Lee's party



"Why do I agree to bring you with me again?"
Siwon looks at his side irritatedly, eyeing his cousin who sits calmly.
"It's Choi company, hyung. I have my right to take some deal."
"You better watch yourself. If I find you messing with..."
"I won't hyung. I love him."
Siwon looks at Minho. He faintly hears some words that is spoken silently.
"Even though he won't be mine again."
Siwon huffs as he hears that. He knows Minho's expression. It's a longing expression.
"Then why were you screwing it up if you loved him?"
"I love him, hyung. Not loved."
For the next 5 minutes, their ride is nothing but silent. With a long exhale, Minho starts to speak.
"I'm so stupid for doing such a thing. And now, nothing I can do but let him go."
Siwon's heart hurts. However stupid this boy can be, he is still his cousin. His precious family.
"You do love him, don't you?"
Minho nods.
"But sometimes, you have to let go of the one you love, Minho. So he would be happy. It hurts. But if you really love him, let him be happy."
A hot trail falls down Minho's face. He immediately erases it, trying to be secretive so his cousin doesn't catch the tear. Siwon can only pretend to not seeing it. This is hard. Falling in love is hard. But Minho has to take the responsibility for hurting the one he love. Even if that means he has to let Jinki go.
Jinki looks at his reflection as his mind wandering around. Too many things happened today and he will give him everything to be home, buried within his comfy blanket and doze off to the dreamland. But he already promised that he would be here today. Before it's too late. Jinki knows how hard it is to loose someone very dear to us. And despite his silent treatment to his grandpa, deep down he cares. And he knows his father expect more of him, which forgive grandpa's absence in his life.
Jinki startles as he hears a sound behind them. He immediately turns around and finds his grandpa in wheelchair behind him.
"You look handsome. Just like your father."
There's a slump in his heart as he look at him. His parents are still a sensitive issue to be brought until now, especially by his grandpa.
"Thank you. But papa said that I resembled my mom."
Grandpa smiles a little.
"Your mother was such a beauty. Thy both made a good pair."
Grandpa look at his lap. From the tone of his voice, Jinki can hear a regret.
"Then why didn't you bless their marriage?"
Jinki turns around and faces the mirror again. He tries to distract himself by checking his outfit. Not that he cares. But he needs a distraction from getting angry at his grandpa. He doesn't need it. He wants to pass this night with no more drama.
"I don't..."
Knock... Knock...
Both of them turn around and facing the door and looking at Changmin.
"Ahh... Aren't you handsome young man? Looking good brother..."
Changmin cheekily walks toward Jinki and ruffles his styled hair.
"Hyuuuuuung... You ruin my hair..."
Jinki tries to push Changmin's hand away. After sometimes pass, he manages to have his hair free from Changmin's hands. With hand rubbing his chin, Changmin takes a step back and checking Jinki out.
"Hmm... y... You look better like that.."
At the corner of his eyes, Jinki sees how his grandpa retreating away from the scene, head looking down to his lap as if defeated in the battle. Deep down inside, Jinki thinks it's about the time for him to open up his heart, however hard it is.
"Yaaah!!! Stop moving!!! You make me conscious!!!"
"I can't help it, okay. I've never been to a party like this. How is my outfit?"
"Your outfit is still fit, Jonghyun. So stop fussing about it."
Yoseob stands annoyedly beside Jonghyun who still movig around, not accustomed with the new environtment.
"I don't know that Jinki is this wealthy."
"He is not. It's his grandpa's."
Jonghyun rolls his eyes hearing Yoseob's answer.
"Here he comes."
Jonghyun follows Yoseob's eyes and looks at Jinki. He can only open his mouth in admire. Jinki looks stunning. Scratch that. Ashtonishly perfect. The suit suits him well. He is like one of the handsome actor Jonghyun only can look at in his television. This only makes him conscious about himself.
"Yah!!! Jonghyun-ah!!! Stop making a fool of yourself and close that mouth!!! You look like a fish."
"Oh my God!!! How could he be that handsome, Seob?!"
Jonghyun's eyes never leaves Jinki. Even if he want to, he can't. Without he realizes Jinki detects their position. Jinki, who finally catches Jonghyun and Yoseob, immediately walks towards them fast. At first, he looks at Jonghyun questioningly, as Jonghyun has this dazed expression on his face. When he catches Yoseob's eye, he gulps and fastens his walk. The only thing that occurs in Jinki's head is to not let Jonghyun walk away from him again. He has had enough of this. Jinki wants to be happy. And if that stupid dino doesn't aware, Jinki wants to be happy with him, no one else. As Jinki stands next to Jonghyun, he grabs Jonghyun wrist tight. This action snaps Jonghyun out of his fantasy (which include Jinki, with with tuxedo with flowery background standing beside him) except it is not a fantasy. Jinki is really standing beside him, gripping his wrist possessively. Out o instinc, Jonghyun takes a step back, surprises to see their position. Too close. This is the first time he stands so close to Jinki since forever. Jinki grunts as he sees Jonghyun reflex and pulls him forward to him.
"You're not walking away from me, Kim Jonghyun. Not again."
With Jinki's stern voice, Jonghyun as if hypnotized and can only nod his head. Yoseob who witnesses this, can only snickers. Jonghyun looks so dumb like that. A fool in love. Yoseob can see how Jonghyun looks at Jinki. He is afraid thas this Dino will jump his best friend here. Speaking of best friend...
Yoseob doesn't need to finish his sentence as he feels his body is pulled by Jink's free hand and hug him. It is such an awkward position, but Yoseob feels content with it. He hugs Jinki back, feeling so relieve that he can still have his best friend's warm hug.
"These problem finish tonight, okay. I don't know if I can stand the day without you two."
Not too far from their position, Minho stands witnessing the scene before him. His heart hurts. He wants to reach out to Jinki, asking for his hug. But he stays himself still. Yoseob, who is facing Minho, looks at him, trying to find out what Minho is thinking about.
Jinki, who hears Yoseob's voice, lets go o their hug (but not his grip on Jonghyun's wrist), and turns around. While Jonghyun who finds Minuo standing not too far from them, start to panic. He still thinks that Minho is with Taemin.
"Minho. You're here."
From his grip, Jinki can feel Jonghyun panicking. With him still gripping Jonghyun's wrist, he walks toward Minho.
"We need to talk."
Minho only nods at Jinki's words.
Key didn't know what to do. As soon as he saw that picture, his body went rigid. He couldn't get his eyes away from it.
Key jumped on his spot when he heard a sound straight to his ear. The picture was fallen causing a loud noise. He turned around and found Taemin standing behind him. Key looked in horror. Never he saw Taemin's expression to be that evil. Yes. Taemin he knew was someone so cute, fluffy, and adorable. Not this person beside him. Taemin took a step ahead toward Key which caused him walked backward in instinct. But his movement was stopped by the desk behind him.
"Your curiosity, could lead you to a bad situation, Key."
Key shivered in fear. Taemin's voice went lower. His eyes showed nothing but darkness. Key tried to push Taemin away but failed. He was scared. He couldn't breath.
"Taemin!!! Get off!!!"
Taemin smirked evilly.
"Why would I, hyung?"
Hearing Taemin spoke sarcasticly, made Key snapped out of his scare. He pushed Taemin harder this time, causeing the younger to stumble back and landed on his .
"What is this?"
Key took the broken frame and showed it to Taemin.
"Explain this to me!!!"
Taemin chuckled seeing Key who was shivering in anger and fright.
"Explain what? It shows what you want to know."
Taemin stood up and dusted of his jeans and looked slyly at Key.
"Jinki is mine. I don't know what you people do around him."
"What I am trying to say here babe, that you just waste your time trying to be friend with Jinki as in the end he is mine and mine only."
"You're sick..."
Taemin sped up to Key and pinned him to his desk.
"But you love me, Key. You love this sick person."
"Get. Off!!!"
Key once again tried to push Taemin away. But he was too surprised to gain any power. His power was drained off when he heard Taemin's words.
"Remember when I screamed before? Ki.... KI!!! Ki for Jinki!!! Not for Kibum!!!"
Tears fell down Key's face. His eyes getting bigger after hearing Taemin's word. His heart hurts. His head was spinning. Hands he used to push Taemin fell down on his side.
"Why.. Why did you do this?"
Taemin didn't answer. He nuzzled Key's face, traced it with his finger. He smiled seeing how broken Key was. How beautiful he was in this state.
"Why Taemin, why?"
"Hmmm... You look beautiful like this."
Key sobbed in his place. His mind went blank. He closed his eyes, trying to escape from this reality he was trapped in.
"You want to know why? Because you're a friend of my Jinki. And nothing can satisfy me than hurting Jinki's friend. Because he only has me. He can only has me, Key."
Taemin took the frame from Key's hand and brought it close to his face.
"Look at him. Beautiful, isn't he? My beautiful Jinki..."
With that Taemin brought the frame and kissed the picture. Key could only look in terror at the scene before him.
Ahhh... I'm in the need of fluffy jongyu or onho or even ontae. Writing this story makes my head hurts. Taemin turns into a too evil man. Do you have recommendation for a good onew's fanfics? Please share with me...
@pradiv1819: sorry for making Taemin a bad guy here... Hope you like this chapter... Errr... Even though Taemin is super duper evil here. :l
@arianiagustina: jongyu is not together (yet) here.... *hint kekhekeheee... At least I can write lovestruck!Jjong here... Hmmm... Ohh!!! And thanks for the second comment. Sorry for the wait though...
@mamichi: cliffhanger... Again... I hope not... Errr... Sorry... I'm babbling, aren't I? Hmmm... Okay... Hope you like this chapter...
@renchop: aaaaand here is the updaaaaaate... Hope you like thi chapter too...
@amatsukishi: I update!!! Hope you like this chapter...
@VeAmilla: ahh my jinki feeling.. Squishy jinki, y jinki, babbling jinki, and I better stop here before I list any verb in dictionary to describe our Jinki... Hmm...
@Heavenlee: Taemin officially changes his name to Taemean in this chapter... Hhhhh... Hope you like this chapter...
Anywaaaaaay... Hope you like this chapter. The new subscribers and all of you, hope you enjoy this. I'm gonna go find some inspiration for my other fics... 
Onew FTW!!! XD
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Masquerade ch 22 is up!!!


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Zimmy02 #1
Chapter 36: thank you so much for this story! I love this story so much
I like the plot and the characters of this story, specially jinki!
thank you again for this great story
Chapter 36: hi.. did i ever comment on this story? no? fml. i must have forgotten to do that -_- i've been reading this story again and again.. anyways. the story is so awesome, i legit cried when onho broke up and when jinki rejects taemin (politely) T_T ah poor boys. thank you for the story!
Chapter 36: bows to author-nim util my heads touches my feet thank you for this bitter sweet fic
waah waah waah this is all that came from my mouth initially
Chapter 36: You're really a great writer..
Can't wait to hear more from you chingu ^^
Keep writing especially for Jongyu..
My bias is Onew and yet I adore Jongyu so much!
Yes you make my feeling mixed up but wonderful..keep it up!
Chapter 36: This was such a great story!!xD
The ending was so adorable!! Lovey dovey JongYu and the troll Minho!!xD
Aww I sort of feel bad for Tae baby and key!!
Keep up the good work author-nim!!^^
pradiv1819 #6
Chapter 36: wow...i loved t...so mny twists nd turns...superb...
jinkiesa #7
Chapter 36: this is ssoooooo cool...
i love this story so much...
and i love you for making this story...
thank you si much for this story...

cant wait for your another masterpiece
Chapter 36: Oh my i cried at the last part of taemin's message.. i hope that time will come soon, yeah? I love how you make them all have their happy endings (well, except minho but i think he would find another jinki -onew?- there)

Thank you soo much for bringing this story to us, it's been a fun reading from you^^
renchop #9
Chapter 36: Woah this is the end? Curious on how's between taekey doing now~ spin off maybe for them?._.
Chapter 36: awwww it ended.... i loveeeeeeddd ending......cutieee jongyuuuu and naughty minhoooo.... i hope teakey will find their own happiness soon<3<3<3