
Would you be my Boyfriend?

Warning: This dance is ... pretty.. flirty so I'll do my best :D

"um..." you stood nervously as the three boys advanced toward you.

Kwangmin's dark eyes were wide open and he was smirking reaching for your wrist. Before he could reach you, you pointed to Minwoo.


Minwoo gave you a heartstopping bright smile and stuck his tongue at the twins who were frowning in disappointment.

"Well after all I AM the dance machine."

Kwangmin rolled his eyes and picked up Minwoo'd iPod setting up the song, whistling could be heard through the speakers making you feel anxious. *I don't know if I can do this...*

"Yah! We want you to dance this well you guys!" Kwangmin said.

You stood behind Minwoo as he snapped his fingers to the beat, clearly comfortable with the mood of the song.  You felt a hand on your waist and his chest on your back in a smooth gentle body wave that stopped just below your thighs.  The areas around your spine seemed to be lit on fire, you had never been that close to anyone.  Reluctantly he pulled away leaving you to do your chest pops by yourself and you ran a hand down the front of your body awkwardly.  You had always liked the dance when you were BY YOUSELF, but having an audience of 5 other boys and an actual attractive partner to do the dance with made you shaky.  Butterflies where filling your stomach and the fluidness of your movements was dropping steadily.

You turned around to face him slowly beckoning with your index finger for him to come closer.  Suprisingly his normal cute expression had dropped and had reformed into a teasing seductive expression with his eyes slanted slightly and lips slightly agap. (don't deny it, you've seen Minwoo make that face before)

He returned his hand on your waist drawing you closer as you you used your fingertips to lightly walk down the side of his stiff chest, touching him only slightly as if you might break him if you pressed to hard. You could hear him breathing slightly fast, even thought the song had just started, as he mouthed a "its okay" to make you a little more confident in your movements.

Thankfully the chorus wasn't nearly as intimate except for the part where you had to stand in front of him and sway your hips.  Luckily for you he sensed your hesitation and used his hand to guide your pelvis to the sides, angling it so it only slightly brushed his own.  You noticed he only touched your gently whether it was for his comfort level or yours you were thankful.  Unlike Kwangmin who was most likely a ert jerk...who probably would have manhandled you into the dance.  Minwoo held out your arm and grazed it with his lips and lifted his head up just as they met your cheeks.  

You were pretty sure your face was a pure red color and you forgot most of the dance by now and had to be led by Minwoo through parts of the dance whether it was a a push on your hips in the right direction or him spinning you around. 

Suddently the music stopped and Kwangmin clapped wryly while holding Minwoo's iPod.

"Okay, thats enough..." he said his mouth in a grim straight line.

You were relieved it was over and high-fived a grinning Minwoo who had returned to his normal hyper self.

*That wasn't .. so bad*



Sorry for the short update... I'll update soon!! I <3 comments

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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!