Surf's Up and Down

Would you be my Boyfriend?

"Minwoo, did you always like me?" you built up the courage to ask him.

"hm? maybe not at first" he admitted "I thought you were a prissy girl... who just liked to dance to look good or to get a guy's attention."

You frowned and turned away and looked down.  He noticed your reaction and quickly shook his hands and laughed. "No! No! I found out that you weren't like that and you actually had a passion for dance .. and you were really smart and nice ... and not stuck up."


He changed the subject, "hey, we should go explore this vacation house area...I haven't been to the beach many times so maybe we can go there and hang out"

You tilted your head "it's winter... and the beach is freezing.. you sure?"

"Positive, get your swimsuit on.. you're going to teach me how to surf"

You sighed but smiled anyway "so childish.."

You kicked Minwoo out of your room so you could slip on a bikinni and he could change his own clothes. After changing and slipping on a long skirt and blazer you opened your door to find Minwoo shirtless.

"Like what you see babe?" he winked and giggled as he displayed his well toned chest to you.  "ACK!!" you laughed and covered your eyes "Go put on a shirt Minnie"

"I worked hard for these!!"

"And I'd like to keep my eyesight"

"Fine.. fine" Minwoo pouted and headed over to his room to go slip on a shirt.

The two of you raced down the sidewalks, almost got hit by a car that was speeding, and tripped on the sand when you forgot the density of sand was lower than the density for cement.  

"Ya Yerin... those waves look scary.."

"Scared?" you said teasing him.


"come on.. we'll just wade in the water a little bit", you said taking his hand and your board and forcing yourself into the water.

"Augh.. it's so cold.." Minwoo whined.

"your idea to come here buddy"

He shivered and hugged the board.  "How on earth are you not freezing??"

You shrugged, "used to it, you should lay on your board and just paddle, then we'll work on standing up and riding waves" While treading water you nudged Minwoo around and slowly headed away from the shore.  Minwoo could at least swim so you didn't have to worry about him falling off, but his sense of balance however was pretty pitiful.

"You're over balancing it Minwoo.. just let your body do it naturally" you shouted as you saw Minwoo fall off his board.  Minwoo was completely soaked and shivering and his bangs stuck to his forehead while he panted.

"I-I .. give up" his teeth chattering.

"Take a break champ" you said patting his back "lemme try"

After taking the board from his hands you paddled out a safe distance and ducked under a wave.  It came crashing down on top on you but you forced yourself through and managed to break through and balance yourself on a wave. The wind blew through your air and every piece of your skin felt like it was being kissed by ice, but you felt as if you were on top of the world.  The waves swirled beneath you and you let out your arms to balance you better.  You looked to your side and saw Minwoo smiling and waving at you.  You tried to wave back but felt the wave swell even more beneath you. Panic froze your legs.  You should know not to surf when its this cold and your limbs felt to numb to move.  The wave tossed you off and you felt yourself tumble downwards.  There was a smash when the board hit the rock and broke into pieces and the wave pushed your closer and closer to the rocks near the shore.

"Minwoo!!" you tried to yell out, but the wave pummeled your forward, propelling you into the rocks. There was a crash and your left arm cracked.  You tried to fight your way back to the surface, but one arm and numb legs were enough to fight the currents.  Still clawing upwards you felt yourself slam into the cliffside and be dragged away from the patch of sunlight above the water. 

Minwoo POV

Yerin fell off.. Ahahaha. She's so good at everything but I guess even she makes mistakes. I swam toward her stiffly and slowly.  Aish.. so cold. "Yerin!! Let's go home, its so cold!!" I shouted hoping she'd hear me. No response. Uh Oh.


I swam faster and saw pieces of the board drifting around the waves.  Tides coming.. where is she??  I swept over the hoizon with my eyes frantically until I saw a hand reach out and then fall back under the water.

"Yerin!!" I swam faster. "Please be okay. Please be okay"

When I got to the spot where I had last seen her she wasn't there.  I took a deep breath and plunged downward.  The water was too dark, it was too hard to see anything.  I moved my arms out, skulling for something.  Something I had learned to do in swim lessons. My pinky finger grazed something.  Kelp?? I reached out further and released it was hair.  I reached further and managed to grab onto a shoulder and hauled her back toward the surface.  

"Yerin!!" I gasped and brushed her long hair off her face.  Her eyes were closed and her face and lips were so blue and pale.

The waves were practically shredded as I raced back to the shore and pulled her with me.  

" hurts..."

"Rinnie?? What happened???!? Are you okay??"

No answer. 

"Hold on okay!!" Tears or saltwater.. I couldn't tell which clouded my vision.  It's my fault.


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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!