Kpop Winter Festival Part 2

Would you be my Boyfriend?

~Ni hwasareun Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!

Trouble~ trouble~Nareul noryeosseo

Neoneun Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Naneun Hoot! Hoot! Hoot! ~

You were watching Cho Hee and her group Rainbow perform.  *Speaking of acting like a little girl copying SNSD....* you thought remembering Cho Hee's words.  Nine girls were dressed full out in high heels, black short shorts and tank top with a pink belt flipping their long hair and make up covered faces.

You leaned back in your seat watching the Girl Groups perform their songs and you hated to admit but Cho Hee was a good dancer.  She had a flirtatious way of holding herself and was able to dance in 6 inch heels while still being able to move her hips side to side like a hula dancer.  Her other friends weren't as good, but their prettiness and S-line made up for it taking in the account the males in the audience who had 120% concentration on the girls on stage.

You stuck out your tongue in distaste, even Boyfriend had their eyes glued to the stage.  You rolled your eyes *It's not that impressive...* but even you were jealous of the way the girls could look so y while dancing.

After RainBows performance neither of the other girl dance teams could compare, it was obvious who won.  However the same couldn't be said about your boy dance team. (Even though Yerin is Boyfriend its still considered a Boy Band since they dance/appear as boys in the performance)

While waiting patiently in the audience for the judges to announce their decision Minwoo was impatiently rocking in his chair.

"I WORKED SOOOO HARD ON THAT CHOREGRAPHY WE BETTER WIN AND WE PRACTICED SOOOOO MUCH" Minwoo said unable to stop twitching and jumping up and down in his seat

Youngmin looked up at the celing as if the answers were written there " ... well.. theres 3 awards per gender category: Choreography, Performance, and Overall Appearance so theres a change we can win at least one of them"

Kwangmin rolled his eyes "Everyone knows that the Performance one declares you the best dance group"

"Hello Boyfriend-oppas!!" Cho Hee had run over in her high heels waving, brushing her smooth long legs up against Minwoos and Donghyuns while stepping on my foot and crash-landing onto Kwangmin's lap.  "Ooh I'm sorry! I'm so clutzy!" she said picking herself up and dusting her slim waist down and fixing her hair.

Kwangmin seemed a bit suprised but kept his face even "Hi Cho Hee"

"Hello Kwangminnieee~" she cooed "Did you like our dance this year? We worked really hard on it!"

He nodded slowly trying to draw his eyes away from the skimpy costume Cho Hee was wearing and back up to her face. 

"I LOVED your dance" Jeongmin said to know one in particular since Cho Hee wasn't listening "It was one of the best 3 minutes of my life" he continued awkwardly.

Since Kwangmin was still a little star-struck she turned to Youngmin "I liked your dance oppa~" she sat on the chair so close to Youngmin you wondered if she was squishing Youngmin's leg. "And of course I'll be your girlfriend~" she said.

Youngmin let out a nervous laugh and did the hand shaking part of the dance still trying to wrap his head around the fact that the Queenka was practically sitting on his lap and flirting with him.

Minwoo jealous of the attention that Youngmin was getting stood up and sat next to Cho Hee, "I choreographed the dance, not HIM" he said smiling proudly.

She blinked and patted his head "Good job Minhyun"

Minwoo frowned "its MinWOO"

She ignored him and stood up "may the best dance team win! Hwaiting!" she said smiling and stepping on my foot again.

Jeongmin who was still in a daze while his eyes were following Cho Hee's slender form said out loud

"I think I'm in love"

"I think you're a ert" Hyunseong countered.

"I think you eat a lot"

"You know who eats a lot Ye-" you put your face in your hands *not this again* But lucky for you the judges made the announcement for all the groups to line up on stage.

"All Dance groups on stage we will begin announcing the winners of this years Kpop winter festival!!"

As you stood up and started walking toward the stairs you bumped your head on the flag hanging from the side of the stairs. *ow... got to get used to being this tall*

MInwoo was eagerly walking up the stairs and beaming as if he had just won the lottery.
You guys arranged yourselves in the typical order "Donghyun, Hyunseong, Minwoo, You, Kwangmin, Youngmin and Jeongmin"

"Alright everyone! should we start with the boys or the girls first?" the host asked the audience.

They screamed out nothing like what "Girl" or "Boy" sounded like but somehow the host got an answer and began to look through the papers.

"This years best Choreography award for the girls goes to... BlackJack!"

Four girls dressed in steampunk with wildly dyed hair and shiny leather jackets with silver spikes lining the cuffs stood up toward the front of the stage. You struggled to remember their choreography, *RainBow didn't win because the choreo wasn't original.. go figure.. maybe this competition isn't so biased after all*

That thought didn't stay in your thought very long when the host announced the other girl group winners.

"For best performance and overall appearance awards, these both go to RainBow!!!"

The girls in Rainbow squealed and bowed accepting their award and bowing to the audience. 

"This is RAINBOW!!!" they squealed doing a little hwaiting fist pump.  Cho Hee on her way walking off stage brushed by us and blew Boyfriend a little kiss and winking.

You assumed the affection was directed toward the boys and couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy, but shook your head, *it wasn't your business who they went out with.. but ANYONE than Cho Hee...*

"Let's move onto the Boys now!" the host said gesturing for Boyfriend and the other boy dance teams to step forward.

"Let's start with Overall Appearance..."

"Okay! For 2012 winners of the boys in Overall Appearance we have .. EXO for a powerful image and charisma in costumes and style"

EXO which was probably the largest group of boys you had ever seen. *Seniors?*  They all looked so tall and muscular it was a little intimidating.

Minwoo shook nervously "usually we win that one... we've never won an award for anything else" he whispered to the other members.

*GULP here goes nothing*

"Now, for Choreography we have ...a tie... both groups had an original choreography that received the same score from the judges"

Minwoo clutched your shoulders hard "Omg I'm so nervous" he said shaking like a little kid.

"Boyfriend and Nu'est!!!" he announced.

You swear... Minwoo was estatic.  No, he was just acting like SHINee had just graced the classroom of some Shawol.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" Minwoo darted up to the stage with Nu'est's choreographer.

In fact he was still insanely happy when he came back.  "WHOS THE BEST DANCER???"

"Michael Jackson!"


"Lee Taemin!"


Minwoo glared at them and but went back to smiling as he held his little trophy made of clear glass that had frosted words on the surface.

"I'll let you touch it if you hug me and say I'm the best dancer" he said to you.

You rolled your eyes and laughed.

Jeongmin touched the glass trophy but before Minwoo could protest, Jeongmin jumped on him embracing him in a big hug.


"Lastly the OFFICIAL winners will be given the Performance award for the Boys Kpop Festival competition!!"

Everyone straightened up and went quiet to listen, except for Minwoo who was hugging his trophy and caressing its surface praising himself.

"The winner is ... BOYFRIEND!!!!"

Youngmin and Kwangmin's jaws fell open leaving them in an identical shocked position.

Minwoo almost dropped his trophy and stared in wide eyes at the host in shock.

You were wide-eyed, *we won??*

"WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAH!!!!" Hyunseong shouted while jumping up in the air.

The host laughed at us "Come on Boyfriend!! Let's get it started!!"

You and Boyfriend practically ran up to the stage and knocked the host over.

"WE ARE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!!" you guys shouted to the cheering audience of fangirls.



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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!