My House

Would you be my Boyfriend?

Since I had just moved in to my new house a few days ago and it was getting dark outside, it took about 4 wrong turns, and a quick jog around a few blocks before we arrived at my house. 

"Gosh, you really like taking the long way home eh Yerin?" Hyunseong said while trailing behind me.

"the streets look really different at night .." I murmered plodding over to my driveway.

It was about 5:30 and a large truck was in front of my house.  I walked over and opened the back revealing nice, clean, modern furniture.  Donghyun had followed me and stood precariously on the bumper peering in.

"Wow... are you guys really rich or something?" Donghyun asked running his hand over the leather armrest of the couch.

"Something like that..." I answered trying to get the ramp set up.  Youngmin tried to pick up one of the chairs and push it onto the ramp, but stopped when he realized it probably weighed more than he did.

"Aish ... really?? How were you going to do this all by yourself?" he said while giving up and deciding to sit on the armchair.

"I was planning movers helping me... but I ended up staying so late dancing with you guys, they just left the truck here " I said facepalming the side of the truck.

In the end all of you managed to get most of the stuff in the house except for the large couches and beds which were in the middle of the driveway.  Donghyun and Hyunseong were inside raiding the fridgerator for snacks and drinks while Youngmin, exhausted, had flopped down on top of your bed.

"Nice house ..." he said muttering then closing his eyes.  I laughed and pulled a blanket over him so he could take a nap.  I sat on the stairs and waited for my dad to come home from work.  While I was waiting I stared at Youngmin while he was sleeping.  He looked so innocent and young with his pale blonde bangs were plastered to his forehead and his nose twitched slightly.  I admit, I was starting to really like him, he was so nice and sweet all the time.  I resisted the urge to poke his cheeks and instead settled for being like a creepy stalker watching his chest rise and fall to his breathing.  He shifted positions so he was laying on his back and continued to snore slightly.

I was about to go inside when I saw my dad's car came up and parked on the driveway.  Youngmin had been woken up by the car pulling in beside him and leaped off the bed in suprise wrestling with the blankets.  My dad stepped out and glanced at Youngmin who was either trying to duck behind the bed or make a quick dash inside the house.  I laughed and pulled his wrist so he could stand up and follow me.  My dad had a looked confused, with his eyebrows tilted, as to why a strange blonde boy was snoozing on my bed outside the driveway.

"Who's -" my dad started while pointing at Youngmin.  He had an amused expression on his face as Youngmin as desperately trying to hide behind me.

I cut him off and introduced him, "This is Youngmin, he's a friend from school who helped me move all the furniture in."  I looked behind me *you we're so shy before*

My dad laughed, "Thank you Youngmin, we just moved here so I'm glad Yerin was able to make friends .... " he noticed Youngmin was completely silent "um... would you like to stay for dinner since its so late or uh.. do your parents want you home soon?"

Youngmin straightened his posture after realizing that my father didn't seem to have any intention of kicking him off his property.

"Um.. Sure .. thanks"

I pointed toward the house "Hyunseong and Donghyun are here too"

My dad's eyes widened, shocked that I made so many friends already since I was normally a shy person, but then he smiled  "We can all go eat Ddokbokki together!"

Youngmin did a little cheer and followed us into the house to tell Hyunseong and Donghyun. 

After walking a few blocks we got to the restaurant.  (not sure how its served.. or where but w/e)

"How many do you guys want?" my dad asked.

"....One?" Youngmin and Donghyun said answering hesitantly.

"I'll have .. er... 2." My dad flashed me a look *just two?*

Hyunseong gave me a funny "well... two I guess.. since Yerin's eating two .."

My dad laughed, they were so unaware of my eating habits.

" 7 Ddokbokki's, please"

We sat down at a booth with Youngmin on my right and my dad on my left and facing Donghyun and Hyunseong.  When the food came there were large platters of steaming hot spicy rice cakes put infront of us.  The boys eyes lit up and they started eating right away.  Normally I just dig in and eat like no tomorrow, but I didn't want to look like a total pig so I ate calmly from one of my platters.  After about 15 minutes Hyunseong was done and was starting on his second, picking at his food. 

Donghyun watched Hyunseong "I have no idea how you plan on finishing that bro"

Youngmin meanwhile was watching me as I happily started eating my way through my 2nd platter. 

"Is something wrong, do I have sauce on my face?" I asked noticing his worried expression.  * I did NOT want to look messy infront of Youngmin*

"No, its just .. nothing.. " he said turning away and coughing.

My dad laughed, "You guys really don't eat that much! I expected that you three teenaged boys would out eat my daughter at least". He had a quarter of his platter left but he put his chopsticks down and passed it over to me. I admit.. I was still hungry.

"Are you sure appa? you should eat more..." I said cleaning up my 2nd platter and placing it on top of the stack of empty dishes near the end of the table.

"Aniyo, I know you're still hungry, besides that was more than enough for me..." He said laughing.

Youngmin gawked and resumed coughing again, much like Kwangmin when I startled him at the water fountain.

"are you okay?? are you choking??" I asked while shaking his shoulder.

COUGH COUGH, "I'm fine" he said. *how could a skinny little thing eat so much O.o*

Donghyun laughed "You like scaring the twins don't you, TODAY YOU SCARED THE OUT OF KWANGMIN TOO!!!" he said laughing.

"This is normal for her... she eats like a person that was starved for weeks, she'll normally eat 3 platters and clean up whatever I didn't finish" my dad explained.

"YAH!," I exclaimed, slapping him playfulling on the shoulder, "Don't make me look like a pig"

My dad rolled his eyes and pointed to Hyunseong "You should probably help him out"

I blushed and turned red, *that was so not necessary .. Youngmin thinks I'm some sort of freak now.. *

Hyunseong pushed his platter over to me "I'm done... I don't know where you put it all .. "


I hid my face into my hands *thanks Donghyun.. that was just what i need you to announce to the world*

I finished his Ddokbokki anyway since I hated when food went to waste.  Youngmin still looked at me almost as if he expected me to hurl up everything I ate. (similar to this expresssion 272933_185529648171605_182225815168655_5)

But I wiped my mouth and bit my lips nervously and praying.  *Don't make any more comments dad .. *

"That's my eating princess" my dad said patting my head.

I facepalmed myself *I will never have a boyfriend ...*


(okay, this chapter might seem boring.. or weird... but truthfully I went on a date with a guy, he ordered a half and I ordered the full. I finished my entire meal, while he was struggling with his half.. and I ended up finishing it for him XD and NO I am not a fat pig.... I just eat a lot )

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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!