How to get a Lover.


So... you wanna know how to get that person you really like? All you need to do is to take them on a total of three dates. After the three, you'll see if they want you or not.

1) Go to somewhere fun that doesn't require much talking. The other might need to get used to you first. I recommend the movies or an amusement park.

2) Go to somewhere fun, but keeps you to close and has lots of time for talk. Like a dance club.

hint: If you don't know how to dance, you safety is just rocking side to side and feeling the beat.

3) Have a nice dinner in or out. When your finished, lean in 90% for a kiss. Wait for the other to come the other 10%. If they never come, they don't want you. If they come, then you have a chance.

Good Luck!


"H-hyung.... what should I do? I don't think he likes me..." Sehun complained.

"Don't worry he does. At least he will if you reach out to him." Chanyeol comforted.

"But I don't know what to do!!" Sehun freaked some more.

"I'll tell you what I did with Baekhyun." Chanyeol said. "It works. Trust me."

"Okay... what is it?" Sehun asked.

"Step 1. Ask him out on a date. If date is too strong, just say 'go out'" Chanyeol said. "Go to an amusement park or.... a movie... somewhere you two can get 'comfortable' with each other. Step 2. Brin-"

"Him to a club. At least that's where he took me." Baekhyun interupted. "I quote, 'Go to somewhere fun, but 'intimate'"

"How is a club intimate?" Sehun asked.

"Ask Chanyeol." Baekhyun directed.

"Hey, it worked." Chanyeol plain out said. "Step 3. Have a nice dinner. It can be at a fancy restaurant or in a comfy home. But for the decision point, you need to be in private."

"Decision Point?" Sehun asked.

"Lean in 90% for a kiss." Chanyeol said.

"If they like you, they will go the other 10%. If they don't, they'll leave you hanging." Baekyun finished.

"These three steps will gradually reveal YOU. And show the other what you are like, so they can decide whether you pass or fail." Chanyeol said.

"With the advice you give.... who can fail?" Baekhyun complimented Chanyeol as he pecked him on the lips. "But.... don't do exaclty as he says.... he's given that advice to so many people.... next thing you know your crush and another person will be talking about the dates and realize they are the same..."

"Oh..." Sehun said.

"I've only told this advice to good friends!" Chanyeol said.

"Which means they have connections to each other." Baekhyun replied. "Good Luck, Sehun!" Baekhyun cheered as he walked out.

Chanyeol started to follow, but then turned back around.

"Who is the lucky one anyways?"  Chanyeol asked Sehun.

Sehun blushed a deep, crimson red. "L-luhan..."


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Somebodywhoeatspears #1
Chapter 1: Well this story has a nice writing style and idea behind it but I didn't really like it. Don't get me wrong I didn't have it either but it wasn't one of the stories that I'll remember I read. It was a lil messy and had many unimportant details, while the important ones weren't written. I eventually got bored of it and stopped at chapter 9. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to hate on you or make you feel bad, I'm just saying ways you can improve for your next stories! I normally wouldn't even bother to write a comment but this story has sooo much potential! I loved the characters and writing style ♡ pls don't take this by heart, I'm just a random person that eats pears >^<
Galaxy7226119 #2
Chapter 14: Sulay out if nowhere
i need 25 karma to upvote, which i don't have
Krisyeolsdaughter #4
Chapter 14: Kaisoo and Hunhan is so adorable :3 thanks for the amazing ending ;)
Chapter 6: "XO. Like hugs and kisses... I hug you~ i kiss you too~ mwa~ that's what they told me..." Luhan explained.

Chapter 12: Hi i'm new reader! Your story is simply fluffy and romantic ^^ I love it. I hope you can update it again...i'm waiting for more kaisoo n hunhan...but since you seem so busy, just take your time..i shall wait ^^ fighting author- nim
Chapter 11: Omo. That is so cute and fluffy.
I feel bad for Kai and Kyungsoo.