The Wall Between Us - Chapter 12

The Wall Between Us

Sunggyu was speechless and shocked at Woohyun's sudden confession.  His heart skipped a beat when he heard Woohyun's confession, but he was afraid that if he took those words to heart, he would be the one to suffer disappointment in the end.  After all, Woohyun was still young and maybe he was just going through a phase.  He looked at the boy.  Whatever doubt he had in his mind, disappeared when he stared into the boy's innocent eyes.

"I love you too," Sunggyu finally replied.  He had decided that later on, if Woohyun ever changed his mind about the situation, he would let the boy go even if it pained him.

Sunggyu's answer brought a delightful smile to Woohyun's face.

"Come on, lets go have dinner," suggested Sunggyu as they got out of the car.

"This is our first date," Woohyun commented happily, despite shivering slightly from the cold.

Sunggyu walked over to Woohyun's side and wrapped his coat over Woohyun's shoulders.  "Put that on," instructed Sunggyu.  "It's cold tonight."

Woohyun nodded happily as he wore the coat on.

"What?" a voice shrieked out in the restaurant.  "Isn't he too old for you?  When you walk together, people might think you're father and daughter.  How awkward would that be?"

"Yeah, seriously, there are so many young guys our age, why would you date an old man?" questioned another.

"But I like him," explained the girl to her friends.

"He's twice your age," chimed another girl at the table.  "That's just gross!"

Their discussion was overheard by Sunggyu and Woohyun who were sitting nearby.  Hearing their words, Woohyun looked at Sunggyu.  He wondered if Sunggyu was hurt by those words but he could not tell from his expression.  Woohyun reached over the table and held onto Sunggyu's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to reassure the older man.

"I don't care what anyone says," Woohyun declared.  "My feelings for you won't ever change."

Sunggyu masked his expression with a smile as he overlapped his hand over Woohyun's.

The pair finished their dinner and as they made their way out, Woohyun stopped by the table of girls who were still discussing the issue.  He looked at the girl who was the subject of discussion.

"If you really love him, it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks," Woohyun told her.  "But if their words can easily sway you, then you don't love him as much as you say you do."

With that, he followed Sunggyu out the door, leaving the group of girls speechless.

Sunggyu stood outside the door waiting as Woohyun finally walked out.  There was a smile of satisfaction on Woohyun's face.  They headed towards their parked car, walking side by side.  Woohyun glanced at Sunggyu's hand which was so  close to his.  He wanted to reach out and grab the older man's hand, but was afraid of what his reaction would be.  

Glancing up and down the street, Woohyun noticed that they were the only ones on the street at this time of night.  Biting his bottom lip in nervous anticipation, Woohyun grabbed onto Sunggyu's hand.  Sunggyu instantly turned to look at Woohyun.  He could see the nervousness on Woohyun's face as he waited for Sunggyu's reaction.  Sunggyu smiled as he gripped Woohyun's hand tight.  This brought a smile to Woohyun's face.

They were unaware of the watchful eyes lurking in the shadows.

Just as they reached Sunggyu's apartment, his phone rang.  He saw the name of the caller and sighed.  He really didn't want to leave Woohyun by himself.  Woohyun saw the troubled look on Sunggyu's face as he contemplated on what to do.

Sunggyu arrived at the location instructed on his phone to find Sungyeol and Sungjong waiting for him.  Sunggyu noticed that both of them were fine, much different to what the message had stated.

"I thought you didn't care about me anymore, but you really came," said Sungjong.  "I decided that if you didn't come then you must be hiding a woman or something."

Sunggyu looked at Sungyeol, who shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands in surrender.  "Sorry, you know how persistent our young master is," explained Sungyeol.  "I tried my best.  He actually wanted to go to your place."

"Come on, I'm not letting you off easy tonight," announced Sungjong.  "I have the whole night planned out for us."

Sungyeol rolled his eyes .  "Here we go," he sighed.

Sunggyu frowned.  He wanted to be with Woohyun but he couldn't say no to the young master of the clan, a spoilt brat who always got his way.

Woohyun sat on the sofa watching TV as he waited for Sunggyu to return.  A rapid knock at the door startled him as he got to his feet.  He wondered if Sunggyu was injured again.  He rushed to the door and opened it.  A piece of cloth was clasped over his mouth as two figures restrained him.  He struggled, but he soon fell unconscious as the drug took effect.

His phone vibrated as he glanced at the message and smiled.

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RtwoB01 #1
Why i read this so late TT^TT This is so good <3
Can i make a new version dêpnd on your story? I really love it so much <33
naznew #2
Chapter 18: Second time read..and it still great..i love it..
ourhouserp #3
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Chapter 19: we need more woogyu ^^
Geckokono8 #5
Chapter 19: I DEMAND AN AWESOME SEQUEL!!!!! Hahaha, omg, jkjkjk, no I don't...(YES I DO)
Lol! This was an AWESOME story! I loved it a lot, especially the turn for violence instead of . This was a very refreshing story to read~♥ id still love a sequel! GYU IS ALIVE! WOOGYU FOREVER!!!!
davidrd #6
he is alive... Oh God thanks author-nim you make Sunggyu alive...

I love this fic so muuchh. And I'm happy that I found this amazing fic of yours....
Perfections #7
i love this fanfics so much
Chapter 19: Omg! I love this's really good >.<
It's a great story! ^^ The ideas are really good too :D

So, Sunggyu didn't did he survived? I'm curious ^^
Chapter 19: Wahh so goood~~ ur fics are soo cool!! And i figured out most of the stuff ^^ only some things i didnt fully get ~ but i am just wondering one thing.... gyuie was the one who said that last line but... didnt he um die... so.. hw did he save woohyunnie ._. Unless....
Bonnie #10
Chapter 19: then? who the hell is it in the grave if you said sunggyu save him? ._.
explanation? T-T