Kim Taeyeon...

My Little Bastard


Taeyeon walked into the back to put away her things before changing into her uniform and apron. After dressing up, she made her way into the restroom to pin up her hair into a bun. She walked out from the restroom, “Hey Taeyeon,” Luna greeted her with a bow to which she returned back, “Dana unnie said that you have floor today.”


“What? I have the floor shift today? I thought Dana unnie scheduled me for the kitchen.”


Luna shrugged, “That’s what Dana unnie wanted me to come tell you. If you have any complaints just go talk to Dana unnie about it.”


Taeyeon silently fumed, “Nevermind. I don’t want to get on Dana unnie’s bad side,” she shook her head and gives out a loud sigh. Taeyeon grunted while making her way to grab a pad a pen.




“Oooo we’re here,” Sooyoung shouted as they walked up the stairs. She placed her hands on the door handle and pulled it back with a hard tug.


“Gosh Sooyoung you don’t need to pull it that hard,” Sunny said from the back.


“Shut up,” Sooyoung shouted and enter with the others following her, “Taeyeon unnie!!!!!” she shouted loudly causing other customers to turn and look at their direction. Taeyeon’s head popped out from behind the counter and she frowned from the sudden loud noise. She stood up and placed both hands on her waist, “Yah Choi Sooyoung. How many times have I told you to quit causing so much noise when you come here?”


Sooyoung smiled and shrugged, “Many times unnie many times,” she replied back and sits down at a random table. Hyoyeon shook her head and sat down beside her with the others filling up the empty seats. Taeyeon marched over to her group of friends, “Don’t even say it,” she stuck a hand up in the air, “Sooyoung wants discounts from our pastries right?”


Yoona chuckled, “You got that right unnie.”


Taeyeon glared at Sooyoung while the taller just smiled like child, “You’re too nice unnie,” Sooyoung told Taeyeon and poked her on the elbow.


 “Aish,” Taeyeon nudged Sooyoung lightly on the head before heading back behind the counter.


“I need to use the restroom, who wants to go with me?” Hyoyeon asked them while standing up. Yoona and Seohyun both stood up as well, “We’ll go,” they both replied in unison and left with Hyoyeon.





“Is this the place?” Tao asked Sehun as they walked up the stairs of the café. Sehun looked up at the building and nods, “Yeah,” he answers the Chinese boy and walked off first. Tao looked at Chanyeol who passed him without saying anything. He shrugged and follows his two Korean friends. Sehun opens the door and made his way up to their group of friends, “Glad to see that you guys were able to make it,” Kai commented, “pull a random chair.”


Tao looked behind him and grabs the closest chair to him. Sehun and Chanyeol doing the same, “Have you guys order?” Sehun asked them as he took a seat beside Tao.


“Some of us have already,” Luhan answered him softly, “the waiter will be back to take your orders if you guys want anything.”


Sehun nodded and scans through the menu in front of him.


“I apologize for the delay,” Taeyeon said and placed a cup of caramel frappucino in front of Luhan, “your previous waitress had to leave early so I’ll be your waitress from now on.”


Luhan looked up and sees Taeyeon, he smiles, “Ah it’s you.”


Taeyeon looked down at Luhan and her face automatically turned red, “Um…” she laughed nervously, “yeah…it’s me.”


Luhan stood up, “You’re not hurt right?”


“Yeah…um I mean no of course not,” Taeyeon stuttered and laughed nervously.

“Good,” Luhan said with a smile. His eyes falls down on her name tag, “Kim Taeyeon,” he said. Taeyeon looked up at him and then down at her name tag, “Ah yes that’s my name.”


“Such a childish name,” Kris commented from behind her. Taeyeon spun around to face the taller Chinese boy who had his back facing to her, “I apologize for having such a childish name.”


Luhan rolled his eyes, “Don’t mind him Taeyeon shi.”


Taeyeon averted her attention away from Kris’s head back to Luhan’s face. She smiled and shook her head, “No it’s okay.”


“Shouldn’t a waitress be doing her job instead of chit chatting away with the guests?” Sehun chimed in. He slams the menu shut and looked up at Taeyeon with a pair of irritated eyes, “Or should I complain to the manager that Kim Taeyeon isn’t doing her job like she’s supposed to?”


Taeyeon was stuck for words. She didn’t know what or how to reply back. Kris snickered along with some of them. Suho ignoring the whole scene while typing away on his phone.


“S…sorry,” Taeyeon apologized and bowed to Sehun, “D…did you want to order?”


“Not after what just happened. No.”


Luhan looked at the younger and his eye brows furrowed together, “Sehun ah don’t say that to her,” he scolded the younger. Sehun looked at his hyung and rolled his eyes. He then kicked under the table and slouched in his chair. His eyes looked up just in time to see Dana walking past. He smirked, “Dana shi!” Sehun shouted and stood up. Taeyeon silently gasped and spun around to see her manager making her way up to the table.


“Yes?” Dana asked expecting to see just another customer. As her eyes landed on Sehun she gasped loudly, “Sehun ah,” the older girl said and ran up to him, “What brought you here today?”


“My friends wanted me to come,” he told her.


“Ah~ I see that they’re all here, that’s pretty amazing,” she comments and scanned them, “but…where’s Lay?”


“Obviously not here,” Sehun answered.


Dana lets out a chuckle, “Why of course. But did you need something Sehun ah?”


“Yes. I have a complaint,” he begins, “your worker here,” he pointed to Taeyeon, “Kim Taeyeon isn’t doing her job. What kind of employees do you hire Dana?”


Dana looked at Taeyeon who had her eyes fixated on Sehun, “Well…well Kim Taeyeon shi is one of our best worker here…if not one the she is our best worker here…right Taeyeon shi?” Dana asked.


“Huh? Oh…um…yes,” Taeyeon answered.


“Really? If she’s your best worker here then I suggest you to look for another.”


“Ah…yes Sehun shi,” Dana said and made her way to Taeyeon. She grabbed Taeyeon by the arm, “I’ll…I’ll have a quick conversation with her to make sure she does her job,” she reassured Sehun and pulled Taeyeon away from the table.


Sehun sat back down and placed his hands behind his head. Luhan looked at the younger then sat down, “What was that all about Sehun ah?” the older snapped at the younger. Sehun looked Luhan without answering and shut his eyes.





“What was that all about Taeyeon ah?” Dana asked the shorter.

“I…I…I didn’t do anything wrong,” Taeyeon explained, “All I did was had a short conversation with one of them and then he…,” she stopped for awhile, “who is he?”


Dana sighed and ruffled her hair, “He is Oh Sehun, the son of the owner of his university. Sehun was the one who convinced his parents to build this café.”


“So…who runs this café? Don’t tell me…”


Dana nods, “The person who owns, runs, and basically pays for your pay check is none other than Oh Sehun.”


Taeyeon scowled, “What a brat.”

Dana laughed, “Yeah tell me about,” the older placed both hands on Taeyeon’s shoulders, “look, I know Sehun ah was giving you a hard time and he was being a . I know you well Taeyeon ah. You are our hardest working employee here, so don’t worry about what just happened okay?”


Taeyeon gives Dana a smile and nods, “Thanks unnie.”


“No problem, now go back out there and serve our customers.”

Taeyeon nods and leaves.




Hyoyeon, Seohyun, and Yoona returns back from the restroom. As the three girls reached their table, they noticed that their chairs were gone. Hyoyeon looked around them, “What happened to our chair?” she asked Sooyoung.


Sooyoung looked up from her phone, “I’m not sure, I swore it was there when you girls left.”


“It was pabo,” Hyoyeon said.


Hyoyeon glanced a few feet from her right and spots her bag hanging on Sehun’s chair. She frowned and marched over to them and tapped Sehun’s shoulder lightly.  Sehun spun around to see who it was, “May I help you?” he asked the blonde hair girl.


“Yes you can,” Hyoyeon answered, “you can help me by giving back our chairs,” she stated.


“Your chairs?”


Hyoyeon nods, “Yeah our chair. The chair you’re sitting on was mine at the beginning.”


Sehun looked down at the chair and then back up at her, “I don’t see your name on it.”


“My bag was hanging on the chair,” Hyoyeon pointed to her bag.


Sehun looked at Hyoyeon’s bag. Grabs the strap and yanked it off of the chair then hands it to her, “Here you go.”


Hyoyeon’s mouth dropped. She couldn’t believe what he just did, “You…you…YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS BAG COST ME?!!!” she shouted.


“No…and I don’t care to know.”


Hyoyeon’s face turned into an angry expression. She threw her bag down harshly on the floor, “You bastard!”


Taeyeon walked in just in time to see a fuming Hyoyeon about ready to kick someone’s . She gasped loudly, placed the tray of cups on the counter and ran up to Hyoyeon, “Hyoyeon ah,” Taeyeon shouted and pulled the blonde hair girl away from Sehun, “stop,” she said between her clenched teeth.


“Why are you stopping me unnie? Don’t you see what this bastard just did? He takes my chair and then yanked my bag off from the chair and now look, the strap is ruined,” Hyoyeon shouted.


Taeyeon looked down at the bag then back up at the fuming girl, “Aish…okay calm down…”


“Your friend?” Sehun asked coolly. Taeyeon averted her attention away from Hyoyeon then to Sehun, “Um…yes,” she answered.


“Your friend is causing too much commotion in here. I think I should ban you and your friends from this café.”


Taeyeon frowned, “Ban?”


Sehun nods, “I don’t like it whenever there’s too much commotion.”


“Look I apologize for…”


Sehun puts a hand up in the air signaling Taeyeon to stop talking, “Look, you girls are ban from the place so…”


“Look okay I’m sorry for what my friend did and…”


“No more talking,” Sehun cut her off again, “From now on you’re fired. You and your friend or friends,” he glanced behind them, “aren’t allowed to come here ever again.”


Taeyeon’s mouth dropped, “F…fire? You fired me?” he asked and pointed to herself.


Sehun nods, “Did I not make myself clear?”


Taeyeon stood there. Silence filled the air. She shut her eyes for a good few seconds recollecting herself before she blew up. Taeyeon reopened her eyes and slowly took off her apron and hands it to Sehun, “Here.”


Sehun looked at her apron and then back at her, “Why would I want it? Give it to your manager.”


“Don’t need to. I’m giving it to the owner of this café,” Taeyeon argued back. Hyoyeon gasped and looked at Taeyeon, “He…he is…”


“He’s Oh Sehun, the owner of his café. His parents are the owner if this university,” Taeyeon explained to Hyoyeon, “Right?” she asked Sehun without tearing her gaze from him.


Sehun looked from side to side and then back at Taeyeon, “That’s correct,” he said.


“So here.” Taeyeon shoved the apron into his chest and lets go letting the apron fall onto the ground, “Come on Hyoyeon,” Taeyeon grabbed Hyoyeon’s wrist and her bag then drag the girl away from the group. She made her way up to her group of friends who were waiting for them.


“Hey!” Sehun shouted after her. Taeyeon spun around to see what he wanted. Sehun picked up the apron and made his way to Taeyeon then threw the apron on top of her, “I told you to give it to the manager,” he stated.


Taeyeon pulled the apron off of her head and throws it onto the table, “Not my business. I’m fired…remember?” She reminds him, “Come girls,” and with that she left with her friends. Sehun frowned, grabbed the apron and marched after Taeyeon.


“Kim Taeyeon,” he shouted but Taeyeon ignored him, “Kim Taeyeon stop!” he shouted again but still she continue to ignore. Sehun reaches arm length of Taeyeon and grabbed her by the wrist, “I said…”




Taeyeon slaps Sehun across the face, “I told you it’s not my business any longer. Owner and manager, what difference does it make?” Taeyeon asked Sehun, “ing rich bastards,” she muttered loudly enough for Sehun to hear before taking off with her friends. Sehun rubs the spot he got slapped and looked down at the apron. He grabs the name tag and tears it from the apron,”Kim…Taeyeon…”


He smirked….

Sorry did not do any beta-read so bear with my horrible 12 in the morning writing LOL.

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staygirl309 #1
Chapter 13: Noooooo!!!! The journey of exotaeng were about to start
update update :|
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 13: Oh my please, I love this ff, please cont this ff
ambai90 #4
Chapter 13: i want seolay here!!!! seolay please!!!
exotaeng9 #5
Chapter 13: update............
Chapter 13: ok...i'll keep waiting then...don't fellow authors, i understand ur problem...hehehe
hwaiting author-nim! (^_^)
Hey Thao..when you have time please update this story..i miss it. ^^
kahina #8
Chapter 12: please update pleaaaase!!!this is one of my favorite fanfic
Chapter 12: You should put more Yuri as well ^^