Jo Twins House Part 1

Would you be my Boyfriend?

"You have got to be kidding me" Kwangmin said staring out into the pouring rain.  It was literally coming down in sheets of water that crashed onto the roof and trickled noisily into the overfilled gutters.

Minwoo poked his head through around Kwangmin's shoulder to look out the doorway, "Great start for winter vacation eh?"

You groaned, walking home from school today was going to soak you to the bone.

Minwoo turned around to face Donghyun.  "Donghyunnie-hyung can I get a ride home from school today~" Minwoo said opening his eyes really wide and pouting.

Jeongmin patted Minwoo on the back "just keep working that aegyo".

Donghyun rubbed his temples, "yes, yes Minwoo I can drive you home... anyone else need a ride?"

You were about to ask when Youngmin grabbed your hand and pulled you out further away from the doorway.  "No, come on Kwangmin, we live close to here so we can run home".  You protested, "My house is 2 miles away from here..."

"It's okay you can come over to our house"  Youngmin said pulling you impatiently from the school and out into the rain.  It splattered all over your hair and was making its way down to your bare legs where the skirt ended on your uniform.  You shivered and started to pull out of Youngmin's hand.  You figured if he was going to drag you out into the rain you might as well head home.  He shrugged off his jacket and lifted your wrist pulling it over you .  The blazer sleeves stopped just over your hands.  He leaned over in front of you fiddling with the buttons until he finished the one at your neck. By the time he was done your cheeks were red and blushing.

"Come on, you can hang out at our house for awhile" Youngmin said smiling and pulling your wrist after him.  Kwangmin was silent and had already started walking home with the two of you trailing after him.

"Aren't you cold?" you asked, after all he was only wearing the thin uniform shirt and you had a total of two jackets, yours and his.

"Well... I'm a little cold..." he said breaking off.  You were about to give him back his jacket when he put you in front of him and wrapped his arms around your chest.

You let out a small squeak but he was already nuzzling his head into your shoulder. "Keep me warm will ya?" *Or you know.. I could just give you back your jacket...but this works too* you thought secretly smiling inside.

"Hurry up hyung" Kwangmin called after you guys, he was halfway across the block already.

"Run!" Youngmin said gleefully pushing you forward almost making you slip on your feet.

The two of you ran up to Kwangmin who was already starting to jog toward his house.

"A-Are you s-s-ure y-your parents w-won't mind?" you said teeth chattering as you walked warily up the stairs to the front porch.  The front of the house was well kept and from the looks of it the house was just a large and fancy as yours.

"Our mom's the only one that's home and she likes us inviting friends over." Kwangmin replied trying to get his key into the lock.  His hand shook from the cold and it took him about 4 tries until he managed to unlock the door.

You always assumed the Jo twins got their good looks from somewhere, but their mother was stunning.  Her hair was in a messy bun at the top of her head but her face was the similar perfect porcelain and no wrinkles could be seen on her face.  She was thin and young looking, most likely in her thirties.

"Oh my gosh, I was so worried about you boys it's freezing outside! Go take a hot shower and change into some dry clothes!" she said fussing over Kwangmin's damp hair and tutting over Youngmin's soaked uniform.

"Mom, I'm fine.. just let me go" Kwangmin said swatting his mother's hand away. *so embarrassing ...*

Youngmin was helping you get your coat off when his mother saw you.

"Oh, who's this?" she asked finally noticing you standing awkwardly in the doorway. 

"hello there!" she said pushing past Youngmin and helping you out of your drenched jacket.

"I'm Yerin" you said bowing "I'm Youngmin and Kwangmin's friend" you replied, so it wouldn't sound like you were just a random girl who followed her sons home.

"Her house is far away so we invited her here" Youngmin said to his mother.

"I'm their mother" she said gesturing toward her sons still smiling.  She reminded you a lot of Youngmin and his cheery attitude, "You can call me unni! Aw.. you are soaked too. Go take a shower in my bathroom and I can lend you some clothes.  She lightly pushed you toward her bedroom and into the bathroom.  Before you could thank her she was rummaging around in her closet and she pulled out a pair of comforable pajamas.

She smiled and patted your head, "Why don't you spend the night? I don't want you going outside while its raining so hard."

"I um.. should ask my father first.." you trailed off awkwardly.

"Oh, .. well .. still take a hot shower and change into dry clothes, i'll be making some hot chocolate and an early dinner" she said still smiling.

"Thank you unni!" you said bowing and slightly smiling.

"Oh by the way, are you Kwangmin or Youngmin's girlfriend?" She asked her eyes michievious and pulled into a tightlipped grin.

"Um.... neither?" you said trying not to blush.

"Oh, well... in my opinion, Youngmin is nicer, unless you like the dark and mysterious type then Kwangmin's your man" she said winking.

"Unniee~" you whined.

"Alright, i'll stop teasing you" she said laughing.

After showing you how the shower worked you thanked her politely again and she left you in the bathroom.

(You take your shower.... and come out to the living room.)

'Yerinnie call your father to see if you can spend the night!" Youngmin said once he noticed you had finished your shower.  Youngmin was dressed in sweat pants and a black and white striped t-shirt.  Kwangmin, however, was no where to be seen.

"Are you sure its alright? I can ask my dad to pick me up.." you said not wanting to intrude.

"It's fine, Boyfriend stays over all the time anyway" Youngmin answered.  He sat next to you as you pulled out your phone to dial call your dad.

"Um..." Youngmin stared at you expectantly eagerly hoping your dad would say yes.


"Hi Yerin" you dad answered tiredly but cheerfully.

"It's raining really hard outside, is it okay if I stay at a friends house for the night?" you said tapping impatiently on your knee.

Youngmin continued to stare at you gesturing with his hands in a begging position hoping that he'd say yes.

"It's okay, i'll be home late anyway, what friend are you staying with?" your dad asked "I'll pick you up tomorrow if you want."

"um.. uh.. Youngmin and Kwangmin..." you said squeezing your eyes shut. *I'm staying at a house with two boys..gulp..*

"Oh, Youngmin is a nice boy, go ahead, I'll pick you up tomorrow.. or whenever you.. feel like coming home.." he said muttering something about teenagers and their friends.

"Thank you appa~ " you said sweetly and hung up.

Youngmin cheered "YAY!!" 

You blinked, "You really wanted me to stay over didn't you?"

"You have no idea" Youngmin said mumbling.

*silly kid..." you thought.

"Hey lets go bug Kwangmin" he said grabbing your hand again and pulling your wrist up the spiraling stairs.  He ran up the carpeted stairs pulling you after him to Kwangmin's room.  Not suprisingly his room was extremely neat and organized, his favorite seemed to be blue which was on the bedsheets, his walls, curtains everywhere except the ... giant pile of PIKACHUS??

"Kwangminnniieeeeee" Youngmin sing-songed as he ran over and plopped himself next to Kwangmin who was on the floor sitting in a mermaid position doing his homework.  You gasped a little bit when you saw Kwangmin, unlike Youngmin who was wearing normal clothes he was in a Pikachu pajama.

He pulled back the hood and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I like Pikachu..." he said.

"It's cute" you said giggling and playing with one of the ears on his hood.  He blushed a little and turned his head away so he could continue doing his homework.  You have never seen this side of Kwangmin before, unless he ate a few candies or something sweet. 

"Kwangmin!!!! Youngmin!!!!" dinner is ready, you heard their mom shout from the bottom of the stairs.

At the thought of food the three of you rushed down to the dining room.  Ramen was steaming from four bowls and you had to make sure you weren't drooling.

*uh-oh... I have to make sure not to eat too much and look like a pig...*

You sat around the rectangular table, Youngmin was on your right, his mother on your left and Kwangmin sat next to Youngmin.  Right away the boys started slurping noodles down as you tried to remain ladylike like their mother was doing.

"Is it okay?" she asked nudging your arm.

"ne! It is very tasty, thank you unnie!" you said smiling.

"I wish my own sons were as polite as you" she said casting dark shadows toward the twins at the end of the table.

"thank's mom" Kwangmin said still eating.

"Thank you" Youngmin said smirking.

You finished your food as the boys were twirling their chopsticks in the remainder of their noodles.  You gulped, she had given you the same amount of food as Youngmin and Kwangmin.  You sat at the table awkwardly as they took their time nibbling on the noodles

"There's more in the kitchen, if you're still hungry" she said tapping her chopsticks against your empty bowl.

"No thank you, I'm full" you lied.

"Yah! Kwangmin and Youngmin quit dawdling and hurry up and eat, Yerin is waiting for you to finish already!" she said scolding them.

"I'm stuffed" Youngmin announced after a few more bites and got up quickly putting his dish away, you and Kwangmin quickly followed him to the kitchen to wash the dishes.


Alright... sooo.... I love all you subscribers and comments make my day ;).  However I plan on starting a NEW fanfic about EXO as well as .. hopefully continuing this one... if it isn't that popular *sigh* then i will create a new prized work starring EXO-K and EXO-M. :D I'm pretty sure that one will be better considering this one was my first and I have a better plotline for the next one :D.


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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!