Manager Kim ;)


I'm pregnant....

"hyung, I want every schedule canceled today!!" I shouted and ran out of the dorm without an answer. I opened my sports car which I barely use and drove like a lightning bolt to GG hospital. 

"Doc!!" I bang the door open and saw Fany lying on a bed with her stomach revealed to a old man who was smiling at her. 
"HEY!" I walked up to him and held his collar but a firm hand held my arm gently. 
"Taetae, he's the doctor. He's only checking the baby" she smiled and intertwined our hands. 
I nodded and a blushing nurse left a seat under me. 
"so how's our baby, doc...?" I said while her bare abs. 
Tiffany blushed at hearing 'our baby'. She tightened her hand and smiled at the doctor. 
"the baby is 2weeks old and he/she is doing great in Mrs.Hwang. I wanted you to come here for something important before the baby is born. I know you are idols and busy with your schedules over seas and in Korea, I was just considering if you have time to take care of this baby..." he said and looked at both of us. We looked down and thought. 
"if you don't have time, I'm afraid we can't allow you to have this baby" Tiffany looked up at Taeyeon with pleading eyes. 
"doc we will do our best to raise the baby" I said. I wasn't sure, though of raising a baby. It was sure that we were always too busy and wouldn't have time to take care of him/she.  He looked at me unsure of the answer. 
"Mrs. Hwang you are free to go now, be sure to take care of yourself" the old man smiled kindly and Tiffany woke up from the bed with a bright smile. She walked up to the door and waited for me. 
"Fany-ah, go first! I've got something to talk with the doc" she looked worried but I smiled to her. 
"what did you tell Mr. Park, Tae?" she said as we drive back to our company to tell LSM about this. 
"Mr.Park, the doctor..." she said. 
"oh, well I just wanted to tell him that we will be absolutely alright to raise our baby" I smiled while making sure of the road in front. 
"oh..." she nodded. 
"Taetae, what do you want the baby's name to be?" her eyes shined as she talked. I looked at her as she talked and thought. 
"Taeyoung?" I said after thinking. She looked at me with 'what does it mean?' look. 
"Taeyeon and Miyoung" I smiled dorkily. 
"yah! Why Miyoung? Make it Taeny, instead!" she said as she slapped my shoulder. 
"don't wanna! TaeNy is our couple name!! Ok, how about... Kyungsan?" 
"that's a boy's name, dorky daddy" she chuckled and pinched my cheeks lightly. 
"I want a boy do the baby's a boy!!" I said proudly. Tiffany chuckled and nodded. 
"arraseo, so he's going to be called Kyungsan Kim Hwang?" i smiled at the name. How I dream to having a baby with Tiffany, but only if this thing could go well... 
We arrived at the company when we
decided the name. We both were nervous of how to tell LSM about the baby and our relation. 
Tiffany wasn't allowed to go out with any other idols. It was strictly prohibited and breaking rules meant a lot in SM. her hand was shaking as I intertwined hands with her. 
"everything will be ok, he will understand..." 
She nodded but her face showed her fright. 
I opened the door for her and we walked, hand-in-hand into the company. Some staffs noticed our closeness and stopped to observe us. We ignored all the stares and went straight to the elevator. 
As we reached the top level we heard LSM talking on the phone. He looked at us and smiled but the smile faded as his eyes saw our hands. 
"sorry, I will call you again..." he put the phone down and sat on the couch with a serious expression. 
"come and sit down you two. I would like to know about what's going on behind my back" 
We gulped and sat down facing him. I released Tiffany's hand but making sure I was close enough so it will at least comfort her. 
"sir, I am sorry. I made Tiffany pregnant" I went straight to the conclusion. Maybe LSM wasn't expecting this because his eyes grew large and he looked at me in disbelief. Tiffany too wasn't thinking of a way like this. She looked at my side face with her jaw opened. 
"w-WHAT?!" he shouted. 
"I am 100% sure that it is out baby" I went on. "I would like a permission of making birth to my baby boy" he stopped me there with his hand. 
"wait... I don't get it. Tiffany, are you pregnant?" he changed his stare towards my beloved girl. Tiffany nodded. 
"dae" her voice was shaking as she answered. 
"and are you two actually dating?" he then looked at both of us. 
"yes, sir" I kept calm. 
"first, you know the rules Tiffany. We made sure you are not allowed to
date" he was nearly shouting at Tiffany. She only nodded and kept quiet. LSM sighed as he watched the shaking Tiffany. 
"and Taeyeon, what have you done? Couldn't you keep yourself? Aren't you old enough?!" I looked right into his eyes. 
"there are times when you can't sir. Tiffany is my only love, and even if we didn't make a baby now, I would have done it sooner or later. We are truly sorry we have made a baby this early but I would really really appreciate it if you would allow our new life here" I said while Tiffany's flat stomach. 
LSM stood up and walked up to the desk and called one of SNSD's manager up. 
"Taeyeon-ah, I have always been trusting you, since you were the manager. I never allowed any relations before and thought I wouldn't this time too but seeing you two coming up to me and telling me all your desires I have lost to you. Taeyeonie, your like my little son... I would allow your relation and SM's new family" he smiled. Tiffany screamed in happiness and hugged aboji really tightly. 
"aboji, khamsamnida!!" she was crying as she thanked him. LSM chuckled as he wiped the tears with the tissue. 
"Tiffany I would still have you work with as SNSD even if your belly sticks out" he said and Tiffany's head. I sat with my eyes glaring at LSM. He was being too close to my Fany. 
"oh! And I should be careful with your boyfriend. He's too protective over you" he said as he pointed to me. Tiffany chuckled seeing me jealous over our CEO. She pecked my lips and held my hand. 
Just then one of SNSD's manager came in just as we were kissing. 
"err, what is this?" he asked blindness. 
"Junyeong, I would like all Tiffany's hard schedule to be canceled. She is not allowed to have any hard schedules until next year" he looked at us with questioning eyes. 
"Tiffany here is pregnant" 
"chincha?!" he's small eyes grew large. 
"Taengoo, are you the fa-" 
"yup, the baby's mine" I smirked as I cuddled with Tiffany. He only nodded and left still overwhelmed by the truth. 
"Tiffany, follow Junyeong, you still have to finish today's schedule!" she nodded and followed him leaving me with a blue face. 
"what's wrong?" LSM noticed his expression quickly and leaned in. I smiled bitterly at him. 
"about the baby, I would like to say another thing..." 
So what do you think Taeyeon's up to? 
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kidleader_tae #1
Chapter 28: Happy TaeNy 😍😍
Chapter 29: when i read the others comment, i suddenly remembered something. It happened to me also. the doctor said that i was a boy but it turned out that i'm a girl. my mom said that's why i've boyish atitude. haha
ArdAct #3
Daebak ...
authorJjang... nice story ...
thank you for the story ...
Ahhh~ finally TaeNy has a cute child boy haha n TaeNy being lovey dovey more n more haha Thx for this awesome story I really love this !
Yesss new fic for TaeNy! I will count in my self haha
Keep writing n updating on ur new fic! fighting! love TaeNy ur story also u chingu hoho ^__^
great story! Love this.kK THANK U!new taeny fic pls.
Haha thank you for the awesome fic!
Things like kyungsan happens alot too in reality
Just like my baby sister
When scanning it turns out to be a boy but after my mom delivered her, the baby is a girl~~~
Haha thank you for the awesome fic!
Things like kyungsan happens alot too in reality
Just like my baby sister
When scanning it turns out to be a boy but after my mom delivered her, the baby is a girl~~~
ReenzLoveSoshi #8
hey, isit possible for you to create a pdf for this fic? really like e fic v v much ^^*
taenysic09 #9
sequel :) ahhaha :)) or can u make new taeny story ahha my so GAGA with taeny heheh tnx author... u have a wonderful story :)) THANK U SO MUCH :))
taeny604 #10
yeah..its the end..i will wait for your next story author-shi..=D