Meeting the Jo Twins

Would you be my Boyfriend?

Your POV

It was Tuesday in other words the 2nd day of school. Well it was my 1st day of school because I had missed the real first day moving into my new home.  My dad once again on his newly relocated job in Seoul left me at home to do all the unpacking.  I barely managed to get the boxes in and my back was killing me. Today the furniture was coming in a truck, I had NO idea how I was going to get it into the house. 

I pushed away my future problems and looked at my schedule: Math, Physics, Korean language, History, Art, and Dance.

All honors classes, not to mention gymnastics practice on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Violin before school on Thurdays, and Mandarin classes every Saturday morning from 6-9am.  Yep, I was screwed.

I walked a little faster not wanting to miss anymore class than I already had by spending 10 minutes in the registration office.  After about 5 minutes I admit I was completely lost and had no idea where the office even was now.  A boy about my age was bent over the water fountain (this is Kwangmin).  I nervously stepped over and tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

Bad idea.

"Excuse me?" I tapped him on the shoulder.


"Oh! I'm sorry!" I said taking a step back and awkwardly standing there not sure if I should help him or just let him clear out his own throat.

He finally stopped coughing which made me relieved that he hadn't passed out or choked and died. 

"What?" he said while wiping his mouth.

Now that he was standing up straight he towered over me, my head barely coming to his shoulder.  HIs dark brown eyes narrowed at me while I tried not to be intimidated.  I admit he was good looking with handsome features and dark brown hair that stopped just under his ears.

"I'm sorry" I repeated still feeling bad for making him choke.

He shifted his lean frame so he would lean against the wall, still staring at me.

"Do you know where Room B213 is?" I asked.

"Upstairs and just keep walking until you see 213..." he said rolling his eyes, his voice was deeper than I thought it'd be.

I just blinked at him blankly. "Theres an upstairs?" I hadn't seen any stairways so I was utterly confused.

He walked about 10 steps and I stood by the water fountain unsure if I should follow him or if that was the end of his directions.  He opened a large door revealing long flights of stairs going up and down. 

"Oh.." I said walking to where he was standing and he held the door open for me as I made my way to the large set of metal stairs.

"Thank you!" I called out, but he ignored me and walked away.

I reached Room 213 without anymore problems and opened the door.  The teacher was sitting at his desk playing a game of solitaire on the computer while the rest of the class worked on their assignment.  Everyone noticed me when I walked in and was staring. 

"who's that?"

"She looks kinda weird"

"She reminds me of Minzy"

"Is she even in this class?"

"Is she lost?"

I subconciously bent my head down and let my bangs fall over my eyes.  Why do they keep staring? Is there something on my face?

"Um.. I'm a new student here..." I said handing my schedule to the teacher.  He pointed to an empty seat,"you can sit next Youngmin"

I looked around the classroom and saw a blonde-haired kid who waved his hand and smiled.  I walked awkwardly between the narrow spaces between the desk almost tripping on backpacks laying on the floor.  When I got closer I gasped.  He looked exactly like the boy I saw in the hallway!  He smiled at me, revealing perfect white teeth, while waving me over. I nervously smiled back and sat next to him.

"I'm Youngmin, you are?"

"I'm _________" I said stammering slightly still shocked by the identicalness.

"Assignment is on the board, do you have your textbooks yet?" he asked.  Contrary to his "twin" he was much more talkative and nice.

"No.. not yet, I didn't know where the library was.."

"It's okay we can share for now" he said pushing his book in between our two desks. 

I started working and was almost done when I noticed his paper was blank. *Was he done?*

He noticed I was staring at him, "Can you help me?" he said with a shy smile. "Math isn't my specialty"

I explained the problem and let him figure the last ones out, it was kinda cute to see him scrunch his eyebrows and chew on his lips when he was stuck on a problem.  After a good 20 minutes of working he pumped his fist in the air, "DONE" he exclaimed.

I laughed and he looked over at me " Thanks, you're really smart by the can a little thing like you know so much?" He said, giving me an awkward shoulder hug by putting his long arm around my shoulder and squeezing.

I blushed a little bit and turned my face back toward my paper so he couldn't see.  I puffed out my cheeks in a blowfish way while thinking. 

"Aigoo.. so cute", he said poking my cheek. I turned a darker shade of red and let my long hair fall to hide my face.

"Hey can I see your schedule for a minute?" I handed him my paper.

"Hey we have Korean together!, Whoa.. all honors classes .. are you crazy??" he said bugging his eyes out.

I laughed, "I can handle it"

"Lucky smart where are you from?" he said looking at me curiously.

"Busan, I just moved to Seoul yesterday."

"omo, really?"

I nodded.

"Do you have any siblings? Or did you come to school by yourself?" he asked.

"No, just me", then I remembered, "Do you have a brother that goes here? I saw a boy who looked just like you except with dark hair..."

He laughed, "Yeah, that's my twin brother Kwangmin"

"Really? That's so cool!"

"If you ever talk to him, he's not as loud as me.. hes very reserved"

"I noticed, ....I accidentally startled him when he was drinking water and he choked a little bit.  He looked really mad and I feel bad about it. Could you tell him I was sorry?" I asked hopefully.

He laughed loudly causing a couple of people to look over.

"It's okay.. he's just really nervous about talking with people.. especially with cute girls" he said trying to wink


I laughed at him and he tried again, trying to keep his left eye open.  He finally stopped and gave me a blank expression.

"it's not that funny"

"Is too!!" I said still giggling.

"Are you my noona or dongsaeng?"

"I was born 1996 December"

"Awwww you're my dongsaeng!! Call me Oppa!!" he said smiling and patting my head.

"um.. Youngmin .. - Oppa?"

He took out his phone, "here put your number in"

I had never given a boy my number before, but theres a first for everything I guess. After I entered in my number he started texting.

"I'm going to text my other friends Hyunseong, Donghyun, and Jeongmin, they are in a grade level higher but you'll have classes with them since you are in honors .. everything.  Kwangmin is the smart twin, he takes honors classes too so you'll probably see him around. You can hang with them if you want.  And Minwoo is in our grade so we'll probably see each other in Korean"

I nodded still trying to absorb the new names and schedules.

"OH! and we all have dance 6th! I can't wait!"

"You guys dance? " I said tilting my head, it seemed sort of girly to do but then again there were a LOT of awesome boy band dances.

"Minwoo is our dance machine, he basically comes up with our choreo, you should be in our group! We need another person anyway so there can be an odd number and someone is in the middle."

"I'll join! If you guys don't mind...."

"OF COURSE WE DON'T MIND!!" he said putting an arm around me and pulling me closer to him so our shoulders knocked together, "Who would mind being with a cutie like you! I'll see you at 3rd and at lunchtime, I can help you get your books then too!"

"You're kind of the skinship prince.." I said laughing

"Haha! you should meet Minwoo!, Boy or GIrl he'll give you so many hugs your ribs will break."

The bell rang and he let me go so I could pack up. 

"See ya later sweetie!" he said waving before he left.

I waved back. *This school isn't so bad...*

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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!