Final- Part Two (Sehun and Luhan)

How to get a Lover.



I walk towards my first class, one of the classes I have with Luhan.

I quickly walk in the door and took a seat, my eyes immediately glancing around the room for Luhan.

He wasn't there...

"Hey Hun." I hear someone say as I hear the chair screeching as it was pulled out from the desk beside me.

"Luhan!" I spin my head around to greet him.

"So... nice weather huh..." Luhan started.

"Luhan..." I sigh, "You can talk about anything BUT the weather... if i wanted to know the weather i can look outside."

"Yeah yeah... but I actually have a question." Luhan shyly said.

"What?" I ask

"um... are we like.... official?" Luhan asked.


i felt my heart stop at those words.

Why was he asking me?

I always wanted to be with him.

Maybe Chanyeol isn't a lunatic...


"Sehun?" Luhan's heavenly voice brought me back into reality.

"Oh Oh OHH oh... um... of course! thats what i've alwys wanted. Um yeah... like give a guy a chance and all that like chen said." I mumble. my brain not fully recovered from the unexpected question.

"Okay.... you are one special guy Oh Sehun." Luhan said. "Cuz I am amazing." Luhan said, smirking afterwards at his own 'modesty'

"I know you are." I say smiling.



DUDE this is sad, it was originally supposed to be like 10x this size that it is now... so Hunhan is far from over it's just that im super busy and have to rush and couldn't type fast enough.... im actually a reeeeaaaly slow toper.

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Somebodywhoeatspears #1
Chapter 1: Well this story has a nice writing style and idea behind it but I didn't really like it. Don't get me wrong I didn't have it either but it wasn't one of the stories that I'll remember I read. It was a lil messy and had many unimportant details, while the important ones weren't written. I eventually got bored of it and stopped at chapter 9. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to hate on you or make you feel bad, I'm just saying ways you can improve for your next stories! I normally wouldn't even bother to write a comment but this story has sooo much potential! I loved the characters and writing style ♡ pls don't take this by heart, I'm just a random person that eats pears >^<
Galaxy7226119 #2
Chapter 14: Sulay out if nowhere
i need 25 karma to upvote, which i don't have
Krisyeolsdaughter #4
Chapter 14: Kaisoo and Hunhan is so adorable :3 thanks for the amazing ending ;)
Chapter 6: "XO. Like hugs and kisses... I hug you~ i kiss you too~ mwa~ that's what they told me..." Luhan explained.

Chapter 12: Hi i'm new reader! Your story is simply fluffy and romantic ^^ I love it. I hope you can update it again...i'm waiting for more kaisoo n hunhan...but since you seem so busy, just take your time..i shall wait ^^ fighting author- nim
Chapter 11: Omo. That is so cute and fluffy.
I feel bad for Kai and Kyungsoo.