
My Little Bastard


People stepped aside as they whispered among each others in the ears. They watched as a group consisting of 12 boys made their way out from two black vans. The crowd eyed the first group of boys that came out from the first van.


“Who are they?” A short girl within the crowd asked a random stranger standing beside her.


“They’re called EXO, a group consisting of 12 boys both Koreans and Chinese,” he answered her, “they’re the richest boys in this university, I also heard that one of their parents owns his university.”


She nodded and looked back at EXO, “But…why do they call themselves EXO?”


He shrugged, “I’m not sure, but that’s all I know.”


She watched as the door the second van slides open and another 6 boys stepped out dressed in expensive clothing, “What’s their names?”


“Hm…the tall blonde guy from the second group is called Kris, the shorter blonde is called Luhan, the tall black haired boy is Tao and he knows wushu…”

“What’s that?” She cuts him off.


“Wushu is some kind or form of martial arts, anyways the guy with puffy cheeks is called Minseok but a lot of people call him Xiumin instead, the guy with obvious cheek bones showing is called Jongdoe, and like Minseok people calls him Chen, and the other guy who looks lost right now, he’s called Lay.”

She nodded, “And what about the other group?” she asked whiled pointing to the first group.


“Oh, the shortest one right there standing in front of the group,” he pointed to one of them, “he’s called Joonmyeon but people calls him Suho since he’s supposed to be the one protecting the other 11 boys, the one that looks like what girls would call it “”,” the guy rolled his eyes, “he’s called Jongin but for some unknown reasons he prefers people calling him Kai, the one that has on eyeliner…”


She had to squint her teeny beeny eyes so she could see, “He’s called Baekhyun, the very tall one with curly hair is called Chanyeol, the maknae is that one standing beside Luhan, he's called Sehun and he's a bit...4-D, and lastly the one with natural huge round eyes is called Kyungsoo but people calls him D.O. instead,” he finished explaining.

She nods again, “I see…”


EXO turned around together towards the crowd and made their way through the university’s gates with their hand bags slung over their shoulders or being held in their hands.


“Thanks for the explanation,” she told the random stranger and bows to him. He finally looked down at her and his eyes widen,” Kim Taeyeon?!”


Taeyeon looked up to see who the man was and why in the world does he know her name when dropped, “Kangin oppa?!” she shouted back. He laughed while scratching the back of his neck, “Why didn’t I notice your voice?”


Taeyeon chuckled, “I don’t know,” she slapped him lightly on the arm, “Oppa when did you get accepted into this university?”


“Hm...when school started pabo,” Kangin told her and flicked Taeyeon on the forehead. Taeyeon pouted and rubbed the spot she got flicked on, “Are the others with you?”


“Hyoyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, Sooyoung, Yuri, Yoona, Seohyun, and Sunny?” Kangin nods.


“Yeah, you and your many 8 other friends.”


“They’re with me but some of their classes started earlier today, I actually have to go meet up with them,” Taeyeon said, “Want to come along? I’m sure the girls would be happy to see you again.”


“Sure,” Kangin smiled. Both of them squeezed themselves out from the crowd. Just as Kangin made his way towards the building, he accidentally bumps into Kris who had knocked him down.


“Oppa!” Taeyeon shouted and ran to his side. Kris and the others have had stopped walking and stared down the two. Kangin looked up and scooted backwards a bit hitting Taeyeon on her knees, “Oppa?” she questions him. She looked up to meet 12 eyes glaring at them.


“I think we should go Taeyeon ah,” Kangin whispered to her and got up his feet. He dusted himself off and grabbed her by the hand but she doesn’t move, “Taeyeon?” Kangin looked behind him and sees Taeyeon glaring back at EXO, “Taeyeon ah,” he continued to call for her and tugged her arm.


Taeyeon pried Kangin’s hand off from her wrist and walked up to Kris who was many feet taller than her. She had to look up to Kris, “You should apologize,” she demanded the taller one. Kris cocked up an eyebrow and smirked, “Me? Your pathetic friend was the one who bumped into me instead shorty,” he said.


Taeyeon pursed her lips, “I’ll have him apologize as well, but you’re also at fault,” she poked Kris in his chest. Kris looked down at Taeyeon’s finger, grabbed it and shoved it away from him, “Don’t touch me you middle class human beings.”


Taeyeon frowned, “So what if I don’t wear expensive brand names like you do? You got a problem with that rich spoiled brat?”


Someone from behind snickered. Kris whipped his head around to see Chanyeol covering his mouth, “Shut up Chanyeol,” he told the other taller boy.


“Sorry,” Chanyeol apologized.


Kris turned back around to face Taeyeon with a glare, “You should move out of my way shorty.”


Instead of listening to him, Taeyeon purposely stepped in front of the group and crossed her arms, “Not until you apologize to my friend.”


Suho looked down at his watch and then sighed loudly. He walked up to Taeyeon and shoved her to the side, “We don’t have time for your nonsense,” he told her and walked off. Kris smirked while the others followed Suho into the building. Before following his friends, Kris stopped in front of Taeyeon who was now on the ground, “You should watch the way you talk to us shorty,” he threatened and walked off. Kangin quickly ran up to Taeyeon, “I told you to stop, why didn’t you listen to me?”


Taeyeon stood up and dusted off the dirt from her clothes. She spun around to glare at their backs, “This is why I hate rich spoiled tards, they think they can do anything to us middle class ones.”


Kangin sighed and shook his head, “Come on, and let’s forget about this.”


Taeyeon took in a deep breath and let it out then nods, “Okay, let’s go find the rest.”

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staygirl309 #1
Chapter 13: Noooooo!!!! The journey of exotaeng were about to start
update update :|
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 13: Oh my please, I love this ff, please cont this ff
ambai90 #4
Chapter 13: i want seolay here!!!! seolay please!!!
exotaeng9 #5
Chapter 13: update............
Chapter 13: ok...i'll keep waiting then...don't worry..as fellow authors, i understand ur problem...hehehe
hwaiting author-nim! (^_^)
Hey Thao..when you have time please update this story..i miss it. ^^
kahina #8
Chapter 12: please update pleaaaase!!!this is one of my favorite fanfic
Chapter 12: You should put more Yuri as well ^^