Would you be my Boyfriend?

Youngmin had linked arms with me and was dragging me through the cafeteria looking for his friends. He stood up on his toes and peered over the crowd of people.

"I SEE THEM I SEE THEM!!" he said jumping up and down excitedly dragging me with him.  After pushing through the dense crowd of people we sat at a round table with the seniors, Kwangmin, and Minwoo. I sat between Minwoo and Youngmin.

Minwoo had a number of questions that he wasn't able to ask in the scary Korean teachers class and had immediately fired them out at me in his hyper aegyo-filled voice.

"Yerin-ah! I hear you signed up for dance, want to be in our group? Do you know any boyband dances? You have it 6th right?"

"um... if you guys want me to, yes, and yes"

Minwoo satisfied with my answeres did a fist pump and went back to eating.

Kwangmin gave us a blank look from across the table "We named our dance team Boyfriend, how are we going to add her. Besides she might have trouble with some of our dances"

Donghyun bit his lip "well we'll see, if not you can join Cho Hee, the Queenka's group, Rainbow."


Youngmin laughed "they really like Rain, so they made a fangirl group"

I blinked blankly, and desperately hoped inside that I would be able to join Boyfriend and not be forced to do flirty girl band dances and be bossed around by the Queenka.The bell rang for class and I headed to Art.  Unfortunately none Boyfriend was in my class so I sat toward the back and held my head down on the table and hoped none of the Queenka's friends decided to tease me. 

"Hello there, I'm Nara" said a girl who had taken a seat next to me.  She held out her hand expectantly waiting for me to shake it.

"I'm Yerin" I said still confused.

"I'm new here this year, and I just wanted to make some friends" she pouted, "it seems like people here aren't into talking to newcomers".

She and I chatted throughout class and occasionally got compliments by the teacher who would look at our artwork. When it was time to go, she waved and walked away and tried conversing with a few other girls that were headed toward the same class.  *she's so social... I wish I was that fearless* Shaking my head I realized that I finally had the class that I was most and least looking forward to.

Pros: I got to see Youngmin and Minwoo again. I got to dance. Afterward I got to leave school.

Cons: I had to deal with the Queenka and ..Kwangmin who didn't seem so keen on me joining their group. I would be "auditioned" by Boyfriend to see if I was good enough to dance in their group. 

Either way I was pretty happy to head to the dance room.  I gulped. More like a dance hallway.  When I walked through the main doors there were several rooms.  I assumed each dance group had a separate room for their practice. 

I spotted a familiar red head walk into one of the rooms.  I followed him and looked through the door only to find Minwoo, Youngmin and Jeongmin in the process of stripping off their uniform and changing into t shirts and sweatpants.  Unfortunately Youngmin caught me peeking from behind the door and turned slightly pink while trying to slip his shirt over his head.

"ACK" I shut the door and took a step back.  Youngmin had finished changing and opened the door, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 

"Sorry" he laughed nervously "You can change in the bathroom down there" he said pointing to the bathroom down the hall.

Slightly red-faced and embarrassed I nodded and went to go change.  After changing into yoga pants and a lose black t shirt I knocked on the door not wanting to repeat the incident and walk in on them changing clothes.

"You can come in" I heard Donghyun say from the other side of the door. I pushed on the door but froze when I heard Minwoo squeak "HYUNG WAIT, don't let her in!! I CAN'T FIND MY PANTS!!"

I closed my eyes and tried not to giggled.  I heard some scuffling and then Hyunseong walked up to the door and opened it gesturing with a slight bow "The Princess may enter.."

I rolled my eyes and giggled while walking toward the center of the room.  Minwoo walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to the front and lined me up with everyone else in front of the mirrors. "Stand here" he said in a commanding but still cute voice.

"Okay, watch me, we're all learning a new dance anyway... follow along" Minwoo said while facing the mirror. I was suprised that Donghyun the leader wasn't telling us what to do, but the maknae was bossing us around.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRVPqJGK-Ac   (if you want to see what the dance practice would look like)

I managed to keep up and do pretty well and Minwoo only corrected the choreography I was doing a few times. 

"YAH! Hyunseong you have to move faster!... Jeongmin you have to bend lower!!" Minwoo would nag us.

Donghyun finally cracked "Minwoo-ah, we are your hyungs" he said laughing.

Minwoow was a real stickler and almost a completely different person when dancing.  He really was the dance machine, he was so precise and fast.  I honestly didn't think such an adorable boy would be able to bust out the moves he did. 

"Yerin jump higher!!"

I grunted and tried again the second time, managing to at least reach the right elevation.  By the end of practice we were all drenched in sweat and panting.  Minwoo had chilled out and was sitting with his back propped up on the mirror with the seniors.  Youngmin was laying the middle of the floor while Kwangmin was leaning against the wall.  I was pretty tired too and sat in the corner of the room with my head resting on my knees.

"Ye-Yerin .. *pant pant* your really good at dancing" Minwoo said still exhausted from the strenous choreography.

"You're *pant pant* really good at choreographing dances" I said chest still heaving.

Donghyun groaned "i'm gonna be sore for MONTHS. What the hell Minwoo?? The Let's get it Started song is only a minute long and I'm already exhausted...couldn't you have choreographed something easier like the Boyfriend dance we did last year?"

Minwoo looked up at the celing still tired "Yerin can do it, you guys can do it.  I made a solo for the twins, I might make another one since Yerin can dance on the other side". (Basically you can mirror Minwoo in the dance so it doesn't look odd with him by himself)

Youngmin cranned his neck to look at me "She lookes tired... I don't think making her dance anymore is a good idea"

"N-No, I'm fine" I said stammering. I did NOT want to get kicked out of the group and I was willing to do anything Minwoo wanted.

I looked at my watch "gah! I have to go.. I have to move all the furniture into our new house" I said staggering to my feet and getting my things.

Youngmin sat up "Are you going to move all your stuff in by yourself? I can help if you want"

"Aniyo, it's okay. I can do it myself" I said waving to Boyfriend.

Youngmin followed me out the door anyway after telling Kwangmin that he'd be late.  Suprisingly Hyunseong and Donghyun followed too.

"Um.. its okay .. I really can-"

"Nope, your going to hurt yourself, we're coming with you" Hyunseong said cutting me off.

Still trying to find words to protest I continued walking toward my house with the 3 other boys following me.

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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!