The Wall Between Us - Chapter 5

The Wall Between Us

Woohyun knew he should push Sunggyu away but his body refused to listen to him.  Instead, he closed his eyes and stood still.  They were so close, he could feel Sunggyu's hot breath upon his.  He was met with disappointment when Sunggyu stopped before their lips touched.

"How old are you?" Sunggyu asked.

Woohyun opened his eyes and looked at Sunggyu's face so close to his.  "Seventeen."

Sunggyu let out a small laugh.  "Seventeen, huh?" he said.  "It would be a crime if I went any further."  He let go of Woohyun and took a step back.  "This is a dangerous neighbourhood.  Why would a kid like you be living here?"

Woohyun was reluctant to answer but finally gave in.  "It's the only place I could afford," he replied.

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun as he contemplated something in his mind.  "Why don't you come stay at my place?" suggested Sunggyu.  "I rarely come home since I'm busy with work.  You'll be doing me a favour by looking after the place."

"Why?" Woohyun asked.  "Why do you treat me so kind?"

Why? thought Sunggyu.  He had been asking himself the same question ever since they first met.  Why was he so concerned over a boy he hardly knew?  "It's partly my fault that you lost your job at the restaurant," Sunggyu replied.  "I should have been there to stop Sungjong."

Woohyun didn't know why but he felt dejected when he heard Sunggyu's reply.  So you're only being kind to me for his sake, thought Woohyun.

Despite the reasons, Woohyun accepted Sunggyu's offer.  He had agreed to stay until he found another place of his own.  They arrived back at Sunggyu's apartment where Sunggyu handed Woohyun the spare key.  They were interrupted when Sunggyu's phone rang.

"I'm afraid I have some business to attend to," said Sunggyu.  "Just treat this like your home.  I'll leave you to it."

Will you be back tonight? Was what Woohyun wanted to ask but instead he kept quiet.

Woohyun watched as Sunggyu disappeared out the door.  He could guess what kind of business Sunggyu was referring to at this late hour of the night.

"There's trouble at the docks," informed Sungyeol over the phone.  "And to top it off, our young master's here."

"Why did you let him go to such a place?" asked Sunggyu.

"It's not like I could stop him.  You know how demanding he can be?" replied Sungyeol.  "Just get over here!"

"I'm on my way," said Sunggyu.  He ended the call and got into his car.  As he started the engine, he caught sight of his bandaged hand.  He smiled to himself.  It took him a few moments to realise what he was doing.  "What the hell am I doing?"

A figure entered the abandoned warehouse, where a man stood waiting.  When the man heard footsteps, he turned around and faced the figure with his gun ready.

"A bit edgy aren't we?" asked the figure when he saw the man's gun aimed at him.

"Can't be too careful," replied the man as he put his gun away.  "How are things?"

"Do you need to ask?" said the figure.  "You have eyes everywhere."

The man smiled.  "So things are tough for you but someone's got to do it."

"Lucky me," came the sarcastic reply.

"Besides, your acting is perfect.  I'd nominate you for best actor," mocked the man.  "And how is he?" asked the man.

"He trusts people too easily," replied the figure.  "That will be his downfall."

"You know, you can be quite scary when you talk like that," said the man.

The figure started to walk away.  "By the way," he said stopping just at the exit.  "Things have changed.  We may not be able to meet like this too often."

Sunggyu arrived at the docks to find his people in the midst of a gun battle.  He caught sight of Sungjong taking cover behind some shipping containers whilst Sungyeol protected him from enemy fire.  Drawing out his sword, Sunggyu attacked their enemies from behind, striking them all down.  The gun fire came to a halt when the last enemy fell.

"Sunggyu, I knew you'd come!" exclaimed Sungjong.

Sunggyu sheathed his sword.  "Young master, you shouldn't be here.  It's too dangerous."

"Sungyeol said he was going to a meeting," said Sungjong.  "How was I to know your meeting would end up like this?"

"Young master, you're the heir to the Hyo clan," reminded Sunggyu.  "If something was to happen to you, how will I explain to your grandfather?"

"What could possibly-"

Before Sungjong could finish, he was suddenly pushed aside by Sunggyu as a gunshot rang out.  Sunggyu charged at the man with the gun in his hand, striking him down.  He had been careless to let one survive his sword.

"Sunggyu, are you okay?" asked Sungjong as he ran over to Sunggyu.

"I'm fine," replied Sunggyu.  "Sungyeol, take the young master home.  I'll take care of things here."

The two left at Sunggyu's orders, failing to notice as he clutched at his stomach.

Sunggyu staggered back to his apartment and entered to find that it was empty.  Just as he wondered where Woohyun could be, he heard footsteps behind him.  Clutching his stomach with one hand, he spun around and pointed the gun at the intruder.

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RtwoB01 #1
Why i read this so late TT^TT This is so good <3
Can i make a new version dêpnd on your story? I really love it so much <33
naznew #2
Chapter 18: Second time read..and it still great..i love it..
ourhouserp #3
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Chapter 19: we need more woogyu ^^
Geckokono8 #5
Chapter 19: I DEMAND AN AWESOME SEQUEL!!!!! Hahaha, omg, jkjkjk, no I don't...(YES I DO)
Lol! This was an AWESOME story! I loved it a lot, especially the turn for violence instead of . This was a very refreshing story to read~♥ id still love a sequel! GYU IS ALIVE! WOOGYU FOREVER!!!!
davidrd #6
he is alive... Oh God thanks author-nim you make Sunggyu alive...

I love this fic so muuchh. And I'm happy that I found this amazing fic of yours....
Perfections #7
i love this fanfics so much
Chapter 19: Omg! I love this's really good >.<
It's a great story! ^^ The ideas are really good too :D

So, Sunggyu didn't did he survived? I'm curious ^^
Chapter 19: Wahh so goood~~ ur fics are soo cool!! And i figured out most of the stuff ^^ only some things i didnt fully get ~ but i am just wondering one thing.... gyuie was the one who said that last line but... didnt he um die... so.. hw did he save woohyunnie ._. Unless....
Bonnie #10
Chapter 19: then? who the hell is it in the grave if you said sunggyu save him? ._.
explanation? T-T