Amusement Park Part Two

Shining Debut

Look! I'm finally back!!!!!! Did you miss me?



I turned around and around looking for Taemin and Joon until I became dizzy. I put a hand to my forehead to stop everything from spinning.

"Shoot. I'm lost," I muttered. I couldn't remember what I was supposed to do when I was lost. It was either ask someone for help, stay in one place, or go and search for them. I decided to ask someone. I spotted about around my age, or maybe a year or two older, leaning against a wall by himself. He had hair that was bleached and he was wearing black, grey, and red. He was carrying a dinosaur plushy that I guessed he had won from one of the games. I walked up to him.

"Um, excuse me, I don't really know where my friends went. One of them has long-ish brown hair and looks a little girly, and the other is a few years older with lighter brown hair that's a little wavy. Have you seen them?" I asked. He looked at me for a minute before nodding. Now that I was closer, he didn't seem as nice as he had earlier, and he was maybe around Joon's age.

"I saw them. Follow me," he said and started to walk in a direction that led away from the ferris wheel. Why would they go that way? I just shrugged and followed him.

"Uh, thanks for helping me," I said, "I really don't want them to worry." He glanced back to see me by his side. He smirked.

"It's my pleasure," he told me. It was kind of creepy. I smiled awkwardly.

"O-okay then," I replied. We walked for another minute before he suddenly stopped and pointed to an alley that went between a ride and a gift shop.

"I just saw them go down there," he motioned with his hand for me to walk. I nodded and stepped into the alley. I looked around but I did not see anyone.

I turned back to face him.

"I don't see them," I called and pouted. I wondered where they could have gone. I spun around to walk back to the entrance. I was surprised to see him right behind me.

"Well if you're sure about that, how about we have some fun?" he stepped closer to me. His hand found its way to my waist. I quickly pushed him away and backed up. I stopped when I hit a wall. I fumbled through my purse trying to find the pocketknife that Seojun had given me after the incident with Zak. I found it and pulled it out, pointing it at the boy.

"Don't come any closer" I warned him. He stopped for second and let out a laugh.

"I wasn't expecting that, was I?" he asked sarcastically, "You're shaking." I looked at my hand. It was. He took the opportunity to grab my wrist and twist it painfully, causing me to drop the knife. I cried out in pain. The boy took hold of my other arm and pinned me against the wall with one hand. He moved his free hand to my thigh.

"No! Stop!" I yelled, and he quickly covered my mouth. He leaned in to lay his head on my shoulder. He kissed my neck, then moved up to whisper something in my ear.

"Are you sure about that?" he said. He smirked and bent down to kiss me again. I closed my eyes to try to keep the tears from spilling out.

"I think she is!" a voice cried out from behind my attacker. I opened my eyes and saw him. The boy with bleached hair turned away from me, but didn't let go.

"What do you want? Can't you see that we're busy?" he asked.

"I don't think so. Let go of her now!" the second growled. The one holding me smirked. I was beginning to think that that was his trademark.

"Or what?" he pushed me to the side and I twisted my ankle as I fell. My side met the hard concrete, and I saw my rescuer's eyes blazing with fury.

"You wanna fight, pretty boy?" he asked again. The other responded with a punch. The first boy bent over in pain, only to be kicked in the leg. He ran off. Footsteps came in my direction. He kneeled next to me.

"Are you okay, Kylie?" Joon asked. I looked up at him.

"I-I'm fi-" I began.

"Don't lie to me," he cut me off. I nodded weakly.

"It was really scary," I admitted. I hugged my knees against my chest. He patted my back. More footsteps ran over to us. Taemin sat down next to me, out of breath.

"Kylie, are you okay? What happened?" he asked frantically. He checked me over for any bruises or cuts. I winced when he touched my ankle.

"Does it hurt?" he asked. I nodded and bit my lip. He my cheek for a moment, then he suddenly picked me up bridal-style. I put my arms around his neck to keep myself from falling.

"Oppa!" I cried. The tears I had been holding back cascaded down my face. He kissed the top of my head and began walking to the car.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here. I'll be right here," Taemin told me gentley. I nodded. I was suddenly very tired, and I settled into his arms. My head rested by his shoulder and I closed my eyes. The last thing I heard was, "What happened to her?"



I'm back! I've missed you!!!!!!! ^^ Oh, and I just heard about the SM Youth Star Auditions! I wanna go soooooooooo bad!!!!!! >< I think I might be at camp again when they come to the US, and either way it's still really far away!!!!! SM, go to more cities besides LA and New York!!! There are people who want to audition that can't drive for fourteen hours, especially when their parents don't want them to even try auditioning until they are out of high school!! I still have to enter high school this year >< 9th grade! I wanna audition too!!!!!!!

Sorry that was my rant for the day.

from your evil author,


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Story: Complete! :D


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Hii!! n_n I loved your fanfic, evil author!! XD (I wanted a girlfriend for Onew because he's my bias... T-T, but I still love the story) I think the end was very quick... I wanted Kaname and Kylie fougth or something like that xD (¬_¬ I didn't expect that for Kaname... She was Kylie's friend... She was my friend T-T) But I still love the story xD
(Well, before someone kill me, I should say I'm spanish... So I'm sorry for my bad english, I can read but no write v_v" I'll keep studying xD)
sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
i love it <3<3<3
its really beautiful
u know u should make a sequal
of them getting married and having beautiful kids =3
anyway i should say you are an amazing writer and do your best
keep it up FIGHTING !
saranghae <3<3<3<3
Waaahh cute :3
I love this story soo much! I'm so sad that it's finished!! But, congrats on finishing your first fan fic and cant wait to read more fan fics written by you! ^^ :D
squinny #5
Thank you for the great story. I'm sad it is over, but the length made the pace of it perfect. ^_^
Ihh!! My name is Emilie!! xD
But eh.. I wish my last name was Choi.. Ugh - Minho!! <3
poor Minho! i hope he finds someone that loves him back.
ugh! Joon needs to disappear!