you will one day?”


“Enough you two,” Xiumin said and sat down with his tray of food, “Just eat quietly okay?”


Luhan sighed in defeat and continued to eat his breakfast. The group fell into a silent as they all focused on their food




Jessica placed the plate into the sink along with the other dirty dishes and wiped her hands on her apron, “What time does Taeyeon unnie supposed to come in?” She asked Tiffany who was busy blending coffee beans together in a blender. Tiffany removed the lid and pours the blended coffee beans into a small mug, “Around 2pm,” she answered Jessica.


The door to the café dings as a customer walked in. Jessica frowned once she heard the loud noise the customer along with some of his friends was making in the café. Tiffany glanced over her shoulder quickly and then turned back around to pay attention to her unfinished coffee, “Stupid kids,” she muttered under her breath. Jessica shook her head and retreated into the kitchen to clean up her mess from earlier that day.


Jessica wiped down the counter and threw away the left over foods that the customers didn’t finish into the trash can. She spun around to grab the sprayer when she bumped into one of the workers there.


“Ah!” she screamed loudly.


“Sorry Jessica unnie,” the girl apologized. Jessica’s chest heaved up and down as she held onto her heart calming down, “You scared the living crap out of me Luna.”


Luna looked up at Jessica sheepishly and bowed again, “I’m so sorry Jessica unnie, I didn’t mean to,” she apologized again. Jessica smiled and patted Luna’s head, “It’s okay, unnie isn’t mad at you.” Luna stood up straight, “Um, Sulli wanted me to tell you to go and take care of those customers that just walked in.”


Jessica cocked up an eyebrow, “But my shift isn’t on the floor today.”


Luna fidgeted with her feet, “Yeah but…,” she looked everywhere else except at Jessica.


“What’s the matter Luna?”


“Sulli just doesn’t want to serve those customers because well…she…you know how Sulli s around the men she has crushes on.”


Jessica broke into a smile and then giggled, “Let me guess, one of her crushes is sitting out there right now?” she asked and Sulli nodded. Jessica lets out a ‘ah~’ and placed the rag back onto the counter, “Tell Sulli that she owes me one then,” she told Luna and grabbed a pad and a pen from the top shelf before heading out onto the floor area. Jessica walked over to the group of 4 boys sitting around talking loudly.


“Hi, my name is Jessica and I’ll be your server today,” she greeted the group of boys, “what can I start you guys off with?”


One of the boy looked up from where he was sitting and smiled, “I would like mocha,” he answered and Jessica quickly scribbled it down on the pad, “no. 13,” another one answered, “I would like a fresh brewed coffee,” the third one requested.


“Okay,” Jessica finished scribbling down those twos’ orders, “and what about you today sir?” she turned to ask the last one. He looked up and smirked, “Do you come as an order?” he asked and the other three boys giggled. Jessica broke into a smile, “Of course I do, but I’m quite expensive and that might be out of your price range sir,” she said.


And he smirked then his lips and rubbed his chin, “Don’t tempt me…,” he looked at her name tagged, “Jessica,” he finished.


Jessica gave out a slight chuckle, “Sorry, I’m not good at tempting anyone,” she apologized, “so what can I get for you today?”


The first boy who ordered his mocha leaned over and smacked the other boy on the arm, “Kai shut up and order already.”


Kai only laughed and looked down at the menu, “No. 15 with whip cream on top,” he said. Jessica scribbled the order down and shoved the pad back into her apron pocket after she was done writing.


“Your orders will be up in a bit,” she told the group and collected the menus from them. Kai reached out and grabbed Jessica by her left wrist, “You’re quite small,” he exclaimed while examining the size of her wrist in the grip of his hand. Jessica looked down at Kai’s hand and tried to yank her wrist out from his grip, “I would like whip cream,” he began, “but I want your whip cream instead,” he teased.


Jessica frowned and with a harsh tug, she was able to yank her wrist out from Kai’s grasp, “Don’t worry with the whip cream sir,” Jessica told Kai and then walked off. Kai turned around to watch Jessica walk away from the table with a smirk, “I like that ,” he commented.


One of his friends, Minho, smacked Kai on the head, “Pabo quit being such a ert.” Kai glared at Minho and then smirked, “Don’t be jealous that you’re such a wuss at hitting on the girls you like.”


“So you’re telling me you like that girl?” Another one named Jonghyun piped in. Kai glanced at Jonghyun and shrugged, “She’s got a nice ,” he complimented Jessica. Tamin rolled his eyes and leaned back into his seat. He looked up and saw Sulli walking out from behind the counter to serve another customer. He smiled and shot up from his seat, “I’ll be back guys,” he told his friends before making his way towards Sulli. Jonghyun, Minho, and Kai watched as Taemin made his way towards the shorter girl, “Is that Sulli?” Jonghyun asked and Minho nodded while Kai scrunched up his fast in disgust.


“That’s Sulli? The girl that Taemin won’t shut up about? She’s not even that good looking,” Kai commented and turned back around to play with the straw. Minho and Jonghyun both gave Kai a slight glance before ignoring him. 

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staygirl309 #1
Chapter 13: Noooooo!!!! The journey of exotaeng were about to start
update update :|
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 13: Oh my please, I love this ff, please cont this ff
ambai90 #4
Chapter 13: i want seolay here!!!! seolay please!!!
exotaeng9 #5
Chapter 13: update............
Chapter 13: ok...i'll keep waiting then...don't fellow authors, i understand ur problem...hehehe
hwaiting author-nim! (^_^)
Hey Thao..when you have time please update this story..i miss it. ^^
kahina #8
Chapter 12: please update pleaaaase!!!this is one of my favorite fanfic
Chapter 12: You should put more Yuri as well ^^