Mine and Mine Only





I know that now i become an irresponsible author, who abandon her story for a long time. i really cant help it. The college day is killing me. i am struggling with my thesis. The lecturer who is supposed to help me become so annoyingly busy so i end up doing all of my thesis without any guidience.

I really want to update every day!!! I really am!!! But anyway, i’ll see what i can do to manage my fully packed time to not abandon my stories.

I see that i left you all hanging in the last chapter. Dont worry, all of your question will be answered in this chapter. Hope you like it. And i will leave a pooling at the end of the chapter. It’s very important for me. i hope y’ll will spare your time to fill it..

Enjoy reading...





Lee Jinki...

Jinki hyung...


No matter how many times i say his name, there is this possessive feeling that filling up my heart. I become used to his presence by my side. never in my wildest dream, i dream about loosing him. Be cause as long as i know, he is mine. Mine to possess, minte to be friended, and mine to be own. He has been in my live since forever. The first friend, the first brother, the first love, he manages to be my first of everything. I wonder who will i choose if i have to choose between my parents or my Jinki. It could be Jinki that i choose. Because he is always there. Not like my parents who selfishly left his only son al the time and cared more about their business. Yeah. I will definitely choose my Jinki.

Ever since we are young, he would always be there. And for my fortune, he also lived next to mine. Being left alone only with a nanny and a driver, made me being close with him, who was lso the only child. I spent more and more time in his house. His parents accepted me openly and even profided a mat in Jinki’s room for me. At first, i felt so jealous, seeing how affectionate his parents with Jinki. I only wanted the same attention. But the feeling inside my heart was changing into a different direction as i got to know Jinki. My Jinki. The one that i treasure the most.

I started to think that he is mine to begin with. I mean, why would God make him staying beside my house, if he is not destined to be mine? Right?

We spent our time together. Nothing could separate us. I didnt allow it. Even though i was younger, i managed to join school the same time as Jinki. Even i managed to get if not the same class as him, then class next door. we are destined to be together, right?

Everything went well, until my oh so senseless parents decided to stay in Korea for good. At that time, we were in our second years in our junior highschool. They, once again, selfishly decided that we had to move to grandpa’s house. He was so sick and seemed that humanity in my parents’ vein was not complitely gone, and they thought it would be better to stay together. What the hell, right?! I couldnt do anything but giving silent threatment. I ran away, well actually i only sleptover at Jinki’s house and refused to go home for a week. In the end, after Jinki made a promised to spend the weekend in my house, i agreed to go home. We moved three blocks away from Jinki’s house. But i was still to far for me. Because what i wanted was seeing Jinki’s face the fisrt thing in the morning. I hate my parents because of that. Because in my opinion, it all went wrong after that.

Two boys came in the middle of the year, and became Jinki’s friend fast. Instead of being the two of us, now there were the four of us. But i couldnt voice out my feeling. The hatred that i buried seeing this Joon kid slung his hand on Jinki’s shoulder, and this Yoseob kid tickled Jinki’s waist. How could they touch what was mine? But i really couldnt do anything.

A thought of confessing was once came inside my head. But was it love? I just felt that Jinki was belonged to me. We were right together. But what if he saw me as a freak? What if, after confessing, he would reject me and refuse to meet me? To be with me?

With that thought inside my head, our junior highschool passed. But i believe, if Jinki had to choose between me and those two kids, it would be me. I had been there first.

It was in the middle of the first year, i was sent to Seoul, to represent our school dance team, with two others. I didnt mean to be a big head, but if youre talking about dancing, then it was me, who was the best. The dance machine.

There, i met a too handsome student, Choi Minho. He turned out to be bi. One thing leaded to others, we ended up having . He had my first. But it was Jinki inside my head. In the morning, i felt so guilty, and begging Jinki to visit me in Seoul. And i regreted it. Minho and i had a talk in the morning. We both agreed that what we had done was only a one time thing. We wouldnt repeat it again, as we didnt even had a special feeling toward each other.

As a good friend, Jinki immediately flew to Seoul and met me. He looked so worried over me. i felt so happy when Jinki hug me and told me how worried he was, after hearing my voice. What i didnt count was Minho. I had to admit, Jinki was just that adorable, and no one would able to resist his charm. But i didnt know that Minho would actually fell in love with Jinki. With my Jinki.

After Jinki went back, i went back, i hoped everything would turn out okay. But to my surprise, i found Minho standing in front of the class a week after, as the teacher introduced him as the new student. At that time, i felt okay, because i knew that Jinki was not swing that way. Minho became the fifth person in our group. With that, Jinki’s attention was not only divided into three, but four. My dear Jinki seemed to sense my uneasiness and assured me that i would always be his first best friend, no matter what.

Three months later, a news shocked me. Jinki and Minho were together. I felt betrayed. But yet i couldnt bring myself to hate Jinki. I hate Minho above all. I was willin to do anything to break their relationship. I couldnt sleep for the whole week. That made Jinki worried. He then spent more time with me. what made me happier that Jinki refused seeing Minho as he nursing me. one evening, Jinki and his parents had to go somewhere, leaving me alone in my room. My parents spent their time in the hospital, as grandpa had collapse the day before. someone knocked my door. it was Minho. He said his hateful words to me. saying how i monopolized his boyfriend until Jinki rejected his invitation to hang out. I, didnt want to lose on this small screaming battle with him, saying that that was normal for Jinki, choosing me over him, as i was his friend first. I didnt know what exactly happen, but we ended up having our second that day. Since then, we would sneak up and did our angry , just to transfer our frustation.

Until that accident happen.

Jinki was so fragile. As if he would break if i touch him. He cried so much. Yet, he was still beautiful. That time i was sure no matter condition Jinki was in, he would always look beautiful. He got better, as better as someone who just lost his parents could be. But without any warning, he was gone.

Now as i see him here, laying in this bed, i would never let him go. Never.

“Taemin, you’re still there?”

“Ah, Key shii...”

That two boys are back. The dino one and the feline eyed one.

“How many times should i tell you to just call me hyung? anyway, come now. I’ll take you to your dorm.”

Not now. i dont want to be separated from Jinki!!! But i guess i cant do anything. I better paln everything, so Jinki will be willingly come back to me. i dont even know why he was gone at the first thing. But i will make him come back for me for sure. I will make him realize that i is me, he is all nedd. Not Minho, Joon, Mir, Yoseob, or any of his new friends.

I look at Jinki’s figure for the last time, before i stand up and walk next to Key. The Dino man immediately takes MY spot next to MY Jinki. I see red immediately. But now i cant do anything, as i feel Key start dragging me out of the room.

Just wait, Jinki...

Everything will be back to normal...




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Masquerade ch 22 is up!!!


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Zimmy02 #1
Chapter 36: thank you so much for this story! I love this story so much
I like the plot and the characters of this story, specially jinki!
thank you again for this great story
Chapter 36: hi.. did i ever comment on this story? no? fml. i must have forgotten to do that -_- i've been reading this story again and again.. anyways. the story is so awesome, i legit cried when onho broke up and when jinki rejects taemin (politely) T_T ah poor boys. thank you for the story!
Chapter 36: bows to author-nim util my heads touches my feet thank you for this bitter sweet fic
waah waah waah this is all that came from my mouth initially
Chapter 36: You're really a great writer..
Can't wait to hear more from you chingu ^^
Keep writing especially for Jongyu..
My bias is Onew and yet I adore Jongyu so much!
Yes you make my feeling mixed up but wonderful..keep it up!
Chapter 36: This was such a great story!!xD
The ending was so adorable!! Lovey dovey JongYu and the troll Minho!!xD
Aww I sort of feel bad for Tae baby and key!!
Keep up the good work author-nim!!^^
pradiv1819 #6
Chapter 36: wow...i loved t...so mny twists nd turns...superb...
jinkiesa #7
Chapter 36: this is ssoooooo cool...
i love this story so much...
and i love you for making this story...
thank you si much for this story...

cant wait for your another masterpiece
Chapter 36: Oh my i cried at the last part of taemin's message.. i hope that time will come soon, yeah? I love how you make them all have their happy endings (well, except minho but i think he would find another jinki -onew?- there)

Thank you soo much for bringing this story to us, it's been a fun reading from you^^
renchop #9
Chapter 36: Woah this is the end? Curious on how's between taekey doing now~ spin off maybe for them?._.
Chapter 36: awwww it ended.... i loveeeeeeddd ending......cutieee jongyuuuu and naughty minhoooo.... i hope teakey will find their own happiness soon<3<3<3