A New Home, Is Finally a New Beginning

My One and Only Love [HIATUS]

-1 year later-

Kris sat by the window of his new "home", staring out at the beautifully molded world. IT had happened years ago. IT had ended a year ago, from this day. IT had scarred him but just like he promised, he tried not remembering IT in fear of not wanting to forget; to let go. He just stored it somewhere in the bottom of his heart and mind, where even his own senses not dare reach. Kris was slowly rising from his seat by the open window when a kid came rushing in. At least Kris thought he was a boy, the way his rough, loud voice resonated throughout the hall and room. Kris, Kris, Kris right? was all he kept calling out. 

How old is this kid, Kris thought. He doesn't stop repeating his words. And than he says nothing. Kris sighed, sitting back down figuring out whether to jump out the window or to ignore the kids words before he could leave. He decided he needed his life as much as no one would like to clean up blood so he sat there ignoring the kids words. 

Baekhyun was speaking. He looked down at noticed Kris was ignoring his every word. "Hey! Are you even listening to me!?!" *snap snap* "Hey, why you-"

"I hear you. Only I'm not paying attention." Kris stood, smirked and left, gently closing the door behind him. A gentle breeze carried a whiff of the morning dew and Kris headed upwards to the roof. 

He tried to play his character cool and cold. He didn't want to meet any new friends because everytime IT came he became afraid. In fear of IT, he thought if he made new friends, the old things would only happen again. He didn't want the same fate for those he could easily prevent from befriending. He also thought if he made friends, that love could flutter back in through his doors..and than remembering the past would be as easy as forgetting it was there; because he couldn't: it would still be IN history. 

Baekhyun caught up to him, slamming the door behind him, before Kris had a chance to escape. He hunched his shoulders as the kid catched up. "Now, what kind of manners did your mother teach you? You aren't-"

Kris once again zoomed out the meaning behind the kids words and continued on up to his destination. The cold, winter air breezed up through his black locks as he climbed up the sleek, newly-designed staircase. With it's marble-encased figurines and gold designs, this staircase looked like it belonged in some royal palalce instead of this "hotel", "motel", "school", or whatever. Just whatever was what Kris always mumbled. He did in fact feel a vengeance towards this place as much as he felt "safe" and needed once more. It was this choice he had to take because if he didn't, well than who knows where he would have wandered up instead. His spine tingled at that.

As he was walking past the third floor window, he turned his head mechanically, and saw Chanyeol surrounded by a thousand women. Girls of all ages, ranging from tall to short, chubby to fat, skinny to nothing; you name it and you would spy her within the room.

"Guess he's busy ranking up the money and earning new skills" Kris mumbled sarcastically as he kept climbing, Baekhyhun still trailing behind him.

"Sooooo What I'm trying to get you to do is help out Sehun. Please, I'm sure it wouldn't kill you." Baekhyun said as he ran ahead a few steps in front of Kris, stopping abruptly, his hand outstretched as a finger was struck through. Pointing at Kris it made Baekhyun look really silly considering the fact he always acted like a mischevious kid with the worlds THICKEST eyeliner. Kris thought the models for Maybelline had their fair share of all that makeup junk...that is until he saw that kid. 

Kris poignantly stared back at Baek, not speaking a word. His shoulders were still hunched over from the cold wind that was hitting his back. The new jacket he bought for himself the last spring he came here wasn't heliping him keep warm. Guess polyester isn't your best pick, Kris thought. 

Baekhyun must have felt strange standing there looking at a tall, menacing figure that wouldn't speak. The awkward tenstion only rose when Kris didn't respond to him. Slowly he slid his hand back down and into his jacket pocket. 

"You weren't even listening were you?" Baekhyun almost yelled. Kris kept staring back. He knew his way to having that kid leave him alone. It worked with most guys..who acted a little more to the feminine side. Keep your mouth shut, look back at them like they were trash and look like a menacing figure (like a villain). Kris didn't need to act out #3 because since he arrived here everyone had dubbed him the "dragon" for his viscious eyes and his smile. Although lately, Kris couldn't even properly make his face smile. It only hurt him more, in the inside, than it hurt those to look at him from the outside. It was too much pain. Too much hurt. Suffering...

Baekhyun checked his watch before he said to Kris "Look I think you might be in a hurry to get somewhere so I'll just leave you here." 

He flipped his jacket behind as he stepped down from his place, heading back to whichever customers he would have. 

Kris smirked when he saw Baekhyun had left. "This complete IDIOT. He had no watch on him." I am intimidating .. and I like it just like this, Kris thought as he continued on to the roof. 

Kris reached the roof, gasping at the sudden air change. If it was cold down there, it was below freezing up here. 

Kris completely immersed himself in the silence before heading out to sit by the see through glass railing. It was one that belonged in malls of the sort, but yet here it was in a company's home. Kris sighed as he sat cross-legged in front of the open, wide and beckoning city. Tall skyscapers, small homes, and dark alleyways lined the streets of the new city Kris now called home. But familiary enough it was A home; only it wasn't a warm home. At least for Kris, wherever he went, in and out of the buildings walls, was filled with a sadness. It was all lonely. Sad, depressed, evidently pathetic...

"Argh! I need to stop. I said I wouldn't try remembering. That means I won't. I won't. I can't...and I most certainly won't start crying either." Kris called out to the winds moving to and from, left and right. It really was a cold, winter day today. No one inside minded the coldness though because there were hot air vents to cool you off and Kris didn't mind either because he enjoyed the attention the coldness was giving Kris. 

"So he wanted me to help him? With Sehun. That kid is as innocent as a fluffed up pancake. He most certainly doesn't need help from me. Nor will I ever give it to him. He should go ask someone like Chanyeol or even Kyungsoo." 

Kris remembered the day he saw them all for the first time. The 10 members of (minus one actually which was Kai because he was busy off with a group of girlfriends in Hawaii, roaming around and doing as they pleased.) EXO Flower Boys. Kris repeated the same exact words he was told by the head master of the place in a sadistic tone:

"When you get there, you will be treated to room, food, utilities and money for free in return for your expenses. When you get there you are to act as you would normally do. The day after you arrive tomorrow your customers will come in. In one weeks due time we will put up an advertisement for you all over Seoul, describing your character and personality; that is to attract the right customers for you. Do you comprehend?


Kris nodded his head yes that day, still staring out at the beautiful scenery that was unfolding before his set of eyes. It was breathtaking. The luscious, green trees, their leaves sprung out and ready to grow more before they were eaten by the majestically flying birds, were standing tall and proud like groups of military soldiers ready for war. The grass was freshly cut and even the streets were wet from the underground sprinklers that held water in store for future use. It was like a fairtyale. Any persons dream come true how beautiful this place was. Only the things Kris had to act upon was what made him gag. Soon enough it would become a beautiful nightmare for Kris. 

Kris flipped his head forewards, looking out the front-view mirror with secretive eyes. He was curious about the place but he would not let it show..to anyone. The car had halted to a stop in front of two, metal gates with clubs at the top. 

Not very attractive if you ask me, Kris thought to himself an angry look shot through his eyes. Carefully carved at the top of one of the pillars on each side of the metal gate, were carved the residents names in crystal. Kris couldn't make out all but two of the names since the shadows from the forest lay covering the others' names. The names read: Sehun and Kai. 

"Kai" Kris lowly whispered, "Three letters just like HIM." 

No, no snap out of it, Kris thought. You just won't remember. You promised him and yourself. Complete that mission for the better. 

The gates automatically opened up after the driver pushed open a button hidden under a cap. This is getting suscpicious, Kris thought as they drove inside the gates and up the driveway. The gates automatically closed shut after the car was out of sight. Not wanting to look like he was enjoying this, Kris slumped up in his seat, hitting his leg on the backside of the seat, wincing at the pain. That outt'd do he thought. 

They slowed to a stop as they neared the front door. Well it wasn't even much of a door considering the fact doors were only big enough to allow in at least two people; this one looked like it could well and good allow a whole herd of elephants through. It was beautifully carved with intricate designs though, Kris noticed. It contained a gold plated frame at the top. In the middle lay a red ruby in the shape of a heart. What a way too attract prettty, innocent fangirls in when theirs only sleezy, guys behind those doors, Kris imagined. 

"Well if it isn't hell" Kris muttered as he stepped out of the car. 

"Kris," the manager spoke up, "you are to be friendly to them. You don't know, they could even teach you a few things about this place and how to properly treat your customers, no matter the circumstance. Oh and do not forget not to tell them your name until I say so. It is too remain a secret from anyone in this household. Understand?" He was eyeing me sternly from head to toe now. 

I nodded with an expresionless face. I wouldn't get to know them like that. Friends was out of the question. And lovers was most certainly out of this world. Besides just how darn handsome could they-

Kris stared at the 9 (missing one, Kai) members of the EXO Flower Boys. Kris imagined they would be average sized people, some slummpy, some fat and others just ugly. But no Kris was hit with a surprise: they were all very gorgeous men, tall to average height; lolita style to the tall, mysterious kind. One even looked like he was derpy. Surprise, surprise Kris. 

"Gentlemen" The manager coughed before he spoke up again. "I would like you all to meet the newest addition to the crew. I want you all to treat him kindly and show him around. You all do not, and I deduct a months pay. And NO entertainment for a week."

I heard them all grumble before I turned and went to pick out my suitcases from the taxis backseat. Just as I was approaching a set of lovely, tan hands stopped me from "doing what was not to be done for I was a guest still". Kris looked at the guys mesmorizing face. How had he gotten here? That fast? and what is he pulling here? Kris thought subtly. Making assumptions about people was his way of expressing gratitude that he even knew you existed nowadays.

Luhan pulled out the suitcases one by one when all of a sudden one of the other members came running forward, crashing into the backseat, twitching his legs backward before being pulled out by the blonde kid. The one that crashed inside the taxi, started crying and the one with the lovely hands comforted him. He kept out calling "There, there silly. That's why you have to be really careful pabo." His tone was so cherful and he kept smiling that Kris thought they were both you know...fruity. The guy that crashed looked childish; like the cute kind. He didn't look average. Almost like he was one step away from being a baby but whoever made him decided to keep his childish appearance and plant it on a man's body. The blondie no doubt looked older. Kris remembered when he used to top Tao when they would kiss and thought who in this situation would top. 

Kris thought no doubt it would be the older one but the older one seemed more likely to try and let-

Wait Kris, snap out of it! he mentally slapped himself before he felt a blush creep up his face slowly. 

The younger one turned and looked at him. "Hey mister" he inquired before Kris put his face persona back on. 

"What brat. Did I ask you to look at me?"

Kris heard a gasp from the other members now approaching him and turned to see what's wrong. They were all staring at the boy who crashed; the cute one. I saw his bottom lip tremble before he ran into me, fists flying. Tears started pooling out of him. 

"Kid, your wetting my good.."

The blondie came and tugged him off of me before giving him a hug. I turned to look at the other members out of curiosty and saw they were all giving me a wicked look. 

"There, there Sehunnie. He's new so he doesn't know you. That's all. That's why he said that." The blondie was now patting Sehun's name and kissing his forehead. 

Oh so that was his name Kris inquired before turning his head back to the work he so could have started and finished for himself if it weren't Mr. I want to help coming to help. Hmph. 

A slender, pale guy walked up to me and stared me down. He spoke but I wasn't listening. His words of 'advice' weren't valuable to me in any asset or form. I could care less. 

"You heard?" I heard him crack his knuckles before all but three left inside. One of them wanted to check me out and the other one was only their probably because they were friends. After a few seconds he turned and left, the other one trying to catch up. Only one person was left behind. He had scraggly white hair, a plastered (fake) smile on his face. 

"Yeah, my names Suho. Nice to meet you" he said, not bothering to look at Kris or shake hands with him. 

Rude, Kris thought, 

They were finally done unpacking the luggage when Suho went and told the manager something. As he was coming back from the front of the taxi, the manager was hopping in and the taxi drove off, leaving a trail of smoke behind. 

"Look. We, as in all of us here, don't want any problems. So I sincerely hope your not the troublemaker. I mean Chanyeol and sometimes Baekhyun are quite the trouble makers but not as much as you seem to be. So if you have nothing nice to say can you please shut your mouth."

It wasn't a question. It was a statement. Guess this is the leader of the group, Kris smirked. There was a silence before Kris spoke up. 

"So that's all. No introductions. No warm, family hug? No "hey nice to meet you"?"

After what you did to our precious baby, I'm sure all the members think your a snob so no. I don't think there is any need for familiarity..yet in this household." I knew he was eyeing me down even though not physically. 

"Come inside. I have to show you to your room."

He turned, hauling my luggage behind him.

So this is totally okay for me than. I want them to know clearly that I have no intentions of becoming friends. Let alone acquantainces. I want them to break and shatter my heart more than it is already..

All Kris had to carry was hisself, his memories and his empty heart. Solitary, that would be his name. It would show everyone not to get near him or try at all. That way he could live here, trying to forget that one face that he would always remember; no matter how hard he tried to foget. Tao's face..




A/N There it is! Wanna know what the approach I am trying this time is? Than just keep on reading! XD
Hope you like the update~~ Chu




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Chapter 4: OH NICE
peachoons #2
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-Sweet and Sour Apple Graphic Studio
Awww.... what does the medicine do to Kris??? Update soon please. And also try to make it a bit happier. *cries*
Kris is changing because he wnts to forget baby Tao...

Please update soon... where's Tao???
iloverilakuma #5
kris must know about tao has been awake, even he had amnesia!! please, make them to be together!!
Now he has AMNESIA!
where is KRIS! NO!!

Please update soon T.T
Its a little confusing because you keep switching between first person and third person without any warning but besides that it's pretty good
iloverilakuma #8
oh... i need... read... the happy part... please... i couldn't hide my tears anymore!! T__T
T_T T_T T_T NO! kris! where are you! go back Tao might die!!!!