Of ex and family



"Jinki yaaaaaaaaaah!!!! Changmin hyung is here!!! Who are texting to?"
Yoseob is peeking inside Jinki's room and finds him looking at his phone and texting.
"Yoseob!!! You should knock first!!!"
Jinki who is caught red-handed immediately hide his phone. He doesn't want Yoseob find out and freak out after knowing who he is texting to. He wants to keep it for himself for awhile. It's not that he doesn't trust Yoseob, bu he knows how Yoseob hates Minho, especially after that accident happen. He himself wanders why he asked Minho to meet tomorrow. Does it because he miss him? Or he only see Minho as Jonghyun's substitute? Jinki is confused. He misses Jonghyun so much. It has been a week since they had a proper conversation and he really misses him. Does Jonghyun not like him anymore? Does he finally realize how unworthy he is after spending some time with him? Is he that bad?
"Hmmmm... Are you texting Jonghyun. Duh, these love birds cannot even not comunicate even in the night, can't you?"
Yoseob laughs at his joke while Jinki's face becomes sour. It takes awhile for Yoseob to realize Jinki's expression. Yoseob knows nothing about Jonghyun's avoidance as he had to do his science project with his team for a week. He didn't witness how Jonghyun always tried to run away from Jinki every time they met. How heart-broken Jinki was because of that. Yoseob looks questioningly to Jinki.
"Is there something wrong, Jinki yah? You know that you can tell me anything right?"
Yoseob immediately flees to Jinki's side as he hears a single sob from his bestfriend. He looks at Jinki with worries.
"Omo!!! Jinki!!! What happen? Please tell me!!!"
"Jjong... He... Does he hate me that much?"
Jinki tries hard to keep his sob louder. His lips quivering as he holds his tears back. Yoseob can only blink repeatly as he hears Jinki's question. What did he miss this weekend? What did that Dino do to his beloved Jinki? Is there any connection with Key's bring Taemin to our table? Did Jinki know about that?
"What do you mean by that?! We all know how head-over-heels he is with you. What makes you say that?"
"He hates me, Yoseob. He run away everytime he saw me. Today, his jaw's tightening as he saw me before he turned away and left. Am I that disgusting? Am I that despicable? Am I destined to be alone all of my life? Do I not deserve happiness?"
Now, Jinki's cheeks are wet by tears. Yoseob immediately brings him inside his hug, trying to calm his best friend. What happen actually? Why did Jonghyun do that to Jinki? Yoseob thought he was the right man for his Jinki. But if he know that Jonghyun would only bring scars to Jinki's heart he sholuld've not let that dino to take any step closer to Jinki. Oh he is so gonna get it tomorrow. He is gonna have a taste of Yoseob's wrath.
"Listen, Jinki. If he is being an to you, it means that he doesn't deserve. And don't you ever dare to have any kind of thought like that!!! You deserve all the love in the world, correction, in this whole universe!!!"
Jinki's chuckles as he hears Yoseob's words. In his heart, he thanks God for giving him a best friend like Yoseob.
"Jinki yah, are you here.... OHMYGODYOU'RECRYING?! Which bastard that dare enough to make you cry like that huh?!?! Tell Hyung!!! I'll go beat the out of him right now!!!!"
Yoseob lets go Jinki of his hold and looks at him. Jinki pleas Yoseob to not tell anything to Changmin about his problem through his eyes. He doesn't want Changmin to know. After giving a small nod, he turns to Changmin.
"Hyung... This young man has a hell of coordination!!! He just fell off of his bed, his head first to the floor!!! Can you imagine that?!?!"
Changmin shrieks a little and immediately runs (yes, he is running) to Jinki to observe his head.
"Yah!!! You should be careful, okay? Are you hurt? Do you need me to cover your floor with something soft, so if you fall the next time you won't get hurt?"
Jinki rolls his eyes at his hyung's attitude and looks at Yoseob's annoyed as his friend laughs out loud.
"Hyung, I'm okay... It was hurt, but now it's not. Come on, I believe you have something to talk to me."
Jinki pulls Changmin out of his room as Changmin immediately starts babbling about anything he wants to talk about. Yoseob can only shake his head as he sees both o them. He just wants to stand off of the bed when he feels Jinki's phone is vibrating. He doesn't mean to open it. He just picks it up to pass it to Jinki, but accidentally he pushes the open button. His eyes get bigger as he sees the name of the sender. Minho. What the hell?!
"So, what do you want to talk about, hyung?"
Jinki sit beside Changmin as he turns on the TV. Changmin looks hesitant to say something, which irks Jinki very much. He puts down the remote and faces Changmin, waiting for him to say something.
"Ummm... Tomorrow, our company will hold a party for company's shareholders. I hope you can come."
"Where is the party?"
"If it will be held in grandpa's house, then I'm not coming."
Jinki faces the TV again, ignoring Changmin's expression. Changmin knows that Jinki will refuse the in itation as soon as he knows where it will be held. But Changmin's thought it's about the time for Jinki to talk to his grandpa, however bad their relationship is, especially when grandpa's life might not be long anymore. Yesterda, his doctor sentenced him that his life won't be last longer than a year. His sickness had reached the most dangerous stage and it was very important to not giving him any stress. And the only thing that bother grandpa is Jinki. Changmin wants Jinki to undersand, before it's too late. However bad grandpa is, he is still a family member. Grandpa is hurt by his thought of making his grandson miserable. He wants to hug his grandson, he wants to spoil him all the things in the world.
"Jinki, please listen..."
"No, hyung. I'm not ready to meet him yet."
"Then when will you be ready? When he is lying death, lifeless in his chamber? Then it won't be long. "
Changmin looks at Jinki seriously. Jinki who hears Changmin's answer, surprises. He turns to look at Changmin with questioning eyes.
"What are you talking about, hyung?"
"He won't last more than a year, Jinki yah. His cancer had come to last stage. Please Jinki, I'm begging you."
Jinki can't say anything. He is so surprised with the news. After taking awhile to consume Changmin's words, Jinki finally able to find his voice.
"I don't know hyung... I..."
"He keeps thinking about you and miserable because of it. Guilty consumes him faster than the death, Jinki. If you let this go any further, he might not be able to survive for some other months!"
Jinki looks down to his lap. He thinks so hard. Can he meet this person without making scene? If he meet him, there will be a big fight between them, and it might cause something to his health. Yes, Jinki still thinks about his grandpa's health, because however it is, they are still family.
"Okay... I'll come. I'll come over tomorrow to talk more with him."
Changmin smiles delightfully and catches Jinki with his hug. He mumbles a lot of thanks to Jinki's ear, which makes Jinki smile back.
"Yaaaah hyuuuung... Lemme gooooo.... You're heavy!!!"
"Don't wanna... I like hugging you.... My Jinkiiiiiii...."
Like that, Jinki still tries to let go of his monstrous-hug cousin and Changmin only tightens his hold on Jinki.
Next day.
Jinki steps into the library to meet Minho. The tumbler and jacket Minho left yesterday are clean and ready to be gien back to the owner. Actually the only reason why Jinki wanted to meet Minho to return his things (well, deep down he realizes that he misses him too). But how surprise he is when he reaches yesterday corner, to find Minho is standing awkwardly, with Yoseob beside him with both of his hands on his chest and his eyes boring into Jinki's figure.
"Don't you have something to explain to me, Lee Jinki?!"
"Uh oh...."
Heeeeeeeeeihooooooooo..... New chapter heeeere.... No Jonghyun nor Taemin here... But I promise I will write more abou them in the next chapter. Be ready for a hell of the next chapter.... *hint
@arianiagustina: you will find it out after a few chapter *wink... Hehehehheee... I'll write more Jongyu for the next chapter... Wait for it, kay? What do you think about this chapter? Hope you like it...
@renchop: did you see the picture he sent through his twitter? The one with his mother. He looks so cute OMG I can't stop squealing over it!!!! Hope you like this chapter too...
@SnHiromi: more drama here... I loge it when my reader live my story... And definitely more drama for the next chapter... Wait for it, kay... Be ready for TaeMean beang mean there.... *hint
@CupNoodles4319: thanks for commenting. There will be more onho in the next chapter... Hope you like this chapter... :))
@nana_gummy:  more onho in the next chapters because I also love onho and jongyu... Everyone loves Jinki!!! So do I!!! XD
@Heavenlee: there will be a lot lot of jongyu in the next chapter. I miss writing about them... Hope you like the new chapter...
@jiana92888: thanks for subscribing... Hope you like the new chapter...
Thaaaaaaaat's all from meeee... Wrote a new story too. I know that I still have a lot of unfinished stories, but I couldn't help it!!! The idea just came at me out of the blue and I just need to share it all with you... The title is 'Taemin's Brother'....
Onew FTW!!!! XD
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Masquerade ch 22 is up!!!


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Zimmy02 #1
Chapter 36: thank you so much for this story! I love this story so much
I like the plot and the characters of this story, specially jinki!
thank you again for this great story
Chapter 36: hi.. did i ever comment on this story? no? fml. i must have forgotten to do that -_- i've been reading this story again and again.. anyways. the story is so awesome, i legit cried when onho broke up and when jinki rejects taemin (politely) T_T ah poor boys. thank you for the story!
Chapter 36: bows to author-nim util my heads touches my feet thank you for this bitter sweet fic
waah waah waah this is all that came from my mouth initially
Chapter 36: You're really a great writer..
Can't wait to hear more from you chingu ^^
Keep writing especially for Jongyu..
My bias is Onew and yet I adore Jongyu so much!
Yes you make my feeling mixed up but wonderful..keep it up!
Chapter 36: This was such a great story!!xD
The ending was so adorable!! Lovey dovey JongYu and the troll Minho!!xD
Aww I sort of feel bad for Tae baby and key!!
Keep up the good work author-nim!!^^
pradiv1819 #6
Chapter 36: wow...i loved t...so mny twists nd turns...superb...
jinkiesa #7
Chapter 36: this is ssoooooo cool...
i love this story so much...
and i love you for making this story...
thank you si much for this story...

cant wait for your another masterpiece
Chapter 36: Oh my i cried at the last part of taemin's message.. i hope that time will come soon, yeah? I love how you make them all have their happy endings (well, except minho but i think he would find another jinki -onew?- there)

Thank you soo much for bringing this story to us, it's been a fun reading from you^^
renchop #9
Chapter 36: Woah this is the end? Curious on how's between taekey doing now~ spin off maybe for them?._.
Chapter 36: awwww it ended.... i loveeeeeeddd ending......cutieee jongyuuuu and naughty minhoooo.... i hope teakey will find their own happiness soon<3<3<3