
My Little Bastard


9 girls walks inside their apartment that they all shared together. The first who entered the apartment was the first one to flick on the lights, “Sunny unnie did you forget to pick up your clothes again?” Seohyun the youngest asks the older one as she walks in and passes Yuri.


Sunny looks up from the device in her hand, “Oh yeah I did, sorry. I was in a hurry today,” Sunny apologizes and walks over to pick up her clothes. Taeyeon walks in after Sooyoung and kicks off her shoes. She drags her feet over to the sofa and falls down face flat, “Yah Kim Taeyeon, move over so that we can have room to sit down too,” Sooyoung states while trying to shove Taeyeon’s short legs off from the sofa. Taeyeon mutters something into the sofa seat and then finally gets up into a sitting position. Tiffany glances at her best friend before making her way over to the older one, “Hey,” she starts.


Taeyeon looks up at Tiffany through her eyelashes, “Yes?” she answers.


“I heard from some co-workers that you got fired today…by the owner of the café,” Tiffany asks and falls down beside Taeyeon. Taeyeon lets out a heavy sigh, “Yes…apparently so,” she replies back.


“What happened? How are you going to pay for your school intuition and fees now?” Tiffany asks with concern.


“I don’t even know why I got fired, but that damn of a son decided to fire me because I was backing up Hyoyeon…or more like I was trying to calm down the situation. Stupid rich kids these days,” Taeyeon curses.


“Kids?” Tiffany her head slightly to the side, “What do you mean?”


Taeyeon looks at her friend’s confused face before looking away again, “The owner of the café is a freshman at our university, and a student. His parents are the owner of the school that we’re attending,” She explains.


Tiffany sits there nodding her head while rubbing her chin, “I see…”


Taeyeon lets out another heavy frustrated sigh, stands up, and ruffles her hair, “I’m going to take a shower,” she announces and leaves the living room. Tiffany sits back in the sofa, “Poor unnie,” she says while shaking her head.





“You guys want to hit the club tonight?” Suho suggests to the other ones in the same room he was currently in. Luhan looks up from his rubik cube, “Sure I don’t mind,” he answers.


“I’m up for it,” Kris says and leans back into his chair placing both of his hands behind his head.


“It’ll definitely release all the stress I’ve been having,” Chen adds.


“Tch, what kind of stress?” Xiumin retorts, “A troll such as you has stress too?”


Chen glances at his hyung and shuts his eyes with a smirk, “Of course Xiumin hyung,” he replies, “after all, I have girls confessing their undying love to me right and left.”


Xiumin scoffs, “Sure.”


“Stop it before you two get into a useless argument,” Luhan, the second oldest in the group, scolds the two. Chen simply rolls his eyes, “So are you guys up for the club tonight then?” he asks again.


Sehun looks up at his hyungs, “I’m not going,” he replies. All heads turns towards his direction, “Say what?” Kai asks in disbelief, “You usually never refuse the offer, what’s gotten into you?” he asks and ruffles Sehun’s hair. Sehun slaps Kai’s hand away from his head, “Nothing. I just want to rest, that’s all,” he explains.


“Don’t tell me Dana noona knocked some kind of stupid common sense into your head,” Kris asks the younger. Sehun looks at Kris and shakes his head, “No. I just don’t want to go,” he simply states.


“Oh come on Sehun, quit being such a party pooper,” Chanyeol chimes in from beside Baekhyun.


“Guys, if Sehun doesn’t want to go then he don’t need to go, quit pressuring him,” Luhan defends for the youngest. Sehun gives his hyung a long sigh and stands up from his seat, “I’m going to bed,” he tells the rests and makes his way up the stairs of their shared mansion. The rest of them watches Sehun slowly descend up the stairs and disappearing from their sight.


“So…,” Suho breaks the awkward silence that suddenly hung in the room, “Are we still going?”


Luhan stands up from his chair and stretches, “On a second thought,” he began, “I’m quite tired from today’s football game at school. I think I’m going to go get some rest instead, good night guys,” he bids them all a good night and leaves the group.


Lay stands up without saying anything and leaves as well.


“Since I didn’t agree on going, I’m heading to bed,” Baekhyun announces and stands up from the sofa. Chanyeol shot right up behind the shorter one, “Since hyung isn’t going, I’m not going either,” he says with his deep voice and follows Baekhyun to the stairs.


“What party poopers,” Chen claims, “Who’s still up for it?”


“Majority of them aren’t,” Tao reminds the older one, “I’m not going either since I have wushu practice early tomorrow morning,” The Chinese boy tells the rest and leaves the group. Kris stands up without saying anything and leaves with Xiumin bouncing after him. Kai nudges Kyungsoo who was already dozing off half way through the conversation to leave. Kyungsoo rubs his eyes and follows the younger one. Suho gives Chen a glance before leaving him as well.


Chen pouts and crosses his arms, “Party poopers.”




Sehun walks into his room, closes the door and locks it. He flicks on the light and made his way to the closet to take out a shirt and a sweat pants. Stripping himself out from his clothes, Taeyeon’s photo falls out from his pants pocket and lands on the carpet beside his foot. Sehun looks down and picks up the photo. Rolling his eyes, not knowing why in the world he didn’t stick the photo back in the wallet, he walks over to his desk wearing only his boxer and throws the photo on top of a random pile of papers. Sehun makes his way back to the closet and pulls out a white t-shirt. After settling in his usual sleeping clothes, Sehun walks over to his bed and falls face flat, muttering something against the soft sheets. There was a sudden knock on his door to which he allows the person to enter. The door opens and Luhan walks in. He shuts the door quietly behind him and makes his way to the younger, “What’s the matter Sehun ah?” he asks softly.


Sehun looks up from the blanket, “What do you mean hyung?”


“What do I mean? I meant what I said, what’s the matter?” he asks again.


Sehun gives out a long confused sigh and sits up Indian style, “Nothing.”


Luhan up an eyebrow, “Nothing?”


Sehun nods, “Nothing is bothering me hyung. I’m just a bit…tired, that’s all.”


Luhan looks at the younger unconvinced, “You don’t believe me huh?” the younger one asks and Luhan nods. Sehun gives out a heartily laugh, “Trust me hyung. If there is anything bothering me, I would tell you already, right?”


Luhan tilts his head slightly to the side before nodding, “True.”


“See? So there’s nothing bothering me.”

“Okay…but if you want to…”


“Don’t worry hyung. If I have any problems, I’ll come tell you right away,” Sehun reassures the older one and pats him on the back, “Can I get some sleep now? I’m quite tired myself.”


Luhan smiles and nods, “Okay, good night Sehun ah,” he ruffles Sehun’s hair before leaving the younger one alone in his room again. Once the door clicks shut, Sehun let out a soft sigh and falls back on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, “What’s wrong with me? What kind of feeling is this?” he whispers to himself. Giving up on figuring out what was wrong with him; Sehun shuts his eyes and allows sleep to slowly take over his exhausted body.





The next day came by rather quickly for all the girls. Some of them didn’t have classes until later in the day so they had the chance to sleep in. Yoona kicks the blanket off of her small body and sits up in her bed with messy hair and sleepy droopy eyes. She stretches and yawns loudly, trying her best to get rid of morning sleep-ness. The door to her room cracks open a little and Seohyun sticks her head in, “Unnie breakfast is ready in the kitchen when you’re done getting dress,” the younger one tells the older one. Yoona cracks open her right eyes and smiles, “Okay,” she responds back. Seohyun slithers away from the door and shuts it after her. Yoona swings her legs off of the bed and slips on her house slippers. She gets off the bed, stretches once more, and makes her way to the closet.


“Where’s Yoona?” Yuri asks as she places a plate of food on the table. Seohyun follows her unnie back into the kitchen to help her with the other dishes, “She’s still getting ready,” she says. Yuri nods and picks up two more plates then heads back to the dining table. Seohyun does the same as well. After they had finished setting up the table with delicious Korean breakfast plates, the both of them sit in their chairs and start eating in silence.


Not long, Yoona comes bouncing into the dining room greeting the two who already occupied two chairs, “Morning,” she says and sits down beside Seohyun. Seohyun looks at Yoona and smiles and greets her unnie then continues eating.


“Wah~ Yuri unnie you’re the best when it comes to cooking,” Yoona compliments the older one and starts digging in, “You know what my favorite dishes are.”


Yuri watches the younger one and chuckles at her cuteness, “I’m full,” she says and takes her plate and eating utensils to the sink, “I have class in a bit, so I’ll see you girls at school. Bye,” she waves bye to the girls and leaves the apartment.


“Any plans for today?” Yoona asks Seohyun. Seohyun looks up from her plate of food and ponders first, “Hm…I don’t think so, why?” she asks.


Yoona shrugs and sticks a piece of kimchi in , “Just wondering,” she says. The both of them continue to eat in silence. Yoona places her chopsticks down and stretches again, “Ah~ I’m full,” she comments with a satisfied smile. Seohyun nods, “Me too,” and places her spoon down on her empty plate. She then gets up and grabs both of her plate and Yoona’s plate then heads over to the sink. Yoona also gets up from her seat and start collecting the plates of food. After both girls had cleaned the table and washed the dishes, they made their way to their own rooms to get their school bag before heading out the apartment together.


“Your class doesn’t start until 9am unnie,” Seohyun reminds the older one.


“I know, but I wanted to stop by the Mrs. Kim’s flower shop to help her out a bit,” Yoona says with a smile.


“You love flowers don’t you?”


Yoona nods, “They’re pretty,” she comments, “I love the kind of scent each flowers gives out.”


Both girls boards the city bus and sat together. Seohyun pulls out her iphone and a pair of earphones, “I’m still a bit tired so wake me up when we get to school okay?” she asks Yoona and Yoona nods. Seohyun plugs the earphones in her ears and leans her head against the window, closing her eyes. Yoona watches the younger one for awhile before plugging her earphones into her ears.


After sitting in the city bus for a good 30 minutes, the bus finally stops at the bus stop in front of their school. Yoona shakes Seohyun lightly and tells the younger one that they’ve reached their destination. Both girls get up from their seats and heads out of the bus, bowing the bus driver before leaving. Seohyun hooks her arm with Yoona’s and leans her head onto Yoona’s shoulder, “I’m still so tired,” Seohyun comments while yawning. Yoona chuckles and pats the younger one’s head, “What did you do last night to make you so sleepy this morning? You’re usually the one who is wide awake.”


Seohyun shuts her eyes, “I was up…reading.”


“Reading? Seohyun ah, I know you love reading but…”


“I know unnie,” Seohyun cuts Yoona off before she got the chance to finish, “but the story was getting so interesting that I couldn’t help but flip a page after another,” Seohyun says with a smile on her face. Yoona shakes her head and leads the eyes closed maknae through the university gates, “Your class is about to start.”


Seohyun’s eyes snaps open and she checks the time on her wrist watch, “OH MY GOSH!!” she screams loudly and lets go of Yoona, “I’ll see you after class. BYE UNNIE!!”


Yoona stands there watching as the younger one rushes off towards the building. After Seohyun had disappeared from her sight, Yoona turns the opposite way and heads towards the small flower shop close to the university.  





Luhan was the first one to wake up among the boys in the mansion. He gets up from his bed and checks his phone the first thing in the morning. His eyes widens as he sees a message sent from Victoria. Luhan slides the bar and reads the message…



Hey Luhan,


I’m coming back from China later on today around 4pm. If you or Kris can kindly come pick me up at the airport I’ll gladly appreciate that. *chuckles* I can’t wait to see you guys all again. How long has it been? Is everyone doing good or bad? Is Sehun ah still a bit…you know cold to the rest or has he warmed up a bit? Anyways, I’m only back for a month or two to get some stuff done for my mom in Korea. See you guys later.




Luhan smiles at the message. He quickly hits the reply button and replies back. After he was done, he places his phone back to its’ original spot and head towards the restroom to get ready for the day. Luhan walks into the bathroom and looks at his reflection. He touches his face and examines all the small spots, “Hm…what should I get for her?” he ponders.


After using a good minute or two maybe even three, Luhan finally decides that he’ll buy Victoria some flowers. Luhan turns on the faucet and washes his face then brushes his teeth. After he was done getting freshen up for the day, Luhan got out of his sleeping clothes and put on new fresh clothes on. He walks out from his room and down the stairs to the kitchen. Luhan opens the fridge and examines the left over foods from yesterday.


“Hungry?” A voice from the entrance of the kitchen says. Luhan jumps slightly and spins around to see Lay standing there, “You scared me Yixing,” Luhan says.


Lay chuckles and walks in, “Sorry,” he apologizes, “I’ll have breakfast ready in a bit. Go watch tv or something,” he tells the older one and pushes him out from the kitchen. Luhan obliges and leaves the kitchen to Lay. Luhan sits down on the sofa and flickers on the tv to the news channel. He sits there watching the news channel until Kris walks in with only a sweat pants on, “Turn the channel to something more interesting,” Kris complains.


“Learning about what is happening around the world is more important than some random tv show,” Luhan responds to the younger one without facing him. Kris rolls his eyes, “Whatever ge,” and sits down beside Luhan, “is Yixing cooking?”


Luhan nods, “Oh by the way, did you get a text from Victoria?”


“Hm? No why?”


“She wants either you or me to go pick her up later on today at 4pm.”


Kris yawns loudly, “You can go. I don’t want to see her yet.”


Luhan chuckles, “Are you still mad because before she left she smacked you in the head for being a stuck up towards that girl who liked you?”


“Whatever ge,” Kris closes his eyes and tries to sleep again.


After eating breakfast with the boys, who had awoken up from their sleep, Luhan heads out of the mansion and heads to school but stops by the small flowers shop beside their university first. He enters the small shop and decides to look through some flowers.




“Ah a customer,” Mrs. Kim says from behind the counter. Yoona looks up from the pot of flower, “I’ll be back,” she tells Yoona before leaving her alone. Yoona puffs out her cheeks before going back to examine the pot of flower in front of her. Yoona’s phone vibrates and she pulls it out from her pocket. She smiles once she sees who was calling her. Yoona slides the bar over and places the phone against her ear, “Oppa,” she greets him cheerfully.


“Hey Yoona,” he greets her back, “What time are done with class today?”


“Hm…around 2pm,” she says and stands up from her crouching position, “did you need something?”


“Yeah I need a favor. I’ll come by and pick you up later then, around 3pm?”


Yoona nods, “Okay.”


“Great, I’ll see you later Yoona ah. Bye.”


Yoona pouts wanting to talk to him a bit longer but decides to not say anything, “Okay bye oppa,” and her oppa hangs up. She sticks out her bottom lips and stares at her phone, “Oppa is mean.”


Yoona hears quiet murmurs and looks up to see Luhan examining some flowers a few feet away from him. Not knowing what drawn her to him, Yoona’s feet moves by themselves, “Can I help you with something?’ she asks Luhan.


Luhan looks up from the flowers he was looking at, “Um…,” he was awestruck, not knowing what to say to Yoona.  Yoona tilts her head a little to the side, “What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” she asks and places both hands on her face. Luhan chuckles at her cute action, “No,” he finally says, “but…I was…”


“Are you looking for flowers for your girlfriend?” she asks quickly.


“Um…,” Luhan rubs the back of his neck, “not really,” he chuckles nervously, “it’s just that, someone whom I know very well is coming back to Korea and well…I just want to give flowers to her as a welcome back present, that’s all,” he explains.


“Ah~, so you just want…flowers that gives off a welcome back feeling correct?” Yoona makes sure she understood Luhan correctly, and he nods, “Then follow me,” she says enthusiastically.  Yoona leads Luhan to the rose section and stops in front of a bunch of yellow ones, “A lot of the customers buys yellow roses for simple ‘welcome back’ occasions,” Yoona explains.


“Oh…is that so?” Luhan asks and she nods.


“They’re not romantic or anything. Just simple neutral feelings.”


Luhan nods as if he understood what Yoona was saying, “Okay…well I’ll like a bouquet of these yellow roses then,” he requests.


Yoona smiles hugely and starts picking them out, “But wait,” he stops her, “Um…I have classes in a bit, do you think you guys can have this ready by…er let’s say 3?”


“Sure. You’ll come back and pick it up correct?” Luhan nods, “We’ll have it ready by then,” Yoona states. Luhan smiles, “Thanks.”


“But, I’ll just need you to follow me to the front counter so that I can jot down your information,” she tells him. Luhan nods and follows Yoona back to the front counter. Yoona pulls out a little notepad, “What’s your name?”



Yoona scribbles it down and scribbles something down along with a quick note saying that he’ll be back to pick it up at 3pm. After finishing with that, Yoona looks up meet Luhan straight in the eyes, “I like your eyes,” she comments randomly.


This takes Luhan by surprise, “O…oh…thank you,” he stutters and then chuckles. Yoona laughs at Luhan, “Sorry for being random,” she apologizes. Luhan smiles and shakes his head, “Don’t worry,” he tells her and looks down blushing slightly. Yoona looks back down at the notepad and continues to write down more notes. Luhan gathers his courage to look up again and watches Yoona’s face features.


He takes in how small Yoona’s face was. How sharp her jaw line is, how her lips are naturally red without any lipsticks, how white and fair her skin was, how long her eyelashes extended without any fake eyelashes on, her pointy yet perfect nose bridge and…


Yoona looks up and tilts her head lightly to the side again, “Something wrong?” she asks. Luhan snaps out from his trance, “N…nothing,” he stutters. Yoona smiles and hands him a card, “I won’t be here when you come back and pick up your bouquet but it’ll be ready for you by then. If you need anything, just call this number okay?” she says and points to the number on the card. Luhan looks from Yoona’s face to the number, “O…okay.”


Yoona chuckles, “Do you naturally stutter like that?”


Luhan shakes his head but then stops and nods then stops and shakes again but stops and gives up, “I…I need to go,” he stutters and leaves rather quickly. Yoona stands there watching as Luhan left the shop. Mrs. Kim comes back, “His face was red Yoona ah,” she tells her.


“Red?” Yoona asks and Mrs. Kim nods, “Did you say anything to him?” Yoona shakes her head, “Not that I know of.”


Mrs. Kim chuckles and walks away to the back leaving a confused Yoona at the front. 

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staygirl309 #1
Chapter 13: Noooooo!!!! The journey of exotaeng were about to start
update update :|
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 13: Oh my please, I love this ff, please cont this ff
ambai90 #4
Chapter 13: i want seolay here!!!! seolay please!!!
exotaeng9 #5
Chapter 13: update............
Chapter 13: ok...i'll keep waiting then...don't fellow authors, i understand ur problem...hehehe
hwaiting author-nim! (^_^)
Hey Thao..when you have time please update this story..i miss it. ^^
kahina #8
Chapter 12: please update pleaaaase!!!this is one of my favorite fanfic
Chapter 12: You should put more Yuri as well ^^