New Beginning, or Back to the Old?

My One and Only Love [HIATUS]

-Qingdao, Tao's home:inside (1 day before returning home..if he had decided it this way)

"Hey, mah" 

"Yes, sweetie. Something wrong?"
My mother looked at me with a blank expression but after being raised by her I knew inside she was worried; only trying to act cool so as not to make ME worry.

"Can you come here. I've got some important things to talk to you about. And I wanna make sure I can count on you."
I was already seated around the small dining table we owned. It was actually used for playing, galmbling and any other recreational activities visitors planned on playing so that's why the hinges were squeaky and the wood chipped and varnished. It had a long family history as well. We never thought about selling it, even in the most difficult financial problems. 

The living/dining room door slid open and out popped my beautiful mother. We were poor; that only meant we dressed poorly/always had our hair in a wild, tangled mess but even through that, my mother's heart's warmth shone through like the wild, untamed sun. THIS is what made her so beautiful to me. (And really she wasn't ugly. A total Chinese beauty if it weren't for her aging beauty.) 

She sat down on the opposite side of me, cross legged, as is only polite in tradition. And so she gave me a quizzical look. 

"Mom. I've been honestly thinking about this since I got here. It hasn't once left my mind although an alternative ending has crossed my mind.

A calm silence passed through the room.

And so I answered that I'd like to try a new, and quite possibly a different approach with Kris. 

"Pretty mother, I'm going to go back to Kris. I want to love him just as before when we first were a couple. I want to hold his hand again and feed him breakfast in the morning like old times. I wish to return to Kris, now, and even if you do not accept my wishes---"

I was cut short with my mothers words. She firmly stated, "Tao as much as I would still love for you to find, date and marry a woman, because I love you, I'm sure this is the best decision. Since the first time you introduced me to Kris, I knew it was love. He loves you. I've seen the way he looks at you when you don't notice and the way he gives you kisses. That's real love and I don't think anyone else will be like that with you. He's the perfect ermmm ummm other person for you. Just as a tree needs air to live, we need each other to breathe as well. I don't want you to die alone, without knowing the real defenition of "What is Love"."

I started crying at my mothers' words. We might have fought and belitttled each other countless times before but she still loved me. I loved her and since birth she had always (and will always be) the one I could receive a helping hand from, the one I could place my trust in. No one else could compare to her. And next to Kris she was my worlds' goddess; my Queen. I just had to go and search for my KING; my god again. 

I ran over to her, knocing over a flower vase in the process to get to her; jumped in her embrace just like I had done when I was younger. The tears that had streamed down my face before, were now streams. Snob came out at how understanding my mother was. Never would I have imagined a mother different from her. Nor would I ever. <3

"Mom. It's partially my fault, too how Kris was acting. I mean before he tried to have with me and I would always reject him because I felt scared. I-"

"Sweetie there is never a way that you feel too insecure with . NEVER, EVER. If you weren't ready than that was HIS fau-"

"No mom the sad part was I WAS ready. Only I felt my body couldn't compare to what he looks into a partner."

Just then I felt a bang on my head. My mother had thrown her fist down on me, full throttle. 

"Silly baby. You just had to be a Huang Zi, from the third generation Tao', didn't you?" 

I gave her a dumb look of confusion and so she sighed before answering that if Kris had just really wanted me for he would have dated me and not bothered to get to know me better. He wouldn't have bought me all those sweet presents, or given me delicate kisses. He would have probably just drugged me or gotten me drunk and have with me. He could care less about anything I have ever done. He would NEVER have respected me, when I told him to stop. He would have kept on going whether I liked it or not. 

"Mom, your right. This is why I love telling you all my stories. Oh and one other thing. I promise not to be a leech anymore, anytime when I come here."

"Hun hun, how is that. What are you going to do? And either way your not a leech." She gave me a peck on the cheeck. 

"I'm actually going to search for a job. That way whenever I come home, I'll help pay for the bills while me and Kris are here. Also I'll make sure to bring you a present everytime we come over. Also that way we won't have to keep selling everything in our home to pay for bills. And Kris won't have to leave, somwhere he doesn't want to tell me where or what it is, but where he earns the money. I betcha he's working there only to get me all that Gucci I like. ^^ Pinkie Promise"

I pushed away from her only to hold out my slender pinkie to her. She took her pinkie and wrapped it around mine. And so I was on my way to love Kris as much as I could; as eternity allowed. 

"Well better get going handsome before you loose sight of your goals and your dreams disperse. But above all before you loose the love of your life."




At that moment I hadn't thought too much into my mothers' final words "before you loose the love of your life". I hadn't known it would mean that and much more. I hadn't known the sun would no longer rise up for me again.... when Kris would no longer be mine. 

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Chapter 4: OH NICE
peachoons #2
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Awww.... what does the medicine do to Kris??? Update soon please. And also try to make it a bit happier. *cries*
Kris is changing because he wnts to forget baby Tao...

Please update soon... where's Tao???
iloverilakuma #5
kris must know about tao has been awake, even he had amnesia!! please, make them to be together!!
Now he has AMNESIA!
where is KRIS! NO!!

Please update soon T.T
Its a little confusing because you keep switching between first person and third person without any warning but besides that it's pretty good
iloverilakuma #8
oh... i need... read... the happy part... please... i couldn't hide my tears anymore!! T__T
T_T T_T T_T NO! kris! where are you! go back Tao might die!!!!