Fly to Seoul~


"HEY YOU BIG !!" i yelled in front of my web came then i heard "BOOM" sound from the other side. "CAN YOU STOP YELLING?! i'm not deaf nerd!" she yelled back at me. "no, i can't, at least until you stop calling me nerd~ " "whatever" she pouted.

"ugh fine then big , i just want to tell you something...hmm good" i smiled. "good?what is it? Chansung kissed your dream?hahahaha" she teased me. "shut up!" i pouted and it made her laughed "but i'm one step closer to that thing" i smiled.

"closer?how?just tell me the point, i have to go soon" "i'm going to visit Seoul you stupid~ " i sang. i saw her frozed and opened "for 2 months!" i continued. "WHAT?2 MONTHS?!" i laughed, her eyes widened "you're lying. nerdy liar" she pouted.

"you can ask mom or dad, they bought me the ticket last week btw" i stood up and took my blackberry "and i'll leave this early December, how it sounds?good heh?" "But how can? i thought dad will never you send there?" she asked

"well, i got the best score this semester so yeah they gave me choices, car or Korea" "of course Korea, why did they ask you, such a stupid question" she laughed.

"i know hahaha, well you said you're going to do something rite?what is it?" i asked curiously "i'm going to Tim's house for dinner, as usual" she answered toneless. i could say she's not too excited hahaha every weekend? poor big girl.

"i'm out now, i have to get ready. i'll see you again tonight ok?" "alright, and um btw i'll ask for.....Doojoon's autograph for you" i "WHAT-EVER NERDY-GIRL" she waved and a second later she's gone. i laughed, satisfied.

This big girl was my big sister (no her not that big). she was continued her study in New Zealand and it's already her 3rd year. She's coming back next year and i couldn't wait to meet her. Btw she had a boyfriend, yeah that guy named Tim. They've been together for almost 2 or 3 years but talked about that Doojoon (leader of B2ST), she's a big fan of him! hahaha she always wanted to meet this charming guy, that's why i :p

i layed my body on my bed. my life was sooooooooo flat until yesterday, my mom called me from the down stair. i ran and found her and my dad were holding an envelope. 



"What is it? money?" they shooked their head "you're ticket" my mom smiled. i looked at them curiously and took the envelope "ticket? for the theme park? haha so funny guys~ "

i opened it and my eyes widened 'NO WAY IT'S JAKARTA-SEOUL PLANE TICKET' i yelled silently.

i saw they were smiling at me "hope you like it" my dad smiled. i hugged them tightly "are you kidding me? I LOVE IT! thank you mom,dad!!" i jumped around the family room like a crazy girl.

"Your flight is on early December and you'll came back on early February" "2 MONTHS? OH MY GOSH, DAD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" i hugged him "and of course i love you mom" i pecked her cheek and ran back to my room.

~End of Flashback~


i couldn't believe it. i couldn't sleep, wondering what will i do there, which place i'm going to visit first, and the most important thing, HOW CAN I MEET CHANSUNG?! should i visit JYP building everyday? or wait outside 2PM dorm? AAAAA i'm too excited!

it was about a week before my flight and i'd done with packing my clothes. i would go alone and my dad rent a small flat for 2 months.

I felt bad i couldn't bring my little sister because she was in her first year of collage and she had a lot of things to do. but i promised her i'll bring her Eunhyuk and Junhyung's autographs. sweet me haha

i my laptop then opened the iTunes, i played Fly to Seoul by 2PM and started to close my eyes and fall asleep soon.



sorry for the short chapter, i'm new at this kind of activity :p so sometimes i stuck with idea-less haha. i'll try to continue with 2nd chapter now,enjoy! 

p.s: bad english,ugh sorry :(

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chnsng #1
welcome for the new subscribers!! :D thank a lot! i'll come up with a better chapters <3
sweetfantasy #2
yeeaaah!! new chappie!!! woohoo!! aw.. poor channie... go get ____ and be happy again! listen to what ur hyung says! next chappie please!! plretty pwetty pwease!!<br />
<br />
luv ya!
hwngyn #3
next chapter palliiiiii
chnsng #4
@Jholic waaaaa thanks a lot =] hehehe i will i will,you'll find chansung in the next chapter ^^
totally love it !! xDDD<br />
congrats to ur uni test and update soon okay !!<br />
cant wait for ur next chappie and pls let Chansung to the scene soon
sweetfantasy #6
waaah!! love it!! jincha!! waah!! next chappie please!! please please please!!!
chnsng #7
@shrngmn promote this fanfic first eonnie hahahahaha
shrngmn #8
YAYAYA! Can't wait for the next chapter! Ppali~
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