My mom and Minwoo .. Gulp

Would you be my Boyfriend?

I am SOOOO sorry for neglecting this story ><.  I've had a bit of writer's block on it and I've been working on my EXO fanfic which you should check out ;)  Here  It's DEFINITLEY better than this fanfic, since this was my first one... and I kind of goofed up the plotline ... this fanfic will probably be only updated every week or so since I don't have enough time to update both daily :(



*Youngmin and Kwangmin? Do they possibly like me?*

After walking home and plopping down on your bed, your phone beeped.  You groaned.

"Who is it now..?" you grumbled checking your text messages.

From: Mom

To: Yerin

Yerin, I am picking you up at your father's house at 5:30pm.  You will be staying at my house for a week of Winter Break.


"What? No Love mom at the end?? Just I'm picking you up blah blah blah.." you said pouting.

"Wait.. A WEEK???" you jumped off your bed like it was a lava pit.


"Yerin? Are you okay...?" you heard your dad say from the other side of the door.

"Yeah.. just .. fine" you muttered swinging open the door.

"Okay.. but I heard your mother's picking you up later, do you want to go? Or do you want me to talk to her?" he asked his face slightly concerned by your sudden outburst.

"What? No.. it's fine..."

"How about you take a friend with you? You guys can suffer together" he said tilting his head.

"Yeah? Like who?" you said rolling your eyes.

"Your boyfriend Youngmin.. or Kwangmin.. or whoever he is"

"They are twins.. and they aren't my boyfriend" you said monotone to hide your blush.

"Well still, I think i'd be a good idea to take a friend with you, I'd go.. but you know how that'd turn out.." he said walking away.

You sighed and started packing your clothes, *I'd call Youngmin...but Kwangmin.. augh.. i'd have to take them both..I can't just pick like that....besides, their dad doesn't like me anyway...*  You held up your phone and searched through your contacts.  *Minwoo? I wonder if he has any plans..*

You pressed the call button.


"Hi Minwoo"

"Hey Yerin! What's up?"

"I was wondering if .. um.. well are you doing anything over break?" you asked awkwardly.

"Me? Sadly.. no... My parents are going on a cruise, but I didn't really want to go so I'm staying home pretty much all of break"

*really?? maybe he'll tag a long with me*

"Well.. My mom wants me to spend a week with her, usually we go to her vacation house or something.. Do you want to come?"

There was a silence on the other side of the line and for a second you wondered if you overstepped the bounds of your friendship.  You were pretty close with Minwoo, but spend a week with you and your mother?

"Sure! I'd love to come! I'm sooo bored and its only the first day!!" Minwoo said cheering excitedly into the speaker phone.

You smiled, "Come by my house a little before 5:30pm and bring a week's worth of clothes and stuff."

"Kay.. see you there!" he said before hanging up.


When five fifteen rolled around you had finally finished packing and you were waiting in the foyer glancing at the windows eagerly looking for Minwoo.

"Hey, who's your friend? Is he another boy? Are you dating all of them? Jeez.. slow your roll.." my dad said teasingly.

"Shut up.. yes he's a boy, he's just my friend and no you haven't met him." you said answering all his questions annoyed.

Minwoo walked up your driveway and you quickly ran to the door to let him in.

"Hey Rinnie!!"

"Hey Minwoo"

Minwoo was about to correct you and tell you to call him oppa before he saw your dad staring at him with an unreadable look.

"Um.. are you Yerin's dad?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yes" he answered, no emotion could be detected.

"yah! be nice" you said punching your dad's arm none to playfully. He laughed and held out his hand which Minwoo took and shaked a little nervously.

"You look to innocent are you younger than Yerin? Did she befriend a middle schooler?" your dad said smirking.

"Um.. no.. I'm the same age.." Minwoo said lifting an eyebrow slightly confused.

"oh.. okay then.. have a nice time at my ex-crazy--wife's house" your dad said smiling.

"She's here Minwoo, come on!" you said pulling his arm toward the door. Even while walking to the car you could sense your mother in the car frowning.  Sure enough when you opened the door your mother was scowling.

"And who is this?" your mom asked taking off her sunglasses to get a better look at Minwoo. Minwoo shrunk back a little behind you.

"He's my FRIEND, Minwoo" you emphasized friend, "he doesn't have anywhere to go for the vacation time so I invited him."

Your mother's lip quivered, probably from being upset at your lack of obedience, "Fine" she said simply knowing that you wouldn't get into the car if Minwoo didn't come. You climbed into the backseat and patt the seat next to you for Minwoo. The car ride would have been in total silence since you weren't much a talker and Minwoo was too scared to say anything, but your mom decided to bombard you with questions.

"So hows Gymnastics going?"

"I quit" you said curtly.

"Why?" your mom answered, you could tell by the sigh in her voice she was already annoyed.

"I like dancing instead."

"Well.. what about school?"

"I have straight A's"

"Violin? Mandarin?"

"Yes, I still do them.." you said sighing. *That's all she ever cares about..*

"When I was your age-" your mother started. You had had this conversation with her a million times it usually went something like *When I was your age I learned Japanese and English because I already spoke Mandarin and I played the piano and was on the swim team and I was the valedvictorian.  You however barely do anything and then she's move onto things to complain about you.  And if it wasn't about you, it was about your father and why they divorced. And if it wasn't about that it was complaints about the car, the house, the friends you had, or anything and everything she could think of. But not this time.

"Mom, I don't feel like talking right now and Minwoo probably isn't interested." you said.  You knew it was rude but you really weren't in the mood.

"Little girl...augh.. such a pain.." your mother finished, but she remained silent.

Minwoo fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat.  You looked at him and smiled slightly hoping to make him feel less awkward about the situation.  He smiled nervously back at you and stared out the window.  Suddenly you recognized the street.

"That's where I used to live." you whispered.

"there?" he said pointing to the house as you passed by.

You nodded, "My dad moves around a lot for his job, I've changed houses at least 6 times"

He frowned, "isn't that kind of hard? you make friends or get used to a school and then you have to leave."

You shrugged, "I'm usually too shy to make friends.. in fact I think Boyfriend is most friends I've ever had"

He patted your head, "Don't move again... please.. pinky promise?" he said holding up his little finger and giving you those large puppy eyes.

"ne~" you said interlocking fingers and smiling.

"Want to play a game?" he asked suddenly.

"What?" you asked, puzzled.

"A game.. I would suggest truth, dare or dance.. but it's kind of hard to do dance.. here.."

"Oh.. um okay."

"How about 20 questions! I'll start" he said not giving you a chance to agree.

" your favorite kpop song?"

"um... Maybe ... SHINee's Replay?" you answered hesitant.

"really? I like SHINee too!" he said giving you one of those adorable smiles that made you wonder if he really was your age.  He was about to ask another question before you stopped him.

"Let me ask a question, we can take turns." He frowned but didn't argue.  You tapped your chin thoughtfully "Who do you look up to? Like.. who is your inspiration?"

He bit his lip in deep thought. "That's kind of a deep question.. I would have to say.. Lee Taemin. I always want to be like him when I dance.. or do aegyo" he said quirking his head and doing a quick eye smile.  You laughed and pinched his cheek, "don't be so cute..".

"My turn!! Um... what's your ideal type?" he mumbled the last part you didn't hear him making him repeat it, and he blushed a little.

"Are we on an idol show?" you laughed but then started to blush madly *uh.. what do I say...* "Nice? funny? cute?" you said vaguely.

He blinked at you and then put his face up close to yours. "No tall, handsome, hot or y?" he whispered teasingly to you.

You were probably blushing madly but you pushed him away, "Well what about you then?

He looked at you and then at the seat in front of him, he hadn't expected that.


You smirked *good luck hiding your rosy cheeks*

"My ideal type..." he thought about it and bite his lip before looking in your eyes.

" you"




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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!