Home Sweet Home.

Robot Malfunction

Eunmi's POV

"Breakfast  and then you leave. Got it?" I hissed at the embarrassed duo sitting at the kitchen table. Amy was swinging her legs and wringing her hands that were on her lap while Henry sheepishly looked away from my heated gaze.

I could not believe these two. Following me home in the middle of the night. I knew those two weirdos at the ramen stand were familiar. What makes this situation even worse, they broke in. Apparently, I 'forgot' to lock the door. But I do, I'm not some brainless bimbo. 



It was around 7:00am that I heard the shuffles happening downstairs. Reacting quickly, I reached for the baseball bat near Jay's bed. He always had something to defend himself, in case a burglar tried hijacking his house and going into his room. I quietly edged my way closer to the notoriously loud noise and whispering. 

"SHHH, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO CLUMSY AND LOUD?!" A girl's voice, I presumed, fiercely whispered at her partner, while placing the objects on the glass countertop near the kitchen back onto its surface.  

"Well, sorry I'm not little miss perfect like you." Her partner, a guy, replied back sarcastically. "WELL YOU CAN TRY TO BE IF THAT WILL KEEP YOU QUIET!" She slightly raised her voice higher.

"Look who's the loud one." He retorted.

Zoning out of their conversation, I found myself on the last step of the stairs and around the corner of the kitchen. Oh great, they were going to raid my fridge as well. Terrific. Not giving it a second though, I calmly walked into the supposed danger with the bat over my shoulders. Thinking the sight of me with an object for defense would make them rethink their actions. I was met with an unexpected surprise.

Amy and Henry were standing near the fridge trying to look innocent and nervously fidgeting at the glimpse of the baseball bat in my grasp. There was utter and total silence. I waited for them to make the first move, sensing my thoughts they did. 

"Eunmi! What a nice surprise to see you here. Hehe..." Amy's voice died out after a look of disbelief was thrown her way from Henry. "What Amy is trying to say is that... that..." Turns out, they were both at a loss for words. They knew they committed a crime by breaking and entering.

"You guys are damn lucky we're friends." I finally said after a long pause. Sighing of relief, Henry sat down at the kitchen table while Amy went over to me and practically tackled my groggily body down to the floor.

"Sorry about the mess in the living room, we crashed there for the night. Hope you don't mind." She grinned, flashing me her pearly whites. I glanced towards the 'mess' and found the cushions and blankets, that were usually kept away in the cupboards beside the TV, scattered everywhere. Seems like they made themselves at home, more specifically Amy commanding Henry and persuading him that it was alright to rummage through my house.

"Your house is huge, I can't believe you live in South Seoul. It must be tiring to mission to West Seoul everyday just to work." Henry said to me. I looked at him over Amy's shoulder, he was staring right at me. "I wanted to." I replied. 

The constraining grip Amy had me in got tighter, she was waiting for me to hug her back and laugh at the situation we were in. I did not hug her back, even though I wanted to. I had to make them leave. Leave and never come back.

"If you're done, you guys should go home now." I said in my dead-pan voice. Amy stopped hugging me to look me straight in the eyes. "Eunmi, shut up. We're always going to be here whether you like it or not. Cut the bull and just let us be. We're your friends... hell you're our little sister! We don't ever want to lose you."

Henry's gaze was on me. "So stop trying to push us away, we already know what you're trying to do." 

Speechless. Now I was the one at a loss for words.

"We're here to talk to your parents." Henry said after a pause, "To let them know, we're here for you as well and to persuade you to take the surgery. Please Eunmi, you told us countless times how you don't need anyone's help," I kept my head down. "But we can both see you're struggling with yourself and the decision."

Another pause. This one perhaps the longest I ever encountered. Conflict was going at me inside my head. To live or to die. Over the past years, I was constantly debating whether to go down the path umma went through or to live life normally and wait until my time was up. I chose the latter.

Really though... hearing Henry and Amy trying to get me to my senses and wanting to actually do something for me, I felt loved. All my life I was always in charge. What should I do today? what should I do tomorrow? Things were in my control and now with the dizzy spells and the effects of the tumor... I can't know what will happen to me in the future.

A thought crossed my mind, '6 months' I mentally chuckled. That's right, only 6 months to live. It seem so easy to live life until the end. This was my decision was it not? Why couldn't I go by it? The walls that were beginning to crumble magically began to rebuild themselves.

I did not need anyone.

"My parents are dead." I responded. That caught them off guard. "Dead?..." Amy whispered, horrified.

"This is none of your business. What happens to me, is my decision. Not yours. I would like you to keep out. Both of you." I mustered my blankest and bone-chilling stare onto them. "I am not going to take the surgery. Just leave me alone."

I stalked out of the room, going upstairs to get ready for school. It was 7:30am by the time I finished showering. 'They went home. They had to.' I thought while going to the kitchen.

They were still there, cooking breakfast.

Once seeing me, Amy cheerily said, "Eunmi! Henry made his special french toast ! Lucky us today." I could only stare at them, did they ignore everything I said a while ago?

"You're kidding me. Why the hell are you guys still here?!" I broke.

"Like I said, you can't get rid of us that easily. No matter how cold and rude you treat us." Henry happily smiled, but I could tell it was half-hearted. My words inflicted them. It was still early in the morning, I was not going to get deep into the conversation.

"Breakfast  and then you leave. Got it?"

End of Flashback


Here we now, all three of us having breakfast. Henry's french toast is delicious. It was quiet, you could feel the tension and some ease in the room.

"Sooooooo, do you live here alone?" Amy started. I did not respond. "Isn't the french toast delicious?" She tried again. "Is that your school uniform? So cute!" And again. "C'MON, EUNMI TALK!! I CAN'T STAND YOU IGNORING ME!" She whined.

I kept eating.

"We're going to come over everyday, just saying." Henry barged in. I almost choked on my milk. "No, you're not." I finally spoke.

"Yes, we are."

"No, you're not." I repeated. My frustration was boiling. Ugh, these two tire me out so quickly.

"No. I said you aren't welcome here."

"Too bad, we are." Henry said with a bite of his toast.

"Can you guys not see I do not want you here?!" I was fed up. The squeaks of the chair when I stood up, bounced off the walls and created an echo sound. The silence was deafening.

They both stopped eating and sighed. They were twins for sure. "We're always going to keep this up. So whatever you throw at us won't make us go away." I plopped down onto the table, "Do whatever you want." I gave up. Let them do whatever they want, as long as I don't give into them.

"I live with my brother. This is his house. Henry's cooking is always amazing. The uniform is ridiculous." I replied to Amy, looking at her direction from my view on the table.

"Brother?! Just you two?! Is he taking care of you alright?!" She fired, once hearing my answers. "Yes, yes, and yes." I lazily said.

"Does he know?" Henry interrupted, picking up the dishes and putting them in the sink. I tensed up, "No. And I like it to stay that way." I felt a smack on my head. "AND WHY NOT? HE DESERVES TO KNOW!" Amy shouted.

"We already lost our parents, he doesn't need to learn he's going to lose his only flesh and blood soon." That ended the talking. There was a burning sensation in my chest. School was so far away, I did not feel like going. I got up.

"Where are you going?" Amy quietly asked, "Upstairs, changing. Ditching school. You and Henry can come up to brush your teeth and do whatever. I'll get you both a change of clothes." Even if I was mad at them, they were still my friends. Might as well make them comfortable.

"Also, I would appreciate it if you kept this between us." I mumbled, but loud enough to let them hear. Then I was out of their sight. 

"Henry... I never knew her life was like that." Amy silently cried. Finally letting out her anger. "How are we friends when we didn't even know she was going through all that?"

"It's not your fault." Henry tried comforting his sister, "We didn't know. All we can do now is be there for her whether she wants it or not." He patted Amy on the head, "Cheer up, it's not like us to be down."

Amy hiccuped and stopped crying, "You're right. Okay, I'm done crying." She furiously rubbed the tears away. 

By 9:00am, Amy was in a pair of sweatpants and shirt of mine while Henry was sporting Jay's branded t-shirts and jeans. I had already changed out of my uniform and into a more 'me' outfit. Skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie. We were in my room, they helped me cleaned up the mess. Wait until I get my hands on the culprits. 

"I always see you in your uniform, now I know why. Your fashion sense is horrible! Why does Henry have cooler clothes. I'm always the fashionable one! " Amy disregarded the outfit I picked out for her and set her gaze on Henry's outfit. 

"How old is your brother again?"

"19." I replied. "Same as you guys."

"HE EVEN HAS BETTER TASTE THAN YOU HENRY!" I turned to the supposedly 'cooler' twin, he was leafing through my desk drawer and taking out umma's handkerchief. I quickly snatched it away. 

Surprised by my actions, he raised his arms in a protective gesture. "Whoa, easy there. I was just looking." He defended himself. "Do not touch this ever again." I hissed. Explaining myself further, "It's the only thing I haveleft from the past."

He understood that it was precious to me. "Alright, sorry Eunmi. I was just looking." He pouted.

Couldn't stay mad at him longer, I eased up. Shoving him, he landed on my bed with a loud thump, I placed the handkerchief back into the compartment. "Ow! You don't have to be so mean." Henry fake-cried while Amy rolled her eyes and smacked him with one of my pillows. Just as I'm about to close the drawer, something caught my eye. More like, did not catch my eye. 

My heartbeat was rapidly pumping. 

'No...' I was dreading for the impossibility. It had to still be in here. It had to be. But it wasn't. There was only my diary, loose pieces of paper and handkerchief. It was gone. Vanished.

"Hey, are you okay?" Amy worriedly asked me. 

I couldn't hear her over the loud buzzing that was slowly forming in my head. Henry noticed my hands clenching the wooden desk. "Eunmi!? What's wrong?!" He was beside me in an instant. "What's happening Henry?! Is she...-"

I never got to hear the rest of Amy's sentence because the intense build-up formulating in my head was on the brink of exploding. It hurt so bad. My hands were fumbling in the drawer. Only to come up short because the container containing my life saviors was not there. 

This was the first time I did not have my pills during one of my headaches. I needed them to withstand the pain and stop the effects of the tumor from happening fast. The pills slowed down the process. But now I had to go through it. 

"UGHHH." I slumped down into the floor, the pain was intensifying.

I could feel Amy and Henry shaking me. Hearing faint 'EUNMI, ARE YOU OKAY?!'. Then the pain broke through completely. Stars exploded in my mind. Never in my life have I endured such agony. 

Like a snap of a finger, it was gone. I could clearly hear the cries of my friends. My eyes were closed shut. I waited for another buzzing to take place, but it never came. Once seeing my still form, Amy turned me around to face her.

"Eunmi. Can you hear me?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Was this because of..." She wordlessly trailed off, afraid to know the answer. Again, another nod. 

"Are you alright now?"

"Yeah." I faintly replied. "Why won't you open your eyes?" She wondered. I also wondered myself. Slowly, I opened them. Only to be met with nothing.

Absolutely nothing. 

It was pitch black. No colours, shapes, lines, not a thing. Instead of being deaf, I was blind this time. Oh great. 

"Eunmi?" Henry called me. I couldn't turn my head because I didn't know where he was. The direction of his voice felt like it was everywhere. Damn my big spaced room. "Look at me." He commanded. Hearing the catch in his tone, I knew he knew what I suspected. 

No movement from me. I felt an arm wrap around me though. Henry was hugging me. I expected a 'it's going to be alright' from him, he stayed silent. Amy, looking at her brother gripping me in his hold, silently screamed. 

Here she was, at Eunmi's house, trying to convey that she was going to be here for her yet when Eunmi needed someone, she didn't know how to be there. Amy felt helpless. She gathered herself up and gently pried Henry away from me. 

"Let's go downstairs and watch TV." She sugguested. Which only made me stiffen and Henry tense up. He thought his sister was smart. "Amy, she can't." He looked her in the eyes.

"Why not?"

Henry spoke in a whisper. "Remember what Aunt Lau said? One of the effects if she isn't careful is being deaf, unable to speak, lots of headaches-"

"-or being blind." Amy finished. Oh. 

They both looked at me as I could only stare off into nothing. 


It was around 8pm. Henry left for work because he was the only chef Mrs. Yang had. So he had to leave, while Amy and I stayed at my house and watched TV. Well, me listening to the programs and Amy playing with my hair as I had my head in her lap. I was still unable to see. Thus the reason why I could not go to work, Amy stayed behind to take care of me. 

Just then, the front door opened and loud noises filled the empty house. Excluding the soft volume coming from the TV. My body went rigid. Oh no, not now. Not when I'm helpless. 

I felt Amy poke me on the cheek. Indicating for me to explain. "My brother and his friends, they live here too." I quietly spoke. Her eyebrows shot upwards. "You and them?! Alone?! In this house?!" She whispered fanatically. I was about to tell her not to worry until a loud shout erupted from the front door.

"EUNMI?!" Chansung strided towards me, he was the first person to enter the front door.

"ARE YOU REALLY HERE?! WE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU. JAY SENT EVERY GAN-" As soon as he noticed a stranger on the couch with me, he stopped his yelling and his walking. That , almost saying the word gang in front of Amy. That part of my life, she did not need to know. 

"Yah! Move it Chansung, what was it about Eun- EUNMI!" Taec exclaimed. Relief evident in his tone. "THANK GOD YOU'RE ALIVE!" The rest of the guys all quickly filed into the living room. But seeing me in the hands of someone they didn't know left them cautious and stopped their movement.

Except Nichkhun. 

He seated himself next to a flabbergasted Amy, who was surprised by the amount of good-looking people in my house, and felt my forehead. "Are you alright?" He murmured, worried. My eyes were currently shut, I was pretending I had a headache so I wouldn't talk to them face to face. "Headache." I replied.

Amy, knowing I did not have a headache, realized that the guys didn't know. 'So, only Henry and I know Eunmi's sick.' The thought made her sadder than ever. 'You really been alone all this time.'

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" Junho and Junsu screeched at the same time. But quieted down when Amy shot a glare in their direction for being loud. I pulled on Amy's shirt to answer for me. I was drained. Being blind was not what I expected. 

"She was at my house." The attention of the guys were now set on Amy. "She fainted at work on Saturday, so I took her to be nursed by my aunt, who's a doctor, and she spent Sunday with me and my brother. She came back Sunday night, but seems like you guys weren't here." 

"And who are you?" Wooyoung interrupted coldly. He was wary of strangers. "I'm her friend and work colleague." Amy huffed with distaste. She hated rude people. 'Is it so bad for people to be polite and respectful?!' she once ranted at me. 

"Friends? I thought Eunmi didn't have any." Junsu started, only to be elbowed by Chansung. "Hyung that's rude." He stated. I only grimaced, Junsu was correct in a way.

"Who are you?" She warily glanced at each of 2pm's faces. "We're her brothers." Taec explained with pride.

Uh. No. You're not big-teethed. None of you guys are.

"He's lying, we're Eunmi's brother's friend. He let us crash here until further notice." Junho playfully rolled his eyes and punched Taec's arm.

He then proceeded to introduce everyone. 'So rude boy's name is Wooyoung.' Amy thought once Junho finished with the introducing. "I'm Amy Lau." She said once they were done and were looking at her to continue. 

"Who's her brother?" Amy curiously asked. "Jay hyung!" Chansung replied. They were all now sitting on the living room floor, Wooyoung was sitting in the only other available one-seated couch. "And where is this Jay?" 

"He's at DBS-" before Chansung could say DBSK, Junsu elbowed him in the side. A little harder than Chansung liked. Junsu smirked at him, payback for earlier, and quickly said, "He's at a friend of ours house, up in North Seoul. He's still running the 'Find Eunmi' search party." I mentally rolled my eyes, so he was doing stuff like that. Figures. 

"You little missy, are in a whole lot of trouble once Jay founds you safe and sound." He continued. "YAH! You know how long he worked us to find your whereabouts?!" Taec exaggerated. "A long time! He wouldn't let us sleep or eat!" 

"Boohoo." I said. You guys are in for a lot worse once I figure out who's been snooping through my room. 

"You know what?! Let Jay come home and find out himself that you're here. Treating us like slaves the past two days really hurt my feelings." Chansung whined. Taec, Junsu, and Junho eagerly nodded their heads. Agreeing with the plan. 

Nichkhun and Wooyoung was the only two who didn't care. Amy felt out of place, being in a room full of people she barely knew. I felt her stiff posture under me. So I stood up, pulling her along with me. "I'm tired. Bye." I said to the guys. Even though I couldn't see where I was going, I remembered where everything was placed.

Amy followed behind, steering me incase I tripped or was about to hit something. Before we went upstairs, I calmly said, "Whoever went through my room left some crumbs." Underneath my words, you could tell there was an irritated silence. The guys gulped down the saliva forming in their throat. 

"Told you we needed lookout," Junho grumbled at Taec. 

Once upstairs, I told Amy she could go home. I could handle it for the night. "You sure?" She asked for the millionth time. "Yes. Now go." Before she slipped downstairs, she let out a sly grin.

"6 hot guys in your grasp, how do you do it?" I could still hear her laugh from the time she went out the front door. The guys probably thought she was crazy. 

As I laid in bed I wondered just how long I had to put up with the sightless eyes. I had to go to school tomorrow, I remembered I had a big math test. No wonder I had so much homework. Which were still uncompleted on my table. 

Just as I was falling asleep I heard a creak. Someone was entering my room.I quickly shut my sleepy eyes and pretended I was sleeping. They quietly crept their way to my side. Then just as a flash of lightning, they were out of my room. 

I opened my eyes and looked around. Everything was normal, so what did they do? A glint in the corner of my eyes directed my attention to the shining object on top of my desk drawer beside my bed. 

It was my glasses.




Author's Corner. 

I lied. There were no Eunmi x Sungyeol moments. Haha, Infinite will show up next chapter. Also, my subscribers here's a question.

Long chapters or Short chapters? Which do you prefer. 

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Thank you!


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Waaaaaaaahh... what's going to happen!! Update soon!
update sooon!!
but another thing I hate about girl characters, they're mostly all so dumb and end up not telling the person(s) that are going to be in trouble. They'll have no warning of what's coming next -.-" <br />
Can she just be smart for once and tell her brother what is happening? ):<br />
I know that's not gonna happen but it's all good. I like the drama that happens anyways, it keeps me on the edge of my seat. I seriously love your fic btw :D <3 It's one of my top 10 of ongoing fics ^^ Sorry for the late reply, I've been MIA for 2 months.
Haven't been online since forever...<br />
OMG WHICH $#%*! is doing that to Eunmi?!?!?! >:O<br />
D: Please nothing bad happen~~<br />
Update soon!!
wahh an update!~ lol I"m like 6 days late =w=<br />
<br />
yay!~ thank u for not giving up on this fanfic n updating TTwTT I'll follow this until it ends no matter what! I don't mind slow updates (I know writing is hard so that is why I don't mind it but it's not that I like it o-o who would...?)
Yayy an update 8D<br />
Omg who is that djjiufgjdsy<br />
Tell jayyyyyyy
xLaLoveYhu #7
@chodingsungyeollie + @2pmwvies<br />
xLaLoveYhu #8
@crazy4life <br />
<br />
@Mayvin<br />
Thanks for reading !<br />
<br />
@LjoeTaeminRmaLUV<br />
<br />
@BiGbAnG541<br />
Aww, I'll make sure I'll update :')<br />
<br />
@tokidoki_sama<br />
Thank you very much ! Your comment made me smile. <br />
<br />
@tenshiXhanari<br />
HWAITING ! <br />
<br />
@bitterswee-t<br />
Ahahas, I hope so too !