Let's Be Friends.

My Little Bastard


“I need something new in my life,” Chen complains to his friends as they all sat under a big oak tree in the university’s park. “Do something different then,” Lay answers the younger one while focused on tuning his guitar. Chen let’s a big sigh, “Like what though hyung? I don’t know what I should do.”


“Since you always joke around how you’re the ‘Dancing Machine,’ why don’t you take some dancing class?” Luhan suggests his dongsaeng. Chen lies there watching the green leaves sway back and forth from the wind, “I think I will,” he answers and sits up quickly, “I am after all the awesome dancing machine,” with that Chen gets up on his feet and marches away from his group of friends.


“You think he’s on drugs?” Xiumin whispers to Kai.


“Dude is always on drugs, where have you been?” Kai asks his hyung and smacks him on the head.


“Eh! No smacking your hyung Kim Jong in!” Xiumin shouts at the younger to which the younger one only simply rolls his eyes.




“Unnie!” A short girl runs up to Hyoyeon who was busying stretching in front of the huge mirror in the dance room.


“Yes?” Hyoyeon answers without facing the younger girl.


“We got someone who is interested in joining our club,” she tells Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon stops stretching and looks at the younger girl, “But sign ups already passed though.”


“That’s what I told him but he suggests on getting into the club.”


Hyoyeon sighs, “I’ll take care of this, go ahead and warm up,” the  younger girl nods and runs into place while Hyoyeon makes her way out of the room. She walks down the hallway to the entrance of the dance studio, “May I help you?” Hyoyeon asks the boy who had his back facing her. Once he heard her voice he spins around, “Oh are you the president of the dance club?”


“Yes I am,” Hyoyeon answers, “I heard that you wanted to join.”


“I did,” he says and walks up to Hyoyeon, “I’m Kim Jongdae or you can just call me Chen,” he sticks out his hand for Hyoyeon to shake. Hyoyeon looks down at Chen’s hand and takes it, “It’s nice to meet you Jongdae shi but you see…”


“I know the other girl already told me,” Chen cut in before allowing Hyoyeon to finish, “But you see I really want to join…so…can I be an exception?”


Hyoyeon stands there looking at Chen debating if she should bend the rule once. She sighs, “For now we’ll let you practice with us, but once sign ups are open again, I’ll allow you to join how does that sound?”


Chen smiles widely, “That sounds great!” he shouts and pulls Hyoyeon into a surprise hug, “Thank you so much!!!”


Hyoyeon gives out a ‘what the heck’ smile while Chen continues to hug her.




“Yo,” Sehun says to his group of friends as Kris, Suho, and him approaches them. Kai looks up from his ipad and then back down to it, “Yo,” Kai answers back. Sehun takes a seat beside Kai while Kris and Suho find a spot to sit, “Let me play,” Sehun pipes in and tries to grab the ipad from Kai’s hand.


“Not yet, I’m not dead yet,” Kai refuses to hand over the ipad to the younger one so he faces his back to Sehun instead.


“Quit fighting over a dang ipad you two,” Kyungsoo scolds the two younger one.


Luhan looks up at Kris and sees that his dongsaeng seems to be lost in his thoughts, “What’s with that face of yours Kris?” Luhan interrupts Kris from his train of thoughts. Kris snaps his head at his gege and shakes his head, “Nothing,” he lies and looks down at the grass beneath him.


“Liar, I know that face of yours. What are you thinking about? Victoria maybe?” Luhan teases.


“Why would I care to think about her?” Kris asks while frowning at his gege. Luhan shrugs, “I don’t know, maybe because she’s your ex and she’s coming back today.”


“Wait, Victoria is coming to Korea…today?” Tao surprisingly asks and Luhan nods, “I have to go pick her up around 3 in the afternoon, want to tag along?”


Tao smiles and nods enthusiastically.


“Psh, what’s so great about her?” Chanyeol asks them and leans against the tree, “She’s nothing special.”


“To you maybe not but to Tao, Kris, Lay and, I yes,” Luhan answers.


“Please don’t add me into that list,” Kris chimes in, “I don’t want anything to do with that lady.”


Luhan shuts his eyes and leans against Kyungsoo’s back, “Whatever Kris,” he breathes out and enjoys the light wind passing by. Kris rolls his eyes not wanting to fight with his gege. He looks up and sees Taeyeon and Seohyun walking a few feet from them. Seohyun and Taeyeon were both seen talking and laughing merrily as they passed them by. Kris watches and a sudden smile appears on his face as he eyes Taeyeon. Taeyeon laughs loudly which causes Sehun to look away from Kai’s ipad to whoever was laughing. Once Sehun sees who was laughing he too also chuckles at the scene before him. Kai looks over his shoulder and up an eyebrow at the younger one, “What are you laughing about pabo?”


Sehun shakes his head, “Nothing,” he says without tearing his eyes away from Taeyeon and Seohyun who by now are sitting on a stone bench. Kai looks at Sehun and then follows the direction that Sehun was looking at, “I thought you didn’t like her?” Kai says.




“The one who is laughing like a pabo over there,” Kai says and points to Taeyeon who now threw her head back to laugh at whatever Seohyun is telling her.


“I…I don’t like her,” Sehun stutters and finally looks away, “Give me the ipad,” and he snatches the ipad from Kai’s lap. Kai shakes his head and looks away but catches Kris looking at Taeyeon’s and Seohyun’s direction as well, “What’s this I’m seeing?” Kai asks loudly with a smirk which causes the other guys to look at them.


Kris blinks and tears his eyes away from the two girls, “What?” he asks Kai, dumbfounded.


“What’s with the smile Kris?” Kai asks again.


“What smile?”


“Oh don’t be so oblivious, I saw how you looked like while staring at the short girl over there…what was her name again?”


“You’re crazy,” Kris chuckles, “Why in the world would I be staring at her? I was…I was looking at the other one…the one with long hair,” Kris lies. Lay looks over and sees Seohyun sitting a few feet from them, “That girl?” Lay asks, “When did you meet her?”


Kris turns to look at Lay, “Um…in the library,” he answers. Lay nods and gets up from his sitting area, “Where are you going?” Kris asks as he eyes the younger one who was walking towards Seohyun and Taeyeon.


“I’m going to ask her name for you ge,” Lay tells Kris. Kris’s eyes widens and he runs after Lay who was now getting closer and closer to Taeyeon and Seohyun, “Lay!” Kris shouts and grabs the younger one by the shoulder.


“What?” Lay asks.




“Oh it’s you,” Seohyun’s voice interrupts the two. Lay and Kris slowly turns to look at both of the girls, “Yeah it’s me,” Lay says with a smile.


“You know him?” Taeyeon whispers to Seohyun and she nods, “Well not really but I ran into him yesterday, he was quite nice,” Seohyun answers, “Hi there,” she says to Kris who was trying to hide his tall figure behind Lay’s short one. Kris looks over and smiles nervously and nods, “Hi,” he says back quietly. Taeyeon looks behind Lay and frowns, “You also know that bastard?” She asks Seohyun while pointing a finger at Kris.


Seohyun looks at Taeyeon and blinks not understanding why Taeyeon would call Kris a bastard, “Why are you calling him that unnie?”


“What?!” Taeyeon shouts and stands up from the bench, “He’s a bastard!! He’s friends with that guy who fired me from my work!”


“Hey that bastard helped you get your book back and stopped him from…,” Sehun stops before he going any further.


“Unnie?” Seohyun asks Taeyeon who’s face was now all red, “Seohyun…let’s go,” Taeyeon says and grabs Seohyun by the hand to drag her way from the ruckus.


“Wait,” Lay stops the two from going any further, “Can I get your names…at least?” Lay asks. Seohyun looks up and smiles, “I’m Seohyun and my unnie is Taeyeon, what’s your name?”


“I’m Lay,” Lay answers, “The tall guy with the blonde hair is Kris and the other guy is Sehun,” he tells them.


“It’s nice to meet you guys all,” Seohyun says politely. She looks over at Taeyeon who has her head down the whole time and nudges her, “Unnie,” she whispers. Taeyeon looks up, “Uh…yeah nice to meet you guys too,” she says quickly.


Lay chuckles, “Why don’t I take you girls over to introduce to my friends?” he suggests.


“Um…that’s nice and all but…”


“That’s a great idea,” Seohyun cuts Taeyeon off quickly, “I love meeting new people.”


Lay smiles, “Great, follow me then.”


Seohyun starts moving but Taeyeon pulls her back, “What are you doing Seohyun ah?” She whispers.


“Unnie there’s nothing wrong with getting to know more people.”




“Come on unnie. So what if one of his friends was the guy that fired you, he did help you after all right?”




“Quit saying but. Let’s go,” and with that Seohyun drags Taeyeon with her following the trio up ahead.


“Hey guys,” Lay greets his buddies, “I want to introduce to you guys two girls.”


Luhan looks up and sees Seohyun and Taeyeon standing there. He smiles and shoots up onto his feet, “Hey,” he greets Taeyeon happily. Taeyeon looks at Luhan and she immediately smiles, “Hey,” she greets back. Kris and Sehun turns their heads to look at the two and they both frown at the same time. Sehun quickly walks over to Luhan and slung an arm around the older one, “Hey hyung.”


Luhan looks at Sehun and smiles, “Yes Sehun ah?”


“Guys quit taking their attention away,” Lay complains, “anyways so Taeyeon and Seohyun, that guy over there is Kyungsoo, the one sitting next to him is Suho, the guy that is currently on his phone is Tao, the one with the ipad is Kai, the one with curly brown hair is Chanyeol, that’s Xiumin and Baekhyun,” Lay says in one go, “and guys this is Seohyun and Taeyeon.”


Baekhyun smiles and stands up to greet the two, “It’s a pleasure to meet you two,” he tells them…well more likely to Seohyun since Taeyeon is currently being distracted by Sehun and Luhan.


“Gege, isn’t time for you to go pick her up?” Kris asks and places an arm on Luhan’s other shoulder.


“Who?” Taeyeon asks.


Luhan chuckles, “Just an old friend of ours,” he tells Taeyeon, “Well it’s nice to see you again Taeyeon shi, but since our time is short, I’ll see you another time.”


Taeyeon nods and Luhan wave bye to her, “Don’t fall for his tricks,” Sehun suddenly says which Taeyeon frowns.


“Excuse me? As far as I am concern, Luhan seems to be a bit nicer than you two,” Taeyeon tells them.


Sehun and Kris both laugh, “That’s what you think,” Kris says. Taeyeon rolls her eyes at the two, “Whatever.”


She turns to Seohyun who was busying talking to Baekhyun, “Seohyun ah, let’s get going, I don’t want to stay here anymore,” Taeyeon complains. Seohyun looks over to her unnie and scrunches up her nose, “Unnie you complaining don’t look so nice,” she jokes and laughs. Taeyeon sticks out her bottom lips, “Fine,” she says and turns her back on everyone.




“I want a quiet place to meditate,” Yuri tells Jessica as the both of them stroll down the hallway of the university.


“Why not the park then?” Jessica suggests.


“Good idea,” Yuri agrees. Both girls exists the building and heads towards the park, “Where to though?” Yuri asks as they stand there examining the huge area.


“Hm…,” Jessica thinks while poking the tip of her tongue out from her lips, “Just choose a place.”


Yuri sighs and shakes her head, “You’re really no help Jessica,” she jokes.


“Eh, I suggested the park remember?”


Yuri nods her head, “Yeah yeah, come on,” Yuri takes off down the stone path in the park. Both girls walk down the stone path talking to each other while watching other people in the park play or finishing up their homework.


“Wait…,” Jessica stops suddenly.


“What?” Yuri asks and looks over her shoulder.


“Isn’t that…Seohyun and Taeyeon?” Jessica asks while squinting her eyes a bit. Yuri looks at the direction Jessica was looking at, “Oh…it is them,” she confirms, “And who are they with?”


Jessica shrugs, “Not sure but let’s go check it out,” Jessica walks off first with Yuri following behind her.


“Taeyeon unnie!” Jessica shouts and Taeyeon looks up.


“Jessica?” Taeyeon asks and watches Jessica and Yuri making their way to them. Kai looks up and sees Jessica, his target, making her way up to the shorter girl. He smirks, places the ipad on the grass and gets up.


“What…are you two doing here? You guys know them?” Jessica asks while looking behind Taeyeon.


“They apparently are Seohyun’s new friend,” Jessica answers. Seohyun snaps her head at Taeyeon, “Unnie what are you talking about? They’re our friends…right?” She asks and hooks an arm with Taeyeon.


“I don’t consider strangers as my friends,” Taeyeon answers with a mono tone voice.


“Then shall we get to know each other a bit more?” Sehun suggests and slung an arm around Taeyeon’s shoulders. Taeyeon glares at Sehun and shrugs his arm off of her, “No,” she bluntly answers.


“Oh come on Taeyeon ah~” Sehun cooes and she shivers.


“That’s ugly,” Taeyeon answers him. Jessica glances behind the two and watches as Kris’s face turns into a frown, “Um…unnie…”


“Hi,” Kai suddenly pops in front of Jessica.


“AH!” Jessica shrieks and jumps a few feet away.


Kai laughs, “No need to be scared princess,” he says and walks up to her. Jessica looks at Kai and tilts her head, “Do I know you?”


“You don’t? I’m the guy at the café remember?”


Jessica thinks for awhile and then her face falls, “Oh man why do I have to meet you here?” she asks and hits her head. Kai chuckles, grabs Jessica’s hand stopping her from hitting herself, “Stop princess, you might end up making your forehead all red.”


Jessica looks at Kai and Kai looks back at her…




Kai smiles and nods, “From today on you’re my princess and I’m your prince, we both match very well right?”


Jessica looks behind her and reaches an arm out to Yuri, “Help me,” she mouths to the younger one.


But instead of helping her friend, Yuri stands there laughing at the scene in front of her. 

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staygirl309 #1
Chapter 13: Noooooo!!!! The journey of exotaeng were about to start
update update :|
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 13: Oh my please, I love this ff, please cont this ff
ambai90 #4
Chapter 13: i want seolay here!!!! seolay please!!!
exotaeng9 #5
Chapter 13: update............
Chapter 13: ok...i'll keep waiting then...don't worry..as fellow authors, i understand ur problem...hehehe
hwaiting author-nim! (^_^)
Hey Thao..when you have time please update this story..i miss it. ^^
kahina #8
Chapter 12: please update pleaaaase!!!this is one of my favorite fanfic
Chapter 12: You should put more Yuri as well ^^