You're not a Boyfriend

Would you be my Boyfriend?

(AUUUGGGH I just finishd typing the chapter .. and then I accidentally hit one of the buttons and it deleted everything ... facepalm..  I feel like Kwangmin in this video and er... forgive me for any grammar or POV errors.. I retyped it pretty quickly...)

It was only the 2nd day of school and you were already in trouble with the Queenka.

Cho Hee was by your locker and some of her friends behind her crossing their arms.

"Excuse me..." you said trying to move around her and avoid eye contact.

She slammed her hip against the door of your locker.  She towered over you, already being pretty tall and in 5 inch heels.

"Hello Yerin" she said frowning in displeasure.


"Look, I don't mind that you hang around them, but joining their dance group?? What the Hell is wrong with you?? They are called BOYFRIEND for a reason, they dance for US" she said pointing to her and her friends. "I don't need you ruining their dance team"

"Youngmin invited me to-"

She cut you off roughly by pulling the hair that was infront of your eyes, yanking it back.  Your eyes blurred with tears of pain and humiliation.

"Look, sweetheart. I don't mean to be harsh, but your just going to ruin their dance team. I don't want someone prancing around in the dance room with them.  You look like a little girl trying to copy SNSD, when all your doing is distracting them. You aren't fooling ANYONE!! We all know that all you want to do is flirt with them so drop the stupid act! ARASO??!!" she said through grinted teeth.

Before you could answer she spun on her heel and walked away, her heels clicking off down the hall. You sniffled and wiped your eyes. *I don't want to invade on their dance team, it isn't fair to them. Do I really dance that badly? Maybe .. I should just leave ..*

You walked away quickly to your next class.  Cho Hee's words still ringing in my ears.


Lunchtime was nerve wracking. Cho Hee glared daggers at you from across the cafeteria as you sat with Boyfriend.  Youngmin had dragged you to the lunchtable and you had dragged Nara from Korean class with you since she said she didn't have any other friends.  Nara shyly waved at Boyfriend.  Youngmin pushed the two of you to sit next to each other and inbetween him and Kwangmin.

"Don't you want to sit next to your brother Youngmin?" you asked him, slightly uncomfortable sitting next to Kwangmin.  Out of Boyfriend, he seemed to be the shyest one.  However he also had a piercing gaze that even got the Seniors to straighten up. 

"Why on earth would I want to do that?" Youngmin said innocently while rolling his eyes. "Besides, he has a cookie today."

There were collective groans from the table as Youngmin shared his news.

"What?" you and Nara said slighlty confused.

Youngmin scooted his chair further away from Kwangmin's direction, "You'll see..."

Kwangmin rolled his eyes and kept eating his lunch.  You started eating too slighlty jealous of Nara who was sitting next to Youngmin and not Kwangmin who apparently had a "cookie" whatever that meant.  * I really like him.. I have to stop .. besides he might not even be single...* . While you were trying to convince yourself to stop thinking about Youngmin, the other twin had taken a bite of his sugar-snack.

MInwoo stood up suddenly, "I have to go the bathroom. I'll be right back".  Donghyun followed him mumbling something about helping Minwoo. You weren't quite sure what had gotten into Donghyun unless he had some undying love confession for him or something, but you didn't have much time to think about it.

Kwangmin tossed his arms aroung your shoulders and pulled you into a hug.

"Wha-" you started.  He stopped hugging you and was already halfway across the table and walking over to Youngmin. 

Kwangmin began speaking in a rapid pace and hopping up and down on his toes completely on a sugar-buzz. "Hyung, hurry up and eat, I want to go play, can we go run around the track, I really want to see what my fastest time is because I want to beat you, oh thats right  would like you to run too, after this do you want to skip class and ditch in the dance room, we can practice girl band dances and I always wanted to try Hyuna's Troublemaker and since you said it'd be awkward doing a couple dance together so maybe we can dance with Yerin and Nara, wait Nara do you dance too? If so we can do all sorts of couple dances it'd be so cool and se-" Youngmin slapped his hand over Kwangmin's mouth before he could get out the last word.

"Excuse us for a moment" , Youngmin said dragging Kwangmin with him.

You stood there blinking and blushing a little. *he hugged me.. WHAT THE -* Nara snapped her fingers in front of your face. 

"Kwangmin's a little.. 4D.. especially on sugar." Jeongmin explained.

"Oh..." that was all you could manage afte Kwangmin's sugar-rush.

The twins came back. Kwangmin's eyes were still open twice as wide as they usually were but he kept his mouth shut, only fidgeting around in his seat.

Youngmin looked back at us, "it'll wear off in about 15 minutes, our mom doesn't believe me when I tell her and Kwangmin doesn't really remember anything so we just deal with it".


(Kwangmins 4D .. thats an important part of his personality :P .. so I felt like he deserved to have something out of the ordinary about him)

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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!