The Wall Between Us - Chapter 3

The Wall Between Us

Woohyun was stunned when he heard who had saved him.  The man with the umbrella in the rain turned out to be a powerful and wealthy businessman.  Woohyun felt a little overwhelmed by the situation he was in.  He didn't want to trouble anyone or owe any favours since he knew he could never repay such deeds.

The door opened as if on cue and a handsome young man entered the room dressed in a business suit.

"Ah, speak of the devil," said Dongwoo as he got up from the seat and headed for the door.  He stopped beside the man.  "You owe me for this, Myungsoo," he whispered before as he closed the door after him.

Woohyun looked at the man approaching him.  He was expecting the CEO of Kim Corporation to be a much older man, but the person before him looked to be in his twenties.  Without warning, the man leaned down and captured Woohyun's lips in a kiss.  Woohyun's eyes widened in shock and he immediately pulled back.

"What are you doing?" asked Woohyun, feeling uncomfortable at the man's actions.

The man smiled.  "You're mine now," he replied.  "Finders keepers."

Dongwoo was walking along the hallway of the mansion when he realised he forgot to give Woohyun his medication.  Heading back to the room, he saw Woohyun running out, clutching at his side.

"Where are you going?" asked Dongwoo.  "Sick and injured people should stay in bed." 

"I'm sorry," Woohyun apologised as he glanced back at the room.  "I can't stay here."

Dongwoo watched as Woohyun disappeared down the hallway.  He then entered the room and found Myungsoo sitting on the bed with a dejected look upon his face.

"Let me guess," said Dongwoo.  "You jumped straight into it, didn't you?  Didn't even wait for the thinking music."

Myungsoo didn't respond. 

Dongwoo sighed.  "You know, you're going about this the wrong way," Dongwoo informed him.  "Anyone would freak out if a stranger suddenly kissed them.  Heck, even I would freak out if you kissed me."

Myungsoo frowned and shook his head.  "I don't want to kiss you."

"Thank God!" exclaimed Dongwoo in relief.

Despite not having fully recovered from his injury, Woohyun found the only job available as a night construction worker.  When a black car pulled up on the other side of the road, Sungyeol stepped out with Sungjong, followed by the man in the black suit.

"Ah," said Sungyeol when he recognised the boy from the restaurant.  "The waiter that our young master got fired the other day."

When the man heard this, he turned to look in the same direction Sungyeol was looking at.  He saw the young boy struggle as he pushed a wheel burrow full of concrete.  He also saw the boy stopping every now and then as he clutched at his side.  Something stirred inside him as he watched the boy hard at work.

"...gyu.  Sunggyu!"

The man jolted out of the trance he was in when he realised Sungyeol was calling his name.  "What is it?"

"Thought we lost you there for a minute," commented Sungyeol with a slight hint of amusement.

"I was just thinking that he looks a bit young to be doing this type of work," said Sunggyu, glancing back at the boy.

Sungyeol shrugged.  "Maybe he's desperate for money since you know, he lost his job and everything."

"Alright, I get it!" said Sungjong finally.  "It's my fault, so will you quit it with the guilt trip!  Can we go now please?"

Sunggyu glanced at the boy, who looked like he was on the verge of collapsing.  Turning away from the scene, he followed Sungyeol and Sungjong down the street.

By the end of the night, Woohyun succumbed to exhaustion when he collapsed to the ground.  He could hear panicked voices around him.  He felt himself being lifted up off the ground by a pair of strong and gentle arms.  Strong enough to scoop him up easily, yet gentle enough to avoid causing him any more pain in his side.  He felt himself relaxing in the person's arms.  He leaned his head against the person's chest.  The last thing he heard was the beating of a heart.




Author's note:

Okay, I am off to Hong Kong and Japan tomorrow night so this will be the last update until I come back in 2 weeks time.

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RtwoB01 #1
Why i read this so late TT^TT This is so good <3
Can i make a new version dêpnd on your story? I really love it so much <33
naznew #2
Chapter 18: Second time read..and it still great..i love it..
ourhouserp #3
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Chapter 19: we need more woogyu ^^
Geckokono8 #5
Chapter 19: I DEMAND AN AWESOME SEQUEL!!!!! Hahaha, omg, jkjkjk, no I don't...(YES I DO)
Lol! This was an AWESOME story! I loved it a lot, especially the turn for violence instead of . This was a very refreshing story to read~♥ id still love a sequel! GYU IS ALIVE! WOOGYU FOREVER!!!!
davidrd #6
he is alive... Oh God thanks author-nim you make Sunggyu alive...

I love this fic so muuchh. And I'm happy that I found this amazing fic of yours....
Perfections #7
i love this fanfics so much
Chapter 19: Omg! I love this's really good >.<
It's a great story! ^^ The ideas are really good too :D

So, Sunggyu didn't did he survived? I'm curious ^^
Chapter 19: Wahh so goood~~ ur fics are soo cool!! And i figured out most of the stuff ^^ only some things i didnt fully get ~ but i am just wondering one thing.... gyuie was the one who said that last line but... didnt he um die... so.. hw did he save woohyunnie ._. Unless....
Bonnie #10
Chapter 19: then? who the hell is it in the grave if you said sunggyu save him? ._.
explanation? T-T